Fluids Lab 5
Fluids Lab 5
Fluids Lab 5
and Dynamics
This experiment is done to calculate center of pressure and the resultant force of that pressure.
Having the contain in which the fluid is held on a rotating pin allows us to visually interpret the
effects of pressure in a fluid. The overall trend is seen when using weights to counterbalance the
pressure forces, therefore giving us a readable force for the fluid. As the h(mm) height of the
water increases, so does the pressure. The relationship seems linear at first but slightly changes
to more exponential.
Fig. 1
+ h1 = u222g + h2
and solving this for the velocity u2 in the throat
leads to:
u2 = √ 2g(h1 − h2)
1 − (A2 A1 ⁄ )2 (3)
The rate of flow Q is found by multiplying the throat velocity u2 by the cross-sectional area A2
at the throat, giving:
Q = A2√ 2g(h1 − h2)
1 − (A2 A1 ⁄ )2 (4)
Equation (4) gives the ideal discharge rate, obt0ained by assuming inviscid, one-dimensional
flow. In practice, there is some loss of head between sections 1 and 2. Also, the velocity is not
absolutely constant cross either of these sections. As a result, the actual values of Q fall a little
short of those given by Equation (4). It is customary to allow for this by writing:
Q = CA2√ 2g(h1 − h2)
1 − (A2 A1 ⁄ )2 (5)
in which C is known as the discharge coefficient or simply the coefficient of the Venturi meter.
Its value, which usually lies between 0.92 and 0.99, is established by experiment. It varies from
one meter to another, and even for a given meter it may vary slightly with the flow rate.
Coming now to the distribution of piezometric head along the length of the meter, it is
convenient to seek a dimensionless way of expressing the change in piezometric head between
the inlet section 1 and any typical section n. This is conveniently done by use of the velocity
head u22 2g ⁄ at the throat. Accordingly, we define a piezometric head coefficient Cph as:
Cph = h1 − h2
u22 2g ⁄ (6) Since h1 − h2 and u22 2g ⁄ both have the same dimensions of length, the piezometric head coefficient will be dimensionless.
Suppose that, at some known flow rate, piezometric heads are read along the length of the
Venturi tube. If these readings are then divided by the known value of velocity head at the
throat, namely u22 2g ⁄ , the readings are thereby converted into dimensionless piezometric head coefficients. It is simple to find an
expression for the ideal distribution of Cph along a Venturi meter, solely in terms of its geometry.
From Bernoulli’s Equation (1), hn − h1 = u122g − un22g
dividing through by u22 2g ⁄ ,
hn − h1 u22 2g ⁄ = (u1u2)2 − (unu2)2 now the terms on the right may be substituted from the continuity
u1u2 = A2A1 and u1u2 = A2A1 and the expression on the left is the piezometric head coefficient Cph.
Making these substitutions, we obtain:
Cph = (A2A1)2
−( 2An) 2
as the ideal variation of dimensionless piezometric head along the tube. In terms of tube
diameter D, since A ∝ D2, the result is:
Cph = (D2D1)4
−( 2Dn)4
Experimental Procedure
The apparatus is first levelled. This is done by opening both the hydraulic bench supply valve
and the control valve downstream of the meter, so as to allow water to flow for a few seconds to
clear air pockets from the supply hose. The control valve is then gradually closed, so subjecting
the Venturi tube to a gradually increasing pressure, which causes water to rise up the tubes of the
manometer, thereby compressing the air contained in the manifold. When the water levels have
risen to a convenient height, the bench valve is also closed gradually, so that, as both valves are
finally shut off, the meter is left containing static water at moderate pressure, and the water levels
in the manometer tubes stand at a convenient height. The adjusting screws are then operated to
give identical readings for all of the tubes across the whole width of the manometer board. The
board should also be reasonably vertical when viewed from the end.
To establish the meter coefficient, measurements are made of a set of differential heads h1 − h2
and flow rates Q. The first reading should be taken with the maximum possible value of h1 − h2,
i.e. with h1 close to the top of the scale and h2 near to the bottom. This condition is obtained by
gradually opening both the bench valve and the control valve in turn.
