Display Na BAA01 - Manual

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( M 981 704 / 01A - GB)

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 1

1.- DELIVERY SPOT CHECK...........................................................................................................2
2.- MAIN FEATURES........................................................................................................................3
3.- MODELS......................................................................................................................................5
4.- INSTALLATION AND START-UP ...............................................................................................6
4.1.- Installation. .....................................................................................................................6
4.2.- CVM-144 connection terminal arrangement (power supply connection terminal)..............................8
4.3.- CVM-144 connection terminal arrangement (PROFIBUS module) ...............................9
4.4.- CVM-144 connection terminal arrangement (Expansion card)....................................10
4.5.- Connection drawing for the CVM-144 :........................................................................13
5.- OPERATION MODE..................................................................................................................17
6.- SET-UP PROCEDURE..............................................................................................................19
6.1.- Phase-to-Phase or Phase-to-Neutral voltages ............................................................20
6.2.- Voltage display mode...................................................................................................20
6.3.- Voltage transformation ratio.........................................................................................21
6.4.- Current Transformer Primary.......................................................................................22
6.5.- Transformation ratio for the measurement of neutral and residual current .................23
6.6.- Setting power demand utility screens. .........................................................................25
6.7.- Initial screen setting .....................................................................................................26
6.8.- Setting of the display shutdown time............................................................................26
6.9.- Clearing energy counters .............................................................................................27
6.10.- THD or D setting ........................................................................................................28
6.11.- Additional screens when RELAY OUTPUTS (2 relays) are equipped .......................29
6.12.- Additional screens with 4 - 20 mA outputs y inputs....................................................36
7.- SPECIFICATIONS.....................................................................................................................41
8.- SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................43
9.- MAINTENANCE.........................................................................................................................43
10.- TECHNICAL SERVICE..............................................................................................................43
11.- CVM-144... COMMUNICATIONS ..............................................................................................44
11.1.- Indicators ...................................................................................................................45
11.2.- Connection arrangement ...........................................................................................46
11.3.- Technical specifications .............................................................................................47
11.4.- Data format ................................................................................................................47
12.- APPENDIX A: Second SET-UP of the CVM-144......................................................................52
12.1.- SET-UP locking or unlocking .....................................................................................52
13.- APPENDIX B: Insertion of an expansion module into a CVM-144 unit .....................................53
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 2


This manual is issued to help all the CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) users to install
and use it in order get the best from it. After receiving the unit, please check the
following points:
(a) Does this device correspond to your order specifications?
(b) Check if any damage was done during the shipment process.
(c) Verify that it includes the correct instruction manual.
(d) Diskette with PROFIBUS driver (GSD file).

The manual you hold in your hands contains information and warnings
about the CVM-144 that the user should respect in order to guarantee
a proper operation of all the instrument functions and keep its safety

Before powering the instrument for the first time, verify following points:

(a) Power supply: see rear part of your CVM-144

q Standard: 230 V a.c. Single-phase, Frequency: 50 ... 60 Hz
q Other supply voltages, on request.

(b) Maximum measuring voltage:

q Standard: 300 V a.c. phase-neutral / 520 V a.c. between phases
q Other models: on request
CVM144 - measuring 110V: 110 V a.c. phase-to-neutral /190 V a.c. phase-to-phase
CVM144 - measuring 500V: 500 V a.c. phase-to-neutral /866 V a.c. phase-to-phase

(c) Maximum measurable current: Current transformer of In / 5 A a.c.

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 3


The CVM-144 power meter is a programmable measuring instrument, offering
several operation possibilities selectable in its SET-UP option. Before power
supplying the instrument, read the CONNECTIONS and SET-UP sections and
choose the most suitable operation mode for getting your desired data.


The CVM-144 is an instrument which measures, calculates and displays all

the main electrical parameters at any electrical network (balanced or not). The
measuring is true RMS value, through three a.c. voltage inputs and three a.c. current
inputs (from Current Transformers .../ 5A).
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 4

By means of an internal microprocessor it simultaneously measures:

Parameter Symbol L1 L2 L3 Average
Voltage (phase-neutral) V x x x
Voltage (phase-phase) V x x x
Current A x x x xx
Frequency Hz x
Active power kW x x x x
Reactive power L kvarL x x x x
Reactive power C kvarL /(-C) x x x x
Apparent power kVA xx
Power factor PF x x x x
Cos ϕ xx
Power demand Pd x
kW h energy x
kvarhL energy x
kvarhC energy x
Neutral current IN x
Voltage THD % THD- V x x x
Current THD % THD- A x x x
Individual harmonic xx xx xx
current content (Up to the 15 )
Analog inputs Input xx
Earth leakage (residual) current x
Available: x: Display and communications xx: Communications
The CVM-144 delivers the visualization of above listed parameters by means
of three 4-digit, led type, displays. Up to 3 parameters can be simultaneously read in
the screen.
- Low-size (144 x 144 mm), panel-mounting analyzer.
- True R.M.S. measuring system.
- Collection in memory of maximum and minimum values.
- Energy measurement (indication through a lighting led)
- Slave-mode PROFIBUS-DP communication.
- Maximum demand determination: kW, kVA, AIII or line-current.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 5

Code Model
7 70 555 CVM 144-Profibus Shunts
7 70 556 CVM 144-ITF-Profibus Isolated ITF

neutral and residual

Analogue outputs
Analogue inputs

Measurement of
Relay outputs
Digital inputs

Code Expansion modules currents

7 70 570 Mod. CVM 144 C2
7 70 571 Mod. CVM 144 C2 Analogue 2 3* 1*
7 70 572 Mod. CVM 144 C2-Currents 2 X
7 70 569 Mod. CVM 144 C2-Digital 2 4
*Optionally 2 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs.
Measurement of
Current Relay
Code Complete Kit neutral and
inputs Outputs residual currents
7 70 592 CVM 144-ITF-Profibus-C2-Currents Isolated ITF 2 X

Each CVM 144 supports as a maximum 1 expansion module

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 6


The manual you hold in your hands contains information and warnings
that the user should respect in order to guarantee a proper operation
of all the instrument functions and keep its safety conditions. The
instrument must not be powered and used until its definitive assembly
on the cabinet’s door.

If the instrument is not used as manufacturer’s specifications, the

protection of the instrument can be damaged.

