Contoh HSE Plan Oman Oil

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Make Safety a part of every meeting, every

Any time it is possible, talk about improving
your culture of Safety. »
Serious Services LLC

Warning Letter
low potential impact Final
Rule is broken for the
first time
Warning Dismissal
Final Warning Letter Letter
high potential impact
Rule is broken for the
second time or several
rules are broken at the
Final Warning Letter Dismissal
same time
Rule is broken for the
third time, or rule-
breaking caused injury Dismissal
or death, or was done
recklessly or wilfully

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -1-

1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 PERFORMANCE MONITORING....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 HSE Targets.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 HSE Key Performance Indicator (KPI).................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT.................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Visibility.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.0 POLICY AND OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 HSE Policy Statement............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Distribution and availability..................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 HSE Policy Dissemination...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Review of HSE Policy............................................................................................................................................ 8
4.5 Objectives.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.6 Challenges............................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.0 ORGANISATION, RESPONSIBILITIES, RESOURCES, STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTS.............................................8
5.1 Organization chart.................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Roles and Responsibilities..................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Resources.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.4 Competence........................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.5 HSE in-house Training......................................................................................................................................... 10
5.6 HSE Mandatory Training...................................................................................................................................... 10
5.7 Occupational Health Awareness.......................................................................................................................... 11
5.8 Environmental Protection..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.9 Sub-Contractors................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.10 Communication.............................................................................................................................................. 12
5.11 HSE Meeting Programme............................................................................................................................... 12
5.12 HSE Performance.......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.13 Standards and Document Control................................................................................................................... 13
6.0 HAZARDS AND EFFECTS MANAGEMENT PROCESS................................................................................................. 13
6.1 METHODS AND PROCEDURES FOR HAZARDS AND EFFECTS MANAGEMENT........................................................................13
6.2 ROAD TRANSPORT/JOURNEY MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 STOP............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
6.4 CHEMICAL HANDLING....................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.0 PLANNING AND PROCEDURES.................................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 HSE PLAN...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE.................................................................................................................................................. 15
7.3 EMERGENCY DRILL.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
7.4 MEDICAL FACILITIES........................................................................................................................................................ 16
7.5 HYGIENE......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
7.6 FIRST AID........................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.0 IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING & CORRECTIVE ACTION...................................................................................... 17
Feedback / Analysis:............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Comparison of performance:................................................................................................................................................. 17
8.1 IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................................................................. 18
8.2 MONITORING................................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.3 CORRECTIVE ACTION....................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.4 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT......................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.0 AUDIT & INSPECTION.................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.1 AUDIT PLAN.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.2 INSPECTIONS................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -2-

10.0 REVIEW.......................................................................................................................................................................... 20


HELD BY Company Control Copy No. Location

Contract Manager Serious Services 1
Contract Holder PDO 2
Site Representatives PDO 3, 4, 5, 6
Operations Manager (Maintenance) Serious Services 7
Operations Manager (Catering) Serious Services 8
Sub contractor-Environment Sustain 9
Sub contractor-Transportation Rough Ride 10
Sub contractor-Gardening Nakhal 11
Site Manager Serious Services 12, 13, 14, 15
HSE Manager Serious Services 16
HSE Advisors Serious Services 17, 18, 19,20
Hygienist Serious Services 21

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -3-

Scope of the Contract HSE Plan:

The HSE Plan is prepared for Integrated Estate Services - North for carrying out work on contract No.C31-
9999 (Catering, Maintenance and Environmental Services). The scope includes:
 Management of Environmental Services provided by subcontractor Nakhal.
 Maintenance services for camp related facilities and A/c systems in oil & Gas production stations.
 Gardening services
 T.V. System maintenance and pay satellites. (Deploying sub contractor- Management and control
of all furnishings (except office furniture)
 Catering services
 STP operation & Maintenance
 Civil project Works

Control of the Contract HSE Plan:

The contract HSE Plan is prepared by the HSE Manager, reviewed by Contract Manager and approved by
the General Manager.

Controlled copies of the HSE Plan shall be issued to above copy holders, Suggestions to amend the HSE
Plan shall be addressed to the HSE Manager.

