Issuing of CCM Certificates

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Issuing of CCM Certificates

Name of the Scheme Issuing Certified copies of marks to those who have
lost their original certificates of 10th Standard (SSLC,
OSLC, Anglo-Indian and Matric) and Higher
secondary, Diploma in Elementary Education
Examinations beyond recovery.

Object of the Scheme Certified copy of marks are issued to help the students
for Higher Studies and employment for immediate and
interim use, if the students spoil or loss their original

Eligibility to apply For those students who have lost the original
certificates issued by this department beyond recovery.

Details for applying The application for the issuance of CCM is available
free of cost at the Directorate and at all the Regional
offices of the Department, This can also be
downloaded from the Website of the department.

In Higher Secondary / SSLC Exam application has to

be submitted duly filling in all the particulars called for
there in duly obtaining the counter signature of HM of
the School where the candidate had studied last or
from the Headmaster of the nearby school in the case
of Private Candidates, also duly remitting the fee for
the CCM.

In Diploma in Elementary Education Exam the

prescribed format of application duly filled with relevant
particulars as prescribed as required by the
Department should be submitted along with Xerox
copy of Mark sheet and fees in the concerned DIET.

Fees Details 1.First time CCM - Rs.305/-

2. Second time CCM - Rs.405/-

for each certificate the above amount should be

remitted by means of challan in the Treasury Branch

Officer to be approached 1.10th Standard SSLC, OSLC, DEE - JD (P)

2. Anglo-Indian , Matriculation - A.S(Matric)

3. Higher Secondary Examination - JD (Hr.Sec)

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