Macro Programming Guide
Macro Programming Guide
Macro Programming Guide
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
Table of Contents
Scope .............................................................................................................................................................................3
Getting Started ..............................................................................................................................................................3
Introduction to RapidControl .NET ...........................................................................................................................3
The Instrument Control Architecture with RC .NET drivers ...................................................................................3
Resource Items - the door to the driver's data ......................................................................................................4
RC .NET vs. Classic Driver Model ...............................................................................................................................5
Summary of changes .................................................................................................................................................5
Macro programming with RC .NET drivers ....................................................................................................................6
How to determine the driver model ..........................................................................................................................6
Module Variables .......................................................................................................................................................6
Module Identifier .......................................................................................................................................................7
Sending commands to a module ...............................................................................................................................8
Retrieving the instrument configuration ...................................................................................................................9
Access to Method- Status & Configuration Info ......................................................................................................10
Method Parameter Register ................................................................................................................................10
Status & Configuration Register ..........................................................................................................................10
Download/ upload methods to a module ...........................................................................................................11
Waiting for module events ..................................................................................................................................12
Not supported functionality ................................................................................................................................12
Background Method Editing with RC .NET drivers ......................................................................................................13
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................13
Load method ............................................................................................................................................................13
Save method ............................................................................................................................................................13
Clean-up memory ....................................................................................................................................................14
Manipulating the method ........................................................................................................................................14
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
OpenLAB CDS ChemStation Edition supports the new RapidControl .NET driver architecture (RC .NET), which is the
architecture for all future Agilent chromatography devices.
This document describes how to programmatically access RC .NET drivers using the ChemStation macro
Getting Started
Introduction to RapidControl .NET
Before RC .NET was introduced, every analytical software platform (e.g. ChemStation, EZChrom, etc.) had to
provide their own device drivers to control the same analytical devices (LC/GC or MS). The idea of RC .NET is to
have one driver for all analytical software platforms. Customers benefit from faster device support, uniform user
interface and higher driver quality across all software platforms.
In contrast to the classic drivers, which are deeply integrated into the ChemStation Data System, the new RC .NET
drivers are almost decoupled from the data system.
The following picture shows the instrument control architecture for RC .NET drivers.
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
Resource items are optional and driver specific. Agilent developed drivers typically supports resource
! items. But it is not guaranteed that every driver exposes resource items. Furthermore it is driver
specific which items are exposed. For a list of available resource items please see the manufacturer's
Resource items are accessible in the ChemStation via CP commands and functions. Furthermore resource items are
propagated to DOP Registers.
A resource item belongs to a logical element of a RC .Net driver (Config, Process, Control).
Resource items are accessible via identifiers. In order to access a resource item, the data source (Config, Process,
Control), the ID of the resource provider and the ID of the resource item must be specified.
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
A list of modules and their driver models (RC .NET and/or Classic) can be found on the Supported
! Instruments and Firmware Guide at the OpenLAB CDS Installation Disk (Disk1:
Please note that RC .NET drivers and Classic Drivers generally cannot run in the same ChemStation instrument.
Combinations of modules in one instrument stack need to have one common driver model.
However, a small set of Classic drivers, they are called Classic Plus drivers, work in combination with both driver
models (e.g. ADC, MS).
Summary of changes
A side effect to the independent and generic architecture is that some driver specific CP commands/functions and
ChemStation Registers which were available with classic drivers cannot be supported in the same way anymore.
But there is replacement of functionality available.
The new RC .NET drivers still provide a register interface to access e.g. method parameters or status information.
The major differences are:
The register names are different from the one used by the classic drivers
The content of the former module status register has been split into two registers, a status register and a
configuration register
Most of the header items and table names inside a register are different (see description of module registers
at the end of this document)
Some header items have been split into two parts. Example: the StopTime is now split into a StopTime_Time
and a StopTime_Mode, where StopTime_Mode is either Set or NoLimit
The injector program of a sampler is no longer part of the method register but resides now in a new
Pretreatment register
For compatibility reasons, some of the commonly used commands like SendModule$ are also available for RC .NET
drivers, additionally new RC .NET specific commands can be used.
The diagnostic specific commands like DiagRead<ModuleID> are no longer available with RC .NET drivers.
