Comparison Degree of Myopia in Senior High School

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2018 387

ISSN 2250-3153

Comparison Degree of Myopia in Senior High School

Students in Urban and Rural Area
Vera Avliwani*, Aryani Atiyatul Amra**
Ophthalmology resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Ophthalmologist, Department of Ophthalmology, Universitas Sumatera Utara,

DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.8.5.2018.p7749

Abstract- Objective: To find out the comparison degree of error that encountered, at 86% of elementary school students,
myopia in senior high school students in urban and rural area middle 95%, and senior senior high school 86%.4
Method: This research is prospective observational with cross- Some of the risk factors causing myopia are genetic and
sectional study, we observed 220 senior high school divided into environmental factors. Genetic factors are heredity, history of
168 senior high students in urban and 52 senior high school parents and siblings. Some environmental factors that affect the
students in rural area. Degree myopia of the all samples are occurrence of myopia include close viewing activities such as
observed. reading books, writing, watching television, using computers,
Results: The most degrees of myopia is mild myopia 133 playing games, using mobile phones, and others. Activities far
students (60.45%) in urban, and 32 students (14.55%) in rural. looking as playing and exercising outdoors can reduce the
Began to suffer the myopia of 90 students (40.91%) during junior occurrence of myopia.
high school in urban and 24 students (10.91%) during senior high From Bei Lu study in China found condition of a region
school in rural. History of family members with glasses is 49 can affect the rate of myopia. Bei Lu study result that the
students (22.27%) urban area and 17 students (7.14%) in rural increasing occurrence of myopia in rural areas of -0,5D. While in
area. urban areas of Singapore increased myopia by -0.75D.5 The same
Conclusions: There was a difference between degree of myopia study from Bella increased myopia in children in the urban of
in senior high school students compare to urban area, but from 0.83D, and in the rural of 0.61D. The study explains that the
the statistically there was no significant differences (p>0,05). increase in myopia is higher in cities than in rural areas. This is
Progression of myopia tend to be increased so evaluation of because urban areas have more advanced technological and
myopia should be intense. communication facilities, such as television, mobile phones,
computers and video games. Thus encouraging more children to
Index Terms- Myopia, Senior high school student, urban area, use viewing of close activity compared to remote viewing
rural area activities. While rural areas with a larger area and a Senior high
school population. The development of technology and
communication in rural areas is not as advanced in the urban.6
I. INTRODUCTION Based on the results study above, the aim of current study to
observe the comparison of Degree of Miopia in senior high
M yopia is a form of refractive disorder in which the rays
parallel to the line of sight in the unaccommodated eye
state are focused in front of the retina. Myopia can occur because
school students in urban and rural area.

the size of the eyeball axis is relatively long. It can also be due to
a high refractive index or due to refractive index of the lens and II. METHODS
cornea too strong, this is called refractive myopia. Myopia This research was a prospective observational with cross
usually occurs at the age of children (5-7 years), young age (7-16 sectional. Total sample of 220 senior high school students
years), and adults over the age of 16 years (> 16 years).1,2 divided into168 senior high students in urban and 52 senior high
The prevalence of myopia is an increasing trend in the ages school students in rural area in April 2015. The study was
of children and adults. The prevalence of myopia in the United conducted in accordance with ethical standards of Declaration of
States at age 5 to 7 years is approximately 3%. While at the age Helsinki and approved by Medical Faculty University of
of 8 to 10 years 8%, at age 11 to 12 years 14% and at the age of Sumatera Utara ethics committee.Degree myopia of the all
17 years about 25%.1 This also happened in Taiwan. The samples are observed. All students were assessed visual acuity
prevalence of myopia in children aged 6 years is about 12% and and done the correction of refractive error. Then assesed the
at the age of 16 to 18 years about 84%. This is also same found degree of myopia.
in Singapore and Japan.3
In Indonesia, visual impairment due to refractive disorder
prevalence 22.1%, a problem that must be handled immediately.
About 10% of the 66 million school age children (5-19 years old)
suffer from refractive disorders. Myopia is the most refractive
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2018 388
ISSN 2250-3153

III. RESULT consisting of 400 senior high school students in the urban and
The research was conducted on April 1, 2015 until April 4, 400 senior high school students in the rural. There were168
2015. Located at Senior High School Negeri 2 Medan (urban) students (76.36%) who suffer from myopia in senior high school
and Senior Senior high school Private Istiqlal School Deli students in urban area and 52 students (23.64%) suffering from
Serdang (rural). We got 800 students as participant of research myopia in rural area.

