FAQ Necrons - EN 7th Edition Warhammer 40000
FAQ Necrons - EN 7th Edition Warhammer 40000
FAQ Necrons - EN 7th Edition Warhammer 40000
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Q: Can a unit embark on a Night Scythe other than
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule during deployment?
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect A: No.
amendments to the rules and present our responses to
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated Q: The C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer’s Gaze of Death special
regularly, each has a version number; when changes rule occurs in the Shooting phase, but isn’t a shooting attack.
are made, the version number will be updated, and any Can it be used in close combat? Can it be used in Overwatch?
changes from the previous version will be highlighted A: Gaze of Death is not a shooting attack, so cannot be
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, used to fire Overwatch. It can, however, be used even if
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in the C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer is locked in combat,
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other either against the unit he is locked in combat with
minor correction. or against another enemy unit within range and line
of sight.
Page 86 – Night Scythe, Transport, Transport Capacity Q: Can Eldar Warp Spiders use their Flickerjump special rule
Change the entry to read: to avoid the C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer’s Gaze of Death?
‘Fifteen models. A Night Scythe can transport A: No.
Jump Infantry.’
Q: In the Canoptek Harvest Formation, can you only
FAQs include a single Canoptek Spyder or a single unit (i.e. 1-3
Q: Could you please clarify Necron tesla weapons? If you roll a Canoptek Spyders)?
6 to hit, do you have to roll to hit with the additional hit or is A: You can only include a single Canoptek Spyder model.
it automatic?
A: The extra hits are automatic – you do not need to Q: If a unit from the Canoptek Harvest Formation started
make any more To Hit rolls. the Movement phase within 12" of the Formation’s Canoptek
Spyder, then moved out of range later in the phase, do they
Q: Do Canoptek Wraiths and C’tan suffer the Initiative penalty immediately lose the benefits of Adaptive Subroutines?
when charging through terrain, despite their special rules which A: The effects always last until the start of your next
allow them to treat other models and terrain as if they were open Movement phase, even if units proceed to move
ground when moving? out of range or the Formation’s Canoptek Spyder is
A: No. subsequently destroyed.
Q: Do the Wraithflight and Immune to Natural Law rules work Q: Can units from a Canoptek Harvest that are currently
only in the movement phase or do they work during any kind of benefitting from Reanimation Protocols as a result of their
movement, such as Run, charge and Consolidation moves? Formation’s Adaptive Subroutines also benefit from Orikan the
A: The Wraithflight and Immune to Natural Law rules Diviner’s Master Chronomancer special rule?
take effect any time the model moves in any phase. A: Yes. In fact, they are affected by any and all modifiers
that apply to Reanimation Protocols whilst utilising
Q: Can Nemesor Zahndrekh accumulate additional Victory Adaptive Subroutines to gain that special rule.
Points in Maelstrom of War missions by generating Warlord
Traits from the Tactical Traits using his Adaptive Tactics Q: If Canoptek Wraiths from a Canoptek Harvest have
special rule? transdimensional beamers and the Shred special rule is chosen
A: Yes. as their Formation’s Adaptive Subroutines, if they started the
movement phase within 12" of the Canoptek Spyder, do their
Q: Does a penetrating hit that was saved (by Jinking or cover) weapons benefit from the special rule as well, or just their close
still cause quantum shielding to deactivate? combat attacks?
A: No. A: Just their close combat attacks.
Q: Does the Lance special rule work against Q: Can a Triarch Praetorian fire with its rod of covenant in the
quantum shielding? Shooting phase, and still use its melee profile in the subsequent
A: Yes. Assault phase?
A: Yes.
Q: How many Powers of the C’tan can you fire in each Q: Can a unit with an attached Independent Character with
Shooting phase? the Veil of Darkness be deployed in Deep Strike Reserve?
A: A model armed with Powers of the C’tan uses them A: No – unless the unit already has Deep Strike from
as a ranged weapon, so only one can be used in each another source.
Shooting phase.
Q: Can the Monolith use its eternity gate on the turn it arrives
Q: How does the Obelisk’s Gravity Pulse special rule interact from Deep Strike Reserve?
with Flying Monstrous Creatures? Does it force a Dangerous A: No.
Terrain test even though they are usually immune to these tests?
A: No. Q: Can Jet Pack Infantry use a Monolith’s eternity gate?
A: No.
Q: Can Necrons decrease their Reanimation Protocol rolls
to less than 4+ for any reason, as with the Infinite Phalanx Q: If a Monolith fires its particle whip, are its gauss flux arcs
Apocalypse Formation? forced to fire Snap Shots?
A: No. A: Yes.
Q: When fielding a Decurion Detachment (giving models Q: Can Necron models benefit from their Reanimation
within it with Reanimation Protocols a +1 bonus to their Protocols special rule before testing to see if is removed from
Reanimation Protocols rolls), how do further modifiers to play by attacks such as Space Wolves’ Helfrost weapons or the
Reanimation Protocols (for having a Cryptek in the unit, for Ravenwing Dark Talon’s stasis bomb?
example) interact with the -1 modifier from the Instant Death A: Yes. Necron Reanimation Protocols are taken at the
special rule? same time as Feel No Pain rolls would be, to potentially
A: The end result can never be improved beyond a avoid suffering unsaved Wounds (and any ensuing tests
4+ after all modifiers (both positive and negative) that suffering an unsaved Wound may cause).
have been applied. In this situation, the required
Reanimation Protocols roll would therefore be 4+ after Q: Can cover saves be taken against Imotekh’s Lord of the
the three relevant modifiers (two +1 modifiers and one Storm attacks?
-1 modifier) had been applied. A: Yes.
Q: If a unit of Deathmarks fires at a Gargantuan Monstrous Q: Do Night Scythes taken as Dedicated Transports for units
Creature on the turn they arrive from Deep Strike Reserve, from a Judicator Battalion gain the Formation’s Special Rules?
does their Hunters from Hyperspace special rule (enabling A: Yes.
them to wound on a 2+ with shooting attacks) take precedence
over the rule that says that Sniper weapons (like their synaptic Q: When included in the Acquisition Phalanx Warhammer
disintegrators) always wound a Gargantuan Creature on a 6+? 40,000: Apocalypse Formation, Trazyn the Infinite has to
A: Yes. remain part of that unit. If he is subsequently slain, does he
have to leave the unit to return to battle as part of his updated
Q: Can Necron characters embark upon a Ghost Ark on their Surrogate Hosts special rule?
own, or must they be attached to a unit of Necron Warriors to A: Yes.
do so?
A: They are free to embark on their own if they wish. Q: When using a Retribution Phalanx, how exactly do
you deploy returning units of Scarabs and Warriors, and
Q: What are the firing arcs of the weapons mounted on Doom what actions can they perform on the turn they arrive in
Scythes and Night Scythes? this manner?
A: Treat the death ray and twin-linked tesla destructors A: Use the rules for Deep Strike; the first model placed
mounted on Doom Scythes and Night Scythes as hull- must be within 3" of the Formation’s Necron Overlord,
mounted weapons (giving them 45° lines of sight). but the rest of the unit will not scatter. Units arriving in
this manner can Run or shoot, but cannot charge, as per
Q: What are the firing arcs of the Obelisk and Tesseract Vault’s the normal Deep Strike rules. Any models which cannot
tesla spheres? be placed are destroyed.
A: For the purposes of establishing firing arcs, treat each
tesla sphere as a sponson-mounted weapon with a 180°
firing arc.