Field Crop Production AGR-305

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Field Crop Production


Crop Production technology of

cereal crops

Dr. Abdul Qayoom Rajput

List of cereal crops

Growth stages of Rice
Growth stages of Rice
History & origin

Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

■the most important main food for a large part of the
world's human population:
1. East Asia
2. South Asia
3. Southeast Asia
4. Middle East
5. Latin America, and
6. West Indies
■the grain with the second highest worldwide
production, after maize.
Economic importance
 Pakistan is the world's 11th largest producer of rice.
 Pakistan's exports make up 8% of world's total rice trade.
 rice is an important crop for economy of Pakistan.
 In the year 2016/17, Pakistan produced 6.7 million tonnes, of
which around 4 million were exported, to the Middle East
and Africa.
 Rice is grown in fertile lands of Sindh and Punjab region
 Millions of farmers depends on rice cultivation as their major
source of employment.
 Among the most famous varieties grown in Pakistan include
the Basmati, known for its flavour and quality.
 Pakistan is a major producer of this variety.
Selection and preparation of soil
Selection of approved varieties
Seed rate
Sowing and transplantation of nursery
Irrigation on proper time
Proper use of fertilizers
Weeds management
Important diseases of rice and their control
Harmful insects and their control
Harvesting at proper time
Wheat Yield in 2017-18 were
recorded 2.56 tons/hec
Rice uses
 The by-products of milling, including bran and rice polish (finely
powdered bran and starch resulting from polishing), are used as
livestock feed.
 Oil is processed from the bran for both food and industrial uses.
 Broken rice is used in brewing/distilling, and in the manufacture of
starch and rice flour.
 Hulls are used,
 as fuel,
 as packing material,
 for industrial grinding,
 for fertilizer manufacture,
 in the manufacture of an industrial chemical called furfural.
 The straw is used for feed, livestock bedding, roof thatching, mats, garments,
packing material, and brush straws.
Nutrition value of Rice

 Irrigate, plow, puddle and level the field
 Prepare beds of 1 to 1.5 m width, 4-5 cm height &
any convenient length
 Seedbed preparation 2 weeks before planting time
 Seedlings are ready for transplanting in 25-35 days.
 Water the seedbed 2-3 DAS .
 Maintain a water level of 2-5 cm, depending on the
height of seedlings
 Apply 20-40 g urea or DAP per m2 at 10 DAS, if
 Seed rate for fine grain varieties is 0.5 kg/m2 and 1
kg for medium grain

 This method is practiced in areas where soils are
loamy or silt loam. Puddling is not possible.
 Plot is prepared in a dry condition.
 Dry seed is used @ 1.5kg
 Weed control is not satisfactory in this method
 Seedling take 30-40 days to reach transplantable size

Rabi Methods
 This methods is practiced in D.G. khan Areas
where soil is hard Uprooting of nursery is not
 Nursery plots are leveled Crop residue spread then
burnt a day before sowing.
 Seed rate twice that of use in wet bed methods.
Soil and climate
Rice can be grown in any type of soil except sandy soil.
It can can be grown on salt effected soil where other crops can not be
grown successfully.
Clay Loam soil with optimum quantity of organic matter and more
water holding capacity is best for rice cultivation.
Soil and climate
Rice can be grown under diversity of climate,
tropical regions,
cooler regions,
temperate regions and
humid climate
Best suited to regions, which have high humidity, prolong sunshine
and an assured supply of water.
Organic manure should be applied 40-50 days before
Time & seed rate

Area Variety type Seeding time Seed rate/acre

IRRI type May 20-June 7 6-7 kg
Punjab Basmati type June 1- June 15 5-6kg
Lower Sindh All varieties April 25-June 10 6-7 kg
Upper Sindh All varieties May 15-June 30 6-7 kg
KPK (plains) All varieties May 1- May 30 6-7 kg
KPK (Swat etc) All Varieties May 1- May 20 7-8 kg
Baluchistan All varieties May 15-June 30 6-7 kg
Recommended varieties
Area of cultivation Varieties
Central Punjab Super Basmati, Basmati 370, Basmati Pak, Basmati 385, Basmati 2000, Shaeen
Basmati, Basmati 515, PS-2,KS-282, KSK-133, NIAB IR-9, and rice hybrids.

Southern Punjab Basmati 198, Super Basmati, PS-2, KS-434, KS-282, KSK-133, and rice hybrids
Upper Sindh IR-6, DR-82, DR-83, DR-92, Sada Hayat, Sarshar, Shahkar and rice hybrids

Lower Sindh IR-6, Shadab, Shua-92, Khushboo-95 and hybrids

Baluchistan IR-6, DR-83, Sarshar, Sada Hayat, Shahkar and rice hybrids
KPK (plains) IR-6, KS-282, KSK-133, KSK-434

KPK (Swat area etc) JP-5, Kashmir Nafees, Swat-I, Swat-II, Dilrosh-97, Fakher-e- Malakund
Water management
 1. Judicious/sensible use of water is necessary
 2. At transplanting and one week after depth of water 3-4 cm
 3. Higher water depth is harmful
 4. Lower water depth cause drying
 5. 7 days after transplanting depth of water should be 8 cm
 6. Water should remain standing in field continuously for 25-30
Diseases and Pests

In Pakistan, major insect pests are
 Bacterial leaf blight,
 stem borers,
 Blast and brown leaf spot,
 Leaf folder and white backed
 stem rot, plant hopper,
 kernel smut and false smut,  grass hopper,
 army worms,
which cause 15-20 % on recurrent
Harvesting time
 Generally, the appropriate harvesting time ranges from 30-35days after flowering.
 This is the stage when 85-95 % of upper portion of panicle is straw coloured.
 Harvested crop is left 2-3 days in field for drying.
 Best results can be obtained only if crop is harvested in the morning and
threshed in the afternoon on the same day.
 Threshed paddy should be cleaned properly to get good market price.
 Now a day, mostly paddy is harvested with combines in Punjab,
 which causes lot of damage to grains and reduces less milling recovery.

 Grain must be containing 20-22% moisture at the time of paddy-crop harvesting.

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