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
DevRCnet >= 1 RC .NET drivers are used (the value indicates the number of modules)
0 RC .NET not used (Classic drivers are used instead see: DevLeoAccess)
Note: Because classic drivers and RC .NET drivers cannot coexist, DevLeoAccess is zero in case of configured RC
.NET drivers and vice versa.
Module Variables
Similar to the module variables for the classic drivers (e.g. DevLeoPmp, DevNucDad), there are new CP variables
for each module type indicating the number of configured modules of a certain type. A module variable only exists
if at least one module of this type is configured.
DevRCDAD for Diode Array Detectors, DevRCPMP for Pumps, DevRCALS for Autosamplers...
Module Identifier
There are several places in the ChemStation where it is required to address a module uniquely. These are: CP
commands or function, CP variables or ChemStation registers (DOP). To identify a RC .NET module in the
ChemStation, a unique module identifier is used.
Typically, a module identifier has a length of three characters, followed by an optional number which is required if
more than one module of the same type is configured. The number is consecutive and starts with 1. For example,
the identifiers "PMP" and "PMP1" have the same meaning and address both the first pump in the system. "PMP2"
addresses the second pump in the system, "PMP3"the third pump, etc...
The following table shows a list of known module identifiers and the related modules:
Due to the fact that RC .NET drivers are decoupled from the data system, the list above is only a subset of
all available module identifiers. For drivers which are not deployed with the OpenLAB ChemStation
! Installation (e.g. 3rd party modules), please contact the manufacturer of the RC .NET driver or use the
RCListDevices$() CP function to get a list of configured RC .NET modules and their identifiers.
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
SendModule$ (ModuleID$, Command$)
Sends any command to the specified module, and reads the response. This
command can be used for RC.NET drivers as well as for classic drivers.
ModuleID$ Identifies the module to which the command will be sent. For
valid module identifiers in case of RC.NET drivers see chapter
Module Identifier
Note: To be backwards compatible, the SendModule$
command also accepts the module identifiers used for the
classic drivers.
Command$ Any valid command (see command set for each module)
Return value
Reply text from the module
RCSendDevice$ (ModuleID$, Command$)
Sends any command to the specified module, and reads the response. This command is
only valid for RC.NET drivers and cannot be used for classic drivers.
ModuleID$ Identifies the module to which the command will be sent. For valid
module identifiers in case of RC.NET drivers see chapter
Module Identifier
Command$ Any valid command (see command set for each module)
Return value
Reply text from the module
print RCSendDevice$(wls1,”IDN?”)
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
The following macro example shows how to iterate through the <ModuleInfo> table and to list e.g. the product
number, serial number, etc. for all RC .NET devices.
Name IterateRCNetDevices
Valid module identifiers are e.g. PMP for pumps or VWD for a Variable Wavelength Detector.
RCDAD1Method the method register of first Diode Array Detector
RCTHM2Method the method register of second Column Compartment
In opposite to the ChemStation classic LC drivers, the injector program of a sampler (ALS or WLS) is no longer part
of the method register. The Injector program is now located in a new register named RCALS<n>Pretreatment (for
all auto samplers) or RCWLS<n>Pretreatment (for all Wellplate samplers).
The content of the former Status register for classic drivers is now split in two registers.
The first object of the Status register actual values like actual pressure or flow, not ready conditions, run state,
error state, etc. The Configuration register contains information about module type, serial number, hardware
capabilities, installed hardware options and other configuration parameters, e.g. installed trays or plates
The second object is for internal use and contains format strings, value ranges, etc.
After modifying a method register, you need to execute a Download command to send the register content to the
DownloadRCMethod <ModuleID$>
Sends the content of the method register to the module identified by
ModuleID$ Identifies the module (see chapter
Module Identifier)
Return value
None. The variable RCDownloadError$ holds an error text if the register content
could not be successfully transferred to the module. Otherwise the variable
contains an empty string.
The command UploadRCMethod can be used to read the method from a module and write it to the module’s
method register.
