St. Xavier'S Senior Secondary School, Jaipur: Preboard Examination: 2020-21

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13-01-2021 Std. XII INFORMATICS PRACTICES Duration: 3 hrs. Marks: 70

General Instructions: This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
1. Both Part A and Part B have choices.
2. Part - A has 2 sections:
a. Section – I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line.
b. Section – II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case-based
sub- parts. An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts.
3. Part - B is Descriptive Paper.
4. Part - B has three sections
a. Section - I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two questions have
internal options.
b. Section - II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have
internal options.
c. Section - III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question has
question has internal option.

Part - A
Section - I
Attempt any 15 questions from questions 1 to 21

1 A _______________is a type of contract or a permission agreement wherein the creator of 1

an original work permits someone to use his/her work, generally for some price.

2 The command used to give a label to the x-axis of a graph is ______________. 1

a. plt.xtitle()
b. plt.plot()
c. plt.xlabel()
d. plt.title()

3. Write the output of the following SQL command. 1

Select round(625.498,-2);
4 Data in a DataFrame can be written to a CSV file on the disk by using the ______________ 1
a. read_csv()
b. write_csv
c. to_csv()
d. append()

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5 Given the following Series objects S1 and S2: 1
S1 S2

A 20 A 50
B 50 C 25

C 30 D 76
Choose the correct output of the following command:
a. A 70
B 50
C 55
D 76

b. A 70
C 55

c. A 70
C 55

6 Which of the following functions of pylpot is used to create a line chart? 1

a. line()
b. plot()
c. plotline()
d. chart()

7 The physical organisation of computers, cables and other peripherals in a network is called 1

8 The ______________ function returns the number of non-NaN values in a Series object. 1

9 Name the following devices: 1

a. An electronic device that receives a weak signal and regenerates it.
b. A networking device that filters network traffic while connecting multiple computers or
communicating devices.

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10 State whether True or False : 1
a. Dynamic web pages take more time to load than static web pages.
b. Cookies are stored on the web server.

11 ______________ is the act of unauthorised access to a computer, computer network or any 1

digital system.

12 The ______________ attribute is used to display row labels of a DataFrame. 1

13 The first page of a website is called ______________. 1

14 Which of the following string function returns a number? 1

a. LOWER()
b. LTRIM()
d. INSTR()

15 Which amongst the following is not an example of browser? 1

a. Safari
b. Firefox
c. Bing
d. Internet Explorer

16 The full form of FOSS is ______________. 1

17 Write any one health hazard associated with inappropriate and excessive use of digital 1

18 In MySQL, the ______________ command can be used to add a new column in a table. 1

19 What is the output of the given command? 1

Select right("Self-esteem", INSTR("Self-esteem", "-")+1);

20 ______________ is a service that allows you to post the website created locally so that it is 1
available for all internet users across the globe.

21 Presenting someone else’s idea or work as one’s own idea or work is called 1

Section - II
Both the case study based questions (22 & 23) are compulsory. Attempt any four
sub parts from each question. Each sub question carries 1 mark.

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22 Consider the following DataFrame df that stores the quiz scores of 4 teams and answer any
four questions from (i) - (v)
GK Music Sports
Team1 19 18 17
Team2 18 12 17
Team3 14 19 18
Team4 17 15 19

(i) Select the command that will give the following output. 1
Team2 12
Team3 19
Name: Music, dtype: int64
a. print(df.loc['Team2': 'Team4', 'Music'])
b. print(df.loc['Team2': 'Team3', 'Music'])
c. print(df.loc['Music','Team2': 'Team3'])
d. print(df['Music'])
(ii) Display the data of those teams where score in Sports column is more than 17. Identify the 1
correct set of statement/s from the given options:
a. df1=df[df['Sports']>17]
b. df1=df[‘Sports’]>17
c. df1=df.Sports >17
d. df1= df[df.Sports>17]

(iii) Which of the following statement/s will give the exact number of values (non-NaN values) in 1
each row of the DataFrame?
i. print(df.count())
ii. print(df.count(0))
iii. print(df.count(1))
iv. print(df.count(axis=’columns’))
Choose the correct option:
a. both (i) and (ii)
b. only (iii)
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. (iii) and (iv)
(iv) What will be the output of the given command? 1
a. (3,4)
b. (4,3)
c. 3
d. 4

