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Tyranid FAQ

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Official Update (July 2010)
Page 35 – Tyrant Guard, Blind Rampage. Q: Do Tyranid models combine the effects of multiple
The first sentence should be changed to: “If a Hive Tyranid Close Combat weapons in an assault? For
Tyrant (including the Swarmlord) is killed…” example, if I have model that has both Scything Talons
and Rending Claws, do I re-roll results of 1 To Hit and
Page 43 – Harpy, Spore Mine Cysts. still have the Rending special rule.
The first sentence of the asterisked note should be A: Yes.
changed to: “*If, after the final position of the first
blast marker in the barrage…” Q: Do Tyranid models have to test for Instinctive
Behaviour on the same turn they arrive from reserve?
Page 48 – Biovores, Spore Mine Launcher. A: No.
The first sentence of the asterisked note should be
changed to: “*If, after the final position of the first Q: Do units who begin their turn more than 12” from
blast marker in the barrage…” any Synapse Creature have to test for Instinctive
Behaviour if a Synapse Creature arrives from reserve
Page 48 – Spore Mines, Living Bomb. within 12” at the beginning of the Movement phase?
The penultimate sentence of the second paragraph A: Yes – the model has begun its Movement phase
should be changed to: “…resolve any hits at a Strength outside of synapse range.
of 4 and an AP of 4.”
Q: If I have more than one Hive Tyrant with the Hive
Page 51 – Mawloc, Terror from the Deep. Commander ability, do their bonuses to reserve rolls
This rule refers to using a large blast template. The stack? Also, do I get to outflank with one Troops unit,
word “template” should be changed to “marker” or one Troops unit per Hive Tyrant with this upgrade?
throughout the paragraph. A: No, the reserve roll bonuses do not stack. You
can only choose to outflank with a single unit of
Troops, regardless of how many Hive Tyrants you
have with this ability.

Q: Is the reserve roll bonus for having a Hive Tyrant

with the Hive Commander ability cumulative with the
reserve roll bonuses granted by a Lictor’s Pheromone
Trail and/or the Swarmlord’s Alien Cunning rules?
A: Yes.

Q: If a Hive Tyrant or the Swarmlord joins a unit of

Tyrant Guard, is it treated as an Independent Character
for the purposes of resolving shooting attacks (i.e.
independent characters who are monstrous creatures
can be targeted separately from the unit) and assaults
(i.e. independent characters always count as separate
units in an assault)?
A: No.

Q: Can a Hive Tyrant or the Swarmlord choose to leave

a unit of Tyrant Guard once it has joined them?
A: No.

WARHAMMER 40,000: Errata

Q: If a unit of Tyrant Guard, joined by either by a Hive Q: When a Zoanthrope brood uses a psychic power, do
Tyrant or the Swarmlord, launches an assault in which I need to take a Psychic test for each individual
the Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord is killed before the surviving Zoanthrope in the brood, or just one test for the whole
Tyrant Guard have struck any blows, will they gain brood?
Strength and Initiative bonuses due to Furious Charge A: Each Zoanthrope in the brood must take a
even though they didn’t have this special rule at the separate Psychic test. Note that this means that a
time when they initiated the assault? wound caused by Perils of the Warp will be
A: No. allocated to the Zoanthrope that suffered the
Q: Can Harpies and Hive Tyrants with the Wings
biomorph deep strike? Q: Can infantry units without wings that were going to
A: Yes. arrive from reserves using the deep strike or outflank
rules, instead choose to arrive via a Trygon’s
Q: Are the blast markers for a Harpy’s Spore Mine Subterranean Assault ability.
Cysts placed following the rules for multiple blasts, or A: No.
multiple barrages?
A: Multiple barrages.

Q: Does a Spore Mine’s random movement replace its

normal movement, or is it in addition to it?
A: It replaces its normal movement.

Q: Also, can a Spore Mine move in the Assault phase?