The copy holders shall be responsible for maintenance of their respective copies of the HSE Plan.

On receipt of year 20.. HSE plan, the copy holder is responsible to remove and destroy old copy of the HSE

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -4-

This contract HSE Plan sets targets and action items for Serious Services LLC, its subcontractors to
improve HSE performance. This HSE Plan revised from the action items derived from Serious Services &
client’s workshop, Serious Services HSE Management System review held at corporate level and Serious
Services and sub-contractors interior review meeting held in xxxxx?


2.1 HSE Targets

Target Actual Target Remark

No Performance Indicator
2015 2015 2016 s
1 Fatality 0 0 0
2 Lost Time Incident Frequency (LTIF) 0 0.4 0
3 Total Reportable Case Frequency (TRCF) 0 4.5 0
4 Motor Vehicle Incident Rate (MVIR) 0 0.65 0
5 Food Poison Case 0 0 0
Total Reportable Occupational Illness Frequency
6 0 4.5 0
7 Environmental Incidents 0 0 0

2.2 HSE Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

No Performance Indicator Target 2016

Mandatory HSE Training
1 95%
Report Mandatory HSE Training Compliance.
Planned in-house training
2 95%
Follow in-house training plan included in HSE plan.
3 Execution of Planned HSE Audits
HSE audit plan implementation
4 HSE Plan action
Close-out actions specified in the HSE Plan.
5 Drivers/Operators Competent
Ensure drivers/operators are assessed and confirmed as competent to work.
6 Vehicle RAS Compliance 100%
7 Employee medical Check-up - Framingham test – Fitness to work 90%
8 Food safety and work hazards 15 different poster preparation. 90%


The Management of SERIOUS SERVICES LLC and various section heads are firmly committed to
maintaining and continuously improving of HSE management system and to protect health, safety of
Serious Services employees and also others who may be affected by its activities and to the protection of
environment at all work places and will ensure that no environmental hazard will be created by the activities
of Serious Services and sub-contractors.

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -5-

3.1 Visibility

No Action Action Party Target

Management visit to convey safety message, staff General Manager/Contract
1 Monthly
meeting and inspection/audit. Mgr
HSE Manager/Quality Manager visit for inspection, HSE Manager/Quality
2 Monthly
compliance audit, meeting, training, QHSE workshop. Manager

Prepare new 15 QHSE posters to spread food safety HSE Manager/Quality

3 Feb-2016
and work hazards message among employees. Manager
Continuation of award scheme and reward best Operations Manager/HR
employee of the month award to staff. Manager Monthly
Director of Operations/
5 Select best location for the year 2008 award. Feb-2016
Quality Manager
Meet the criteria of evaluation process for zonal safety HSE Manager/Quality
6 March-16
award 2008. Manager
Distribute HSE Diary-2016 to functional heads and
7 HSE Manager January-16


4.1 HSE Policy Statement

No changes in HSE policy same policy will be continued for the year 2016.

4.2 Distribution and availability

Serious Services Management will ensure that all concerned parties (including subcontractors and LCC) are
provided with a copy of the HSE policy statement. The policy shall be displayed on relevant notice boards,
and made available in the relevant working languages of the employees.

No Action Action Party Schedule

Distribute new HSE Slogans for the year 2016 and HSE Manager/
1 Feb 2016
display at locations. HSE Advisor
Set QHSE objectives, targets and KPI for the year General Manager/
2 Jan-2016
2016. Contract Manager

4.3 HSE Policy Dissemination

No Action Action Party Schedule

Communicate HSE Policy, Alcohol & Drug Policy, commuting
HSE Manager/ For new
1 policy, cell phone policy and No-smoking policy to new
HSE Advisor arrivals

4.4 Review of HSE Policy

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -6-

No Action Action Party Schedule
Revise commuting policy in line with PDO new commuting
1 Manager/ Mar-2016
policy and communicate to staff.
HSE Manager

4.5 Objectives

The main objective of this plan is to drive HSE improvement throughout the contract in all Serious Services
locations in a consistent manner and to ensure that the HSE performance targets set out in this plan are
achieved through action items planned.

