Guía No. 1 Simple Present Tense: Presente Compuesto o Progresivo
Guía No. 1 Simple Present Tense: Presente Compuesto o Progresivo
Guía No. 1 Simple Present Tense: Presente Compuesto o Progresivo
No es para hablar de lo que estamos haciendo ahora mismo – para eso tenemos el presente
compuesto o progresivo
El presente simple habla de acciones repetidas: hábitos, frecuencias, cosas que hacemos todos los
días o un par de veces por semana.
Así, este texto habla de mi rutina diaria aquí en Madrid, y usa muchos ejemplos del presente simple.
schedule = horario
rise = salir (el sol)
stove = vitrocerámica (el “fuego” de la cocina)
coworking space = oficina compartida
accounting = contabilidad
neighborhood = barrio
work out = hacer deporte, entrenar
hang out = pasar el rato
En primera persona
Hi! I am Rose. I usually get up early, at about 5:00. I always take a quick shower. I don’t make up
because I don’t like it. Then I cook and have breakfast with my brother, Arnold. I go to work by bus
because I sold my car last week. I start work at 7:00 and finish at 4:00. Then I go home and watch
TV for an hour or two with Arnold. I go to bed before 11:00 because I need to rest well to be energetic
the next day.
En tercera persona
Hi! I am Arnold. My sister, Rose, usually gets up early, at about 5:00. She always takes a quick
shower. She doesn’t make up because she doesn’t like it. Then she cooks and has breakfast with
me. She goes to work by bus because she sold her car last week. She starts work at 7:00 and finishes
at 4:00. Then she goes home and watches TV for an hour or two with me. She goes to bed before
11:00 because she needs to rest well to be energetic the next day.
Lee el siguiente texto sobre las rutinas de un hombre llamado Mathew y luego contesta las
preguntas de comprensión
My friend Mathew has a very hectic life. For starters, he has three jobs. In the morning he works as
a teacher, in the afternoon as a taxi driver and at night as a singer. Mathew wakes up at 4 am, he
takes a shower, gets dressed and goes to school. He doesn’t have time for breakfast at home so he
has breakfast at school. Mathew teaches 5th grade. He loves children so enjoys his work.
At 12:30 Mathew always has lunch with his coworkers. Then he goes to his father’s house to pick up
his father’s taxi and begins working as a taxi driver. He is a good driver and likes talking to passengers
about politics and sports. Mathew has a rock band; at night the band plays some music at a local bar.
After singing for two hours, he goes back home, has dinner and watches a little TV.
Mathew’s wife is pregnant; so he will quit two of his jobs soon. He wants to share a lot of time with
his family in the future.
1. -The word “hectic” is close in meaning to:
-La palabra “hectic” tiene un significado similar a:
o frenetic
o peaceful
o intelligent
Man: What do you usually do on Saturday?
Woman: I wake up at 8 a.m. Then I take a shower and go to work. I have lunch with my friends at
about 1 p.m.
Man: I need to have breakfast everyday. It gives me energy for the rest of the day.
Woman: Oh, but I have a cup coffee and a muffin at the office.
Woman: I sometimes go to a bar and have some beers with my friends. Would you like to come with
us next Saturday?
Decir nuestros nombres:
I am Ralph Smith. / Soy Ralph Smith. o My name is Ralph Smith. / Mi nombre es Ralph Smith.
+Puedes hablar del país o ciudad de origen, edad, fecha de nacimiento y estatura:
I’m from Montevideo, Uruguay. I am 20 years old. I was born on September 15, 1995. I am 1.78
meters tall. / Soy de Montevideo, Uruguay. Tengo 20 años. Nací el 15 de septiembre de 1995. Mido
1,78 metros.
+Hablar de tu familia:
Para dar un poco más de información personal, puedes incluir algunos datos familiares o mencionar
con quién vives. (I live with / Vivo con)
Currently, I live with my parents and siblings in Blackville / Actualmente, vivo con mis padres y
hermanos en Blackville.
Cuando te presentas puedes hablar de las actividades o cosas que te gustan (I love /Me encanta o I
like / Me gusta) y que no te gustan (I don’t like / No me gusta o I hate /odio).
o I love old action movies / Me encantan las viejas películas de acción
o I like going swimming with my sister / Me gusta ir a nadar con mi hermana
o I don’t like eating out / No me gusta salir a comer
o I hate romantic comedies / Odio las comedias románticas
+Decir las razones:
Si quieres que tu presentación personal suene mejor, puedes decir las razones de tus gustos usando
la palabra because (porque).
o I love old action movies because they are very intense. / Me encantan las viejas películas de
acción porque son muy intensas.
o I like going swimming with my sister because she makes me laugh all the time /Me gusta ir a
nadar con mi hermana porque me hace reír todo el tiempo.
o I don’t like eating out because most restaurants serve fatty food. / No me gusta comer afuera
porque la mayoría de los restaurantes sirven comida grasosa.
o I hate romantic comedies because all of them have happy endings. / Odio las comedias
románticas porque todas tienen un final feliz.
+Finalmente, puedes despedirte de la siguiente forma:
Thank you for your attention. / Gracias por su atención.
That was all about me. Thanks. / Eso fue todo acerca de mí. Gracias.