Reserving Seminar 2018 IFRS 17 Overview: A Work in Progress
Reserving Seminar 2018 IFRS 17 Overview: A Work in Progress
Reserving Seminar 2018 IFRS 17 Overview: A Work in Progress
Alice Boreman
on behalf of the IFoA IFRS 17 for General
Insurance working party
11 July 2018
A work in progress
This presentation represents the views of the working party members and does not
represent the views of the members’ respective employers.
Our thinking is still a work in progress rather than agreed consensus views.
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• Background to IFRS 17
• General overview of IFRS 17
• Key current practical implementation issues
– PAA eligibility
– Unit of account/onerous contracts
– Risk Adjustment
– Reinsurance
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Overview of IFRS 17
IFRS 17 is the first truly international, comprehensive accounting Standard for insurance, replacing IFRS4 – an interim
Standard that results in widely divergent practices
• Some entities begin implementation process
IFRS 17 • General questions Entities finalising Effective date
published • Contentious/specific implementation questions implementation of IFRS 17
The IASB aimed for IFRS 17 to bring: What IFRS 17 requires: Impact of IFRS 17 on general insurers:
Consistent accounting for all insurance A measurement model for insurance Move to a best estimate basis, no reserve
contracts (health, life and general contracts which is based on: margins will be permitted instead an
insurance sectors and with other sectors) expected future cash flows; explicit risk adjustment will be required
Updated information about obligations, discounted to reflect time value of Driver of profit and recognition of profit
risks and performance of insurance money; and over time will change due to new best
contracts estimate valuation model, unwind of
a risk adjustment to reflect the discount, release of risk adjustment and
Increased transparency in financial compensation the insurer requires to release of CSM (GM only)
information reported by insurance bear risk
companies Underwriting result and finance result will
The expected profit in a contract is have a new ‘feel’ and presentation.
measured on day one and released over
the coverage period New KPIs, strategy, incentives and
education are required as well as system
Early recognition of potential loss making changes
Expansion of disclosure requirements
Increased disclosure requirements
Eligible companies are permitted to
voluntarily apply IFRS. A Technical
Committee has been set up to deliberate the
ASBJ’s views on IFRS 17
United States
Will not adopt Taiwan
IFRS 17 Delayed adoption by 3
Hong Kong
Endorsed on 12
December 2017
Endorsed on 20 July
Singapore 2017
Bermuda Thailand
Eq Re currently Endorsed on 29
prepare AASB IFRS 17 will be March 2018
1023 financial endorsed in Thai FRS
statements. This Philippines New Zealand
means IFRS 17 but with a 12 month Endorsed on 10 August
reporting 1/1/21. delay of the effective Philippine FRS is aligned 2017
date with IFRS and PFRS 17 is
expected soon
Plans to adopt IFRS from 2020 with focus Full adoption to MFRS 17.
on bank and insurance companies.
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PAA GM PAA and GM measurement are
AC CSM the same in the post coverage
RA Liability for
RA period
Discounting/ Contractual
Risk Reinsurance
service margin
adjustment inflation measurement
(GM only)
Transition Unbundling Expenses
Is the portfolio/cohort and • This consideration is outside the scope of IFRS 17.
associated deviation in the YES • Broader accounting/materiality question – see IASB Practice Statement 2 “Making Materiality Judgements”.
LRC is unlikely
immaterial for to
thehold if “the• entity expects
Will need significant
to carefully variability
monitor the materiality of thein the fulfilment
portfolio’s/cohort’s cash
which are not eligible (based on the above
flowsreporting entity? affect the measurement
that would steps) over time.
of the liability for remaining coverage during
the period
NO before a claim is incurred. Variability in the fulfilment cash flows increases
with, for example:
It is unlikely that the PAA will
…(b) be the length
available of the
coverage period of the group of contracts.”
to the
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Measurement of insurance liabilities is (performed or allocated) at the level of a “group of insurance contracts” so that favourable and
unfavourable changes in estimates from the individual contracts in the group are offset within the group but not with other groups.