 Achieve continuous improvement of LTIF, TRCF, MVIF, TROIF

 Attain improvement in Road Safety through the agreed action items from workshop and meetings
with client and Sub-contractors.
 Manage sub-contractors/vendors more effectively for the minimization of incidents through hazard
elimination and control measures.
 Training to ensure competent workforce.
 Meeting the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) targets.

4.6 Challenges

 Road Safety
 Improving QHSE awareness of staff
 Compliance to ISO/HACCP requirements


SERIOUS SERVICES recognizes that to fulfill the requirement of HSE is the responsibility of line
management, hence the Contract Manager/Operations Managers, being overall in charge, is responsible for
the implementation and maintaining HSE and Hygiene requirements. Operations Manager, Site Manager,
Camp Boss, Section Heads are held responsible for their respective areas. The role played by HSE
Manager, Hygienist, HSE advisors are for consultation, guidance monitoring of the implementation of the
HSE plan and for developing and maintaining HSE Management System.

5.1 Organization chart

No Action Action Party Schedule

Update site organization chart reflecting Key Contract Manager/
1 Feb-2016
and HSE critical positions Operations Manager

5.2 Roles and Responsibilities

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -7-

Operations Manager being overall in charge is accountable for the Management of HSE throughout the
contract. However, the team of Operations Manager, Site Manager, Supervisors, Camp Boss and work co-
coordinators, Permit Applicant, Permit Holders and Foreman are responsible for ensuring that activities are
carried out in accordance with the Serious Services HSE Plan.

HSE Manager shall be responsible for monitoring of HSE Plan in the contract and providing professional
HSE advice to the line management. HSE Advisors, Hygienist are responsible to provide professional HSE
& Hygiene advice to the line management, monitoring implementation of HSE Plan of the respective
location, facilities and line management for continuous improvement in HSE across the operation.

No Action Action Party Schedule

Ensure availability of tasks and targets for all employees at Operations
1 May-2016
site. Manager
Roles and responsibilities to be defined for all HSE critical Operations
positions Manager
2 May-2016

5.3 Resources

Serious Services Management shall provide adequate competent human resources, equipment, vehicles,
tools and financial resources for the effective HSE Management System throughout the project.

5.4 Competence

No Action Action Party Schedule

Conduct a HSE workshop on supervision of HSE for Contract
1 supervisory level of staff. Manager/HSE May-2016
HSE competence framework to be developed Operations
2 May-2016
HSE competence assessments to be conducted for all HSE Operations
critical positions Manager
3 May-2016

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -8-

5.5 HSE in-house Training

Training Type Fahud Yibal Lekhwair Qarn Alam
Person (Leader)
Hygiene Hygienist Feb-2016 Jan-2016 Mar-2016 Feb-2016
HACCP Hygienist May-16 Apr-2016 May-2016 Jan-2016
Work hazards (HEMP) HSE Advisor Aug-2016 Sep-2016 July-2016 Aug-2016
5-S Refresher Training Hygienist Dec-2016 Nov-2016 Oct-2016 Dec-2016
Road Safety HSE Advisor Jan-2016 Feb-2016 Jan-2016 Mar-2016
Emergency Procedures HSE Advisor Mar-2016 Mar-2016 Feb-2016 Apr-2016
Fire Safety HSE Advisor Apr-1607 June-16 Apr-2016 May-2016
Health Hazards (HRA) HSE Advisor Jun-2016 May-16 June-2016 Nov-2016
Food Poison & Control Hygienist July-2016 July-2016 Aug-2016 Sep-2016
Environmental Protection HSE Advisor Sep-2016 Aug-2016 Sep-2016 July-2016
Journey Management HSE Advisor Oct-2016 Oct-2016 Nov-2016 June-2016
Manual Handling/Equipment
HSE Advisor Nov-2016 Dec-2016 Dec-2016 Oct-2016

