Right Lower Lid Entropion in A 79-Year-Old Female: A Case-Report
Right Lower Lid Entropion in A 79-Year-Old Female: A Case-Report
Right Lower Lid Entropion in A 79-Year-Old Female: A Case-Report
Introduction: Entropion is a condition in which eyelid margin revealed right lower lid entropion and bilateral pseudophakia.
turns inward. Four types of entropion including spastic, cicatricial, Surgical correction was done to tighten the orbicularis oculi
congenital, and involutional. Involutional entropion prevalence has muscle, along with appropriate postoperative treatment adjuncts
been reported to be 2.1% and increases with advancing age. such as analgesics and antibiotics. Surgical approach was chosen in
Case: A 79-year-old female complained of foreign body sensation favor of its lower recurrence rate.
with tearing in the right eye for the last one year. She had a history Conclusion: After surgical procedure and four days followup, the
of cataract surgery on both eyes. Ophthalmology examination patient was released with good prognosis prediction.
Sanjiwani General Hospital, INTRODUCTION Gianyar in November 2019. A 79-year-old female
Gianyar- Bali presented to eye policlinic with foreign body
Entropion is an inward rotation of the eyelid sensation in the right eye that had been going for a
margin.1 Etiological classification of entropion year. She would often blink and rub her eyes from
comprising spastic due to inflammation, cicatricial the discomfort. In the past 2 and 3 months prior to
with a posttrauma scar, congenital in children, and the visit she underwent cataract surgical treatment
involutional affecting majority elderly aged over for the left and right eye, respectively. Despite the
60 years.1 Involutional entropion is found in 2.1% excellent outcome on her visual acuity, she found
of 25,000 patients aged above 60 years and there the grittiness in both of her eyes unbearable. She
is an inclining trend with advancing age. Bilateral denied any history of wearing spectacles and ocular
manifestation is three times more likely than trauma. There was not any notable past medication
unilateral. The higher prevalence in females (2.4%) use other than postoperative medication for
than males (1,9%) reflects gender predilection of cataracts. History of other systemic diseases such as
entropion. Upper lid involvement is predominantly hypertension and diabetes was denied.
cicatricial etiology, while lower lid involvement is Patient was fully alert and otherwise well general
related to involutional type.1,2 appearance with vital signs as follows: blood pressure
Involutional entropion is closely related to aging. 120/70 millimeters of mercury, pulse 78 beats per
Tissue atrophy and weakening of capsulopalpebral minute, respiration rate16 breaths per minute, and
*Coresponding to: fascia or eyelid muscle retractor mainly contribute temperature 36.2oC. General physical examination
A.A.A. Putri Prematura Sri Anasary; to the disease mechanism. Once losing its elasticity, of head, neck, thorax, abdomen, and extremity was
Sanjiwani General Hospital, the tarsal plate hence in turn together with the lid within normal limit. Ophthalmologic examination
Gianyar- Bali; margin.3-5 Consequently, this leads to posteriorly revealed right and left visual acuity of 6/9.5 and
prematuraa@gmail.com directing eyelashes towards the globe. Continuous 6/12, respectively. There was tearing in both eyes
friction results in conjunctival inflammation and without conjunctival injection, clear cornea, round
abrasion. The patient may complain of foreign pupil measuring 3 mm in diameter, isocoria,
body sensation, redness, tearing, and discharge. bilateral positive pupillary light reflex, implanted
Conjunctival hyperemia and eyelid laxity constitute intraocular lens, and intraocular pressure 17.3
supporting physical findings.3,6,7 millimeters of mercury in both eyes. Right lower lid
Received : 2019-04-12
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Accepted : 2019-05-21
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