SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work

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L&T Construction

L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

Office Work

1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair

PV IPP Project, KSA

REPDO Category A Doc. Code: Uncontrolled copy, issued for tedering

P. 1 of 16 Revision/Date: N/A – 09 Jan. 2020
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

Revision history
Revision Date Description of changes Status

00 02.08.2021 First issue IFR

Status Codes
IFR: Issued for Review
IFA: Issued for Approval
IFI: Issued for Implementation

Document reviews and approvals

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Rajeev Ramakrishnan Ahmed Shaheen Bharathi Kumar

Head HSSE – PT&D – KSA Project HSSE Manager Project Director

Date: Date: Date:

02.08.2021 02.08.2021 02.08.2021

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2: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

1. Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 4
3. References ..................................................................................................................... 4
4. Acronyms and definitions ............................................................................................... 5
5. Roles and responsibilities ............................................................................................... 5
5.1 Project Director/Assistant Project Director ......................................................... 5
5.2 Project HSSE Manager ........................................................................................ 6
5.3 FA&A Manager ................................................................................................... 6
6. Procedure....................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 General housekeeping ........................................................................................ 6
6.2 Electrical hazards ................................................................................................ 7
6.3 Lighting ............................................................................................................... 7
6.4 Ventilation and air quality ................................................................................... 8
6.5 Temperature....................................................................................................... 8
6.6 Space allowance ................................................................................................. 9
6.7 Noise .................................................................................................................. 9
6.8 Display screen equipment ................................................................................. 10
6.9 Manual handling ............................................................................................... 13
6.10 Use of chemicals ............................................................................................. 13
6.11 Welfare facilities ............................................................................................. 14
6.12 First aid arrangements .................................................................................... 15
6.13 Office inspections ........................................................................................... 15
7. Records ........................................................................................................................ 15
8. Associated documentation ........................................................................................... 16
8.1 Forms ............................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Procedures ....................................................................................................... 16

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

1. Purpose
This procedure aims to ensure that all office environments are both managed and used
in a manner that is conducive to the safety of all employees and other parties who may
have cause to work in the offices, for whatever reason.

2. Scope
This procedure is specific to the 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, in the KSA.

It applies to all L&T employees, including subcontractors, visitors, and sub-contracted

staff. Managers at all levels shall take an active lead to ensure that health and safety are
of the highest standard and integral to the operation of the organization.

All employees and other persons shall have due regard for their own health and safety
and that of their colleagues and other persons.

3. References
This procedure is aligned with the third-party documents detailed below, which should
be consulted for further guidance.

 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019. Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

 Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. (2015). Guide A: Environmental
 Health and Safety Executive. (1997). Lighting at work. (Health and Safety Guidance
Document HSG38). Retrieved from:
 Health and Safety Executive. (2013a). Workplace health, safety, and welfare.
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Approved Code of Practice
and guidance. Retrieved from:
 Health and Safety Executive. (2013b). Working with display screen equipment.
(Industry Guide INDG36). Retrieved from:
 ISO 45001:2018. Occupational health and safety management systems --
Requirements with guidance for use. Clause 8: Operation. Subclause 8.1.1:
Operational planning and control - General.

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

 ISO 45002-0:2018. Occupational health and safety management systems – Part 0:

Guidelines for the application of ISO 45001. Clause 8: Operation. Subclause 8.1.1:
Operational planning and control - General.
 ISO 14001:2015. Environmental management systems. Clause 8: Operation.
Subclause 8.1.1: Operational planning and control.

4. Acronyms and definitions

The acronyms used in this procedure shall have the meanings ascribed to them

Acronym Meaning
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
DSE Display Screen Equipment
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
L&T Larsen & Toubro Limited
PT&D Power Transmission and Distribution

The terms used in this procedure shall have the meanings ascribed to them hereunder:

Display screen equipment: Devices or equipment that have an alphanumeric or

graphic display screen, including display screens, laptops,
touch screens and other similar devices.

5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 Project Director/Assistant Project Director
The Project Director/Assistant Project Director shall:

 provide all required resources for the effective implementation of this procedure;
 provide adequate numbers of trained personnel, per the Project HSSE Manager’s
 ensure that any observations are promptly closed out.

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

5.2 Project HSSE Manager

The Project HSSE Manager shall:

 ensure that required noise and illumination measurements are conducted at regular
 consult with the HSSE Trainer and arrange required training per the requirements of
this procedure;
 prepare risk assessments, as required, and disseminate the control measures;
 ensure that office premises are regularly inspected;
 conduct regular audits to ensure that this procedure is implemented effectively.

5.3 FA&A Manager

The FA&A Manager shall:

 ensure that HVAC and lighting systems are regularly maintained;

 arrange eye tests for DSE users and provide glasses if needed.