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(v) Add a new row in the DataFrame with the values, 20,14,19. Choose the command to do so: 1
a. df.row = [ 20,14,19]
b. df.loc['Team5'] = [20,14,19]
c. df[‘Team5’] = [20,14,19]
d. Both (b) and (c) are correct

23 Consider the table COURSE given below:

CrsId CrsName CrsLocation NumStudents CrsFee
C101 Java Core Jaipur 35 8000
C102 Python Ajmer 45 9000
C103 Advanced Java In-depth Kota 30 11500
C104 Animation Jaipur 28 10000
C105 Java Ajmer 42 15000
C106 Complete Java Jodhpur 26 11000

(i) Choose the command to display the highest course fee for each course location. 1
a. select CrsLocation, max(CrsFee) from Course ;
b. select CrsLocation, max(CrsFee) from Course group by CrsLocation;
c. select CrsLocation, maximum(CrsFee) from Course group by CrsLocation;
d. select CrsLocation, max(CrsFee) from Course order by CrsLocation;

(ii) State the command that will give the output as : 1

CrsName CrsFee
JAVA 15000
ADVA 11500
COMP 11000
ANIM 10000
PYTH 9000
JAVA 8000

i. Select Upper(Left(CrsName,4)), CrsFee from Course order by CrsFee desc;

ii. Select Ucase(Left(CrsName,4)), CrsFee from Course order by CrsFee;
iii. Select Upper(Right(CrsName,4)), CrsFee from Course order by CrsFee desc;
iv. Select Upper(Mid(CrsName,1,4)), CrsFee from Course order by CrsFee desc;
Choose the most appropriate option:
a. Both (i) and (ii)
b. Both (ii) and (iii)
c. Only (i) and (iv)
d. Only (i)

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(iii) What will be the output of the following command? 1
Select Crsname, Crsfee from Course where CrsName like ‘%Java%’;
a. CrsName CrsFee
Advanced Java In-depth 11500

b. CrsName CrsFee
Java 15000
c. CrsName CrsFee
Java Core 8000
Advanced Java In-depth 11500
Java 15000
Complete Java 11000

d. CrsName CrsFee
Java Core 8000
Advanced Java In-depth 11500
Complete Java 11000

(iv) Michelle has given the following command to obtain the total number of students in each 1
course location.
Select count(NumStudents) from Course order by CrsLocation;
But she is not getting the desired result. Help her by writing the correct command.
a. Select sum(NumStudents) from Course order by CrsLocation;
b. Select count(NumStudents) from Course group by CrsLocation;
c. Select sum(NumStudents) from Course group by CrsLocation;
d. Select sum(NumStudents) from Course where group by CrsLocation;

(v) Which command is used to display total number of students enrolled for Python and 1
Animation courses (combined)?
i. Select count(NumStudents) from Course where crsName = ‘Python’ or crsName =
ii. Select sum(NumStudents) from Course where crsName = ‘Python’ or crsName =
iii. Select sum(NumStudents) from Course where crsName = ‘Python’ and crsName =
iv. Select sum(NumStudents) from Course where crsName in( ‘Python’, ‘Animation’);
Choose the correct option:
a. Both (ii) and (iii)
b. Both (ii) and (iv)
c. Both (i) and (iii)
d. Only (ii)

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Part – B
Section – I
24 Consider a Series object S1 as shown below:
Crayons 150
Row labels Pencil 60
Eraser 45
Sharpener 70
Write a program in Python Pandas to create the given Series using an ndarray.

25 Write any two differences between single row functions and aggregate functions. 2

What is the significance of HAVING clause used with the Selectstatement? Also explain with
an example.

26 Write commands in MySQL to do the following: 2

a. Display the number 64 raised to the power of 5.
b. Round the number 6583.361 to 3 places before the decimal.

27 Consider the given Series object Marks that stores total marks obtained by 5 students. The 2
index represents the roll numbers of students.
12 421
13 460
14 245
15 370
16 421
a. Write the command to display only those values where marks is equal to 421.
b. Write the command to display the first three elements of the Series object.
28 Consider the table CUSTOMER given below: 2
CustID Salary
C101 60000
C103 35000
What output will be displayed by the following SQL statements?
a. Select AVG(Salary) from Customer;
b. Select COUNT(Salary), Count(*) from Customer;

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29 Using the string “”, write SQL commands to display the given output: 2
a. “@”
b. “COM”

Considering the string “PROGRAMMING”, write SQL commands to do the following:

a. Display the position of the substring ‘GRAM’ in the string.
b. Display the first 7 letters of the string in lowercase.