5.6 HSE Mandatory Training

No Action Action Party Schedule

Mandatory training of employees (As required in C-9) or as Site Mgr/
1 Monthly
per contractual requirement. HSE Advisor
Update HSE training records and verify that all employees HSE Advisor/
2 Monthly
attended mandatory HSE training courses. Hygienist
Arrange food safety mandatory training for supervisory staff. Hygienist/Quality
3 Quarterly
Executives attend the ‘HSE for Senior Executive Training in As scheduled by
4 Executives
2016’ arranged by PDO. PDO
Managerial positions staff attend the “HSE for Managers As scheduled by
5 Managers
training’ arranged by PDO PDO
Supervisory staff/charge-hand/foreman attend the ‘HSE for As scheduled by
6 Supervisors
Supervisors Course’ arranged by PDO PDO

5.7 Occupational Health Awareness

No Action Action Party Schedule

Conduct Occupational Health Risk Assessment and record
1 OHP FEB-2016
Prepare alcohol abuse alert and distribute to the location to
2 HSE Manager May-2016
alert the staff about the hazards of alcohol consumption.

5.8 Environmental Protection

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C -9-

No Action Action Party Schedule
Monitor and report water and electricity consumption. Site Manager/HSE Each month
Advisor before 5th
Induct new staff on environmental protection. HSE Manager/
2 New arrivals
Quality Manager
Collect renewed license/certificates (STP, scrap yard,
Site Manager/HSE
3 sludge farm) from authorities and display at prominent August-2016

5.9 Sub-Contractors

The sub-contractors shall be subject to the same standard, as SERIOUS SERVICES is required to comply
in the performance of contract. Regular audits/inspections will be planned and conducted to verify and
assess sub-contractors compliance to HSE Management System.

The HSE Advisor will monitor sub-contractors compliance at site and non-compliance shall be reported to
site manager and contract manager for appropriate action.

Related HSE statistics of sub-contractors shall be included into SERIOUS SERVICES statistics. All sub-
contractors are accountable for their respective HSE performance and shall be required to meet Key
Performance Indicator and targets in line with Serious Services and PDO HSE objectives.

The sub-contractors HSE Statistics shall be included into contract HSE Statistics. Sub-contractors
performance shall be closely monitored and incorporated in the Serious Services overall HSE

The sub-contractor HSE Performance will also be included on the agenda of regular Serious Services HSE
Management System reviews for this contract.

No Action Action Party Schedule

Revise sub-contractors HSE assessment check-list and
1 HSE Manager March-2016
distribute to the location.
Monitor sub-contractor compliance to contract HSE Site Manager/
2 Monthly
requirement. HSE Advisor
Assess sub-contractors HSE-MS system prior to Contract Mgr/ Prior to contract
awarding contract. Site Manager award

Control of Suppliers: Vendor/Supplier/Third Party Performing Services for Serious Services or its sub-
contractors that involve Journeys to site and irregular presence on site will not be required to prepare HSE
Plan. They will be monitored by Site Manager/Operations Manager.

5.10 Communication
Communication is a two way process to ensure that relevant HSE information is communicated to all

5.11HSE Meeting Programme

5.11.1 Objectives:

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 10 -

 Review previous Minutes of meeting and ensure that actions are closed-out.
 Active participation and commitment to the HSE-MS.
 Communicate HSE performance and resolve any HSE issues and outstanding items
 Interact between Serious Services and Sub-contractors key personals to cascade the HSE
messages to the staff.
 Discuss and find way to control hazards, unsafe acts & conditions.
 Get the feedback from employees and pass appropriate message
 Encourage communication and debate

5.11.2 Code of conduct:

1) Coastal HSE Meetings: Incorporated with quarterly Management meeting, General Manager, top
management, contract manager, operational team, and HSE teams will be participated.

2) Interior HSE Meeting: Interior HSE meeting will be held in PDO Fahud, Lekhwair, Yibal and Qarn
Alma, Serious Services and sub-contractors key personals will be participated. Meeting will be held

 All proceedings will be recorded, (MOM) distributed and filed.

 Attendance will be recorded for all meetings
 All action items arising from meetings will be tracked and closed within target dates
 Preparation of Agenda will be decided with the discussion of concerned persons.

