Project Implementation Plan
Project Implementation Plan
Project Implementation Plan
This Project will be funded by a Japanese ODA loan, and EDM expects the early implementation of
the Project due to high demand for electricity in Maputo.
In consideration of the above, the Project implementation schedule including Project preparation
activities is proposed as shown in Figure 8.1-1, and the schedule of each phase of the Project is
explained in this chapter.
8.1.3 Construction
As shown in Figure 8.1-1, the construction of combined cycle power plant will be completed in 30
months through the process of the following activities, and will be ready for the commercial operation.
Detail design of the plant and manufacturing & assembling of the equipment
Transportation of the materials and equipment
Civil and building works (equipment foundations, buildings and external works)
Installation of the equipment and commissioning of the plant
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 - - - - - - -
Preparatory Study
Fact Finding Mission --> Appraisal
Government to Government process --> E/N & L/A
■ Selection of Consultant : 8M
Selection of Consultant
Tender Document Preparation
PQ & Tender
Evaluation, negotiation and contract
■ Detail Design & Selection of Contractor : 15M
Detail Design & Selection of Contractor
Detail Design
Tender Document Preparation
PQ & Tender
Evaluation, negotiation and contract
■ Construction Period : 30M
Detail Design, Manufacturing & Assembling
・ Commercial Operation
Civil Works
Installation & Commissioning
EIA process by EDM
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The CTM Maputo site faces the river mouth to Maputo Bay, however, the shore in front of the site is a
tidal flat with mangroves so there is no possibility of direct unloading from the river.
Therefore, heavy equipment for the Project, such as the main transformer and GT, which weigh
approximately 100 tons, should be unloaded at Port Maputo and transported by road to the site.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Source: MPDC)
There is no lifting equipment for 100-ton class cargo at Port Maputo, therefore, heavy equipment
should be transported by a heavy-lift ship.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The weight and size of heavy equipment, such as the main transformer and GT, exceed the above
limits. In such a case, the transportation method (e.g., using multi-axle trailers designed for
super-heavy cargo) based on a road survey should be proposed to National Roads Administration
(“ANE”) for their approval.
It should be noted that the special multi-axle trailer necessary for the transportation of super-heavy
equipment is not available in Mozambique, and needs to be arranged from South Africa.
Figure 8.2-2 Transportation Route from Port Maputo to CTM Maputo Site
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
This route, including two crossovers (see Figure 8.2-3 and Figure 8.2-4), is on major trunk roads with
heavy daily traffic. Therefore, it is considered that the heaviest equipment, such as the main
transformer and GT, can be transported by special multi-axle trailer designed for super-heavy cargo.
As mentioned in the next section, there is a plan to construct the Maputo Ring Road parallel to EN2. If
the construction of Maputo Ring Road is completed before the construction of the new power plant,
the transportation route will be changed.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Figure 8.2-6 shows the route of Section 6 assumed by the JICA Study Team based on information
from Maputo Sul and satellite images. Section 6 is the construction of a new 5.5-km long
four-lane road parallel to EN2 between the roundabout in Maputo city and the tollgate at Matola.
The CTM Maputo site is located around the midpoint of Section 6.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Figure 8.2-6 Assumption of the Route of Section 6 and the Location of CTM Maputo Site
According to Maputo Sul, the route of Section 6 is not yet finalized in detail and the negotiations with
land owners will start soon.
Figure 8.2-7 shows how Section 6 of Maputo Ring Road may interfere with the CTM Maputo site.
Figure 8.2-7 Assumed Route of Section 6 and Interference with the CTM Maputo Site
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The north corner of the CTM Maputo site currently reserved for the future gas station to supply
natural gas to the new power plant
The existing water pump station considered as the tie-in point for water supply to the new power
Under these circumstances, the progress of the Maputo Ring Road project should be carefully
monitored for the construction of the new power plant.
Methods and procedures of the procurement for public works in Mozambique are stipulated by Decree
No.15/2010. However, it stipulates that this decree is not applicable to projects funded by other
countries or multilateral financing organizations.
According to the interviews with construction companies based in Maputo and from EDM, the
projects funded by such overseas assistance, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers
(“FIDIC”) standards and/or World Bank’s guidelines are normally used for the procurement of
consultants and contractors.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
As mentioned above, FIDIC standards are largely used for the procurement of consultants and
contractors. Therefore, the following JICA standard documents, also based on FIDIC standards, will
be used for the procurement of a consultant and contractor for this Project.
For the procurement of consultant:
Standard Request for Proposals under Japanese ODA Loans
- Selection of Consultants (October 2012)
For the procurement of contractor:
Standard Bidding Documents under Japanese ODA Loans
- Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation (February 2013)
Guidelines for The Employment of Consultants under Japanese ODA Loans (April 2012)
Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans (April 2012)
According to the JICA guidelines, the consultant will be selected by the QCBS (Quality and Cost Based
Selection) method through the process of the following activities:
(a) Preparation of a short list of consultants
(b) Preparation of the Request for Proposal
(c) Invitation to submit proposals
(d) Evaluation of proposals
(e) Negotiation and conclusion of a contract
These activities for the selection of consultant may commence after the Japanese government pledges an
ODA loan to this Project.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The management of the construction work consists of quality control, process control and safety
control. In order to carry out these three control items, it is necessary to establish an organization
within EDM that will supervise the power plant construction work.
