PLMH Batugajah Executive Summary
PLMH Batugajah Executive Summary
PLMH Batugajah Executive Summary
Empus and Lau Damak Village, Bahorok District, Langkat Regency
North Sumatera – INDONESIA
Infrastructure Development is one of today’s main agenda of The Government of The Republic of
One of the development problems faced by the government today, especially in North Sumatera is the
electricity crisis. Those occurred in North Sumatera is due to the lack of balance between its supply and
demand. Based on the results of previous studies, projection of installed power capacity in North
Sumatera by 2011 was 1873 MW with a very slow growth of installed power capacity of less than 1.75%,
reached 2075 MW in 2015 and 2287 MW in 2017 using 5-year (2017-2022) rent MVPP. Far from
government target to reach 2934 MW in 2020.
In an effort to overcome the shortage of electricity supply in North Sumatera, the government made
increased construction of renewable power plant programs, among others by exploiting the potential of
natural resources that come from river water.
In order to service/improve lighting (electricity) procurement to the public, the government gives
opportunities to the private sectors and cooperatives to build renewable power plants. Electric power
generated from power plants built by the private sectors will be sold to PT PLN (Persero) to meet the
needs of the national electrical energy through Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between PT PLN
(Persero) with the developers.
To realize the program, PT Thong Langkat Energi (TLE) plans to build a Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH)
Batu Gajah 2x5 MW, which uses the water of Sei Wampu river which is located in the Empus Village,
Bahorok District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatera Province.
Batu Gajah Mini Hydro Power Plant will be a sustainable hydro-electric power plant developed on the
basis of a comprehensive feasibility study of the existing potencies in vital areas including topography,
hydrology, geology, electricity, social, economic, culture, environment, basic design concept, construction
cost plan and financial analysis.
PT Thong Langkat Energi (TLE) have signed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PT PLN (Persero) on
August 2nd, 2017.
Executive Summary of Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) Batu Gajah Langkat - North Sumatera, Indonesia 1|6
a. Name of Project : PLTM BATU GAJAH 2x5 MW
b. Project Owner & Developer : PT Thong Langkat Energi (PT TLE)
c. Location of Project : Empus Village and Lau Damak Village
Bahorok District, Langkat Regency
Sumatera Utara Province
d. Coordinate of Weir : 3O 26’ 59.60” N – 98O 11’ 51.00” E.
e. Coordinate of Power House : 3O 26’ 59.00” N – 98O 11’ 49.50” E.
f. Name of River : Sei Wampu
g. Size of Catchment Area : 1835 Km2
h. Dependable Flow : ± 85 m3 /s
i. Net Height Fall Energy : ± 16.0 m
j. Generating Capacity : 2 x 5.0 MW
Power purchase agreement between PT Thong Langkat Energi (PT TLE) and PT PLN (Persero)
a. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) : May 19th, 2017
b. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) : August 2nd, 2017
The power capacity generated by PLTMH Batu Gajah is 10 MW.
The installed capacity is 2 x 5 MW
In terms of topographical aspects, the geographical location of the weir of the PLTM is at position
coordinates 3O 26’ 59.60” N – 98O 11’ 51.00” E and coordinates of the Power House is at position of
3O 26’ 59.00” N – 98O 11’ 49.50” E.
Elevation of the planned location of the weir is at EL + 77 m, the average slope of the river at the
upstream of the planned weir is 0.00428 and at the downstream of the planned weir is 0.0052.
a. Size of Catchment Areas : 1835 Km2
b. Dependable flow : 85 M3/sec
This discharge is average discharge provided at any time to turn the turbines.
c. Flood Debit
Flood Debit for return period Q 2 years : 968.56 m3/sec
Flood debit for return period Q 10 years : 1190.41 m3/sec.
Flood debit for return period Q 100 years : 1905.80 m3/sec.
Executive Summary of Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) Batu Gajah Langkat - North Sumatera, Indonesia 2|6
d. Result of the Flow Curve Duration (FCD), then the probability of each turbine as follows;
1. 1st turbine operates with a probability of 92.76 %
Q1 Available = 42.5 m3/sec
2. 2nd turbine operates with a probability of 65.35 %
Q2 Available = 42.5 m3/sec
e. Reservoir of the PLTM is an artificial reservoir, this container serves to accommodate and store
The volume of the storage pool is ± 3,400,000 (three million four hundred thousand cubic
The building of the PLTM rests on hard rock.
Locations or the PLTM is in zone 3, the type of rock is Alluvial Formation and Tufa Toba rocks and
seismic acceleration ranges between 0.8 m/s2 - 2.4 m/s2. Peak bed rock acceleration is 0.15 g.