When any protection failure is suspected to exist (for example, it presents

external visible damages), the instrument must be immediately powered off. In this
case contact a qualified service representative.

4.1.- Installation.
Before powering the instrument for the first time, verify following points:

a.- Power supply: see rear part of your CVM-144

- Standard supply : Single-phase 230 V ∼ (a.c.)
q On request: other voltages
- Frequency : 50 - 60 Hz
- Supply voltage tolerance : - 10 % / + 15
- Connection terminal : Terminals 1 - 2 ( Power supply )
- Burden : 5 VA
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 7

b.-Maximum voltage at the voltage measuring circuit:

q Standard : 300 V a.c. phase-to-neutral/520 V a.c. phase-to-phase
45 to 65 Hz
q Other models on request :
CVM-144-measuring 500 V: 500 Va.c. phase-to-neutral/866 Va.c. phase-to-phase
CVM-144-measuring 110 V: 110 Va.c. phase-to-neutral/190 Va.c. phase-to-phase
c.- Maximum allowable current : Current Transformer of In / 5 A a.c.
d.- Operation conditions :
- Operation temperature range : -10 to +50 ºC
- Humidity : 5 to 95 % R.H. non-condensing
- Altitude : below 2000 m
e.- Safety :
- Designed to meet protection class III- 300 V a.c. as (EN 61010).
- Protection against electric shock by class II double-isolation

Instrument is to be mounted on panel (cut-out 138 x 138+1 mm, as per DIN
43 700). All connections keep inside the cabinet.

Note that with the instrument powered on, the terminals could be dangerous to
touching and cover opening actions or elements removal may allow accessing
dangerous parts. Therefore, the instrument must not be used until this is completely
The instrument must be connected to a power supply circuit protected with gl
type (IEC 269 ) or M type fuses rated between 0.5 and 2 A. This circuit should be
provided with a circuit breaker or any equivalent element to connect (ON) or
disconnect (OFF) the instrument from the power supply network. The supply and
measuring voltage circuits will be both connected through a wire with a minimum
cross-section of 1 mm2.
The line of the current transformer secondary will have a minimum cross-
section of 2,5 mm2.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 8

4.2.- CVM-144 connection terminal arrangement (power supply connection terminal)

(see lable on the rear part)

I n / 5A 300 V

P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1
230 V
L1 L2 L3 300V 520V
Power Supply S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 N VL1 VL2 VL3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

No. Terminal description No. Terminal description

1 Power supply AL1 7 IL3 S2 Current measurement
2 Power supply AL2 8 IL3 S1 Current measurement
3 IL1 S2 Current measurement 9 Neutral
4 IL1 S1 Current measurement 10 VL1 Measurement
5 IL2 S2 Current measurement 11 VL2 Measurement
6 IL2 S1 Current measurement 12 VL3 Measurement

NOTE: Terminals 3, 5, 7 are internally connected to the 9 terminal (Neutral)

... / 5 A current inputs are isolated for the ITF model.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 9

4.3.- CVM-144 connection terminal arrangement (PROFIBUS module)

(See lable on the rear part)

DB-9 connector
No. Terminal description No. Terminal description
1 GND over 100 ohm 5 GND
resistor 6 Voltage + 5 V
2 Not used 7 Not used
3 A ( Tx / Rx +) 8 B (Tx / Rx -)
4 RTS (Control A) 9 GND
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 10

4.4.- CVM-144 connection terminal arrangement (Expansion card)

(see lable on the rear part)
Expansion modules available for the CVM-144 with PROFIBUS
communication are those which have not communication abilities.
The connection arrangement of these above mentioned expansion cards is
following outlined:
4.4.1.- Basic card (7 70 570)
Description Card connection terminal arrangement
Mod CVM 144-C2
(Code: 7 70 570)

Mod CVM 144 -C2 (Code: 7 70 570)

No. Terminal description No. Terminal description
13 No used 19 No used
14 No used 20 No used
15 No used 21 Relay RL2 output
16 No used 22 Relay RL2 common
17 No used 23 Relay RL1 output
18 No used 24 Relay RL1 common
4.4.2.- Card for analog Inputs/Outputs (7 70 571)
Description Card connection terminal arrangement
Mod CVM 144 -C2-Analogue
(Code: 7 70 571)

Mod CVM 144 -C2-Analogue (Code: 7 70 571)

Nº Terminal description Nº Terminal description
13 4-20 mA I/O common 19 No used
14 4-20 mA D/A1 output 20 No used
15 4-20 mA A/D3 input 21 Relay RL2 output
16 4-20 mA A/D2 input 22 Relay RL2 common
17 4-20 mA A/D1 input 23 Relay RL1 output
18 No used 24 Relay RL1 common
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4.4.3.- Card for digital Inputs (7 70 569)

Description Card connection terminal arrangement
Mod CVM 144 -C2-Digital
(Code: 7 70 569)

Mod CVM 144 -C2-Digital (Code: 7 70 579)

No Terminal description No Terminal description
13 digital inputs common 19 No used
14 digital input IN4 20 No used
15 digital input IN3 21 Relay RL2 output
16 digital input IN2 22 Relay RL2 common
17 digital input IN1 23 Relay RL1 output
18 No used 24 Relay RL1 common

4.4.4.- Module for residual and neutral currents (770 572)

Description Lable in the expansion module connection terminal
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Mod CVM 144 -C2-Currents RL2 RL1

(Code: 7 70 572) IN 250 V 3A

Mod CVM 144 C2-Currents (Code: 7 70 572)

Nº Terminal description Nº Terminal description
13 Measur. residual current S1 19 No used
14 Measur. residual current S2 (30 A) 20 No used
15 Measur. residual current S2 (3 A) 21 Relay RL2 output
16 Measur. neutral current S1 22 Relay RL2 common
17 Measur. neutral current S2 23 Relay RL1 output
18 Not used 24 Relay RL1 common

• For the measurement of the residual current (earth leakage current), the use of
transformers of the WG xx series is required. These transformers can be connected
to the 3 A or 30 A rated input, depending on the needed measuring range.
• For the measurement of the neutral current, the use of .../5A current transformers is
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 12

• Connection diagram of the WG transformer (for residual current purposes)

