Acute Pain

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Name of Patient Age/Gender: Ward: Room no:

Chief Complaint: Physician  


Date/ Cues N Nursing Diagnosis Patient Outcome Nursing Interventions Implementations

Time e
Deficient Fluid Volume Within 1-2 hours of nursing  Measure intake 1
J S: “ Kanina pa ako related to active fluid intervention the client will be and output q 4°.
A dumudumi ng P volume loss. manifesting alleviation of Record and report
malambot na significant
N H pain as evidence by;
malambot.” changes. Include
U Y urine, and stools.
A S R: Tachycardia,
R O: I a. report reduce pain dypnea, or
Y ( + ) sunken eyeballs. from scale of 8/10 hypotension may
( + ) poor skin turgor.
Rationale: indicate fluid
Pain scale of 8/10 A to 0-1 out of 10
2 Volume depletion, or volume deficit or
V/S as follows: L extracellular fluid (ECF) electrolyte 2
5 BP: 170/100mmHg
volume contraction, b. display increase in imbalance.
PR: 82 bpm appetite  Monitor and record
2 RR: 40 bpm, and
C occurs as a result of loss
vital signs q 2° or
0 T: 36.7°C O of total body sodium. as often as
2 M Causes include vomiting, c. exhibit relax facial necessary until
1 F excessive sweating, expression and stable. Then
O diarrhea, burns, diuretic able to rest monitor and record
use, and kidney failure. vital signs q 4°.
7:00 R comfortably
Clinical features include R: Tachycardia,
AM T dyspnea, or
diminished skin turgor,
hypotension may
dry mucous membranes, indicate fluid
tachycardia, and volume deficit or 4
orthostatic hypotension. electrolyte
 Assess skin turgor
and oral mucous
membranes q 4°.
R: to check for
 Encourage
patient to have
small frequent
 R:

Assess factors that

aggravate pain
Rationale: Helpful in
establishing diagnosis
and interventions

Administer pain
medication as ordered 8
by the physician.
Rationale: to relieve the

Assess 30 minutes after

giving medication
Rationale: to check for 9
effectiveness and if pain
is reduced

Advise patient to
position self in semi-
fowlers or any position
that provide comfort 10
Rationale: Positioning
the self reduces
abdominal tension and
promotes sense of

Instruct patient to do
deep breathing exercise
Rationale: Deep
breathing facilitate
expansion of the
abdomen. Thus, help
lessen the pain

Provide comfort
measures like back rub,
reposition, clean and
quite environment.
Rationale: To promote
relaxation and allow
patient to rest

Provide diversional
activities such as
reading, watching tv,
and/or playing board
Rationale: This would
help patient refocus or
divert its attention to
other things

Monitor Vital Signs

noting tachycardia,
increased in respirations
and hypertension
Rationale: Changes in
these may indicate
acute pain or discomfort

Encourage patient to
have small frequent
Rationale: Help reduce
stomach distention and
pain after eating

Instruct patient when

allowed to eat to start
with liquids then
progress to bland foods
like crackers, bananas,
toast, etc. and avoid
caffeine, alcohol, tea.
Rationale: It would
allow bowel or intestinal
tract to rest and adjust
that could help reduce

Vera, M. (2020). Acute
Pain Nursing Care Plan.
Retrieved January 27,
2021 from

Bitram, T. (2017). The

14 foods to eat when
you have stomachache.
Retrieved January 25,
2021 from

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