30 Consider the following DataFrame Sales: 2

2017 2018 2019
Shyam 16000 19000 7000
Mahadevan 21500 17200 22000
Mia 16700 9000 12400
Rakhi 14000 28000 16245
Write commands to do the following:
a. Delete the data for the year 2019 from the DataFrame.
b. Add a new column for the year 2020 with values (6000, 9000, 5000, 8500).
31 What is a digital footprint? How is it created? Give an example. 2

32 Write one disadvantage each of Star and Bus topology. How is it easier to diagnose fault in 2
Star topology than in Bus topology?

33 Discuss the impact of E-Waste on human beings (2 points). 2

Section - II

34 What is Phishing? Explain with the help of an example. 3

What do you understand by Communication Etiquettes? Explain any two such etiquettes.

35 Consider two objects L1 and S1 where L1 is a list whereas S1 is a Series object. Both have 3
values 30, 80, 40, 120.
What will be the output of the following two statements considering that the above objects
have been already created?
a. print (L1*2) b. print(S1*2)
Justify your answer.

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36 Consider the following graph. Write code to plot it. You may use any marker symbol of your 3

Plot the following data using a bar plot.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Burgers Sold 14 21 45 32 34 41 56
a. The plot should display “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday” in place of Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
b. Add suitable axis titles to the plot.
37 Consider the relation PATIENT given below : 3
Name Gender Weight Department
John M 80.20 Cardiology
Larry M 71.30 Paediatrics
Rajan F 66.45 Neurology
Mia M 54.28 Cardiology
Taylor F 68.75 Neurology
Ashley M 72.82 Cardiology
Write SQL commands to do the following:
a. Display the average weight of male and female patients. Also round off the average weight
to zero decimal places.
b. Count the total number of patients in each department.
Section - III

38 Write a program in Python Pandas to create the following DataFrame Prodsales from a 5
Salesman Jan Feb Mar
Lamps Jane 1245 708 1135
Fans Andy 345 1236 890
Toasters Rushil 521 442 781
Mixers Amol 1400 675 498
Perform the following operations on the DataFrame:

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a. Display rows of the products – Fans and Mixers.
b. Add a new column in the DataFrame that stores the total units sold in Jan, Feb and Mar.
c. Display the first three columns of the DataFrame.
39 Write MySQL commands using functions which will perform the following operations: 5
a. Display the cube of the remainder obtained on dividing two numbers.
b. Display the name of the day from the current date.
c. Remove leading and trailing spaces from the string “ INFORMATICS ”.
d. Display the length of the string extracted from the fifth character of the string “World Wide
e. Display four characters from the right side of the string “PYTHON”.
Consider the table EMPLOYEE with the following data:
Ename Shift Dateworked Hrsworked
Alita Morning 2020-07-18 8.02
Tiger Evening 2020-01-05 6.58
Gerald Morning 2020-12-27 9.17
Shyam Morning 2020-07-13 11.42
Casper Evening 2020-08-21 13.22
Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations:
a. Display name and number of hours worked by the employees. Round off hours worked to
one decimal place.
b. Display three characters from the employee name starting from the third character for all
c. Display the ename and position of the string “er” in employee names.
d. Display the ename, date worked and name of week day worked by the employees.
e. Display the details of employees who worked in the month of July.
40. ABC school is setting up its new campus in Mumbai. You as a network expert have to study 5
the given diagram and answer the following questions:



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Center to center distances between various wings:
Wing X to Wing Z – 40 m
Wing Z to Wing Y – 60 m
Wing Y to Wing X – 135 m
Wing Y to Wing U – 70 m
Wing X to Wing U – 165 m
Wing Z to Wing U – 130 m
Number of computers in each wing:
Wing X - 50
Wing Z - 130
Wing Y - 40
Wing U - 15
Computers in each wing are networked but wings are not networked. The company has now
decided to connect the wings also.
a. Suggest a most suitable cable layout to connect all the wings.
b. Suggest the most appropriate topology of connections between the wings.
c. What type of network is formed by connecting the computers of these wings?
d. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification if the company wants
minimized network traffic.
i. Repeater
ii. Hub/Switch
e. The school is planning to link to its other branch situated in Canada. Suggest a way
(transmission channel) to connect it.

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