6. Procedure
6.1 General housekeeping
6.1.1 Poor housekeeping is a common cause of accidents especially slips, trips, and falls
and fires in the workplace.

6.1.2 In order to ensure that satisfactory standards of housekeeping are achieved the
following arrangements should be adhered to by all employees:

 the workplace should be checked to ensure that it is free from hazards at the
beginning and end of each day;
 office equipment should be placed away immediately after use;
 any spillages or spills should be cleaned up immediately;
 any loose or damaged flooring should be immediately reported to the FA&A
 objects should not be allowed to protrude into walkways;
 waste materials should be properly disposed of and removed on a regular basis;
 special arrangements should be made for the removal of unusual or extra-large

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

 office equipment should not be stored anywhere other than in designated areas;
 all work areas should be kept tidy at all times;
 trailing cords should be avoided wherever possible or otherwise ramped or
protected to avoid potential tripping hazards;
 the bottom drawers of filing cabinets should be filled first and, in the absence of
safety devices to prevent it toppling, only one drawer at a time should be opened
to avoid the risk of toppling;
 defects such as broken chairs, faulty drawers, trailing cables etc. should be
reported immediately to the FA&A manager;
 chairs should be routinely inspected for condition;
 chairs should not be used for climbing – a stepping stool or step ladder only
should be used.

6.2 Electrical hazards

6.2.1 Electrical accidents can have very serious consequences. To help prevent them, the
following three basic rules should always be observed:

 electrical equipment should be visually checked before use and faulty or

damaged equipment should be promptly reported;
 faulty electrical equipment should not be repaired by anyone other than a
competent electrician;
 electrical equipment should not be left in damp surroundings unless it is suitable
for that purpose.

6.2.2 Electrical appliances and equipment should be procured from reputable suppliers,
manufactured to an appropriate standard and where possible they must be CE

6.2.3 The equipment should be used correctly and not abused, and there should be no
unauthorized repairs.

6.2.4 Nearly 75% of electrical faults are caused by faulty cords or plugs. Long extension
cords should, therefore, be avoided wherever possible. If their use is unavoidable,
the connector should be of excellent quality and, preferably, manufactured to the
BS EN 60309 series standards.

6.3 Lighting
6.3.1 L&T shall ensure that there is sufficient light to enable work to be undertaken
without risks to the occupants.

7: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

6.3.2 As a rule, office lighting standards state that a normal workstation requires 500 lumens per
square meter (500 lux).

6.3.3 The provision of adequate light can be by natural or artificial means. Where possible
a mixture of good natural light and artificial systems should be utilized, however care
should be taken to avoid glare problems and ensure an absence of reflections on

6.3.4 Office illumination levels should be monitored by the Project HSSE Manager or a
designated HSSE Practitioner using a calibrated illuminance meter at regular intervals
not exceeding six (6) months. Additional measurements may need to be taken, for
example if new luminaires are installed.

6.4 Ventilation and air quality

6.4.1 Poor indoor air quality can cause various health problems. Common concerns in the
office environment associated with poor indoor air quality can include:

 eye, nose, and throat irritations;

 headache;
 dry mucous membranes;
 dry skin;
 mental fatigue, trouble concentrating;
 nausea and dizziness;
 increased incidence of respiratory infections

6.4.2 To address the aforesaid concerns, offices should be adequately ventilated and
provided with air filtering systems ensure the quality level of the re-circulated air.

6.4.3 ASHRAE standards provide guidance on the minimum air ventilation rates. These
standards specify how much outdoor air should be brought into a room every hour
and are based on occupancy and room size.

6.4.4 The ASHRAE recommendation of 2 – 3 air changes per hour for offices, based on
typical room sizes and occupancy rates, should be adhered to.

6.5 Temperature
6.5.1 Thermal comfort is subjective but describes an individual’s satisfaction with their
temperature environment. There are a number of factors that can affect thermal

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

comfort including air movement, humidity, type, and amount of clothing worn, and
the type of work being undertaken.

6.5.2 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers recommendation for offices
should be adhered to. Per said recommendation, the temperature range for comfort
is 21-23 oC in winter and 22-24 oC in summer. The latter range applies to air
conditioned buildings.

6.6 Space allowance

6.6.1 Office rooms should have enough free space to allow people to get to and from
workstations and to move within the room, with ease. The number of people who
may work in any particular room at any one time will depend not only on the size of
the room, but on the space taken up by furniture, fittings, equipment, and on the
layout of the room.

6.6.2 Rooms should be of sufficient height from floor to ceiling over most of the room to
enable safe access to workstations.

