Chapter # 9 Introduction To HTML 5

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 Multiple choice questions
 Fill in the blanks
 True/false
 Tricky Terms
 Short Question/Answer
 Long Question/Answer

Q1. Multiple choice questions.

i. An important feature of HTML 5 is the facility to play _______
a) Audio b) Video c) both a and b d) none of these
ii. HTML 5 helps you make ___________
a) Graphs b) shapes c) animations d) all of these
iii. Which of these are container elements?
a) HTML b) head c) body d) all of these
iv. Which of these has no off tags?
a) <body> b) <br> c) <title> d) none of these
v. __________ provides the set of rules for displaying HTML elements?
a) CSS b) head c) title d) none of these

Q2.Fill in the blanks.

i. A website is composed of three main sections homepage, main section
and subsection.
ii. The homepage is the first page of the website.
iii. HTML elements that include both off and on tags are called container
iv. The background color property allows you to set the background color
of the HTML element.
v. An HTML document consist of two distinct parts the head and body.
Q3. True/False.
i. Homepage is the first page of a website. T
ii. The <br> tag is used to insert a line break. T
iii. Attributes gives no information about elements. F
iv. The body section contains text and spaces. F
v. WYSIWYG stands for “what you see is what you get”. T

i. Homepage
The first page of a website that usually tells visitors what the site is about.
ii. HTML elements
Building blocks of HTML documents. An HTML element consists of opening
and closing tags, and the content between them.
iii. HTML Tags
Identifiers of HTML elements that always begins with a less than sign < and
with a greater than sign >.
iv. HTML Attribute
Extra bit of information that appears inside the opening tag of an element.
v. Head
Part of the HTML document containing information about the webpage.
vi. Body
Part of the HTML document containing everything displayed on the web
vii. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
A set of style rules for displaying HTML elements in a webpage.

Q1. What is HTML?
Ans. Hypertext markup language (HTML) is a computer language used to create
webpages for displaying on the World Wide Web.
Q2. Differentiate between container elements and empty elements?
Ans. Container Elements
HTML elements that include both on and off tags are called container elements.
Empty elements
HTML elements that only have an ON and do not require an OFF tag are called
empty elements.

Q3. What does CSS means? What does it specify?

Ans. Cascading styles sheet (CSS) is a style sheet that provides the set of style rule
for displaying HTML element in a webpage.CSS helps multiple web pages of a
website to share the same formatting. Also it provides more flexibility and control
in the manner in which the content is presented on a web page.

Q1. Explain HTML attribute with example?
Ans. HTML Attributes
Attributes gives us extra information about elements. They are
always specified inside the start tag and have a name-value pair.
The “lang” attribute of the HTML tag specifies the language of the webpage, while
the title attribute specifies the title of the paragraph and the “src” attribute of
<img> tag is used to specify the URL of the image.
Q2. Write an HTML code which displays your first name, your age, the first
name of your siblings, and your school’s name.

Ans. <!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Student information</title>
<b>Name: Syed Ali Hussnain</b><br>
<b>Age: 25</b><br>
<b>Siblings: Adil, Shoaib, Hussain</b><br>
<b>School Name: Racines School System<b> </body>

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