The persistent drumbeat of positive tests and reported deaths in other countries due to novel
coronavirus (COVID-19) has created widespread concerns in Nepal also. Nepal is starting to
suffer the most abrupt and widespread cessation of economic activity due to outbreak of this
virus.1 Banking performance is considered to be disrupted by the impact of the spread of the
corona virus (covid-19). In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, most banking services
remained normal to provide services to customers, to avoid transmission of the virus, customers
could conduct financial transactions through the Bank’s electronic channels. Employees are a
key element of an organization, the success or failure of an organization depends on employee
performance. Although it has not been seen until the first quarter of 2020, the performance of the
banking industry is feared to be disrupted throughout 2020. So that the company can continue to
run, in the midst of pandemic, employees are required to continue to have good performance.2
The extent to which employees are motivated in their work depends on how well those
employees are able to provide output in their job. Motivation is expected to have a positive effect
on quality performance.7 It is said that one of the important functions of human resource
manager is to ensure job commitment at the workplace, which can only be achieved through
motivation.6 Employees who are characterized by a high level of motivation show a higher work
and life satisfaction. Having a high level of motivation is therefore in itself valuable for
employees and a decrease in motivation might affect employees negatively. The motivation leads
to high level of initiative and creativity from the employee and where monitoring is difficult,
motivation is therefore extremely important for ensuring high quality performance. 7
Nepal Government has reported over 194K COVID-19 cases as of 8 November 2020. 8
COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life, businesses, disrupted the world trade and
movements. This virus creates significant knock-on effects on the daily life of citizens, as well as
about the global economy.9 Banks are suffering in loss of their investments in hospitality and
aviation due to the coronavirus tourist slump.1 When this pandemic needs to know and analyze
the effect of work motivation on the performance of banking employees is very important. By
knowing the performance of banking employees, it can be used as an evaluation material for
leaders to determine the level of performance at the time of the covid-19 pandemic.
The extent to which employees are motivated in their work depends on how well those
employees are able to provide output in their job.11 Motivation is about giving your staff the
right mixture of guidance, direction, resources and rewards so that they are inspired and keen to
work in the way that you want them to. 6 Motivation is expected to have a positive effect on
quality performance. Employees who are characterized by a high level of motivation show a
higher work and life satisfaction. Having a high level of motivation is therefore in itself valuable
for employees and a decrease in motivation might affect employees negatively. The motivation
leads to high level of initiative and creativity from the employee and where monitoring is
difficult, motivation is therefore extremely important for ensuring high quality performance.11
These motivation help the organization to avoid clashes and non cooperation, avoid wastage of
resources, reduce industrial accidents and also reduce the rate of labour turnover and absenteeism
whereas motivation brings harmony, unity and cooperative and outlook among employees.10
As motivation is crucial for good performance and therefore it is vital to know what motivates
employees for better performance, so the author of this journal urges that more and more survey
should be directed to find out the aspects that mark worker job performance expressively.
Literature Review
In quantitative study performed by F. Didin where the population and sample are
employees who work at banks, showed that remuneration and work motivation simultaneously
affected employee performance and remuneration was the most dominant influence on the
performance of banking employees during the Covid-19 pandemic.5
Md. Nabi N, Prof. Md. Islam M. conducted research on how motivational tools impact the
performance of employee for betterment which also focused on de-motivation factors affecting
employee performance negatively. A sample of individuals was selected and was interviewed
with a self-administrated questionnaire to obtain primary data. The data was analyzed using
descriptive statistical analysis methods. The results obtained indicate that if employees are
positively motivated, it improves both their effectiveness and efficiency drastically for achieving
organizational goals.6
Similar study in Palestinian commercial banks revealed that moral motives are significantly and
positively predicted employees performance. Moreover, the scholars find a high level of
motivations provided to employees that working in Palestinian commercial banks. However, the
material and social incentives are not predicted employees performance. On other side, the paper
found that there are differences between the levels of motivation when it comes to the
demographic data like qualifications, years of experiences, and job title. Finally, the study
recommended that Palestinian banks needs to adapt and develop their motivation system in order
to satisfy all employees moral needs. 12
Research objectives/ Questions/ Hypothesis
Research Objectives
General objectives
* to find out the motivating factors for effective employees job performance in Prime
Commercial Bank during pandemic covid-19.
* to determine the satisfaction with HR department in Prime Commercial Bank during
pandemic covid-19.
* to assess the benefits that influences employees job performance in Prime Commercial
Bank during pandemic covid-19
Research questions
What is the impact of motivation on employees’ job performance in Prime Commercial Bank
during pandemic covid-19?
The purpose of this research study is to determine the impact of motivation on employees’ job
performance in Prime Commercial Bank during pandemic covid-19.
Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is positive impact of motivation on employee job
performance during pandemic covid-19.
Null hypothesis (H0) : There is no any positive impact of motivation on employee job
performance during pandemic covid-19.
Conceptual framework
Operational Definition
Impact : An impact is the effect or influence of one person, thing or action on another (New
Oxford Dictionary).
Motivation : Motivation is a driving force which affects the choice of alternatives in the
behaviour of a person. It improves, stimulates and induces employees leading to goal-oriented
Covid-19 : COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona,
'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel
coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'
Pandemic : an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple
countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population : a
pandemic outbreak of a disease.
Job performance: Job performance is defined as the total expected value to the organization of
the discrete behavioral episodes that an individual carries out over a standard period of time.
Employee : An employee is someone who gets paid to work for a person or company.
Commercial Bank : A commercial bank is a type of bank that provides services such as accepting
deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products that is operated as a
business for profit.
3.3.2 Study population: Street adolescents of Kathmandu who meets the inclusion criteria.
2. Financial rewards
3. Training
Respected madam/sir,
No Factors Rates
i. Reasonable periodical increase in salary
ii. Job security exist in the bank
iii. Good relationship with co-workers
iv. Effective performance appraisal system
v. Effective promotional opportunities in the bank
vi. Good safety measures adopted in the organization.
vii. Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated
viii. Support from the co-worker is helpful to get motivated
ix. Company recognize and acknowledge your work
No Factors Rank
i. Salary increase
ii. Promotion
iii. Leave
iv. Motivational talks
v. Recognition
7. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your performance during this
8. Does the management involve you in decision making which are connected to
your department?
Yes No Occasionally
9. What changes can be made to improve the work place environment during pandemic covid-
19 ?
10. How motivating is the current performance appraisal and job satisfaction at your bank?
Highly demotivating
5. Banking Employee Performance During Pandemic Covid-19: Remuneration And
Motivation Pdf
6. The impact of motivation on employee performances: a case study of Karmasangsthan
bank limited, Bangladesh