Mutation of SALL2 Causes Recessive Ocular Coloboma in Humans and Mice
Mutation of SALL2 Causes Recessive Ocular Coloboma in Humans and Mice
Mutation of SALL2 Causes Recessive Ocular Coloboma in Humans and Mice
10 2511–2526
Advance Access published on January 9, 2014
Received October 3, 2013; Revised November 29, 2013; Accepted December 17, 2013
Ocular coloboma is a congenital defect resulting from failure of normal closure of the optic fissure during
embryonic eye development. This birth defect causes childhood blindness worldwide, yet the genetic etiology
is poorly understood. Here, we identified a novel homozygous mutation in the SALL2 gene in members of a
consanguineous family affected with non-syndromic ocular coloboma variably affecting the iris and retina.
This mutation, c.85G>T, introduces a premature termination codon (p.Glu29 ∗ ) predicted to truncate the
SALL2 protein so that it lacks three clusters of zinc-finger motifs that are essential for DNA-binding activity.
This discovery identifies SALL2 as the third member of the Drosophila homeotic Spalt-like family of develop-
mental transcription factor genes implicated in human disease. SALL2 is expressed in the developing human
retina at the time of, and subsequent to, optic fissure closure. Analysis of Sall2-deficient mouse embryos
revealed delayed apposition of the optic fissure margins and the persistence of an anterior retinal coloboma
phenotype after birth. Sall2-deficient embryos displayed correct posterior closure toward the optic nerve
head, and upon contact of the fissure margins, dissolution of the basal lamina occurred and PAX2, known
to be critical for this process, was expressed normally. Anterior closure was disrupted with the fissure margins
failing to meet, or in some cases misaligning leading to a retinal lesion. These observations demonstrate,
for the first time, a role for SALL2 in eye morphogenesis and that loss of function of the gene causes ocular
coloboma in humans and mice.
To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Developmental Biology Unit, Birth Defects Research Centre, UCL Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford
Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK. Tel: +44 2079052121; Fax: +44 2079052953; Email: (J.C.S.); Division of Pediatric Ophthalmol-
ogy, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and Eye Center, 4401 Penn Avenue, Floor 3, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA. Tel: +1 4126928940;
Fax: +1 4126827220; Email: (K.K.N.)
Present address: West Midlands Regional Genetics Service, Birmingham Women’s Hospital NHS Trust, Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15
2TG, UK.
Present address: Center for Translational Genomics and Bioinformatics, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
Globe size Normal Normal Small corneal diameter Normal Normal Normal
Iris Coloboma Coloboma Normal Normal Coloboma Coloboma
Retina Coloboma Coloboma Coloboma involving macula Normal Coloboma Coloboma
Optic disc Coloboma Coloboma Coloboma Normal Coloboma Coloboma
Lens Normal Dislocated Cataract Normal Mild cataract Normal
Electroretinogram Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Visual-evoked potential Poor Moderate No response Good Poor Good
Nystagmus Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Squint Convergent No Convergent No Divergent No
Visual acuity (LogMAR) 1.0 0.54 Hand movements only 0.16 1.0 0.56
Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10 2513
Figure 1. Pedigree structure, clinical images and homozygosity mapping. (A) Simplified pedigree of the family with electropherograms of part of SALL2 exon 2
showing the c.85G.T mutation (arrowhead) homozygous in all three affected children and heterozygous in their parents. (B) Fundus photographs from all three
affected children showing varying degrees of retinochoroidal coloboma affecting the optic disc in all cases except the right eye of patient IV:2 which has a normal
appearance. (C) Homozygosity mapping output for each of the three affected siblings from Illumina Beadstudio v3.2 for chromosome 14 containing SALL2. Each
dot represents an individual SNP marker on the array plotted as a function of the frequency of the minor (B) allele. Regions of extended homozygosity (.100
SNPs) are indicated by pink shading.
acuity of 0.56 LogMAR in the right eye and 1.0 in the left. She with manifest latent nystagmus and poor fixation in the left eye.
