3 Bandhas Eng

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What are bandhas?

Bandha means “hold”, “tighten” or “lock”.

When bandhas is practiced, certain organs or parts of the body are

contracted or controlled.

When prana is made to flow in the body through pranayama

practice, bandhas helps to prevent dissipation of energy.

They lock and redirect prana current into sushumna nadi (spinal
cord) for activating the chakras and spiritual awakening.

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Types of Bandhas

Jalandhara Bandha – Throat Locking

Uddiyana Bandha – Abdominal Contraction

Moola Bandha – Perineum locking

Maha Bandha = Jalandhara + Uddiyana + Moola Bandha

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Jalandhara Bandha
 “jal” means throat. This bandha regulates the flow of blood and

prana to the heart, and the glands in the neck.

 Inhale slowly and deeply, and retain the breath.

 Contract neck and throat.

 Bend head, rest chin on the chest in the notch between the collar

 Eyes look at navel.

 Hold for as long as able to comfortably retain the breath

the practice may also be performed with external breath retention

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Jalandhara Bandha – Benefits
 Compresses the carotid sinuses located in neck main arteries, and
helps to regulate the circulatory and respiratory system.

 Exerting pressure on carotid sinuses decreases heart rate and

increase breath retention.

 Stimulus on the throat balances thyroid function and regulates


 Produces mental relaxation, relieves stress, anxiety and anger.

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Uddiyana Bandha

 Uddiyana means “upward flying”.
 The diaphragm rises upward to the chest.
 It directs prana into sushumna nadi so that it flows
upward to sahasrara chakra.

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Uddiyana Bandha
 Best practiced with empty stomach.
 Breathe in deeply.
 Exhale, empty the lungs and hold breath outside.
 When exhale, lift the diaphragm high up the thorax,
contract abdominal muscles inward against the back
towards the spine.
 Hold the abdominal lock and the breath outside for as long
as you can without straining
 Release abdomen.
Performed with external breath retention only.

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Uddiyana Bandha – Benefits
 Alleviates abdominal ailments including constipation, indigestion,
worms and diabetes
 Balances adrenal glands, removes lethargy and soothes anxiety and
 Improves blood circulation to the whole trunk area and strengthens
all internal organs.
 Protects lower back when bending or lifting.
 Stimulates the solar plexus and manipura charka
 Directs prana into sushumna nadi so that it flows upward to
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Moola Bandha

 Moola means ‘root’, ‘base’ or ‘source’.
 It locks the root of the spine where mooladhara
charka is located.
 The prana in the lower abdomen flows up to unite
with the prana in the chest.

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Moola Bandha

 Inhale deeply and retain the breath inside.
 Pull in the lower abdomen between the navel and the anus.
 Contract the perineal / vaginal region and hold it tight.
 Maintain the hold for as long as the breath can be retained.
 Sphincter lock (aswini mudra) helps one master this bandha.
Practice may be performed with external breath retention.

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Moola Bandha – Benefits
 Stimulates the pelvic nerves and tones the urinogenital and
excretory systems.
 Activates intestinal peristalsis relieving constipation and pile.
 Benefits ailments such as anal fissures, prostatitis, and prostatic
 Helps one attain sexual control and alleviates a multitude of
sexual disorders.
 Energizes the muladhara chakra.

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Ashwini Mudra
 Contraction of the anal sphincter muscles.

 Inhale slowly and deeply while simultaneously contracting the
anal sphincter muscles.

 Hold breath.

 Contraction should be as tight as possible without strain.

 Exhale while releasing the contraction of the anus.

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Ashwini Mudra - Benefits
 Strengthens the anal muscles.

 Alleviates the disorders of the rectum such as constipation, piles,

prolapse of uterus or rectum.

 A good preparatory practice for moola bandha.

 Perfection of this mudra prevents the escape of pranic energy

and redirects it upward.

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Maha Bandha

 Maha means ‘great’.
 The great lock combines all 3 bandhas in one practice

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Maha Bandha

 Sit in lotus pose with hands on knees. Spine erect.

 Close eyes and relax body,

 Breathe in slowly and deeply.
 Exhale forcefully and completely.
 Retain the breath outside.

 Perform 1) jalandhara, 2)uddiyana and 3) moola bandhas

 Hold the bandhas and breath for as long as possible.
 Release 1)moola, 2)uddiyana and 3)jalandhara bandhas.
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Maha Bandha (Cont’d)
The Maha Bandha can also be performed in Stretched leg pose.

 Sit with legs stretched.
 Bend left knee & press left heel firmly into the perineum.
 Inhale deeply.
 When exhale, bend forward to clasp right big toe with both
 Retain the breath outside.
 Perform 1) jalandhara, 2)uddiyana and 3) moola bandhas
 Hold the bandhas and breath for as long as possible.
 Release 1)moola, 2)uddiyana and 3)jalandhara bandhas
 Relax and change legs.
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Maha Bandha – Benefits
 Gives the benefits of all 3 bandhas.
 Affects hormonal secretions of the pineal gland and regulates the
endocrine system.
 Slow down the degenerative, decaying and ageing process,
rejuvenating every cell.
 Soothes anger and prepares the mind for meditation.

Fully awakens prana in the main charkas.

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