ABB - Filament Wound Component
ABB - Filament Wound Component
ABB - Filament Wound Component
Filament-wound products
We provide filament-wound products for various defined winding of the fiber onto the mandrel
applications mainly for electrical applications ensures uniform laminates of the highest quality.
with high technical demands. Each filament The tubes are cured on continuously rotating
wound product has a design made from a tube mandrels in ovens with a precisely controlled
and is tailor-made to the customer’s require- temperature profile to ensure fully cured tubes
ments. By choosing ABB filament-wound pro- with excellent quality. The whole process ensures
duct, excellent performance and reliability can high grade electrically insulating tubes with
be assured for the lifetime of your equipment. narrow manufacturing tolerances and superb
mechanical and dielectrical properties.
We are knowledgeable of the requirements for
high voltage applications and the essence of be- The filament-wound products are designed
ing a reliable business partner with the highest according to the mechanical requirements of
quality standards. our customers. An inner layer of polyester liner
is normally used in order to increase the technical
The load bearing filament-wound tubes are made performances of the filament tube. The tube can
of epoxy resin reinforced with electrical grade be cut and machined in various designs.
fiberglass using a wet filament winding tech-
nique. Continuous fibers are impregnated in a
bath of epoxy resin and then wound at a con-
trolled pre-stress onto the mandrel. Precise and
Design guide
Meeting the needs of the most demanding
power transmission applications.