exhibited bilateral typical inferior iris coloboma and marked reti- On electrodiagnostic testing, pattern visual-evoked potentials
nochoroidal coloboma (Fig. 1B). In addition, she had a mild lens (VEPs) were evident to a range of test checks with both eyes
opacity, divergent squint (exotropia of 35–30 prism diopters), open but reduced in amplitude indicating macular pathway
2514 Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10
dysfunction. The responses from the left eye were degraded com- 5.15 Gb of mappable sequence data providing an average
pared with the right suggestive of poor vision. Her brother (IV:1) depth of 58 reads, yielding a minimum of 5-fold coverage at
examined initially at 11 years had a visual acuity of 0.54 and 1.0 90% of the captured exome. Average depth of coverage in all
LogMAR in the right and left eyes, respectively. He exhibited bi- candidate regions of shared homozygosity was sufficient for
lateral typical inferior iris coloboma as well as bilateral retinochor- comprehensive variant detection (29- to 114-fold, Supplemen-
oidal and optic disc colobomata. In addition, the crystalline lens tary Material, Table S1) of all exons and for all known annotated
was displaced (subluxed) in the right eye. He had a convergent genes within all candidate regions regardless of their size. From
squint (esotropia of 45 prism diopters) and hypertropia in the left the aligned reads across the entire captured exome, we identified
eye with rapid manifest latent nystagmus in both eyes. Although a total of 20 969 SNP variants of which 8522 were homozygous,
electrodiagnostic testing revealed essentially normal flash plus an additional 991 indels. Variants were filtered by excluding
responses from each eye, monocular pattern VEP testing revealed all those present in either dbSNP (build 137) or our local database
macular pathway dysfunction affecting the left eye. The youngest containing data from 172 exomes with a minor allele frequency
of the three siblings (IV:2) aged 9 years at first examination exhib- .0.1. This identified 26 novel homozygous SNPs and 21 novel
further 178 patients with coloboma and associated anophthal- Sall2 null mutant mice showed no overt phenotypic abnormal-
mia/microphthalmia phenotypes were Sanger sequenced ities. Histological analysis of the eyes revealed a colobomatous
[comprising isolated coloboma (n ¼ 49), colobomatous micro- phenotype. Table 2 summarizes the analysis of hematoxylin and
phthalmia (n ¼ 10), syndromic coloboma (n ¼ 52), micro- eosin stained sections of the eye from E13.5 and E14.5 Sall2 2/2
phthalmia/anophthalmia (n ¼ 67)]. This analysis identified null and Sall2 +/2 heterozygous control embryos, which
three separate previously unreported synonymous coding var- revealed a penetrant bilateral phenotype in the homozygous
iants [c.33C.T (p.L11L); c.381C.T (p.V128V); c.315C.T Sall2 2/2 embryos. At E13.5, 12 out of 12 (100%) eyes from
(p.S105S)] in three individuals, each heterozygous for their Sall2 2/2 embryos (from two separate litters) showed a clear
respective variant, and therefore unlikely to represent pathogen- gap in the ventral neural retina and retinal pigmented epithelium
ic variation. No other novel potentially pathogenic coding vari- (RPE) at the anterior aspect of the eye (Fig. 3A). Sequential sec-
ation was identified in this cohort (Supplementary Material, tions towards the posterior pole showed the unfused optic fissure
Table S2). margins meeting and abutting each other (Fig. 3B and B′ ). At the
mid-lenticular level 6 out of 12 (50%) eyes examined showed
Table 2. Summary of histological analysis of the extent of optic fissure closure in Sall22/2 null and Sall2+/2 mouse embryos
eyes from postnatal day (P) 20 Sall2 2/2 mice (from three separ- two distinct classes of retinal abnormality in homozygous
ate litters, n ¼ 18 eyes) to determine if the anterior coloboma- mutant animals. Six of 18 eyes (33%) displayed a retinal colo-
tous defect persists, or whether the delayed embryonic fusion boma phenotype similar to that seen in the embryo with a gap
process is ameliorated at later stages. This analysis identified in the peripheral ventral neural retina behind the ciliary body
Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10 2517
Figure 3. Analysis of optic fissure closure in embryonic eyes from Sall22/2 mice. (A– C) Coronal sections of the eye from an E13.5 homozygous Sall22/2 embryo
showing a gap in the neural retina at the anterior aspect of the eye (arrowheads in A). At the mid-lenticular region (B) the retinal margins meet and touch each other with
visible indentations at the opposing tissue margins (arrowheads in B′ which shows a magnification of the boxed region in B). Posteriorly (C), the retina appears fused
and morphologically continuous and indistinguishable from the control (I). (D –F) Immunohistochemistry of sections from E13.5 Sall22/2 eyes using anti-laminin
(red) to identify the basement membrane. Laminin staining is observed surrounding the unfused fissure margins anteriorly (arrowheads in D). At the point of contact
between the tips of retina in the mid-lenticular region laminin staining is not detectable (E, E′ ) suggesting dissolution of the basal lamina. Posteriorly, no laminin