A: No. Q: Can a Mawloc choose to Deep Strike onto a point
occupied by an enemy model on purpose in order to
Q: What happens if an enemy unit assaults a Spore use the Terror from the Deep special rule?
Mine? A: Yes.
A: As soon as an enemy model comes into base-to-
base contact with the Spore Mine, it immediately Q: Can I take cover saves from a Mawloc’s Terror from
explodes. Resolve any damage from the explosion. the Deep attack?
If the enemy model that initiated the explosion A: Yes.
(presumably the model that was closest to the
Spore Mine) has died, then the remaining squad Q: If an Independent Character has joined a unit of
members will not be within distance to assault the Termagants that are within 6” of a Tervigon when it is
enemy and so no other model is moved. If the slain, could they suffer damage due to the Brood
enemy model who initiated the explosion survives, Progenitor rule?
any remaining squad members are allowed to A: Yes.
complete their assault move to maintain squad
coherency but they cannot then make a sweeping Q: Can a Tervigon who has used the Onslaught psychic
advance, consolidation move etc. power (a psychic shooting attack) on a friendly Tyranid
unit, fire a weapon at an enemy unit or launch an
Q: Can Raveners in the same brood be equipped with a assault in the same turn?
mixture of Scything Talons and Rending Claws? A: No.
A. No, all Raveners in the brood must have the
same options. Q: If a Tyranid unit takes a Mycetic Spore, can an
Independent Character join the brood before
Q: In scenarios where players are trying to capture deployment (and hence deep strike in with the brood)?
objectives, are Spore Mine Clusters placed before or A: No.
after the objectives?
A: After. Q: If a Tyranid unit takes a Mycetic Spore, can it choose
to deploy normally whilst the empty Mycetic Spore
Q: If a brood of Hive Guard fail their Instinctive deep strikes on its own?
Behaviour test and are forced to lurk, can they still fire A: No.
their impaler cannons at a target that is within range
but not within line of sight? Q: A Mycetic Spore cannot move itself once it has
A: No. entered the battle, but can it be moved by another
model (e.g. by a Mawloc’s Terror from the Deep special
Q: Do all Zoanthropes in a brood have to use the same rule)?
psychic power in the Shooting phase? A: Yes.
A: No.

WARHAMMER 40,000: Errata

Q: Tyranid Special Characters. Are Tyranid Special Q: Does Shadow in the Warp affect psykers who are
Characters considered to be special versions of the taking a Psychic test whilst embarked within a
standard creatures of their type for the purposes of transport vehicle?
using psychic powers, biomorphs and special rules? For A: No.
example, is the Swarmlord considered to be a Hive
Tyrant for the purposes of using Hive Tyrant psychic Q: If a model with Lash Whips is attacking a model
powers? Similarly, is Deathleaper considered to be a with an Initiative-boosting rule/piece of wargear (e.g.
Lictor for the purposes of Chameleonic Skin and Furious Charge, an Eldar Banshee Mask etc.), which
Pheromone Trail, is the Doom of Malan’tai considered order are the Initiatives modified?
to be a Zoanthrope for the purposes of Warp Field, is A: The Lash Whips will reduce an enemy model’s
Old One Eye considered to be Carnifex for the initiative to 1 before any other modifiers are
purposes of Living Battering Ram and are Ymgarl applied. So, a model with Furious Charge that
Genestealers considered to be Genestealers for the assaults a Tyranid with Lash Whips will strike at
purposes of Brood Telepathy? Initiative 2, and an Eldar with a Banshee Mask will
A. Yes in all cases. strike at Initiative 10 in the first round of assault.

Q: If the Doom of Malan'tai successfully uses the Q: Do Lash Whips affect Sweeping Advances?
Cataclysm psychic power but suffers a Perils of the A: No.
Warp attack when making its psychic test, does it take
the wound before or after determining the Strength of Q: When attacking models with the Acid Blood
the attack? biomorph, when are the Initiative tests taken?
A: Beforehand. A: Resolve any tests and remove any casualties at
the end of each Initiative step.
Q: Can cover saves be taken against wounds inflicted
by the Doom of Malant’tai’s Spirit Leech ability? Q: When a Tyranid model with the Regeneration
A: Yes. biomorph (including Old One Eye’s Rapid Regeneration)
rolls to recover lost wounds, can it attempt to recover
Q: Does the Doom of Malan’tai’s Spirit Leech ability wounds suffered in the battle that have already been
affect units embarked in transport vehicles? regenerated?
A: No. A: No. When rolling to regenerate wounds roll a
number of dice equal to the difference between
Q: Can Psychic Scream affect units embarked within a the model’s current number of Wounds and its
transport vehicle? starting number of Wounds.
A: No.
Last updated 1st July 2010.

WARHAMMER 40,000: Errata

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