Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Subjective: Amoebiasis is an STO: Dx: STO: Objective fully met, the patient
infectious disease was able to maintain adequate fluid
> Patient caused by the After 8 hours of nursing Proper collection of To ensure an volume as evidenced by having a
complains for parasite Entamoeba interventions, the patient stool specimen uncontaminated good skin turgor and balanced intake
passing out loose histolytica. It is a will maintain adequate fluid specimen. and output.
watery stool with parasitic infection volume as evidenced by Monitor intake and Provides information
abdominal pain. of the large having a good skin turgor output, character, about overall fluid
intestine and and balanced intake and and amount balance,renal function,
> His regular characterized by output. of stools; estimate and bowel disease
pattern of nonspecific insensible fluid control, as well as LTO: Objective fully met, the patient’s
elimination is once diarrhea with losses. Measure guidelines for fluid vital signs improved as evidenced by
a day usually in the loose, semiformed, LTO: After 3 days of urine specific replacement. having a BP:120/80, and temperature:
morning. foul smelling nursing interventions, the gravity. 37ºc.
stools,or dysentery patient’s lab value will be Assess vital signs Hypotension (including
> According to with mucous,traces within normal limits prior (BP, pulse, & postural),
patient, he ate of blood and small to discharge. temperature) tachycardia,fever can
kikiam and quantities of stools indicate response to or
fishball. passed repeatedly. effect of fluid loss.
Often there is an
> The patient said ineffectual urge to Observe for Indicates excessive fluid
“Nanghihina ako. defecate again and excessively dry skin loss or resultant
Paano naman kasi again, with very and mucous of dehydration.
nakatatlong beses little stool actually membranes,
na akong tumae being passed. decreased skin
bago kami There is much turgor, slowed
pumunta dito sa flatulence with capillary refill
ospital. Mga 2 oras abdominal cramps.
lang ang nakalipas In severe cases, the Weigh daily. Indicator of overall fluid
at tsaka bakit liver and other and nutritional status.
ganun, sumasakit organs may get Tx:
ang tyan ko bago affected, causing
ako magbawas?” specific conditions Administer stops the growth of
related to organ, Metronidazole 500 certain bacteria and
e.g.,hepatitis, cysts, mg parasites in the body.
Objective: abscess, etc.The
most Fastest way to deliver
> No vomitng Common Administer IV medications and fluid
happened. symptoms every 8 hours replacement throughout
of amoebiasis are the body, because the
>Physical diarrhea (which circulation carries them.
Examination was may contain help treat pain and
done. The patient blood), stomach Administer reduce a high
has dry lips and cramps and fever. Paracetamol 500 temperature or fever.
oral mucosa, skin mg per tab every 4
pinch is 3 seconds. hours for fever. Because diarrhea
Vitals signs were Administer ORS as impairs the absorptive
taken as follows: tolerated and secretory functions
BP: 120/90; PR: 88 of the gastrointestinal
bpm; RR: 20 cpm; tract, volume and solute
Temperature: deficits must be
38.3ºc corrected through ORT.
IV fluids are integral to
> Stool analysis Administer IV increasing effective
revealed presence fluids of PLRS per blood volume and
of Entamoeba L x 8º. ensuring organ perfusion
Histolytica. in patients with volume
depletion and
Diagnosis: dehydration.
Pastoral, Pamela. (2012).Amoebiasis Nursing Care Plan. Retreived July 28, 2012 from
Health Conditions. (2017). Retrieved from