5.11.3 Meeting Structure:

Area Timing Participants

Jan-2016, May-2016, August- Management Team, Operations Team
Coastal HSE Meeting
2016, Nov-2016 & HSE Team
Key personals group
Weekly Location staff
Serious Services & Sub-contractors
Location HSE Meeting Monthly
Key personals
QHSE Alert discussion and
Quarterly Location Staff

5.12HSE Performance

HSE LTI notice boards will be updated at corporate and location daily and the project HSE performance
shall be communicated with the employees during the HSE meeting.

No Action Action Party Schedule

HSE Advisor/
1 Update HSE LTI board on daily basis Daily
HSE Assistant
Arrange celebration and award gift to staff for the
2 Contract Manager March-2016
achievement of 2 years LTI free.
3 Update HSE performance data and communicate HSE Manager/ Monthly

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 11 -

to management and contract holder. Contract Manager

5.13Standards and Document Control

Applicable Serious Services HSE Procedures, standards, guidelines and documents shall be used for the
entire scope of work in different locations. Serious Services documents shall be revised as and when
required. HSE Manager shall maintain these documents for reference and use.


6.1 Methods and Procedures for Hazards and Effects Management

Hazards have been identified and assessed for all activities including sub-contractors activities in the
contract and documented on HEMP Register. Copies of the Hazard and Control Sheets will be distributed to
Site Managers and sub-contractors for reference in their respective activities.

The work coordinators and Supervisors will ensure that control measures mentioned on the HEMP sheets
are implemented. The HSE Advisor will carry out periodic check on awareness among site personnel of the
hazards and report any non-compliance for corrective action. The HEMP sheets will be reviewed for the
changes required and will be updated accordingly.

No Action Action Party Schedule

Prepare HEMP for C4 scope of work including
1 HSE Manager Feb-2016
accommodation /desert living and distribute to location.
2 Conduct a HSE workshop on HEMP for supervisory staff. HSE Manager May-2016
Presentation to Operations Manager on critical control
3 Quality Manager Feb-2016
points amendment.
4 Refer to Hazard Register for preparing Job HSE Plans. Supervisor Every PTW

6.2 Road Transport/Journey Management

No Action Action Party Schedule

Execute inspection/audit on each vehicle including sub- Site Manager/
1 Monthly
contractors vehicles for the compliance with SP-2000 HSE Advisor
Make available updated light and heavy vehicles (May 2007) HSE Manager/
2 Mar-2016
Journey Management MAP at journey managers office. Journey Mgr
3 Carry out drivers on job assessment and analyze the result. HSE Advisor
4 Update RAS sticker once it gets expires. HSE Advisor
Effectively monitor the use of shift commuting buses by Site Manager
5 On each trip
logging passengers and random verification. /Journey Mgr
Continue with campaign to promote awareness about the use
Operation Mgr June-16,
6 of private vehicle hazards and encourage to use company
/ HSE Advisor Sep-16,
provided transport.
7 Ensure sub-contractor vehicle and drivers comply with Journey Project

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 12 -

Manager, Site
Journey Management System Duration

6.3 Behavior Based Programme

No Action Action Party Schedule

Analyze behavior findings and report to contract
1 HSE Manager Monthly
Site Manager/
2 Carry out behavior observations. Supervisor/ Monthly
HSE Advisor

6.4 Chemical Handling

No Action Action Party Schedule

Ensure SHOC/MSDS are available at site for the HSE Advisor/Camp
1 Monthly
chemical in use, update chemical list Boss
HSE Advisor/Camp Selected
2 Conduct Toolbox talks on risks of chemical exposure.
Boss Week
Ensure all staff and sub-contractors staff issued the Project
3 Supervisors/Camp Boss
right PPE for handling of chemicals. Duration


Emergency Drills shall be conducted as scheduled to test the proficiency of the workforce to handle the
specific emergency. Any action points arising out of the drill will be discussed with the employees and
corrective actions will be taken.

7.1 HSE Plan

No Action Action Party Schedule

Conduct HSE workshop to set the action items for 2016 Contract Manager/
1 Jan-2016
HSE plan with location key staff. HSE Manager
2 Distribute HSE Plan to the concerned. HSE Manager Feb-2016
Arrange a workshop to communicate HSE Plan action Site Manager/
3 Feb-2016
items to staff. HSE Advisor
Prepare HSE Plan compliance report and submit to
4 HSE Manager Monthly
contract holder.