staining is observed, suggesting the fusion of the optic fissure in this region (F). Cell nuclei are stained with DAPI (shown in blue). (G– I) Comparative sections
from control Sall2 +/2 at E13.5 showing fusion of the optic fissure at all levels of the eye. (J– L) Coronal sections of the eye from E14.5 Sall2 2/2 embryo
showing similar failure of optic fissure fusion in the anterior (arrowhead in J) and mid-lenticular regions (K, K′ , arrowheads in K′ indicate indentations in the
inner and outer aspects of the retina consistent with incomplete fusion), with a normal appearance posteriorly (L). (M–O) Representative sections from a control
embryo showing the continuous morphological appearance of the fused retina at E14.5. In all images, the ventral aspect is shown at the bottom of the image. L,
lens; RPE, retinal pigmented epithelium; R, neural retina. Scale bars represent 50 mm in (B′ , E′ , H′ , K′ and N′ ), 100 mm in (A, B, D, E, G, H, J, K, M and N) and
200 mm in (C, F, I, L and O).
2518 Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10
(Fig. 4A and B; Supplementary Material, Fig. S2). Sequential tips of the neural retina (arrowhead, Fig. 4B and D). In this case,
sections towards the posterior pole showed the unfused although retinal lamination appeared histologically normal at
margins meeting and abutting each other (Fig. 4C and D). the juxtaposed margins, the layers were mis-aligned and
During normal development, the presumptive retinal pigmented visible indentations were apparent at the inner and outer
epithelial (RPE) layer has been reported to invert into the aspects of the neural retina where the margins meet, consistent
merging fissure margins prior to fusion and eventual RPE separ- with incomplete fusion (Fig. 4D, arrowheads). Other regions
ation from the neural retina (35). In the Sall2 2/2 retina a residual where the retinal margins failed to make contact showed evi-
layer of pigment was observed at P20 between the two opposing dence of disorganization of the retinal lamina (Supplementary
Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10 2519
Material, Fig. S2, arrowheads). Seven other Sall2 2/2 mutant assays did not provide evidence in support of specific binding of
eyes showed a single focal anteriorly localized lesion within either PAX2 or PAX6 (or in combination) to the SALL2 promoter
the neural retina (Fig. 4F, H and I), appearing in some cases as (Fig. 5C). To assess the opposite model of Pax2/Pax6 expression
if the outer layer on the one side had traversed the inner layer being altered by loss of Sall2 during fusion, we analyzed the distri-
on the other side (see Fig. 4I). Outside of the lesion, the histology bution of PAX6 and PAX2 proteins in Sall2 2/2 embryonic eyes by
was indistinguishable from that of wild-type and heterozygous immunohistochemistry. By E13.5 the downregulation of PAX2
eyes (Fig. 4K). Within the elevated lesion, which protruded within the ventral optic cup has occurred normally in mutant
into the vitreal space, the ganglion cell layer, and the inner and embryos; PAX2 was detected only in a wedge of cells surrounding
outer nuclear layers were abnormally thickened (Fig. 4I and J), the optic nerve head as previously described (36,41). PAX6 was
whereas the plexiform layers appeared disorganized with an detected within the retina and lens. These expression patterns
increased inner plexiform layer and reduced outer plexiform were unaltered in Sall2 2/2 embryos compared with controls
layer. In all eyes examined, the retina of homozygous Sall2-null (Fig. 5D–K). Pax2 mutant eyes show persistence of the basal
mice was indistinguishable from wild type from the mid- lamina when the converging tips make contact, as judged by the
Figure 5. Analysis of SALL2 in relation to PAX2 and PAX6. (A) Schematic diagram of 1.6 kb of the human SALL2 proximal promoter region showing selected tran-
scription factor-binding sites relevant to ocular development. (B) Luciferase reporter assay in HEK293 cells showing that neither PAX2 nor PAX6 activate transcrip-
tion of a luciferase reporter construct (LUC) containing 1023 bp of the SALL2 promoter encompassing putative binding sites for both proteins. No significant
difference in activation was observed between the SALL2 promoter construct (dark gray bars) compared with the promoterless reporter (pGL4.10, light gray bars)
when co-transfected with PAX2 or PAX6 expression constructs either singly or in combination. Data are presented as mean + SD of three repeat experiments
each performed in triplicate. (C) EMSA showing that no specific protein:DNA complex is formed between in vitro translated PAX2 or PAX6, either singly or in com-
bination, and a DNA probe containing both predicted binding sites in the SALL2 promoter as shown in (A). Right hand panel shows in vitro translation of PAX2 and
PAX6 proteins incorporating [35S]-L-methionine showing equivalent amounts of protein are synthesized in each reaction; bands of the expected sizes of 44 and 46 kDa
are observed for PAX2 and PAX6, respectively (D– G) Immunohistochemistry of sagittal sections of the eye from E13.5 mouse embryos stained with anti-PAX2 (red).