Table 1
Distribution Students Suffered Myopia based to Origin of School

N %
Urban 168 76,36
Rural 52 23,64
Total 220 100,00

The highest number of female myopia patients in senior Table 1

high school students in the urban were 114 students (51.81%), Distribution Students Suffered Myopia based to Origin of
and 39 students (17.73%) in senior high school students in the School
Based on the distribution of age in senior senior high Myopia
school students in urban suffered most myopia in the age group Participant
N %
16-17 years as many as 80 students (36.36%). While in senior Urban 168 76,36
high school students in the rurl suffered most myopia in the age Rural 52 23,64
group 18-19 years as many as 23 students (10.46%).The mild Total 220 100,00
degrees of myopia were found in 133 senior high school students
(60.45%), as did 32 senior senior high school students (14.55%). Table 2
Shows more father and mother glasses at senior high school Distribution Senior high school Student Suffered Myopia in
students in the urban as many as 49 students (22.27%). While in Urban and Rural based to Gender
senior high school students in rural more brother or sister as
many as 17 students (7.73%). Urban Rural
At senior high school student in urban began to suffer from Gender
N % n %
myopia most widely encountered as many as 90 students in Male 54 24,55 13 5,91
junior high school (40.91%), in contrast to senior high school Female 114 51,81 39 17,73
students in rura; suffer from myopia more since senior senior Total 168 76,36 52 23,64
high school with 24 students (10.90%).
Based on the time distribution of senior senior high school The highest number of female myopia patients in senior
students in the urban. Time group 1-2 hours at most used to read high school students in the urban were 114 students (51.81%),
(do homework) as many as 117 students (53.18%). Group time of and 39 students (17.73%) in senior high school students in the
3-4 hours is most used to watch TV as many as 53 students rural.
(24,10%). Group time > 4 hours at most used to use mobile
phone as many as 75 students (34.00%).
Table 3
Based on the time distribution of senior high school
Distribution Senior high school Students Suffered Myopia in
students in the rural. Time group 1-2 hours at most used to use
Urban and Rural based to Age
computer as much as 35 student (15,91%). The 3-4 hour time
group is most used to watch as many as 19 students (8.64%).
Urban Rural
Group time> 4 hours at most used to use mobile phone as many Age
N % N %
as 14 students (6.36%)
14 – 15 69 31,36 18 8,18
There are no significant numbers with the time spent
16 – 17 80 36,36 11 5,00
reading, watching, using computers and mobile phone on
18 – 19 19 8,64 23 10,46
increasing the degree of myopia in senior senior high school
students in the urbanand in the rural. Total 168 76,36 52 23,64

Based on the distribution of age in senior senior high

school students in urban suffered most myopia in the age group
16-17 years as many as 80 students (36.36%). While in senior
high school students in the rural suffered most myopia in the age
group 18-19 years as many as 23 students (10.46%).
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2018 389
ISSN 2250-3153

Table 4 Table 7
Distribution Senior high school Suffered Myopia in Urban Distribution Duration of Time using for Reading/Doing
and Rural based to Degree of Myopia Homework, Watching Television, Using mobile phone, Using
Computer senior high school students in urban.
Degree of Urban Rural
Myopia N % N % Tim Reading Television Handphone Computer
Mild 133 60,45 32 14,55 e N % N % N % n %
Moderate 30 13,64 18 8,18 1 – 117 53,18 96 43,63 46 21,00 89 40,45
High 5 2,27 2 0,91 2
Total 168 76,36 52 23,64 41 18,64 53 24,10 47 21,36 41 18.64
3 –
The mild degrees of myopia were found in 133 senior high 4 10 4,54 19 8,63 75 34,00 38 17,27
school students (60.45%)in urban area and 32 senior senior high
school students (14.55%) in rural area, moderate myopia in 30 >4
senior high school students (13,64%)in urban area and 18 senior
high school students in rural area, high myopia in 5 senior high Tot 168 73,36 168 76,36 168 76,36 168 76,36
school students (2,27%) in urban area and 2 senior high school al
students (0,91%) in rural area.
Based on the time distribution of senior high school
Table 5 students in the urban. Time group 1-2 hours at most used to
Distribution Senior high school Suffered Myopia in Urban reading (do homework) as many as 117 students (53.18%).
and Rural based to history of family with glasses Group time of 3-4 hours is most usinsing television as many as
53 students (24,10%). Group time > 4 hours at most using mobile
Urban Rural phone for75 students (34.00%).
N % n %
Father 39 17,73 7 3,18 Table 8.
Mother 31 14,09 8 3,64 Distribution Duration of Time using for Reading/Doing
Father and 49 22,27 5 2,27 Homework, Watching Television, use mobile phone, Using
Mother 21 9,55 17 7,73 Computer Senior Senior high school Students in Rural.
Sister/ Brother 28 12,72 15 6,82
None Handphon
Tim Reading Television Computer
Total 168 76,36 52 23,64 e
N % N % N % N %
The family history shows more father and mother used 1 – 31 14,10 30 13,64 20 9,10 35 15,91
glasses found at senior high school students in the urban area for 2
49 students (22.27%), while in senior high school students in 16 7,27 19 8,64 18 8,18 11 5,00
rural history of family especially brother or sister for 17 students 3 –
(7.73%). 4 5 2,27 3 1,36 14 6,36 6 2,73