7.2 Emergency Response

No Action Action Party Schedule

1 Conduct emergency drills with observers as scheduled. HSE Manager Refer 7.3

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 13 -

7.3 Emergency Drill

Emergency Drill Responsible

Location1 Location2 Location3 Location4
Type Person (Leader)
Site Manager/
Evacuation Jan-2016 July-2016 Apr-2016 Oct-2016
HSE Advisor
HSE Advisor/
Man Lost Mar-2016 Sep-2016 June-2016 Dec-2016
Journey Manager
Fire At work place May-2016 Nov-2016 Feb-2016 July-2016
Medical HSE Advisor/
July-2016 Jan-2016 Aug-2016 Mar-2016
Emergency Hygienist
Catering Mgr/
Food Poison Nov-2016 May-2016 Dec-2016 Jan-2016
Motor Vehicle HSE Advisor/
Sep-2016 Mar-2016 Oct-2016 May-2016
Incident Journey Mgr

7.4 Medical Facilities

No Action Action Party Schedule

Record and report sickness and absenteeism to
1 HSE Advisor Monthly
Arrange Routine Medical Fitness examinations to
2 HSE Advisor Monthly
employees. Fitness to work programme. Framingham test
Renew medical examination for catering employees with
3 HR Manager Aug-2016

7.5 Hygiene

No Action Action Party Schedule

Hygienist/ Daily/Weekly/M
1 Verify HACCP compliance and HACCP records.
Catering Manager onthly
Monitor and record storage temperature in given chart Catering Supervisor/
2 Daily
thee times in a day. Hygienist
Preserve food sample for 96 hours in specified cold Catering Supervisor/
3 Daily
unit. Hygienist
Catering Supervisor/
4 Maintain clean storage areas and dust removal Daily
Manage waste segregation, containment and disposal Catering Supervisor/
5 Daily
effectively Hygienist

7.6 First Aid

No Action Action Party Schedule

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 14 -

Refresh first aiders training and display first aiders name Site Manager/
1 Monthly
at prominent places. HSE Advisor
Inspect first aid kits are available at worksite, office, camp, HSE Advisor/
2 Monthly
vehicle, workshop. Hygienist


Line management and as a team all employees shall be held responsible for HSE performance. HSE
personnel will assist in implementing various activities and will monitor HSE performance by visits,
inspections and audits.

Performance Indicators: HSE Manager will monitor the compliance every month. Contract Manager will
check the compliance every month and performance will be discussed in corporate quarterly HSE meeting.

Achievement of Milestones: The HSE Manager will specify achievement of milestone in the month end
report. Achievement will be discussed in Quarterly HSE meeting.

Close out action items: The reports of closing items from inspections and audits shall be sent to the
particular location Operations Managers for action and the HSE Manager will monitor the actions.

Road Safety Checks: Daily and monthly vehicle checks will be conducted at site and report will be
maintained by HSE Advisor and for further action report will be sent to transportation manager through HSE

Compliance against targets: SERIOUS SERVICES HSE plan sets the targets for the contract. The HSE
Manager shall monitor and update the performance achieved against targets on monthly basis.

Feedback / Analysis:
The results of performance indicators shall be reviewed in management review meeting and corrective
actions shall be allocated to the responsible persons.

Comparison of performance:
The HSE Manager shall maintain comparison of performance between different locations.

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 15 -

8.1 Implementation

No Action Action Party Schedule

Ensure that all control and recovery measures are in place
Supervisors/ Site
1 at site during the execution of work and tool box talk is Daily
Develop HSE plan monitoring chart and ensure the HSE Manager/ Monthly
implementation. HSE Advisor
Prepare trend analysis on HSE performance indicators,
STOP, incident analysis, occupational illness, sickness
3 Quarterly
absenteeism and recommend improvement and initiate HSE Manager
Develop HSE activity program for HSE meetings, HSE
4 HSE Advisor Monthly
inspections, audits, emergency drills, HSE trainings.