6.6.3 As a rule, the total volume of the room, when empty, divided by the number of
people normally working in it should be at least 11 m3 (Health and Safety Executive,

6.6.4 The floor space per person indicated above may not always give sufficient
unoccupied space. Rooms may need to be larger, or have fewer people working in
them, depending on such factors as the contents and layout of the room and the
nature of the work. Where space is limited careful planning of the workplace is
particularly important.

6.7 Noise
6.7.1 Sound levels in most offices are in the 45-60 dB range, well below the range for
possible hearing damage.

6.7.2 However, noise can be a nuisance as it may:

 interfere with communication;

 annoy or distract people nearby;
 increase the level of concentration required;
 increase the level of fatigue;
 cause stress.

9: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

6.7.3 Sound levels should be monitored by the Project HSSE Manager or a designated HSSE
Practitioner using a calibrated sound-level meter at regular intervals not exceeding
six (6) months.

6.7.4 Where noise is a problem various control methods should be considered, including
but not limited to:

 installing sound-absorbing tiles, carpeting, and barrier walls;

 isolating noisy equipment, for example placing the photocopy machine in a
separate room to reduce noise;
 following a regular maintenance schedule for the office equipment.

6.8 Display screen equipment

6.8.1 Prolonged work with DSE can cause fatigue, eye strain, upper limb problems and
backache. These problems can also be experienced from poorly designed
workstations or work environments.

6.8.2 Workstations should, therefore, be designed by considering the principles outlined in

the table below:

Consideration Mitigation measures

User comfort  Forearms should be approximately
horizontal, and the user’s eyes should be
the same height as the top of the screen.
 There should be enough work space to
accommodate all documents or other
equipment. A document holder may help
avoid awkward neck and eye movements.
 The desk and screen should be arranged to
avoid glare, or bright reflections. This is
often easiest if the screen is not directly
facing windows or bright lights.
 Curtains or blinds should be adjusted to
prevent intrusive light.
 There should be enough space under the
desk to move legs.
 Users should avoid excess pressure from
the edge of seats on the backs of legs and
knees. A footrest may be helpful,
particularly for smaller users.

10: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

Consideration Mitigation measures

Keyboards and typing  There should be a space in front of the
keyboard to help rest the user’s hands and
wrists when not keying.
 Users should try to keep wrists their straight
when typing.
 Users should be briefed on good keyboard
technique, which involve keeping a soft
touch on the keys and not overstretching
their fingers.
Using a mouse  The mouse should be positioned within
easy reach, so that it can be used with a
straight wrist.
 Users should sit upright and close to the
desk to reduce working with the mouse arm
 Users should move the keyboard out of the
way if it is not being used.
 Users should support the forearm on the
desk and avoid gripping the mouse too
 Users should rest fingers lightly on the
buttons and avoid pressing them hard.
Reading the screen  Individual characters on the screen should
be sharp, in focus and should not flicker or
move. If they do, the DSE may need
servicing or adjustment.
 The brightness and contrast controls on the
screen should be adjusted to suit lighting
conditions in the room.
 The screen surface should always be kept
 Colors should be easy on the eye (red text
on a blue background, or vice versa, should
be avoided).

6.8.3 Figure 1 below illustrates proper posture for DSE users.

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

Figure 1. Proper posture for DSE users

6.8.4 Line managers should ensure that DSE users break up long spells of DSE work to help
prevent fatigue, eye strain, upper limb problems and backache. To that end, line
managers should encourage users to change activity before they get tired, rather
than to recover, and prompt users to take short, frequent breaks, which are more
effective than longer, infrequent ones. During said breaks, users should stretch and
change position, look into the distance from time to time, and blink often.

6.8.5 The Project HSSE Manager, in coordination with the HSSE Trainer, shall provide
information, instruction and health and safety training to DSE users to help them
identify risks and safe work practices. Training shall, at a minimum, cover:

 the risks from DSE work and the controls are in place;
 how to adjust office furniture;
 how to organize the workplace to avoid awkward or frequently repeated
stretching movements;
 how to clean the screen and mouse;
 who to contact for help and to report problems or symptoms.

12: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

6.8.6 DSE users are entitled to contact the FA&A Manager and request an eye test. In such
a case, the FA&A Manager shall arrange for the test to be carried out by a competent
person, e.g., an ophthalmologist or registered ophthalmic optician. If the test shows
that the DSE user needs glasses specifically for DSE work, the FA&A Manager shall
arrange for the procurement of a basic pair of frames and lenses. This entitlement is
only applicable to L&T staff. Subcontractors shall be required to provide similar
arrangements to their employees, at their own cost.

6.9 Manual handling

6.9.1 Poor lifting and carrying techniques can contribute to manual handling related
injuries of staff.

6.9.2 Although there are some members of staff who lift objects on a daily basis as part of
their employment, nearly all staff will lift some objects during their working week.