IFRS 17 asks to consider profitability gross of reinsurance, and allowing for the effect of discounting and risk adjustment. For PAA
groups, this is identified based on “facts and circumstances”.
Divide a portfolio of insurance contracts into a minimum of the following (ie. consider each of the three groups below):
Groups that are onerous (loss making), ie. Groups that could potentially turn onerous under Resilient group: Some characteristics of resilience
fulfilment cash flows is a net outflow very stressed conditions include low sensitivity to risk drivers, “thick” margin
For PAA, assume that there are no onerous Assess whether non onerous contracts have no significant possibility of becoming onerous subsequently
contracts unless “facts and circumstances” based on likelihood of changes in facts and circumstances
indicate otherwise.
Where senior management would be aware Example of “Other” may be groups of contracts on a ‘watch list’ (such as where historic COR >95%) or
of selling loss making business which are particularly sensitive to changes in assumptions (volatile)
By group – at a minimum of
those below
Data at each
intersection is then
needed to calculate the
Expected to be onerous carrying amount of the
at initial recognition group of contracts.
Contracts issued
Portfolio A
in 20X1
Portfolio B
By portfolio – similar risks Portfolio C
managed together
Risk Adjustment
The purpose of the risk adjustment for non-financial risk is to measure the effect of uncertainty in the cash flows that
arise from insurance contracts, other than uncertainty arising from financial risk. [IFRS 17.B89]
Estimation technique Diversification benefits
IFRS 17 does not mandate a method to estimate the Risk Adjustment required, Diversification benefits should be reflected and should be
but there is a requirement to publish the Confidence Level considered from the reporting entity’s perspective
The level at which the target CL and hence the risk adjustment is set for each entity could have a
material impact on the number of contracts being classified as onerous and will be important
factors in the tests for onerous contracts.
• IFRS 17 uses ‘reinsurance contracts issued’ to describe inwards reinsurance contracts
• IFRS 17 describes outwards reinsurance contracts as ‘reinsurance contracts held’.
• Requirements in respect of reinsurance contracts issued are the same as the requirements applicable to insurance contracts issued
• These requirements are modified for reinsurance contracts held to reflect the specific features of reinsurance contracts held
Level of aggregation Treatment of net gains and losses on reinsurance held
Portfolio subject to similar risks Net expense/loss on initial recognition Net gain on initial recognition
and managed together.
On initial recognition, a debit CSM would If a net gain/credit CSM arises, i.e.
Annual cohorts typically be recognised which represents amount paid for RI < expected PV of
the net expense of purchasing reinsurance cash inflows plus risk adjustment
No significant possibility of achieving Remaining
Net gain Recognise over coverage period as services are received
net gain subsequently contracts Exception: If reinsurance held covers events that have already occurred (e.g. ADC),
recognise the whole net expense in P&L on initial recognition
PAA eligibility Coverage units for contracts applying the general model (GM)
Reinsurance contracts with coverage periods of a year or less are automatically The amount of CSM recognised in the P&L in each period is determined based on
eligible for the (simplified) premium allocation approach [PAA] “coverage units”. Coverage units are determined by considering the quantity of benefits
provided under a contract and its expected coverage duration
Questions Comments
The views expressed in this presentation are those of invited contributors and not necessarily those of the IFoA. The IFoA do not endorse any of the views
stated, nor any claims or representations made in this [publication/presentation] and accept no responsibility or liability to any person for loss or damage suffered
as a consequence of their placing reliance upon any view, claim or representation made in this presentation.
The information and expressions of opinion contained in this publication are not intended to be a comprehensive study, nor to provide actuarial advice or advice
of any nature and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations. On no account may any part of this presentation be
reproduced without the written permission of the IFoA [or authors, in the case of non-IFoA research].
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