Hildegard E. Peplau Handout Hildegard E. Peplau Handout
Hildegard E. Peplau Handout Hildegard E. Peplau Handout
Hildegard E. Peplau Handout Hildegard E. Peplau Handout
Peplau held master's and doctoral degrees from of Peplau from previously unpublished papers.
Teachers College, Columbia University. She was Peplau's ideas have, indeed, stood the test of
certified in psychoanalysis by the William time. The archives of her work and life are
Alanson White Institute of New York City. In the housed at the Schlesinger Library at Harvard
early 1950s, Peplau developed and taught the University.
first classes for graduate psychiatric nursing
students at Teachers College. Dr. Peplau was a Theory of Interpersonal Relations
member of the faculty of the College of Nursing
at Rutgers University from 1954-1974. At According to Peplau (1952/1988), nursing is
Rutgers, Peplau created the first graduate level therapeutic because it is a healing art, assisting
program for the preparation of clinical an individual who is sick or in need of health
specialists in psychiatric nursing. She was a care. Nursing can be viewed as an interpersonal
prolific writer and was equally well known for process because it involves interaction between
her presentations, speeches, and clinical two or more individuals with a common goal.
training workshops. Peplau vigorously
In nursing, this common goal provides the
advocated that nurses should become further
incentive for the therapeutic process in which
educated so they could provide truly
the nurse and patient respect each other as
therapeutic care to patients rather than the
individuals, both of them learning and growing
custodial care that was prevalent in the mental
as a result of the interaction. An individual
hospitals of that era. During the 1950s and
learns when she or he selects stimuli in the
1960s, she conducted summer workshops for
environment and then reacts to these stimuli.
nurses throughout the United States, mostly in
state psychiatric hospitals. In these seminars,
Major Concepts
she taught interpersonal concepts and
interviewing techniques, as well as individual, Man
family, and group therapy. Peplau was an
advisor to the the vigorously advocated that Peplau (1952/1988) defines man as an organism
nurses should become further educated World that “strives in its own way to reduce tension
Health Organization and was a visiting professor generated by needs.” The client is an individual
at universities in Africa, Latin America, Belgium, with a felt need
and throughout the United States. A strong
advocate for graduate education and research Health
in nursing, Peplau served as a consultant to the
Health is defined as “a word symbol that implies
U.S. Surgeon General, the U.S. Air Force, and
forward movement of personality and other
the National Institute of Mental Health. She
ongoing human processes in the direction of
participated in many government policy making
creative, constructive, productive, personal, and
groups. After her retirement from Rutgers, she
community living.”
served as a visiting professor at the University
of Leuven in Belgium in 1975 and 1976. There Society or Environment
she helped establish the first graduate nursing
program in Europe. Although Peplau does not directly address
society/environment, she does encourage the
Peplau once said that the test of a good idea nurse to consider the patient’s culture and
was whether or not it had staying power. Her mores when the patient adjusts to hospital
original book from 1952 has been translated routine.
into nine languages and in 1989 was reissued in
Great Britain by Macmillan of London. In 1989, Nursing
Springer published a volume of selected works
They may make minor requests or Now they need to terminate their
attention getting techniques therapeutic relationship and dissolve
The principles of interview techniques the links between them.
must be used in order to explore, Sometimes may be difficult for both as
understand and adequately deal with psychological dependence persists
the underlying problem Patient drifts away and breaks bond
Patient may fluctuate on independence with nurse and healthier emotional
Nurse must be aware about the various balance is demonstrated and both
phases of communication becomes mature individuals
Nurse aids the patient in exploiting all
**Physical V.S. emotional independent
avenues of help and progress is made
towards the final step Interpersonal Theory and Nursing
**the patient identified that he/she can
Both Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory
rely/depend on the nurse so he/she get all the
and the Nursing Process are sequential and
services that she can get from the nurse focus on therapeutic relationship by using
problem solving techniques for the nurse and
patient to collaborate on, with the end purpose
demanding & attention getting
Bothe have of meeting the patients needs. Both use
observation communication and recording as
interdependent & cooperative basic tools utilized by nursing.
4. Resolution Phase
In the resolution phase, the client no longer
needs professional services and gives up Roles of the Nurse in the Therapeutic
dependent behavior. The relationship ends. relationship
Surrogate: serving as a substitute for another - -The nurse patient interaction can apply
such as a parent or a sibling to the concepts of human being, health,
environment and nursing.
Counselor: promoting experiences leading to Theories must be logical in nature
health for the client such as expression of - This theory provides a logical systematic
feelings way of viewing nursing situations
- -Key concepts such as anxiety, tension,
Technical Expert: providing physical care for the
goals, and frustration are indicated with
patient and operates equipment
explicit relationships among them and
progressive phases
Peplau also believed that the nurse could take Generalizability
on many other roles, including consultant, - This theory provides simplicity in regard
tutor, safety agent, mediator, administrator, to the natural progression of the NP
observer, and researcher. These were not relationship.
defined in detail butt were “left to the Theories can be the bases for hypothesis that
intelligence and imagination of the readers.” can be tested
(Peplau, 1952) - Peplau's theory has generated testable
Theories can be utilized by practitioners to
guide and improve their practice.
- Peplau’s anxiety continuum is still used
in anxiety patients
Theories must be consistent with other
validated theories, laws, and principles but will
leave open unanswered questions that need to
be investigated.
- Peplau's theory is consistent with
various theories
Major Concepts: Nurse and patient can interact.
Peplau stresses that both the patient and
Person nurse mature as the result of the
Health therapeutic interaction.
Environment Communication and interviewing skills
Nursing remain fundamental nursing tools.
Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship Peplau believed that nurses must clearly
Subconcept: understand themselves to promote their
Roles of the nurse in the Therapeutic client’s growth and to avoid limiting client’s
Relationship choices to those that nurses value.
Peplau’s work and characteristics of
a theory Strengths/Weaknesses
Interrelation of concepts
- Four phases interrelate the different The phases provide simplicity regarding the
components of each phase. natural progression of the nurse-patient
Applicability relationship.
Peplau conceptualized clear sets of nurse’s roles
that can be used by each and every nurse with
their practice. It implies that a nurse’s duty is
not just to care but the profession encompasses
every activity that may affect the care of the