At the planned location of the PLTM, there are 2 (two) types of units, formations, rock members
a. Alluvium unit consists of clods of gravel, sand, and clay which are loose and incoherent. Clods
of gravel are in the form of dacite, andesite and pumice rock fragments, which are hard and
dense. The thickness of the Alluvial deposits on the planned construction location of the PLTM
is between 3 meters - 5 meters
b. Toba Tufa Unit (Qvt) is in the form of Rhyodacite Tufa, which is hard, dense and compact, the
thickness on the surface is between 5 to 30 meters. Observations in the field, this Tufa rock
has undergone weathering processes into clay and somewhat compact sandy tuff. Tufa rock
that has undergone weathering is prone to landslides. The thickness of this weathered soil
varies between 5 to 15 meters.
The power generated by the PLTMH Batu Gajah will be sent via Feeder Pepaya BG.2.
a. 20 kV Network
The specification of 20 KV network is SPLN 41-8:1981 and SNI 04-3558:1994. AAAC (All
Aluminum Alloy Conductor) consists of: 97.28% Aluminum minimum, ±0.5% magnesium and
±0.5% Silicon. Maximum Resistivity at 20OC is 0.0328 ohm.mm2/m
b. Electrical System
Electrical system of PLTMH Batu Gajah with a power factor of 0.92 is going to supply a current
of 996.14 A at a voltage of 6.3 kV or 313.78 A at a voltage of 20 kV to the Connection Point.
c. Own Usage
Power of own usage is calculated as 100 kW.
d. Power Loss
A power factor of 0.92 supplies a current of 996.14 A at a voltage of 6.3 kV or 313.78 A at a
voltage of 20 kV to the Connection Point. Conductors used are A3C, 3 x 300 mm2 for as long
as 8.0 kms.
1. Looses in the network:
∆ P Line = 3 x 313.782 x 0.111 x 8 = 262.292 kW
Executive Summary of Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) Batu Gajah Langkat - North Sumatera, Indonesia 3|6
2. Looses in the Transformer:
∆ P Trafo = 2% x 10000kW = 200 kW
3. ∆ P Total = 262.292 kW + 200 kW = 462.292 kW
4. Looses in the Transformer and network are 4.62%.
5. Power of own usage = 100 kW
6. Power loss until the transaction point
P loss = 462.292 kW + 100 kW = 562.292 kW
e. Connection Point
The location of this connection point is in Simpang Empus, Empus Village, Bahorok District,
Langkat Regency, North Sumatera Province, exactly at the coordinates of 3029’58.9” N –
98011’24.9” E. The distance of the Connection Point to the Power House of the PLTMH Batu
Gajah is as far as ± 8.0 Kms.
a. The suitable turbine for PLTM Batu Gajah is Kaplan Turbine.
b. Power Generated
PA = Ef.ρ.g.Qd.Hn
1) PA = Generated Power Capacity (MW)
2) Qd = Design Discharge : 85 m3/sec
3) Hn = Effective Height : 16 m
4) ρ = Mass Density of Water : 1.0 t/m3
5) Ef = Efficiency = 0.91 x 0.85 : 0.773
6) PA = 0.773 x 1.0 x 9.81 x 85 x 16
= 10313.06 KW : 10.3 MW
c. Installed Capacity : 2 x 5.0 MW
Basic Design of the PLTM among others civil buildings, other supporting facilities, among others:
a. This supporting facilities and infrastructures among others:
Operational Office; Warehouse; Parking Lot; Mess and Employees Housing; Guardhouse;
Entrance Road to the Project.
b. River Diversion/Diversion Chanel
Design Discharge of Coffer dam Q 2 years = 1309.10 m3/sec,
c. Coffer Dam
Type of Coffer Dam is Clay, River Stone and Reinforced Concrete
d. The dam of the PLTM is Gravity Dam
i. Type of the Dam is Gravity Dam
ii. Height of Dam measured from base of foundation is 30.50 m
iii. Height Energy (head effective) 16.0 m
iv. Length of Dam Crest 70 m
Executive Summary of Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) Batu Gajah Langkat - North Sumatera, Indonesia 4|6
e. Power House, Penstock, Hydromechanical, Mechanical and electrical among others
i. Power House: Width 26 m, Length 47.20 m, Height 22.40 m
ii. Wall Construction of Reinforced Concrete and River Stone Masonry, Roof Frame is
Steel Construction
iii. Tail Race
Type: Open channel, reinforced concrete, Type Retaining Wall
iv. Mechanical, Electrical and Network
Turbine, Generator, Governor, Panel, Conductor Wire System to Connection Point,
Executive Summary of Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) Batu Gajah Langkat - North Sumatera, Indonesia 5|6
j. Total Cash Inflows : Rp. 856,019,313,224.00
k. Project Feasibility, as follows:
i. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) : 23.01 %
ii. Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) : 3.59>1
iii. Payback Period (PP) : 6.29 Years
iv. Return On Equity (ROE) : 54.86%
Construction materials for civil buildings, embankment sands, tide sands, gravels and clods, are
available along the river, crushed stones of various sizes are available at the mine location in the
vicinity of the PLTMH.
Following analysis of the aforementioned variables, the unequivocal conclusion is that PLTMH Batu
Gajah 10 MW is a feasible investment.
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