One single WG series transformer

can be use for the measurement of
residual currents within the range to
3 A or to 30 A, jut depending on the
arranged connection diagram.
The current input used for the
2S2 residual current measurement must
2S1 agree with the input selected in the
1S2 pertinent a Setup section (6.5.-)
The appropriate connection mode
to execute the measurement of the
residual current with the CVM-144 is
shown in the below tables:

Measurement of residual current with a maximum value of 3 A (30 mA ... 3 A)

WG Transformer Mod CVM 144 ... -Currents
Terminal No. Description Terminal No. Description
1S1 Measuring winding S1 13 Residual current measur. S1
1S2 Measuring winding S2 15 Residual current measur. S2
2S1 Not used (3 A)
2S2 Not used

Measurement of residual current with a maximum value of 30 A (300 mA ... 30 A)

WG Transformer Mod CVM 144 ... -Currents
Terminal No. Description Terminal No. Description
1S1 Measuring winding S1 13 Residual current measur. S1
1S2 Measuring winding S2 14 Residual current measur. S2
2S1 Not used (30 A)
2S2 Not used
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 13

4.5.- Connection drawing for the CVM-144 :

a.- Three-phase network.- 4 wires (low voltage) :

P2 P1

S2 S1 P2 P1

S2 S1 P2 P1

S2 S1 N

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 14

b.-Three-phase network – 3 wires (low voltage):

P2 P1

S2 S1 P2 P1

S2 S1 P2 P1

S2 S1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 15

c.- Three-phase network - 3 wires (2 P.T. and 3 C.T.):

P2 P1

S2 S1 P2 P1

S2 S1 P2 P1

S2 S1

a b a b


a b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 16

d.- Three-phase network - 3 wires (2 P.T. and 2 C.T.):

P2 P1

S2 S1

P2 P1

S2 S1

a b a b


a b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


IMPORTANT REMARK! If power = -0.01 is shown for any of the phases

(codes 03, 09 and 15) and voltage and current are not zero for this phase, check out
following points:
- Assure that L1, L2 and L3 phases coincide in voltage and current.
- Correct polarity? Reverse the current transformer placed at this phase.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 17


The instrument has three displays. Each one has also a LED type indicators
(red colour). Every led will be on according to the parameter presently shown in
When the CVM-144 is powered on, 2 screens with the indication of the
program version and the hardware configuration.
If the message “EEPr Err.” is shown by display, it means that any problem on
the hardware configuration has been detected. If this happens, please contact to the
technical service.
After some seconds, the analyzer is ready for operation and shows one of the
available screens. A led next to the shown parameter is on.

Parameters on display can be switch by pressing the key . Leds on the

right or left indicate the parameters shown on screen at any moment.
When the first led (red) is on, it means that VOLTAGE values are shown on
screen, that is, the user can read the voltage of the phase L1 (V1), voltage of the
phase L2 (V2) and voltage of the phase L3 (V3).

Whether the key " " is press, the next led will be on, so indicating that for
this screen CURRENT values of each phase are now shown.

Pressing again the key " " , the next led will be on, and the screen will
shown following three parameters, and so successively.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 18

Max min
Pressing the "max" or "min" key, maximum or minimum values for the
parameters being shown by display, respectively, appear in screen.
This function is only valid while you keep pressing the "max" or "min" key. If
you stop pressing the key the instantaneous values will appear again after 5
While showing maximum or minimum values the LED indicators will keep

Pressing the "reset" key the system is reset. This is equivalent to switch off
the power supply of the instrument. The maximum and minimum values recorded will
be automatically deleted from the internal memory.
If you are in the set-up process and press the "reset" key, you exit it without
saving any modification that you might have done (this event will depend on the set-
up section that is accessed when the reset action is carried out) and reset of the
system occurs.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 19


The set-up procedure of the CVM-144 is performed by means of several SET-
UP options.

F For accessing the set-up menu the keys max & min must be
simultaneously pressed once the instrument is at the main screen.
When accessing the SET-UP, the message "SET-UP unlo " (1) is shown for
some seconds on screen, or, otherwise, the message "SET-UP loc" (2).
(1) Set-up UNLO (SET-UP unlocked ) : when the SET-UP is
accessed, configuration parameters can be either visualized and
(2) Set-up LOC (SET-UP locked ) : when the SET-UP is accessed,
configuration parameters can be visualized but cannot be modified .
Once into the SET-UP, use the keyboard to select different options and enter
required variables:
- The key validates de value and pass to the next menu.
- The key MAX permits to select among different options in a menu, or to
increase a digit when a variable is being entered.
- The key MIN permits to move the cursor along the digits.
Different options are following shown in a sequential mode:
1. Choice of visualization of phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase voltages
2. Voltage displaying format
3. Voltage transformation ratio.
4. Value of the current transformer primary : 1 a 10000 A
5. Value of the current primary value for the measurement of neutral and
residual currents.
6. Power demand meter setting
7. Choice of default initial screen
8. Time for display shutdown
9. Deleting energy counters
10. Choice of harmonic distortion determination mode: d% or THD%
11. Alarms setting : RELAY 1 (OUT 1) & RELAY 2 (OUT 2)
12. Analog outputs and inputs setting
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 20

6.1.- Phase-to-Phase or Phase-to-Neutral voltages

After the word "set" you will see on the three displays the voltages of the
phases L1, L2, L3.

U1 U12
U2 or U23
U3 U31

- Phase to Neutral Voltages: U1, U2, U3

- Phase to Phase Voltages : U12, U23, U31
a) To select one of the voltage options just press the green key "max" and
both options will appear alternately.

b) When you get in the display the desired option just press the " " key to
validate it and access to the next set-up option.

6.2.- Voltage display mode

This option permits the user to select the voltage display mode. That way, the
choice between viewing the voltage with one decimal digit or without decimals is

Udec or Udec
no YES
No decimals 1 decimal digit
c) To select one of the voltage options just press the green key "max" and
both options will appear alternately.

d) When you get in the display the desired option just press the " " key to
validate it and access to the next set-up option.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 21

6.3.- Voltage transformation ratio

6.3.1.- Voltage Transformer Primary
On the screen we read the word "SET U P" followed by 5 digits. They allow
us setting the primary of the voltage transformer.
P --
a.- To write or modify the value just repeatedly press the "max" key and the
blinking digit value will be increased.
b.- When the value on screen is the proper one, we can pass to the next digit
by pressing the "min" key in order to modify the other values.
c.- When the blinking digit is the last one, pressing the "min" key we go back
to the initial value: set values can be again modified.

d.- Press" " to pass to the next setup option.

