Tyranid FAQ
Tyranid FAQ
Tyranid FAQ
Official Update (July 2010)
Page 35 – Tyrant Guard, Blind Rampage. Q: Do Tyranid models combine the effects of multiple
The first sentence should be changed to: “If a Hive Tyranid Close Combat weapons in an assault? For
Tyrant (including the Swarmlord) is killed…” example, if I have model that has both Scything Talons
and Rending Claws, do I re-roll results of 1 To Hit and
Page 43 – Harpy, Spore Mine Cysts. still have the Rending special rule.
The first sentence of the asterisked note should be A: Yes.
changed to: “*If, after the final position of the first
blast marker in the barrage…” Q: Do Tyranid models have to test for Instinctive
Behaviour on the same turn they arrive from reserve?
Page 48 – Biovores, Spore Mine Launcher. A: No.
The first sentence of the asterisked note should be
changed to: “*If, after the final position of the first Q: Do units who begin their turn more than 12” from
blast marker in the barrage…” any Synapse Creature have to test for Instinctive
Behaviour if a Synapse Creature arrives from reserve
Page 48 – Spore Mines, Living Bomb. within 12” at the beginning of the Movement phase?
The penultimate sentence of the second paragraph A: Yes – the model has begun its Movement phase
should be changed to: “…resolve any hits at a Strength outside of synapse range.
of 4 and an AP of 4.”
Q: If I have more than one Hive Tyrant with the Hive
Page 51 – Mawloc, Terror from the Deep. Commander ability, do their bonuses to reserve rolls
This rule refers to using a large blast template. The stack? Also, do I get to outflank with one Troops unit,
word “template” should be changed to “marker” or one Troops unit per Hive Tyrant with this upgrade?
throughout the paragraph. A: No, the reserve roll bonuses do not stack. You
can only choose to outflank with a single unit of
Troops, regardless of how many Hive Tyrants you
have with this ability.
Q: If the Doom of Malan'tai successfully uses the Q: Do Lash Whips affect Sweeping Advances?
Cataclysm psychic power but suffers a Perils of the A: No.
Warp attack when making its psychic test, does it take
the wound before or after determining the Strength of Q: When attacking models with the Acid Blood
the attack? biomorph, when are the Initiative tests taken?
A: Beforehand. A: Resolve any tests and remove any casualties at
the end of each Initiative step.
Q: Can cover saves be taken against wounds inflicted
by the Doom of Malant’tai’s Spirit Leech ability? Q: When a Tyranid model with the Regeneration
A: Yes. biomorph (including Old One Eye’s Rapid Regeneration)
rolls to recover lost wounds, can it attempt to recover
Q: Does the Doom of Malan’tai’s Spirit Leech ability wounds suffered in the battle that have already been
affect units embarked in transport vehicles? regenerated?
A: No. A: No. When rolling to regenerate wounds roll a
number of dice equal to the difference between
Q: Can Psychic Scream affect units embarked within a the model’s current number of Wounds and its
transport vehicle? starting number of Wounds.
A: No.
Last updated 1st July 2010.