Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Edible Oils: Application Note - An172
Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Edible Oils: Application Note - An172
Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Edible Oils: Application Note - An172
In 2018 FDA stated that “Supportive but not Health benefits and high intrinsic value associated with
conclusive scientific evidence suggests that daily extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) have, as the other side of
consumption of about 1½ tablespoons (20 grams) of a coin, a growing incidence of products adulteration
oils containing high levels of oleic acid, may reduce along all the supply chain. This fraudulent attitude has
the risk of coronary heart disease. To achieve this become a major international financial and regulatory
possible benefit, oleic acid-containing oils should issue.
replace fats and oils higher in saturated fat and not
increase the total number of calories you eat in a day.”
Most countries refer to the International Olive EXPERIMENTAL
Council Standards, an international organization
involved in the development of physical and chemical
tests for olive oils and olive-pomace oils aimed at
A standard mixture of 37-component FAMEs
differentiating between each grade and at checking
was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The standard
product authenticity.
mixture containing C4-C24 FAMEs in the 200-400ng/
Trade standards to be applied to olive oils and olive
µL concentration range.
pomace oils that are object of international trade or
In order to perform a GC analysis of oils, non-
food transactions are collected in COI/T.15/NC No3/
volatile analytes have to be transesterified into
Rev.12 – June 2018
thermally stable, volatile Fatty Acid Methyl Esters.
As Virgin olive oils are oils which are obtained from
At this regard, samples of extra virgin olive oil
the fruit of the olive tree (Olea europea L.) solely by
(EVO oil), virgin oil, corn oil and adulterated EVO
mechanical or other physical means under conditions,
oil were analyzed as methyl esters after suitable
particularly thermal conditions, that do not lead to
derivatization reaction. A 250mg of oil sample was
alterations in the oil, and which have not undergone
weighed in a 20mL vial, 5mL of hexane and 0.25mL
any treatment other than washing, decantations,
of 2N methanolic potassium hydroxide solution
centrifugation and filtration. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
were added. The solution obtained was shaken
(EVOO) is virgin olive oil which has a free acidity,
vigorously for 1 minute and then left to separate
expressed as oleic acid, of not more than 0.80 grams
until the formation of the two phases was obtained.
per 100 grams and the other physic-chemical and
The supernatant was then taken and injected into
organoleptic characteristics of which correspond to
the GC.
those fixed for this category in this standard.
The International Olive Council has produced a list of
the allowable levels for each of the fatty acids to be
acceptable as extra virgin olive oil.
The determination of fatty acids for the evaluation of
several purity criteria is one of the analyses included
in the official regulations for the control of olive and
olive pomace oils.
According to the international regulations, the
analysis of fatty acids is performed by GC-FID. The
determination of fatty acids require the preparation of
the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for the subsequent
analysis by gas chromatography with good precision
and reproducibility.
In the present work FAMEs are analysed by DANI
Master GC. The analysis has been performed on a
standard mixture and then on commercially available
oils (extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, seeds oil).
An evaluation of possible oil adulteration has been
conducted on the obtained results comparing the
amounts of selected compounds to the guidelines
provided by the official methods.
System Configuration and Control Master GC
Column DN-10 50m - 0.25mm - 0.20µm
To perform the analyses, a DANI Master GC – Gas Oven Temp. Program 60°C hold 6 minutes, 2°C/min to 240°C (2min)
PTV Injector 40°C, 999°C/min to 260°C (3min)
Chromatograph equipped with a PTV Injector and
Split Ratio 1:80
FID detector was used. Samples were introduced Carrier Gas Flow (He) 1.2 mL in constant flow
by means of Master AS – Automatic Liquid Sampler FID Temp. 250°C
– Single Injection Mode. Master AS offered the Injected Volume 0.8 µL
complete automation of the sample introduction
operations providing increased repeatability, Table 1: Master GC Analytical Conditions
sample throughput and, consequently, productivity.
Instrumental conditions are summarized in Table 1
on the right.
Table 2: 37-FAMEs MIX Table 3: RSD% of Retention Time and Area Obtained with 6
consecutive injections
The repeatability was evaluated on 6 consecutive injections of FAMEs standard solution. The repeatability
could be a critical aspect of this analysis considering the evaporation of the solvent and sample and the run
time of a little bit more than 80 minutes. The table 3 lists the RSD% of area and retention time for each peak.
The DANI Master GC Gas Chromatograph equipped a PTV injector and FID
detector, along with the DANI Master AS Automatic Liquid Sampler, allowed the
determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters with excellent accuracy and precision.
The solution described in the present work has proven to be robust and reliable,
as seen in the repeatability results.
Furthermore, it has been proved that with this solution it is possible to identify
possible adulterations