Note: Maximum values of transformation ratios which are allowable to be set,

depend on the full-scale value of the measuring instrument. (see indications on the
rear side lable).



110 V~ 99,999

300 V~ 70,000

500 V~ 40,000

- In case that a value higher than the maximum allowable value is validated
" ", the screen will blink and the previous set value will be kept in memory.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 22

6.3.2.- Voltage Transformer Secondary

We can now set the value of the secondary of the voltage transformer. Only
three digits are available:
Same process than in point 6.2.-:
- "max" key: Allows us modifying the value of the blinking digit. Each time it
is pressed the value is increased.
- "min" key: Allows us the validation of the blinking digit and going to the
next one.
- Press " " to pass to the next setup option.
If the CVM144 is directly connected to the mains (without voltage
transformer) the values of primary and secondary must be the same, for instance

6.4.- Current Transformer Primary

"SET A P" and five digits appear on screen allowing us to set the primary of
the current transformer.
P --
1 A ... 10.000 A

a) To enter or modify the value of the C.T.'s primary, just repeatedly press "max" to
increase the value of the blinking digit.
b) When the value in screen is the required, pass to the next digit by pressing "min",
so that the whole value can be set.
c) When the last digit blinks, pressing then "min" the first digit is again accessed, so
that set value can be modified if required.

d) To access next set-up option press " ".

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 23

- The secondary of the current transformers is not programmable. It is
automatically set at 5 A (... / 5 A ac)
- The primary current value to be set is also limited by the following
condition: The maximum allowable primary current value which can be set
is defined by the fact that the multiplication of the primary voltage value by
this primary current value cannot exceed 20,000,000.

6.5.- Transformation ratio for the measurement of neutral and residual current
This section is only applicable for the CVM-144 units equipped with the
module for residual and neutral current measurement (7 70 572)
6.5.1.- Primary of the current transformer for neutral current measur. (IN)
The screen shows the message "A_n P" and fixe numeric digits that permit
the user to set the value of the current transformer for the neutral current
P --
1 A ... 10.000 A

a) To enter or modify the value of the C.T.'s primary, just repeatedly press "max" to
increase the value of the blinking digit.
b) When the value in screen is the required, pass to the next digit by pressing "min",
so that the whole value can be set.
c) When the last digit blinks, pressing then "min" the first digit is again accessed, so
that set value can be modified if required.
d) To access next set-up option press " ".

- The secondary of the current transformers is not programmable. It is
automatically set at 5 A (... / 5 A a.c.)
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 24

6.5.2.- Residual current measuring range: 3 A or 30 A

You will view in screen the message "SET A_L". Set then the right measuring
range of the residual current input to which the WG transformer has been
Two possible values are available (the choice must coincide with the
measuring transformer wiring): 3 A or 30 A.
E3 A or 30 A

a) To select the appropriate input / range just press the key "max", the value will
switch from one option to the other one.

b) To pass to the next option press " ".

• For the measurement of the residual current (earth leakage current), the use of
transformers of the WG xx series is required. These transformers can be
connected to the 3 A or 30 A rated input, depending on the needed measuring
• For the measurement of the neutral current, the use of .../5A current transformers
is required.
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6.6.- Setting power demand utility screens.

Push the key " " and the following screens will appear by display:


None 00
Three phase active power kW III 16
Three phase apparent power kVA III 34
Average three-phase current AIII 36
Single line current A1 – A2 – A3 A-PH
Value of power integrated during the programmed demand period.
2.- DEMAND PERIOD ( 1 to 60 min.) ("Pd Per xx")
("CLr Pd xx") no or YES

Programming mode:
- "max" key: allows choosing the different available options.
- "min" key: allows the validation of the blinking digit and go forward to the
next digit (only for the "Pd Per xx" option).

- To pass to the next option press " ".

If you don't want to modify anything, just press the " " key three times
without modifying any value.
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6.7.- Initial screen setting

This option allows choice among fixed or rotary screen:

a) Fixed screen (choice is switch just pressing ): choice the initial screen to be
shown when the CVM-144 is powered (or when the CVM-144 is reset).
b) Rotary screens: all screens are successively shown at intervals of 5 s.
This option is noticed by means of some leds:
- The key "max": permits to modify the selected page. The led of the selected
option will be on. Whether rotary screens option is selected, then all leds will be

- Press " " to validate the choice.

6.8.- Setting of the display shutdown time

Setting of the period of time to go by, from the moment that the CVM
keyboard is not touched anymore, before the CVM display is automatically shut
down (low consumption mode):
05 → Time to shutdown (Minutes)
When the display is shut down, a point at the bottom left corner of the CVM
will keep blinking. The display will be automatically turned on when any CVM key is
- "max" key: to modify the value of the blinking value.
- "min" key: to validate the blinking value and go to the next digit.
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6.9.- Clearing energy counters

On display we see "CLR ENER no" (Clear energy counters).
- "max": To select "YES" or "no"

-" ": To validate the choice and pass to the following set-up option.

If any of the energies is programmed (kWh, kvarhL or kvarhC), it is displayed
as follows:
max MWh
min Wh
Example : If the accumulated energy is 32.534,810 kWh, it will be displayed
as follows:

3 2 MWh
2 534 kWh
810 Wh

2534 kWh
max 32 MWh
min 810 Wh

Note : the energy counter range is limited at 999.999.999 Wh , that is, when
the value of 1 GWh is reached, the counter is reset to zero.
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6.10.- THD or D setting

dHAR or dHAR
d Thd
Two modes for the harmonic distortion calculation can be selected:
a) d % : total value of the harmonic distortion referred to the fundamental value.
b) Thd % : total value of the harmonic distortion referred to the R.M.S. value.

The selected option will be the one shown on screen.