Specific expression of PAX2 is observed in the developing optic nerve head (arrowheads in E and G). No difference in expression pattern is observed between Sall2 2/2
(D and E) and control Sall2 +/2 (F and G) eyes. (H and I) Immunohistochemical analysis of PAX6 (red) in sagittal eye sections from E13.5 Sall2 2/2 (H and I) and
Sall2 +/2 control (J and K) embryos. PAX6 expression is detected in the retina (arrows) with strong expression seen in the anterior periphery of the retina (arrowheads),
as well as the corneal epithelium and lens. No difference in PAX6 protein expression was observed between Sall2 2/2 and control eyes. Nuclei were counterstained
with DAPI (blue). C, cornea; L, lens; R, retina; ON, optic nerve. Scale bars represent 50 mm in (E, G, I and K) and 100 mm in (D, F, H and J).
Human Molecular Genetics, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 10 2521
phenotype in the unaffected parents and heterozygous Sall2 a number of genes have been implicated in different stages of
mutant mice. this process. For instance, midline Sonic hedgehog signaling is
Functional redundancy between Sall factors is likely to com- required for (i) and loss of SHH signaling causes holoprosence-
pensate for the heterozygous loss of Sall2 in the eye (33,34,50), phaly, which in milder forms includes coloboma and micro-
particularly Sall1 which is expressed in the developing eye and phthalmia (18). Both RA and bone morphogenetic protein
can be associated with retinochoroidal coloboma in some (BMP) signaling play key roles in (ii) and disruption of these
cases of Townes-Brocks syndrome (48,51). Similarly, redun- pathways can cause coloboma associated with microphthalmia
dancy is likely to restrict the phenotype to the eye, despite the and anophthalmia [RBP4 (OMIM 180250), STRA6, ALDH1A3,
wider expression pattern of the Sall2 gene; for example, homo- BMP4 (OMIM 112262), GDF6, GDF3 and SMOC1 mutations
zygous deletion of Sall1 results in severe kidney dysgenesis, disrupt RA and BMP signaling, respectively] (13,20– 22,55–
whereas Sall2-deficient mice have normal kidneys despite 59), whereas the transcription factors RAX, PAX6 (OMIM
both genes being expressed during kidney development (33,52). 607108), VSX2, OTX2 (OMIM 600037), SIX3 (OMIM
603714) and SOX2 (OMIM 184429) are involved in eye field
closure of the posterior globe was observed. This finding is also MATERIALS AND METHODS
consistent with a previous observation that Pax2 expression is
Ethical approval
unaltered in the developing kidney of Sall2-deficient mice
(33). Interestingly, a JNK1/2.BMP4/SHH.PAX2 signaling Informed written consent was obtained from the parents prior to
pathway is implicated in both optic fissure and neural tube collection of blood samples, DNA extraction and analysis. The
closure defects (39). Jnk12/2 Jnk22/+ mice (lacking activity study was approved by the UCL Institute of Child Health/
of members of the Jun N-terminal Kinase, JNK, group of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children Joint Research
mitogen activated kinases) exhibit coloboma associated with Ethics Committee. All murine experiments were carried out
loss of Shh and Bmp4 signaling, and reduced levels of Pax2, using protocols reviewed and approved under license by the
while addition of Bmp4 restored Shh and Pax2 expression United Kingdom Home Office under the Animal (scientific
(39). The JNK1/2.BMP4/SHH pathway may also be important procedures) Act 1986.
for regulating SALL2 expression, independently of PAX2. In
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