8.2 Monitoring

No Action Action Party Schedule

Monitor HSE Performance Indicator, identify areas for
HSE Manager/
1 improvement and recommend corrective action in corporate Quarterly
Quality Mgr
Management HSE Meeting
Monitor and report the progress on HSE compliance of sub-
2 Site Manager Monthly
contractors in HSE meeting.

8.3 Corrective Action

No Action Action Party Schedule

After the
Prepare inspection/audit report and distribute to the HSE Manager/
1 inspection/
concerned locations site manager for corrective actions. Quality Manager
HSE Manager/ on agreed
2 Follow-up and close out actions items
Quality Manager target date

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 16 -

8.4 Accident/incident

No Action Action Party Schedule

Written report will be passed to HSE Manager on
Site Manager/ Within 24 hrs of
1 all accidents/incidents occurring at site or any
HSE Advisor occurrence
other concerned work places.
Contract Manager/
Investigate medium and high potential Within a week
2 HSE Manager/
accidents/incidents and prepare report. after occurrence
Quality Manager
Review and close out the recommended action Contract Manager/ On agreed target
items. HSE Manager date


9.1 Audit Plan

Four types of audits will be carried out as shown below:

Level-1 Audits: Organised and run by QHSE Team

Responsible Person
Audit Location1 Location2 Location3 Location4
Carry out food safety &
HSE Manager/
QHSE Compliance Mar-2016 Nov-2016 June-2016 Aug-2016
Quality Manager
audit in the locations.
Conduct audit on head
office journey HSE Manager May-2016
management system.

Level-2 Audits: Organised and run Serious Services Management & Certified internal audit team

Responsible Person
Audit Location1 Location2 Location3 Location4
Carry out ISO/HACCP Certified internal
Sep-2016 Nov-2016 Sep-2016 Oct-2016
internal audit. auditor

Level-3 Audits: External Surveillance Audit Organised by Serious Services and run by External ISO/HACCP
audit team

Responsible Person
Audit Location1 Location2 Location3 Location4
Arrange to carry out
External Certified
ISO/HACCP external Mar-2016
compliance audit.

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 17 -

Level-4 Audits: Sub-contractors Audit by HSE Team

Responsible Location
Audit Location1 Location2 Location4
Person (Leader) 3
Carry out journey management
audit on commuting bus
HSE Manager June-2016
services at Cold Line Trading,
Conduct audit on Gardening
HSE Manager July-2016
Services at Rabou office, Fahud.
Carry out Environmental
Services Compliance audit at Al- HSE Manager Mar-2016
Katheery office, Fahud.

9.2 Inspections

No Action Action Party Schedule

1 Carry out inspection in location during site visit. HSE Manager/ Monthly
Quality Manager
Conduct inspection in sub-contractors worksite,
HSE Advisor/
2 maintenance workshop, sludge farm, waste yard, Monthly
Site Manager
STP and call of work.
Carry out inspection in catering facilities and
3 Hygienist Monthly

Management review meeting will be held quarterly at SERIOUS SERVICES head office. Effectiveness of
the HSE activities will be reviewed. Senior Management, Operations team and QHSE team will be
participated in the review meeting and reviews HSE Management System, its effectiveness and suitability
 Managing HSE risks
 Reinforcing efforts to continually improve HSE performance
 Ensuring its continuing suitability and effectiveness
The issues to be addressed as part of the review process typically include:
 Any recommendations which have been made in audit reports.
 Any recommendations made in investigating incidents.
 Extent of follow-up on audit and incident action items
 The continuing suitability of Serious Services HSE policy
 The continuing suitability of Serious Services HSE objectives and consequent amendments to the
HSE Plan and HSE Management System documentation if necessary
 Performance against targets
 Resources allocated to achieve HSE objectives.

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 18 -

No Action Action Party Schedule
Contract Manager/
Review HSE Management System, QHSE April-2016,
1 HSE Manager/
Performance, and Accident/incident review. July-2016,
Quality Manager
Review critical control point of food operation and
2 Quality Manager March-2016
prepare documentation for implementation.
Contract Manager/
3 HSE Plan compliance review of PDO contract. Monthly
HSE Manager
4 Review HSE Plan and its implementation. HSE Manager Jan-2016

Contract HSE Plan 20 – C - 19 -

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