- To select any option just press "max" to switch between the two available

- Press " " to validate the choice. Since all set-up options have been
completed, the set-up is exited, all modifications are saved in memory, and the
running mode automatically starts up.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 29

6.11.- Additional screens when RELAY OUTPUTS (2 relays) are equipped

With these outputs the CVM-144...C2 can be set to deliver:
A.- Pulse every certain kWh or kvarh (ENERGY). You can define the
value corresponding to the energy consumed for generating a pulse (0.5 s long):
kWh / 1 pulse or kvarh / 1 pulse
B.- ALARM conditions: the parameter to be controlled, the maximum value,
the minimum value and the delay are user-definable for each relay output.
On the CVM-144 screen following messages appear at this SET-UP option:

E Parameter No. (1)

FDepending on the selected variable we will pass to a.- or b.- sections

þ In case that no parameter is wanted to be programmed set par. No. = 00.

Parameter Symbol Code Symbol Code Symbol Code

phase L1 phase L2 phase L3
Single voltage V1 01 V2 06 V3 11
Current A1 02 A2 07 A3 12
Active power kW 1 03 kW 2 08 kW 3 13
Reactive power kvarL 1 04 kvarL 2 09 kvarL 3 14
Inductive/ Capacitive kvarC 1 kvarC 2 kvarC 3
Power factor PF 1 05 PF 2 10 PF 3 15
% THD V THD V1 25 THD V2 26 THD V3 27
% THD A THD A1 28 THD A2 29 THD A3 30
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 30

Parameter Symbol Code Parameter Symbol Code

Three-phase active power kW III 16 Three-phase cos ϕ Cos ϕ 19
Three-phase inductive power kvarL III 17 Three-phase power factor PF III 20
Three-phase capacitive power kvarC III 18 Frequency Hz 21
Active energy kWh 31 Ph-Ph voltage L1- L2 V 12 22
Reactive energy (inductive) kvarh. L 32 Ph-Ph voltage L2 - L3 V 23 23
Reactive energy (capacitive) kvarh. C 33 Ph-Ph voltage L3 - L1 V 31 24
Three phase apparent power kVA III 34
Power demand Pd 35 Power demand (L1) Pd 35*
Three-phase current AIII 36 Power demand (L2) Pd 42*
Neutral current IN 37 Power demand (L3) Pd 43*
Analog input 1 Input 1 38
Analog input 2 Input 2 39
Analog input 3 Input 3 40
Residual (earth leakage) 41
* This parameters are only enabled if the maximum demand by line current has been programmed

There are, besides, some parameters that refer to 3 phases at once. In case
that any of these parameter is selected, then the alarm will be activated always one
phase complies with alarm settings.

Parameter Symbol Code

Line-to-neutral voltages V1 or V2 or V3 90
Currents I1 or I2 or I3 91
Active powers kW1 or kW2 or kW3 92
Reactive powers kvar1 or kvar2 or kvar3 93
Power factors PF1 or PF2 or PF3 94
Line-to-line voltages V12 or V23 or V31 95
% THD V THDV1 or THDV2 or THDV3 96
% THD I THDI1 or THDI2 or THDI3 97
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 31

a.- If an ENERGY parameter is chosen: kWh (31), kvarhL (32) or kvarhC(33)

E kW / pulse (1)
(1) Value of energy in kW : four digits with floating decimal point

Set-up procedure:
- "max" key: to modify the value of the blinking value. Every time it is pressed the
value is increased.
- "min" key: to validate the blinking value and go to the next digit.

NOTE : When the last digit is reached, the position of the decimal can be move point
with the "max" key.

Example for setting a 500 W / 1 pulse:

Firstly we enter the value, 0500, and following we place the decimal point at
the right position with the "max" key è 0.500 kW.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 32

- For accessing to the next option, press " ": set-up options for the second
relay will appear.

E Parameter value (2)

Act as before. Pressing again " " the set-up mode is exited.

b.- ALARM conditions (1 condition for each relay): If any other parameter (excepts
for energies) is selected at (1), two outputs can be configured as alarms. For each
output it is possible to set:

 Any of the parameters measured by the CVM-144

‚ MAXIMUM value
ƒ MINIMUM value
„ Delay for the conditions

These screens are successively displayed by the CVM-144 once the

parameter has been selected ( for the set-up of each option proceed as in the
Section a.-):
b.1.- Programming the maximum value to be controlled:

E Maximum value

The key "max" will increase the value of the blinking digit (0,1...9, sign -- ).
Use the key "min" to pass to the following digit.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 33

b.2.- Programming the minimum value to be controlled:

E Minimum value

b.3.- Programming the delay:

SEC Delay in seconds
E maximum 9999 s

- Press " " to pass to the next option: the set-up for the second relay is
then shown:

E Parameter No. (1)

Proceed as before. Pressing again " " the set-up option exited.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 34

þ ALARM ACTIVATION: Alarms operation depend on the set values of



max > min ======
   
0 Min Max


max < min ====
==== ======
0 Max Min


    
Min 0 Max


Max 0 Min


max > min =====
      
Min Max 0


max < min =====
===== ======
Max Min 0

ON = alarm activated ----------> relay closed

OFF = alarm deactivated ------> relay open
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 35

þ The DELAY set value is applied either to the connection or the

disconnection when the alarm conditions occur.
þ User-definable units for the different parameters are:

Parameter Format Example

Voltage V 220.5 = 220.5 V
0220 = 220 V
Current A 0150 = 150 A
Powers kW, kvarL, kvarC 0.540 = 540 W
250.5 = 250.5 kW
Energies kWh, kvarLh, kvarCh 0.500 kWh
Power factor +/- x.xx - 0.70
Frequency xx.x 50.0 = 50 Hz

O Output relay connection lay-out CVM-144...-C2 (2 relays ) :

Out1 Terminals Signal Out2 Terminals Signal

RELAY 1 23 - 24 N.O. RELAY 2 21- 22 N.O.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 36

6.12.- Additional screens with 4 - 20 mA outputs y inputs

CVM-144 equipped with an “Analogue” type module provides 4 - 20 mA d.c.
or 0 - 20 mA d.c. inputs and outputs (inputs can also optionally be 0-10 V type).
6.12.1.- Additional screen with the 4 - 20 mA output
These can be programmed to obtain an output signal proportional to any of
the parameters measured by the CVM-144, including the ability of setting the
scale (offset and full-scale values).
On the CVM screen following messages appear at this SET-UP point
(provided the right module is connected to the equipment):

a.- Parameter choosing:

dA 1 OUTPUT D/A Nr.1
E Parameter No.
- "max" -- "min" keys: permits the user to choose any parameter measured by the
CVM-144 but the parameters referred to energies..
- "display" key: validates the selected option and passes to the next setup screen.

b.- Election of 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA :

dA 1 OUTPUT D/A Nr.1

Scal Scale :
4 - 20
E allows choosing a 0 - 20 mA
or 4 - 20 output ("max" or "min" key)
- "display": to validate the selected option and pass to the next setup screen.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 37

c.- Scale offset:

Value of the parameter that we assign as the zero of the scale.

dA 1 OUTPUT D/A Nr.1

Zero zero of the scale:
E allows choosing the zero of the scale
(four digits with floating decimal point)

- "max" key: it allows modifying the value of the blinking value.