UploadRCMethod <ModuleID$>
Reads the method from a module and writes the parameters to the associated
method register
ModuleID$ Identifies the module (see chapter
Module Identifier)
Return value
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
The commands ReadEvent<ModuleId> (e.g. ReadEventLAls) are fully compatible with RC .NET drivers. In addition
there is a new RC .NET specific command available
RCReadEvent ModuleID$, CpVar, Event, [EventParameter]
Fills a cp variable with the time a specified instrument event occurs the next time
ModuleID$ Identifies the module (see chapter
Module Identifier)
CpVar name of cp variable to get the time in seconds since 1970 when the
event occurs
Event Event string to wait for (e.g. EE 0815)
EventParameter optional parameter of the event. If a parameter is specified the CP
variable is not set if the event occurs but its parameter does not
match the specified one.
Return value
The following commands are no longer supported in the context of RC .NET drivers:
The commands are Agilent ChemStation CP commands, which can be used in macro programming. They can be
used with the CP-Proxy interface in C# programming.
Load method
Use the following command to get access to a method in background:
Parameter Description
DeviceID$ RapidControl Device ID, e. g. PMP1
Mode$ Interprets one of the following strings:
DEFAULT loads the default method of the device driver
UPLOAD loads the current method from the device
LOAD loads the device method from the method folder as specified
by ModeParam
LOADEX loads the method file or migrates an already existing method
ModeParam$ In case of Mode is LOAD, this specifies the method folder, e. g.
Register$ Register name. If this parameter is specified, then the method will be
transferred into object 1 of this register. When saving the method later with
RCBGEdit, the method will be read from that register.
MethodConsistencyState$ CP string variable name, where the consistency state of the driver will be
If the method is consistent, then the variable content will be “eConsistent”.
MethodConsistencyReport$ CP string variable name for the inconsistency report.
Result string:
DataSource$ -> Identifier of the method for use with RC .NET commands
Save method
Use the following command to save a (modified) method in background, which you have received by
Parameter Description
DeviceID$ RapidControl Device ID, e. g. PMP1
DataSource$ Identifier of the method as retrieved from RCBGEditStart$
Mode$ Interprets one of the following strings:
ACT_APPLY transfers the device method to the device (device driver)
SAVE saves the device method into the method folder as specified by ModeParam
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
Once you have saved a method, you should follow with a second call of RCBGEditCommit in $DISCARD mode for
Clean-up memory
An instance of ProcessIF has been created and will be maintained for each created background method. This holds
the logiocal link between method and DataSource.
You can manipulate, save and discard the method as often as you like. But if you are done with method changes
and you do not need the DataSource connection any longer than you must clean-up the connection and the
memory allocated with it. Therefore, you need to call:
Parameter Description
DeviceID$ RapidControl Device ID, e. g. PMP1
DataSource$ Identifier of the method as retrieved from RCBGEditStart$
Alternatively, you can edit the method with the following RC .NET commands referring the method by its
Available Functions:
Function Parameters Result
RCListDevices$ () yields a list of configured RC .NET drivers.
The single drivers are separated by |
RCGetResourceProviderText$ (DeviceID$, DataSource$, reads a single Resource Item of type String
Provider$, ResourceID$)
RCGetResourceProviderVal (DeviceID$, DataSource$, reads a single Resource Item of numeric
Provider$, ResourceID$) type
RCGetResourceProvider- (DeviceID$, DataSource$, Gets a Resource Item of type Collection
Collection Provider$, ResourceID$, into a Register. Uses register
[RegisterName$]) "RapidControlResources" if no register
name is specified.
Macro Programming Guide
for RC .NET Drivers
Available commands
Command Parameters Result
RCSetResourceProviderText DeviceID$, DataSource$, Sets a single Resource Item of type String
Provider$, ResourceID$,
RCSetResourceProviderVal DeviceID$, DataSource$, Sets a single Resource Item of numeric
Provider$, ResourceID$, type
Value, DataType
RCSetResourceProvider- DeviceID$, DataSource$, Writes a Resource Item of type Collection
Collection Provider$, ResourceID$, from a register back (e. g. the register had
RegObj been created by
RCGetResourceProvider- DeviceID$, DataSource$, Retrieves the complete set of Resource
Content Provider$, Register$, Items of one provider into a register. If
[Detailed] Detailed = 1, then extra information about
the resource item will be written into the
second object of the registers, e. g. Min,
Max, type, etc.
Detailed = 0 or 1
RCSetResourceProvider- DeviceID$, DataSource$, Writes the content of a register back to
Content Provider$, Register$ the provider. For example, use
RCGetResourceProviderContent, then
change values und finally write the
changed content back with