Successive opening of either valve will increase both the flow and the difference between h1 and
h2. Opening of the bench valve is accompanied by a general rise in levels in the manometer,
while opening the control valve has the opposite effect. By judiciously balancing the setting of
the two valves, the required condition may be obtained. If difficulty is experienced, air may be
released from, or admitted to, the manifold through the small air valve at its end.
The rate of flow is measured by a flow meter, in the meantime values of h1 and h2 being read
from the manometer scale. Similar readings are then taken over a series of reducing values of h1
− h2, roughly equally spread over the available range from 250mm to zero. About 10 readings
should suffice.
The distribution of piezometric head along the length of the Venturi tube may be established by
taking the complete set of manometer readings at any of the flow rates used in the tests described
above. If, however, this is done in every case, the reduction of all the results becomes lengthy. It
is therefore suggested that only one or two such comprehensive observations be made. For the
sake of accuracy, these should be taken near the condition of maximum flow.
Results / Analysis
Table 2
h1 (mm) h2 (mm) 10^-4 Q h1-h2 (m) (h1-h2)^1/2 C
(m^2/s) (m^1/2)
273 224 2.0 49 7 480.690
230 172 2.2 58 7.61577311 517.255
188 87 2.9 101 10.0498756 685.682
214 138 2.6 76 8.71779789 584.753
160 4 3.1 156 12.489996 989.244
215 142 2.5 73 8.54400375 575.205
189 92 2.8 97 9.8488578 678.481
249 219 1.7 30 5.47722558 346.235
144 17 3.2 127 11.2694277 771.437
Q =2.55 x Table 3
Reference hn (mm) hn-h1 (m) Cph
A(1) 207 93 7155529.41
B 199 101 7771058.82
C 171 129 9925411.76
D (2) 126 174 13387764.7
E 132 168 12926117.6
F 158 142 10925647.1
G 172 128 9848470.59
H 180 120 9232941.18
I 186 114 8771294.12
J 190 110 8463529.41
K 191 109 8386588.24
C vs. Q
Value of C
1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
Value of Q
(h1-h2) Vs. Q
1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
Hn-H1 Vs. Cph
Value of Cph
80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
Value of change in H
From the curve for fig. 2, it could be seen that (h 1-h2)1/2 rises steadily with respect to the flow
rate Q. Despite this, there is a sudden decrease in rise rate at h 2=170. It can then be said that
(h1-h2)1/2 is directly proportional to the flow rate of the liquid.
From the curve for fig. 3, it could be noticed that the flow rate Q rises steadily with respect to
the differential head. But at h2=170, there is a sharp rise in flow rate before the liquid assumes
it steady flow rate. It can also be said here that Q is directly proportional to the differential
head (h1 – h2).
From the curve for fig, 4, a similar effect is noticed as in fig 2 and 3 that the discharge
coefficient rises steadily with respect to the flow rate and increases sharply at h 2=170. Aside
that the discharge coefficient is directly proportional to the flow rate Q.
It can therefore be concluded that the experiment was successful. This is because from the
results, it can be seen clearly that a rise in differential head of two tubes causes the flow rate of
the liquid in the tubes to increase and this proves the Venturi effect.
Table 2
h1 (mm) h2 (mm) 10^-4 Q h1-h2 (m) (h1-h2)^1/2 C
(m^2/s) (m^1/2)
273 224 2.0 49 7 480.690
230 172 2.2 58 7.61577311 517.255
188 87 2.9 101 10.0498756 685.682
214 138 2.6 76 8.71779789 584.753
160 4 3.1 156 12.489996 989.244
215 142 2.5 73 8.54400375 575.205
189 92 2.8 97 9.8488578 678.481
249 219 1.7 30 5.47722558 346.235
144 17 3.2 127 11.2694277 771.437
Q =2.55 x Table 3
Reference hn (mm) hn-h1 (m) Cph
A(1) 207 93 7155529.41
B 199 101 7771058.82
C 171 129 9925411.76
D (2) 126 174 13387764.7
E 132 168 12926117.6
F 158 142 10925647.1
G 172 128 9848470.59
H 180 120 9232941.18
I 186 114 8771294.12
J 190 110 8463529.41
K 191 109 8386588.24
Fig1.- https://www.codecogs.com/library/engineering/fluid_mechanics/pipes/venturi-meters.php
Fig2.- https://www.academia.edu/14957888/FM_lab_manual