- Every time it is pressed the number is increased.
- "min" key: it allows validating the blinking value and go to the next digit.

NOTE : When you arrive at the last digit, you can move the position of the
decimal point with the "max" key.

- "display": to validate the selected option and pass to the next setup screen.

d.- Full scale: Value of the parameter to which we assign the 20 mA.

dA 1 OUTPUT D/A Nr.1

F.ESC Full scale:
E allows choosing the full scale (20 mA)
(four digits with floating decimal point)

Proceed as in the previous section.

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 38

- For passing to the next option, press "display": the setup for the second output
will appear (only if this output is available).

dA 2 OUTPUT D/A Nr.2

Proceed as in the previous sections.

1.- Output calculation:

( 20 − Zero ) Offset & f. scale = defined by the user

Re solution =
( F .scale − Offset ) Zero = 0 mA or 4 mA
mA = Re solution * (Mesure − Offset ) + Zero
mV = mA x ohms mV (100 ohms) = mA x 100

- Maximum load is of 500 Ω (10 V - 20 mA)

F Output of the power factor parameter ( PF):

0/4 mA ----------------------------------------------------- 20 mA

+0.00 Ind. / 1.00 / Cap. – 0.00

–0.00 Cap. / 1.00 / Ind. + 0.00
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 39

6.12.2.- Additional screens with 4 - 20 mA inputs

The 4-20 mA analog inputs (which can also be optionally 0-10 V type) can be
set to obtain the processed signal either by display or through communications. To
complete the analog inputs management, the user must program the scale values
(offset and full-scale value).
On the CVM screen following messages appear at this SET-UP point
(provided the right module is connected to the equipment):

b.- Election of 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA :

In 1 INPUT A/D Nr.1

Scal Scale :
4 - 20
E allows choosing a 0 - 20 mA
or 4 - 20 input ("max" or "min" key)
* This choice is disable in case of 0-10 V type input card
- "display": to validate the selected option and pass to the next setup screen.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 40

c.- Scale offset:

Value of the parameter that we assign as the zero of the scale.

In 1 INPUT A/D Nr.1

Zero zero of the scale:
E allows choosing the zero of the scale
(four digits with floating decimal point)

- "max" key: it allows modifying the value of the blinking value.

- Every time it is pressed the number is increased.
- "min" key: it allows validating the blinking value and go to the next digit.

NOTE : When you arrive at the last digit, you can move the position of the
decimal point with the "max" key.
- "display": to validate the selected option and pass to the next setup screen.

d.- Full scale: Value of the parameter to which we assign the 20 mA.
In 1 INPUT A/D Nr.1
F.ESC Full scale:
E allows choosing the full scale (20 mA)
(four digits with floating decimal point)

Proceed as in the previous section.

- For passing to the next option, press "display": the setup for the second output
will appear (only if this output is available).

Proceed similarly for all analog inputs.

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 41

Power supply : see specifications on the rear part of the CVM-144
- CVM-144.... : Single-phase : 230 V a.c.
Voltage tolerance: +10 % / -15 %
Frequency : 50 ... 60 Hz
Burden .................................. 5 VA
Operation temperature ......... -10 to 50 ºC
Humidity .............................. 5% to 95% (without condensation).
Measuring Circuits :
Rated voltage .... 300 V a.c. Phase-to-Neutral / 520 V a.c. Phase-to-Phase
Frequency .................. 45 to 65 Hz
Rated current .............. In / 5 A (isolated inputs in the CVM-144-ITF... model)
Permanent overload .....1.2 In
Current input burden .....0.75 VA
Accuracy :
Voltage ...................................... 0.5 % of readout ± 2 digits
Current ...................................... 0.5 % of readout ± 2 digits
Powers ...................................... 1 % of readout ± 2 digits
Energy ................................... 1 % of readout ± 2 digits

Test conditions :
- Errors due to C.T. are not included and direct voltage measurement
- Temperature between + 5 ºC and + 45 ºC
- Power factor between 0.5 and 1
- Measured values between 5 % ... 100 %
Mechanical Characteristics :
- Connection : pluggable connection terminal
- Case material Self-extinguishable, V0 plastic
- Protection Assembled unit (frontal ) : IP 55
Un-assembled unit (side and rear covers) : IP 31
- Dimensions 144 x 144 mm - depth: 84 mm
- Weight 0.400 kg
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 42

Relays characteristics: according to model

- Maximum switching load : 2500 VA
- Maximum switching voltage : 400 V a.c.
- Maximum switching current : 10 A
- Mechanical endurance : 3 x 10 operations
- Energy / alarms pulses : max. 1 pulse / s
At full load: (250 V a.c. / 10 A )
- Electrical endurance : 1 x 10 operations
- Maximum operation cadence : 450 operations / hour
Analog output features: according to the model
- Output type : 0/4-20 mA
- Resolution : 4096 points (12 bits)
- Maximum impedance: 500 Ω
Analog input features: according to the model
0-20 mA inputs
- Resolution : 4000 points (12 bits)
- Input impedance : 200 Ω
Characteristics of residual currents measuring input: acc. to the model
- Transformer type: WG Series
- Current measuring range: Depending on used input.
Input: 3A à 30 mA - 3 A 30 A à (300 mA – 30 A)
- Resolution: 4000 points (12 bits)
Safety .......... Category III - 300 V a.c. / 520 a.c., as per EN-61010
Protection against electric shock by class II double-isolation
Standards : IEC 664, VDE 0110, UL 94, IEC 801, IEC 348, IEC 571-1, EN 50081-1
EN 50082-1 , EN-61010-1
Dimensions :
144 78,5 5,3
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 43


All installation specification described at the previous chapters


Note that with the instrument powered on, the terminals could be dangerous to
touching and cover opening actions or elements removal may allow accessing
dangerous parts. This instrument is factory-shipped at proper operation condition.

