RF Latex Test Kit: Intended Use Precautions
RF Latex Test Kit: Intended Use Precautions
RF Latex Test Kit: Intended Use Precautions
1. Dilute buffer following instructions on the label before using.
2. All reagents contain 0.1% (wv) sodium azide as a preservative.
100 Tests 3. The human sera used in the controls has been tested and found negative for
HbsAg and HIV, however, careful handling is always recommended.
4. Store all reagents at 2 - 8°C. DO NOT FREEZE.
Materials required but not provided
For the qualitative and semi-quantitative measurement of RF in human serum.
1. Timer.
2. Test Tubes.
SUMMARY 3. Serological pipettes.
Rheumatoid factors (RF) are antibodies directed against antigenic sites in the
Fc fragment of human and animal IgG. Their frequent occurrence in PRECAUTIONS
rheumatoid arthritis makes them useful for diagnosis and monitoring of the
disease. 1,2 1. Reagents containing sodium azide may combine with copper and lead
plumbing to form highly explosive metal azides. Dispose of reagents by
One method used for rheumatoid factor detection is based on the ability of flushing with large amounts of water to prevent azide buildup.
rheumatoid arthritis sera to agglutinate sensitized sheep red cells, as observed 2. For In Vitro diagnostic use. Positive and negative controls prepared using
by Waaler3 and Rose. 4 A more sensitive reagent consisting of biologically human sera were found negative for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
inert latex beads coated with human gamma globulin was later described by as required by FDA; however, handle controls as if potentially infectious.
Singer and Plotz. 5 The RF kit is based on the principle of latex agglutination
assay by Singer and Plotz. 5 The major advantage of this method is rapid
performance (3 minute reaction time) and lack of heterophile antibody ASSAY PROCEDURE
Qualitative Test:
1. Bring reagents and specimens to room temperature before use.
TEST PRINCIPLE 2. Place one drop (50 µl) of the RF Positive Control on field #l of the reaction
slide. Place one drop (50 µl) of the RF Negative Control on field #2. The
The RF reagent is a suspension of polystyrene latex particles sensitized with remaining fields are used for test specimens.
specially prepared human IgG. The reagent is based on an immunological Using pipettes provided. Place one drop of the undiluted specimens on
reaction between human IgG bound to biologically inert latex particles and successive fields. Retain PipetteStir Sticks for mixing step.
rheumatoid factors in the test specimen. When serum containing rheumatoid 3. Gently resuspend the RF Latex Reagent and add one drop to each test field.
factors is mixed with the latex reagent, visible agglutination occurs. The RF Use pipetteStir Stick to spread reaction mixture over entire test field.
latex reagent sensitivity has been adjusted to detect a minimum of 8 IU/mL of 4. Rotate the slide manually or with a mechanical rotor at 80-100 rpm for 2
rheumatoid factors according with the WHO International Standard without minutes and read immediately under direct light.
previous sample dilution. 5. Presence of agglutination of the latex particle is a positive result (see figure
1). Agglutination indicates a RF concentration of equal or more than 8
SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION IU/ml. Sera with positive agglutination should be run again with the
Quantitative Test.
1. Use fresh serum collected by centrifuging clotted blood.
2. If the test cannot be carried out on the same day, the serum may be stored Quantitative Test:
between 2 - 8°C for no longer than 72 hours after collection. 1. Bring reagents and specimens to room temperature before use.
3. For longer periods the sample must be frozen. 2. Using the Glycine-Saline Buffer, dilute the specimens 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16,
4. As in all serological tests, hemolytic or contaminated serum must not be 1:32 or as needed.
used. 3. Place one drop (50 µl) each of negative and positive controls on two slide
5. Do not use plasma. rings. Place on drop (50 µl) of each dilution on successive fields of the
reaction slide.
4. Gently resuspend the RF Latex Reagent and add one drop to the reaction
5. Gently resuspend the RF Latex Reagent and add one drop to each test field.
Use Pipette/Stir Stick to spread reaction mixture over entire field.
Materials provided with the test kits 6. Rotate the slide for 2 minutes and read immediately under direct light.
1. RF Latex Reagent: A suspension of uniform polystyrene particles coated
with IgG (human) in glycine buffer, pH 8.2; reagent sensitivity is
standardized with the World Health Organization RF Standard. MIX
1. Taborn. J.D., et al. Rheumatoid Factor: 1 Review, Lab. Med. 0:392 1979).
2. Dornerm R.W., et al. "Critical Review Rheumatoid Factor".Clin. Chem.
Acta 167:1 (1987).
3. Waaler. E., Acta. Path. Microbial Scan. 17:172 (1942).
4. Rose. H.M., et al., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med 68:1 (1943).
5. Singer. J.M., et al., .Am. J. Med 21:888 (1956).
6. Winchester. R. Am. Soc. for Micro 665 (1976).
7. Rothermich. N.O., et al. J.A.M.A. 164:1999 (1957).
Positive Negative 8. Hansen. S.L., et al. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 73:110 (1980).
Figure 1.