Invertis University: Practical File

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Bareilly, U.P.(India)

Department of Computer Applications

Course : BSc CS (Session: 2020-21)
III Semester

Practical File
Subject Name: RDBMS FILE
Subject Code: CSH 351

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Ayush Gangwar Mrs. Shivangi Ghildiyal
Roll No: 1910203023
S. No. Program Name Date Signature
01 Write a program that displays the following
lines triple-spaced.
02 Write a program that has the same output
as the program of Programming Problem 1,
but uses just one cout statement.
03 WAP to display the resulting quotient and
04 WAP to display the volume of the box in
cubic centimeters.
05 WAP to display the two prices, the sum of
the two prices, the discount and the
discounted price.
06 WAP to calculate the fine.
07 WAP to compute the final grade of students.
08 WAP to calculate the total expenses of an
account executive.
09 Write a program that converts pounds and
ounces to kilograms and grams.
10 Write a program that displays the first
month that your deposit exceeds Rs.
11 Write a program that displays a line with 26
As, a second line with 26 Bs, a third line with
26 Cs, and so on to a 26th line with 26 Zs.
12 Write a program that display a tax rate
table in the following form.
13 Write a program that draws a rectangle of
14 Write a program that calculates the mileage
you get on your car.
15 Write a program that computes the cost of a
taxi cab ride.
16 Write a program to compute a person's
weekly wage.
17 Write a program that validates a date input
by the user.
18 Write a program to help balance your
money market checking account.
19 Write a program that computes the
property tax on commercial and residential
20 WAP to show class declaration in c++.
21 Write a C++ program to demonstrate the
use of inline function.
22 WAP to define member function inside and
outside the class.

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