The CVM-144 does not require any special maintenance. No adjustment,
maintenance or repairing action should be done over the instrument open and
powered and, should those actions are essential, high-qualified operators must
perform them.
Before any adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repairing operation is
carried out, the instrument must be disconnected from any power supply source.
When any protection failure is suspected to exist, the instrument must be
immediately put our of service. The instrument’s design allow a quick replacement in
case of any failure.


For any inquiry about the instrument performance or whether any failure
happens, contact to CIRCUTOR’s technical service.
CIRCUTOR S.A. - After-sales service
c / Lepanto , 49
08223 - TERRASSA
Tel - + 34 93 745 29 00
fax - + 34 93 745 29 14
E-mail : central@circutor.es
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 44


One or several CVM-144... power meters can be connected to a PROFIBUS
network. By means of this network it is possible to erect a data centralization system
at one or diverse controlling sites (PROFIBUS Master).
A slave number (from 01 to FF) must be assigned to each discrete to enable
the Master for sending data inquiries to those addresses. These identification
numbers are assigned from the metering unit itself by means of some selectors.
CVM-144 allows a maximum baud rate of 12 Mbits/s. Besides, the metering
unit detects by itself the baud rate used by the Master and, therefore, it executes
self-configuration actions.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 45

11.1.- Indicators
CVM-144 equipped with PROFIBUS DP module delivers some indicators to
facilitate its installation:

1 2 3 4 5

1) Selector for the identification number (hexa) within the PROFIBUS

- Lo: Least significant Hexadecimal digit.
- Hi: Most significant Hexadecimal digit.
Identification No. Lo Hi
1F (Hex) F 1
2) Bus Error: Effectuates diverse signaling actions:
- Off: Correct operation.
- Blinking: the metering units is waiting for communication
- On: Error in PROFIBUS communications. Possible error in
the communication string.
3) Bus status: This led indicates the existence of an error in the
PROFIBUS network in the way that this device is not detected by the
master unit. This situation might be caused by a connection error.
during the normal operation this led must be off.
4) Power supply led: Indication of an appropriate power supply of the
PROFIBUS communication module. This led must be always on.
5) DB9 connector: PROFIBUS DP connector.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 46

11.2.- Connection arrangement


No. Description
1 GND over 100 ohm resistor
2 Not used
3 A ( Tx / Rx +)
4 RTS (Control A)
6 Voltage + 5 V
7 Not used
8 B (Tx / Rx -)

It is highly advisable always to use original PROFIBUS material to

built the communication network.

Steps to be followed to complete the installation of this metering unit into the
PROFIBUS network are following enumerated:
• Assign a identification number to the CVM-144 by means of the suitable
selectors placed in the rear part of the metering unit.
• Connect the metering unit to the PROFIBUS network. The metering unit
will perform by itself the necessary configurations actions to establish a
communication to the Master.
• Error leds (red) placed in the rear part of the CVM-144 will put out. Only
the power supply green led will be on.
Together with the metering unit, also the *.GSD driver is factory supplied. This
driver is required to complete the Master PROFIBUS program. In case that you do
not have this driver, you can also download this from this internet web-site:
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 47

11.3.- Technical specifications

Device type: Slave
Identification No.: User-selectable in the metering unit.
Communications: (Opto-isolated)
- Baud rates:
9,6 k 187,5 k 3M
19,2 k 500 k 6M
93.75 k 1,5 M 12 M
- Automatic baud rate detection
Module description
- Maximum number of permissible modules: 1
- Modules:
"R/W Digital I/O (6 Byte)"
"Read 1 Parameter (7 Byte)" “Read 2 Parameter (16 Byte)"
Data format: Motorola

11.4.- Data format

The CVM-144 (slave device) has a inquiry / answer system due to the great
quantity of accessible data. With this system more than 150 parameters are
The data transference format will depend on the used function:


FUNCTION 01 Reading of relay state
FUNCTION 03 or 04 read all the electrical parameters of the CVM-144.
FUNCTION 05 Writing one relay
In case of an error in the implementation of the reading / writing command of the but
changing the function:
• Function 01 à Answer 81...
• Function 03 y 04 à Answer 83 84...
• Function 05 à Answer 85...
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 48


This function is used to read all the electrical parameters measured by the
CVM-144. All electrical parameters are 32-bits long, therefore, two Words (registers)
are required to demand each parameter.
Function Initial position No. of registers to be read
01 2 bytes (Hexa) 2 bytes (Hexa) 2 bytes (Hexa)
No. of received Data
01 1 bytes (Hexa) 4 bytes x Register (Hexa)
2 bytes (Hexa)
Registers assigned to different parameters measured by the CVM-144:
Value Value Value
Phase voltage - V 1 V x 10 00-01 60-61 C0-C1
Current - A 1 mA 02-03 62-63 C2-C3
Active power - kW1 W 04-05 64-65 C4-C5
Reactive power - kvar 1 var 06-07 66-67 C6-C7
Power factor - PF1 PF x 100 08-09 68-69 C8-C9
Phase voltage - V 2 V x 10 0A-0B 6A-6B CA-CB
Current - A 2 mA 0C-0D 6C-6D CC-CD
Active power - kW2 W 0E-0F 6E-6F CE-CF
Reactive power - kvar 2 var 10-11 70-71 D0-D1
Power factor - PF2 PF x 100 12-13 72-73 D2-D3
Phase voltage - V 3 V x 10 14-15 74-75 D4-D5
Current - A 3 mA 16-17 76-77 D6-D7
Active power - kW3 W 18-19 78-79 D8-D9
Reactive power - kvar 3 var 1A-1B 7A-7B DA-DB
Power factor - PF3 PF x 100 1C-1D 7C-7D DC-DD
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 49

