French Horn Summer Packet 2017

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Frond Lov Zott WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I USE TO MAKE MY PRACTICE SESSION SUCCESSFUL? DESIRED IMPROVEMENT: Tone Production Technique Intonation Rhythm/ Reading \ WHAT/HOW TO PRACTICE: Longtones / Breathing Rudiments/Scales Tuner [Ears “Metronome! Subdividir “AREAS OF FOCUS Technique: Scales, Arpeggios, Chords, Patterns, Enudes, Rudiments- WITH METRONOME Embouchure, Breathing, Posture, Grip, Hand Position, Flexibility/ Lip Slurs Breathing Exercises, Air Patterns, Longtones/Embouchure Practice at varied dynamic levels Rhythm: ‘Counting and playing with a metronome- CONSTANTLY Write in subdivisions, practice: counting- clapping- tapping foot, with the metronome Listen to professional recordings of pieces you are preparing Listen to recordings of professionals playing your instrument Experiment with different ways to shape your melodic line ‘Write in dynamics and breath marks HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR DAILY PRACTICE (Assign a numberof minats for each category fo ensure tht you hit all 4 every day) SOUND- Longtones/ Overtones/ Lip Shurs Scales/ Arpeggios- Major, minor, diminished, whole tone, 3rds, 4ths, Sths *Use various cycles and routines for scale practice Technical Exercises- Rudiments, scale pattems, finger patterns, lip slurs Music- Pieces, etudes, studies, solo’s, improvisation Step jet your air going. Tranyoursetorove ast corstat speed throughout he inte andthe etal, sng our ene uk emforable ungeapaty, without topping the ah Beveen tri sow e57 als an then nhale gaaK ter whe sing the same smoot amoton and your capac. eet Breathing exercise #1 “Extend the Inhale” 60-92 Breathing exercise #3 (on bag or using vertical hand) “Normalize” d= 60.92 Breathing exercise #4 (whisper) “Four-Part Breaths” (Ready, and) In In In (Ready, and, breathe) 1n234 Out (Ready, and, breathe, rest) In2 3.4 Out = PP simile a as a 1 ae9_ 9) Four - Un Tuner wo 9 a 4 Toure. we tine y 8 we of 5 1 — —— nd a? a >> = az ee = “Beginner Play sst # Bars of cach group and continue chromaticly +16 Katire exereise to be played A,B, 0, D, (E, staccato) SECOND STUDY ZWEITE UBUNG Diese Obungen zundchst gebunden (legs) spielen und dana mur seh let mit dr Zunge Artkuliewen, Fr die weitere Entwicung Ihrer Artikulation dann versuchen, dist (Obungen mit Doppetzunge zu spielen Die ‘Obungen wie angegsbenakzenticren,uméen Rhythmus unnterbrochen aufrechtzuer halen ‘Accent where indicated to toiniin 8 steay | rythm, | CConcertrate your practise on those exercises that are more dificult for you — dont waste te oe those that are e85). | F | 28 20 20 (sane ZL BL ae 38 wwe Konzenvieren Sie sich auf die Ubungen.cie far Sic sehwierge sind, Verieren Si keine Zeit mat Obangen, die Vbnex lect fallen, 84 DEUXIEME ETUDE Jouer d'abord oo exerice legato, puis en aGtachant les notes (rb leghrement Finaiement, pour dtvelopper encore plus votre: aiulation, etaye ke double coup de angue ‘Accentuez lh obcei est indiqué pour conserver tun ryhme souten Concentrer-vous sur ees exercies ul sont plus difciles pour vous — ne pede pas votre emp eve ceux qui sone faces. 13 Btude II FIRST SOLOS FOR THE HORN PLAYER Pcie Transcribed and Arranged by Mason Jones i) ike m A Il 1. Folksong Suite Subdvisems + woul The Ash Grove wats eats hy Moderato Wthonsnr WW ae Ye Belles and Ye Flirts Gay sf st at 197 Sie, ASCAD Kew oe NE oval Copyright Sera All Rigs Reserved. ‘Warning! Unouered profane ruben s pronfhited by Federal aw and seco eximinal prosecution WwW? wee The Dusky Night Lightly Res © ata 13 & © o 2. No More, I Have Heard Everythin; pac (Non Pit, Tutto Ascoltai) "y . oe Adee PIANO fgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) HORN. P as yee 4, Air From Rosamunde Andante Franz Schubert (1797-1828) P dim. oe 5. The Picture of a Rose Se te bok eS PP ‘k a PP hand stopped ‘open Fingering on F Horn pert 6. A Favorite Place ae (Lieblingsplatzchen) Z Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) tempo a 2p 7. Love Song eed (Minnelied) Felix Mendelssohn pe tm wale 8. Andante Espressivo from: Piano Sonata, Op. 109 Andante Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) rmezza voce rest P = oe Ff = masa voce Daily Exercises and Scales. French Horn. Revised by E.CLAUS. G. PARES. Major Scales. To play the scales well, the tone must correspond to the ran of the passagesivizthe strength of tone must be increased on the ascending, and diminished on the descending scale. The tonal shadings are indicated by the usual signs:————= for increasing and==——for diminishing. KEY OF C MAJOR. _ —? ‘Two notes slurred. Accent the first of the two, lightly. a Three notes slurred. Accent the first of the slurred notes lightly. > > iS > SaTV—=FNRtie"«=®«<~<“37 7 ——— =— ‘ Copyright MCMXHI by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York. a Pour notes slurred. Accent the first of the slurred notes lightly. It would be well for the student to practice the following exercise immediately after the exer- cises in C major. To be played evenly, carefully sustaining the high notes. Slowly. KEY OF F MAJOR. Sustained tones to be played before practising the scales in F. Very slowly. os, : PP fo wm mt ti ot simile, Sesame erect —— ————— Accent the first of the slurved notes lightly. a > Three notes slurred. we <= ‘Very evenly, ana without burrying the two eights notes ‘Repeat an octave tower ‘Repeat an octave lower KEY OF Bb MAJOR. Sustained Tones. simile retepp Very slowly (22) tu tut tute KEY OF E> MAJOR Sustained Tones. Very slowly. cb.) PplfPp simile tu tum tututu tu to ‘Repeat an octave lower Repest an octave lower ' Atego d=9) Wile Im AN Subdusious/ Qlyts + Algye use UA VI No.2 é = == > = we No.3 Allegretto I= 104) ff SSS ‘Andantino (J=90) Andante cantabile (J = 69) | Gceo , 9. Marmotte Ludwig van Beethoven Allegretto x cA 10, Farewell Song to Vienna’s Citizens at the Departure of the Viennese Volunteers (Abschiedsgesang an Wiens Biirger beim Auszug der Wiener Freiwilligen) Ludwig van Beethoven Resolute and Ardent 8 Ete Il. The Heavens are Declaring ae (Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur) Sani Ludg van Beethoven € oO” — x P te t eee Sf wt ae: 12. Ich Liebe Dich (I Love You) Ludwig van Beethoven “Andante (in four) eater P 13. German Dance Ludwig van Beethoven Allegretto grazioso HORN Paotee PIANO Fine _ TRIO ‘dinin. ap “espressivo @ poe tar “Repeat an octave lower “Repeat an octave lower —S SS aE stuccato Repeat an octave lower

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