Pembahasan Practice 1-5

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soal simulasi toefl 2

Section 2

22. the state of mexico is not densely population

Ly – adverb, population – noun, populated – adj, kapan ya make nya ly yang tepat ?

35. that wind, storms and another kinds of weather take place.

Other kinds sama another kind bedanya apa ya?

Another – singular . other – prular (Benda unspesifik)

The other – s / p (Benda spesifik )

40. produced by alive bacteria

Live bacteria, alive bacteria???

Alive – adj , ga bisa diikuti, lonely – none of the reptiles alive

Live – bisa diikuti kata benda

Soal simulasi toefl ke 3

Section 2

15. Out of john Kenneth’s the affluent society ……. for an increase in public goods, potentially at the
expense of private goods.

Keterangan tempat di awal kalimat, verb dulu baru subject

a. came the argument

b. his argument

c. argued

d. the economist is arguing – jawabanku ini awalnya, soalnya ngg ada subject ?

24. the amino acids serve as the building block of proteins – blocks

Kenapa engga served as ?

Benda mati ngg bisa jadi yang melakukan kalopoun served as, ngg ada verb nya nanti

33. the development of motor skills in babies begins with the head and progress downward (n) through
other parts of body – progressive (adj)

Penghubung and, setara kan ya? Kenapa ngga progresses ?  progresses

40. neon is often used in airplane bcs neon are too visible that they can be seen even through dense fog
too visible bener kalo ngg ada that ? pake nya so that?

36. most American indian cultures were agricultural societies since 2000 BC

selain since kapan pake present perfect ? already, reasonly, just, yet, currently, recently

Simulasi 4

Section 2

10. the sea mammal medusa is populary called a jellyfish bcs it …. Jelly

Looks like rather (looks rather like)

14. …. Cockroach is the pest most in need of eradication is generally agreed upon by housing authorities

When the (that the)

Noun clause

31. the ‘fairness; of the fcc requires that radio and tv station give equal time to opposing sides of issues

To oppose ? (controversial issues)

Time to

34. in addition to serving as members of the presidents cabinet, the attorney general is the hed of the
justice department.

To serve ? (number of)

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