Value Value Value
Three-phase active power-kW III W 1E-1F 7E-7F DE-DF
Three-phase inductive power-kvarL III var 20-21 80-81 E0-E1
Three-phase capacitive power-kvarC III var 22-23 82-83 E2-E3
Cos ϕ III Cos ϕx100 24-25 84-85 E4-E5
Three-phase power factor - PF III P.F.x100 26-27 86-87 E6-E7
Frequency (L1) - Hz Hz x 10 28-29 88-89 E8-E9
Line voltage L1-L2 - V12 V x 10 2A-2B 8A-8B EA-EB
Line voltage L2-L3 - V23 V x 10 2C-2D 8C-8D EC-ED
Line voltage L3-L1 - V31 V x 10 2E-2F 8E-8F EE-EF
%THD V 1 % x 10 30-31 90-91 F0-F1
%THD V 2 % x 10 32-33 92-93 F2-F3
%THD V 3 % x 10 34-35 94-95 F4-F5
%THD I 1 % x 10 36-37 96-97 F6-F7
%THD I 2 % x 10 38-39 98-99 F8-F9
%THD I 3 % x 10 3A-3B 9A-9B FA-FB
Active energy – kWh Wh 3C-3D
Inductive reactive energy - kvarh L varLh 3E-3F
Capacitive reactive energy - kvarh C varCh 40-41
Three phase apparent power kVA III 42-43 A2-A3 102-103
Power demand (L1) Pd 44-45 A4-A5
Three-phase current mA 46-47 A6-A7 106-107
Neutral current mA 48-49 A8-A9 108-109
Analog input 1* Real value 4A-4B AA-AB 10A-10B
Analog input 2* Real value 4C-4D AC-AD 10C-10D
Analog input 3* Real value 4E-4F AE-AF 10E-10F
Residual (earth leakage) current** mA 50-51 B0-B1 110-111
Power demand (L2) *** Pd 52-53 B2-B3
Power demand (L3)*** Pd 54-55 B4-B5
* MODBUS addresses valid only for the analogue input modules (770571)
** MODBUS addresses valid only for the ”currents” module (770572578)
*** This parameters are only enabled if the maximum demand by line current has been
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 50

L1 L2 L3
Fundamental mA 1F4-1F5 212-213 230-231
Harmonic 2 % 1F6-1F7 214-215 232-233
Harmonic 3 % 1F8-1F9 216-217 234-235
Harmonic 4 % 1FA-1FB 218-219 236-237
Harmonic 5 % 1FC-1FD 21A-21B 238-239
Harmonic 6 % 1FE-1FF 21C-21D 23A-23B
Harmonic 7 % 200-201 21E-21F 23C-23D
Harmonic 8 % 202-203 220-221 23E-23F
Harmonic 9 % 204-205 222-223 240-241
Harmonic 10 % 206-207 224-225 242-243
Harmonic 11 % 208-209 226-227 244-245
Harmonic 12 % 20A-20B 228-229 246-247
Harmonic 13 % 20C-20D 22A-22B 248-249
Harmonic 14 % 20E-20F 22C-22D 24A-24B
Harmonic 15 % 210-211 22E-22F 24C-24D

INQUIRY 01 03 00 00 00 02
03 Reading function
00 00 Initial address (first register)
00 02 Number of registers to be read

ANSWER 01 03 04 00 00 08 4D
03 Reading function – the one use for the inquiry
04 Bytes received (20)
00 00 08 4D V 1x10 (register 00 Hex), in decimal 212.5 V
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 51


This function is used to know the status of the CVM-144 digital inputs and

Question Answer
Digital outputs Digital inputs
010100000008 010100100004 010101XX
where XX (hexadecimal byte) à pass to binary b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

bit Digital output Digital input

(770 579 & 770 580)
bo relay 1 Input 1
b1 relay 2 Input 2
b2 Not used Input 3
b3 Not used Input 4


This function is used to force the status of the CVM-144 digital outputs.
Output No. Message Answer
Relay 1 01050000xx00 01050000xx00
Relay 2 01050001xx00 01050001xx00
Where: 00 -> Deactivate
FF -> Activate
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 52

12.- APPENDIX A: Second SET-UP of the CVM-144

A second SET-UP menu is accessible in order to perform the configuration of
the CVM-144 with other features different from factory-supplied ones.
To access this menu proceed as follows:
- Being the CVM-144 powered off, simultaneously press " ", "max" and
"min" keys.
- Holding these keys pressed, powered the CVM-144 on.
When this option of the 2nd Setup menu is accessed, the following message
will be shown in screen during some seconds

12.1.- SET-UP locking or unlocking

E Loc (locked SET-UP) or Unloc (unlocked SET-UP)
Use the key "max" to modify the choice.

- Whether LOC is set, when the SET-UP is accessed, configuration

parameters can be visualized but cannot be modified.
- To modify the previously set option, a 4-digit password is required to be
entered (in case that this password is not correct, this blinks and the previous
menu is again accessed).


To exit this set-up mode, the key RESET can be pressed at any moment
(WARNING: if the set-up is exited by pressing the key RESET some last
modifications might not be saved in memory) or reach the end of this set-up mode.
----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 53

13.- APPENDIX B: Insertion of an expansion module into a CVM-144 unit

The installation of an extension card into a CVM-144 unit must be accomplished just
following below enumerated steps:
Checking the card acknowledgement
1. Check that the expansion card to be inserted into the CVM-144 will be
acknowledged by the power meter.

Code Expansion module 6.xx

7 70 570 Mod. CVM 144 -C2 x
7 70 571 Mod. CVM 144 -C2 Analogue x
7 70 572 Mod. CVM 144 -C2-Currents x
7 70 569 Mod. CVM 144 -C2 Digital x

Removing the rear cover Ranuras

2. Disconnect the meter out from the electric

3. Pull the connection terminals out.
4. Insert a plain-edge screwdriver into the
bottom gaps (see right picture) and pull
up the holding pieces until these are
5. Now, the cover should be easily
removable with the hand.

----- Supply network analyzer CVM-144 (PROFIBUS) ------ --- Page No. 54

Insertion of a new module

6. Place the expansion card into the side rail

(The 2nd one from the top) checking that the
components keep under the card.

7. Smoothly insert the card, checking that the

frontal pins correctly fit into the connector,
until the card keeps firmly fixed.

8. Cut the necessary removable pieces out from

the rear cover to permit it to be properly hold.

9. Place the CVM-144 rear cover back.

Detection of a new expansion module

10. For versions 6.xx and later ones, the expansion module detection process is
automatically performed by the power meter.

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