Ip 1
Ip 1
Ip 1
11. When a DataFrame is created from List of Dictionaries, then dictionary keys will become 1
(i) Column labels
(ii) Row labels
(iii) Both of the above
(iv) None of the above
12. Identify the SQL function which returns output as a group of characters. 1
(a) NOW()
(b) MONTH()
13. ………………… is unauthorized access to computer, computer network or any digital 1
a) Scam
b) Phishing
c) Hacking
d) Digital footprint
14. Consider the following table Player: 1
Table: Player
id Pname Sname pay
1 Kabir Squash 15000
2 Rekha Karate 12000
3 Kanishk Squash 20000
4 Sarita Badminton 21000
5 Ravi Karate 25000
What will be the output after the execution of the given query?
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 2
15. In SQL, the equivalent of MID() is: 1
i. MIDDLE ()
iii. SUBSTR()
16. IPR stands for: 1
i. Integrated Programming Resource
ii. Integrated Personal Record
iii. Information Processing Record
iv. Intellectual Property Right
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as a.
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A b. Both A and R are true and R is not the
correct explanation for A c. A is True but R is False d. A is false but R is True
17. Assertion (A): - Internet is a collection of interconnected networks linked by transmission 1
Reasoning (R):- World wide web is a collection of interconnected documents.
18. Assertion (A): - Antivirus should be installed in our compute system. 1
Reasoning (R):- It is used to detect and remove viruses and other kinds of malicious software
from your computer or laptop.
19. What are the differences between http and https. 2
What are cookies?
20. What will be the output of the following code: 2
import pandas as pd
a=pd.Series([50, 10, 30, 40])
print( a [ a>35 ] )
21. Create a Series monthdays in which name of the months are index and corresponding 2
number of days are data.
22. Rohini writes the following commands with respect to a table Student having fields, SNo, 2
Name, Age, Fee.
Command1: Select count (*) from student;
Command2: Select count (Fee) from student;
she gets the output as 5 for the first command but gets an output 4 for the second
Explain the reason for different output with justification.
23. Carefully observe the following code: 2
import pandas as pd
D1={'A1': 'India', 'B1': 'Russia', 'C1': 'World'}
D2={'A1': 'EOIS', 'E1': 'Moscow'}
Query (1): Show the average age of those players whose name ends with ‘a’.
Query(2): ): Show the name and game of female players.
Query (3): Show name of players in decending order of pay.
27. Write a program to create the following DataFrame using dictionary: 3
Also give appropriate column headings as shown below:
Game Marks
Sameer Volleyball 45
Nitin Basketball 42
Naveen Kho-Kho 34
Vipul Cricket 44
35. The Great Brain Organization has set up its new branch at Srinagar for its office and web 5
based activities. It has 4 Wings of buildings as shown in diagram:
Wing Z Wing Y
Wing X Wing U
Number of Computers
Wing X 50
Wing Z 30
Wing Y 150
Wing U 15