6.9.3 Therefore, the Project HSSE Manager, in consultation with the HSSE Trainer, shall
provide short training courses to all staff on some basic skills, which if implemented,
will help to prevent injury.

6.9.4 Additional information on manual handling is available in SUDAIR-HSE-SI-001-xx-

Manual Handling of Loads.

6.10 Use of chemicals

6.10.1 A wide variety of chemicals are used in an office setting such as cleaning agents,
disinfectants, etc.

6.10.2 When used properly, cleaning chemicals are relatively safe. However, accidents do
happen and there are precautions that should be taken for the proper handling of
cleaning solutions. These include:

 maintaining a complete list of all cleaning chemicals used in the office;

 ensuring that safety data sheets (SDS) for each chemical used or stored are

 keeping all cleaning chemicals in their original containers and never mixing
chemicals, even if they are the same type of chemical;
 storing chemicals in well-ventilated areas away from HVAC intake vents;
 installing safety signage in multiple languages that quickly conveys possible
dangers and precautions related to the chemicals;

13: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

 carefully following instructions when using chemicals, paying particular attention

to any hazard warnings and instructions on the labels regarding the use of PPE.

6.10.3 The Project HSSE Manager, in consultation with the HSSE Trainer shall ensure that
employees using chemicals receive training on the proper use of chemicals and
cleaning equipment per the associated SDS.

6.11 Welfare facilities

6.11.1 Welfare facilities include the provision of adequate toilet and washing facilities. L&T
shall ensure that these facilities are in sufficient numbers, kept clean, well maintained,
and have adequate ventilation.

6.11.2 The table below may be used as guidance to calculate the number of required
facilities, in relation to the number of people for mixed workplaces, employing both
male and female employees (Health and Safety Executive, 2013a):

No. of employees No. of cubicles No. of washbasins

1 to 5 1 1
6 to 25 2 2
26 to 50 3 3
51 to 75 4 4
76 to 100 5 5

6.11.3 Where the workforce is predominantly male, the number of cubicles may be reduced,
by providing urinals, per the table below (Health and Safety Executive, 2013a):

No. of male employees No. of cubicles No. of urinals

1 to 15 1 1
16 to 30 2 1
31 to 45 2 2
46 to 60 3 2
61 to 75 3 3
76 to 90 4 3
91 to 100 4 4

6.11.4 An additional toilet and washbasin should be provided for every 25 people above a
total of 100 (or fraction of 25). For toilets only used by men, an additional cubicle for
every 50 men (or fraction of 50) above 100 is sufficient, provided at least an equal
number of additional urinals are provided.

14: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

6.11.5 Hot and cold water, soap and hand drying facilities will also be in place.

6.11.6 In addition to the above, L&T shall provide a mess hall, a fully equipped pantry and
adequate drinking water for use by office staff.

6.12 First aid arrangements

6.12.1 L&T shall ensure that there is adequate first aid provision for employees who may
become ill or are injured at office. To that end, the Project HSSE Manager shall ensure
that there is an adequate number of third-party-certified first aiders amongst the
staff. As a rule of thumb, the ratio of certified first aiders to employees should be 1:50.

6.12.2 In addition, L&T shall provide first aid kits, which shall be maintained by first aiders
designated by the Project HSSE Manager. As a rule of thumb, one first aid kit should
be provided for every 25 people or fraction thereof.

6.12.3 Employees shall be informed of arrangements or changes, which have been made for
first aid, including the location of equipment, facilities, and appointed personnel.

6.13 Office inspections

6.13.1 The Project HSSE Manager or a designated HSSE Practitioner shall undertake a full
safety inspection of office premises at regular intervals not exceeding one month.

6.13.2 The employee conducting the inspection shall use SUDAIR-HSE-FO-021-xx-Office


6.13.3 Recorded observations shall be brought to the attention of the Project

Director/Assistant Project Director and the FA&A Manager for action.

7. Records
7.1 Following records shall be maintained and made available on request:

 office inspection checklist;

 noise and illumination measurements;
 training records.

15: 16
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)

7.2 Said records shall be retained for a minimum period of three (3) years or until
the close of the project, whichever comes first, unless the regulatory regime in
the country of operation prescribes otherwise.

7.3 The Project HSSE Manager shall produce said records, when and as requested
by the Project Company and/or the authorities.

8. Associated documentation
8.1 Forms
 SUDAIR-HSE-FO-021-xx-Office Inspection

8.2 Procedures
 SUDAIR-HSE-PR-004-xx-HSE Training.

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1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA

SUDAIR-HSE-PR-005-00-Office Work
Rev.: 00/Date: 02 Aug. 2021

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