Table 6 >4
Distribution Senior high school Suffered Myopia in Urban
and Rural based to Onset Suffered Myopia Tot 52 23,64 52 23,64 52 23,64 52 23,64
Urban Rural
Onset Suffered Based on the time distribution of senior high school
% n %
N students in the rural. Time group 1-2 hours most using computer
Elementary 31 14,09 8 3,64 for 35 student (15,91%). The 3-4 hour time group is most
School watching for 19 students (8.64%). Group time> 4 hours at most
Junior high 90 40,91 20 9,10 using mobile phone for14 students (6.36%)
Senior high 47 21,36 24 10,90 Table 9.
school Relation Between Time using for Reading (Doing
Total 168 76,36 52 23,64 Homework), Watching Television, Using Mobile Phone and
Using Computer with Degree of Myopia in Senior high school
At senior high school student in urban area began suffering in Urban and Rural
myopia for 90 students (40,91%) from junior high school
(40.91%), compare to senior high school in rural area 24 students Time Degree of Myopia P
(10,90%) began suffering myopia in senior high school. n X ± SD n X ± SD n X ±SD
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2018 390
ISSN 2250-3153

For 165 2,25±1,52 48 2,07±1,14 7 students in the rural use a lot of computers. In groups of 3 - 4
Reading hours senior senior high school students in urban and in rural are
For 165 2,37±1,79 48 2,30±1,19 7 3,57±1,81 0,166 equally widely used to watch television. In the time group> 4
Watching hours, senior senior high school students in urban and in rural
For 165 1,85±1,78 49 1,33±1,59 7 1,86±1,46 0,187 both use mobile phones.
Mobile Based on Anova test results, there is no significant
Phone relationship does not affect the increase in the degree of myopia
For Use 165 4,63±3,66 48 4,50±3,95 7 3,00±2,52 0,516 with the length of time reading, watching TV, using computers
Computer and using mobile phone. Only as low as the degree of myopia
longer the time to read, watch, use computers and mobile phone
There are no significant differences in senor high school both in senior high school students in urban and in rural.
between urban and rural area from reading, watching, using
computers and mobile phone from the degree of myopia (P>0,05)
Based on the senior senior high school students in urban of IV. CONCLUSION
166 students (76.36%) and senior senior high school students in Patients with myopia are more often found in senior senior
the rural were 52 students (23.64%). In this study, the high school students in urban compared with senior high school
comparison of myopia patients in senior senior high school students in rural. Genetic, long reading, watching TV and using
students in the urban with the rural is 3.2: 1. computers as a risk factor in degree of myopia. So, examine of
Based on gender in senior senior high school students in refractive should be done in children from primary school to
urban more female students 114 (51.8%) who suffer from protect the myopia
myopia than male students 54 (24.50%), with a ratio of 2.1: 1.
Similarly, senior senior high school students in the rural women
39 students (17.73%) and men 13 students (5.91%), with a ratio REFERENCES
of 3: 1. This is in line with the study Bella, MG, et al, which is [1] Basic and Clinical Science Course, Clinical Optics, section 3,chapter 3,
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in urban of 28 students (12.72%) had no history glassed parent
according to the Goss study, where the prevalence of myopia, 6%
- 15% did not have myopia parents.9
Based on the onset of suffering myopia. In senior high AUTHORS
school students in the urban began to suffer the most myopia
First Author – Vera Avliwani, Ophthalmology resident,
since sitting in junior high school as many as 90 students
Department of Ophthalmology, Universitas S
(40.91%). And according to research conducted by Saerang,
umatera Utara,
more junior high school students who suffer from myopia than
Second Author – Aryani Atiyatul Amra, Ophthalmologist,
elementary and senior senior high school students. While in
Department of Ophthalmology, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
senior senior high school students in the rural began to suffer
myopia when sitting in senior senior high school as many as 24
students (10.90%).
Correspondence Author – Vera Avliwani,
Based on duration of expose to risk factor. In the time, +6282368611474
group 1 - 2 hours senior senior high school students inurban is
widely used for reading, while in senior senior high school
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2017 391
ISSN 2250-3153

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