Page 2 of This Handout Includes Blank Copies of This Graphic Organizer For Future Lesson Plans
Page 2 of This Handout Includes Blank Copies of This Graphic Organizer For Future Lesson Plans
Page 2 of This Handout Includes Blank Copies of This Graphic Organizer For Future Lesson Plans
The listening template is designed to help you listen with greater awareness to the various musical elements of a song.
It can be used individually, in small groups, or to facilitate a class discussion.
Page 2 of this handout includes blank copies of this graphic organizer for future lesson plans.
Artist Instrumentation/ Mood Tempo Lyrics Sounds Like / Genre
“Song Title” Vocals What kind of mood What is the Do you understand what the If possible, name a song that
List the instruments you or emotion does rhythmic feel writer is trying to convey? Is seems similar to this recording in
can hear in this recording, the song create? of the song? there a definitive rhyming terms of instrumentation or
such as drums, percussion, Romantic, dark, Fast, slow, structure? Is there a clear theme. What genre(s) is this
bass, acoustic guitar, bright, sad, happy, moderate, story or narrative or are the song? Blues, Jazz, Doo Wop,
electric guitar, piano, organ, urgent, dream-like, mid-tempo, lyrics more poetic and image- Pop, Folk, Rock and Roll, Soul,
lead vocal, harmony vocal, angry, scary, up-tempo, driven? What are the most Singer-Songwriter, Disco, Metal,
background vocals, horns, contemplative, ballad, laid effective images in the song? Hip Hop, etc.
strings, synthesizer, hopeful, frustrated, back, lilting, What do you think is the theme
turntables, or sampling, etc. playful, etc. lively, etc. of this song?
The Temptations In order of appearance, you Positive, bright, Moderate, The lyrics are clearly It is reminiscent of other Motown
may hear bass, electric romantic mid-tempo articulated, with a defined songs like “How Sweet It Is” by
“My Girl” guitar, finger snaps, drums, rhyming structure. There are a Marvin Gaye. The vocal
lead vocals, piano, rhythm lot of images of nature, such harmonies have a Doo Wop
guitar, background as “I’ve got sunshine on a sound. The music feels like a
harmony vocals, lead cloudy day.” There is no story Soul song, although the strings
vocals, horns, strings. narrative, but the lyrics focus also give the song a swelling
on poetic metaphors and how Pop sound.
the singer feels in love.
Chuck Berry
“Johnny B.
Artist Instrumentation/ Mood Tempo Lyrics Sounds Like / Genre
“Song Title” Vocals What kind of mood What is the Do you understand what the If possible, name a song that
List the instruments you or emotion does rhythmic feel writer is trying to convey? Is seems similar to this recording in
can hear in this recording, the song create? of the song? there a definitive rhyming terms of instrumentation or
such as drums, percussion, Romantic, dark, Fast, slow, structure? Is there a clear theme. What genre(s) is this
bass, acoustic guitar, bright, sad, happy, moderate, story or narrative or are the song? Blues, Jazz, Doo Wop,
electric guitar, piano, organ, urgent, dream-like, mid-tempo, lyrics more poetic and image- Pop, Folk, Rock and Roll, Soul,
lead vocal, harmony vocal, angry, scary, up-tempo, driven? What are the most Singer-Songwriter, Disco, Metal,
background vocals, horns, contemplative, ballad, laid effective images in the song? Hip Hop, etc.
strings, synthesizer, hopeful, frustrated, back, lilting, What do you think is the theme
turntables, or sampling, etc. playful, etc. lively, etc. of this song?