Preaching The Great Commission

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Text: Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore
and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of
the age.” Amen.
Theme: The Great Commission
Intro: background the story
to put in the tomb
risen from the dead
gathered in galilee

Jesus Christ authority. All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. He is the ruler, king, lord.
(commission means command, instruction, duty given to a person or group in other words “bilin”) last word example is
there is person who about to die and he is saying his last word. We tend to draw near our ear to his mouth and what he
said is we will do it.
Transition word: at hipa man ni bilin to ni a kas hakay namadti ni hi Diyoh ni amagan tayo?
Main topic

I. We are sent to make disciple of all ethnicities / we are mandated to make

Jesus Christ is sending every believer to make disciple and baptize
GO! Therefore. there is something needed to be done

 make disciple /Teach

o Disciple in Greek word mathētḗs (μαθητής) one who engages in learning through instruction from
another, pupil, apprentice (student)
o Ano ang gagawin natin

 of all nations
o “But what about that part about going into all the world? Surely this is really about GOING!” No.
The Greek word for world is Kosmos, and the word for Earth is Ghays.  But the word here in
Matthew is neither of those two words.  The word here is “Ethnay” which is typically translated
“gentiles.” share about Jesus with every kind of person in the world
o Nations does not only mean that you need to go abroad or all country to teach but we need to
teach each person. (white, black, red, small, tall, rich poor, flat nose, or tall nose) but we need to
make disciple or to teach people to follow Christ. It is our duty as a follower of Christ
o Vision of the church if our pastor act only, pigan to li pay ngata e kaidatangan ni hapit niman
silaw idan adomni too?
o Every believer is commanded to teach

In making the great commission of making disciple is it involve of

II. We are to teach and baptize every person

Jesus Christ is commanding every believer to teach them to obey everything he commanded
if he says that we need to teach all nations then what we will teach.
 Teach them to obey everything He commanded
 We will not on teach them what he commanded but also to teach them to obey ( mantulnog idan
hapit nihi Diyoh) tap wada da hutta tinud an mo lang man ag ida man tulnog.
 Example is teacher and a pupil
In exam the teacher gives an instruction to the pupils that their exam is multiple choice. The
instruction is to write the best answer before the number of the question. Wada pay e pasurot ton
NO ERASURES. Yet the pupils encircle the letter of their choice and may bura pa.
We will not just say what is the instruction but we need also teach them or help them to obey.
by rebuke, correction, by our actions or re teach again or by guiding them

III. Jesus Christ will be with us until the very end.

Reasons for not going. (illiterate, lack of knowledge, shy, andi linyam dtan, not a pastor, fear to be persecuted)
But Jesus has promise that he will be with you until the end of age. And that promise is not only a pangako na
naipapako . wada higato ni mangiguide ni higam, mangi dawat ni laing no kailangam, mangidawat ni tured )

 Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you nor forsake you

IV. Conclusion

MATTHEW 10: 18-20

Is there more reason in your heart not to go?

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