1) Establishment of PIU
EDM has proposed the organization as shown below, to install a PIU directly under the CEO. PIU will
play the central role of implementation of this project.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2) Organization of PIU
PIU will consist of a Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager and two sections of an Engineering/
Construction Group and Commissioning Group, and a Consultant as an adviser. The Engineering/
Construction Group will conduct quality control and process management of detailed design and
construction of the CCGT to be conducted by contractors with the assistance of consultants. Through
operating the business, it will perform technology acquisition-related maintenance on the combined
cycle power plant. Commissioning Group equipment by itself, it is implemented in conjunction with
overall plant commissioning contractor of it would acquire of operating instructions with the operation
of the combined cycle power plant by itself
It is important to establish an organization which is small and can take quick and flexible action with
certain responsibility given to the Project Manager of PIU (e.g., Project Manager has the right to
purchase goods under USD 1 Million). Consultants to be hired as engineers, can play a critical role in
technically supporting the entire organization of PIU.
Project Manager
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Gas Turbine
Steam Turbine All personnel’s will
Engineer shift to operation
sections in CCGT
HRSG Engineer
after CCGT taking
Electrical Engineer over.
I&C Engineer
BOP Engineer
[EDM permanent
10 17 16
EDM will check and approve the contents of the contractor’s design with support provided by the
consultant. If the contractor’s design is unsatisfactory, EDM will give the contractor a written request
of correction. A witnessed inspection will be carried out with regard to the major equipment before
being shipped from the factory to ensure that the required performances are satisfied.
During the construction work, EDM will determine important check items with the contractor, and
give confirmation in the process of work and approvals when necessary. If any defects are found,
EDM will give the contractor a written request of correction.
In the commissioning phase, the contractor will first be asked to submit commissioning instructions
for each device and each facility. After checking and approving them, EDM will carry out unit
commissioning of each device and each facility to ensure that they can perform as designed. If any
defects are found, EDM will give the contractor a written request of correction.
In the comprehensive plant commissioning phase, the output, efficiency and operational performance
in the commissioning specifications should be confirmed to be those which are required by the plant.
Any defects in the design, construction and commissioning phases must be listed and monitored in
order to eliminate them.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Dept(DEP) Administration
(DEP) Administration&&
Plants &&
Emergency Gen/sets (OMP)
Emergency Gen/sets (OMP)
Hydro Maputo
Backup Temane
Temane Lichinga
Lichinga&& Beira
Backup Mavuzi
Plant Gas
Turbine Thermal
Thermal Cuamba
Mini- Gas
Turbine Chicamba
Plant Power
Plant Hydro
Power Power
Plant Power
(CTM) Plants
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Category Work
General General staffing: PS administrative works, data collecting, analysis
administration and
PS level technical
Unit and on site Actual work on site
Operating Operating
management management
HQ level
Operat Mainte
ion nance
Operating MGT Operating MGT
P/S , Support , Support
Manag Manag
ement ement
and technical
Dept. level Data Data
Plant MGT Plant MGT
(Operating data) (Mainte. Data)
Unit level
On site level Operating monitoring Daily maintenance(routing checks)
(operator, sensor, camera) Periodical inspection (open)
In the case of shifting maintenance management methods from Level 1 to Level 3, it is necessary to
acquire the ability to judge situations accurately and ensure the reliability and safety of the facilities.
The following are definitely required.
Comparison between operating state standards and reference standards (temperature, pressure,
current, vibration)
In Japan, for engineers of nondestructive tests, a national examination system is implemented for each
inspection method and only qualified persons are engaged in such inspections.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Maintenance Cost
Level 1
Necessary Reliability
Operation Time
Maintenance Cost
Level 2
Operation Time
Maintenance Cost
Level 3
Necessary Reliability
Operation Time
Plan (plan): To create a business plan and forecast based on previous experience
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Check (inspection and evaluation): To check whether the implementation of the work is
according to plan
Abnormal Treatment
Data analysis
Repair Abnormal
Treatment condition
Trouble analysis patrol
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2) Maintenance Management
(a) Daily maintenance
The most important part in the maintenance management of equipment of the PS is to perform careful
daily maintenance. In Heinrich’s Principle shown below, it is said that 29 disasters with light injury
will occur when there are 300 events where sudden fear is felt (bud of the disaster) behind the
occurrence of one serious injury. This is an experimental rule in work accidents, but it can also apply
to daily maintenance.
Minor Trouble & Disaster
The base of daily maintenance is to discover any small problems in the early stages and take
preventative measures. Small problems hide in various places over a widespread area. The detection of
any abnormalities (vibration, noise, bad smells, oil leakages, etc.), changes of operation status
standards, should be frequently noted in daily inspection tours. Daily visual checks are important. The
technique of discovering problems is based on guesswork, hunches and long experience, and it is a
technique developed on site through on the job training by building up cooperation between
experienced and young staff.
Also, in daily maintenance, it is important to check monitoring instruments, as there is no point in
conducting daily maintenance if monitoring instruments do not function normally. Therefore, it is
necessary to correctly calibrate monitoring instruments in the early stages.
In particular, for setting the schedules of periodic inspections and maintenance, consideration should
be given to the actual performance of other IPP plants, ensuring safety on site (minimization of
vertical work, open inspection and maintenance place and work environment), the operation rate of
overhead cranes, etc., and the promotion of the streaming of work and shortening of processes as the
object in which parallel decomposition can be conducted. Also, it is important to boost the morale of
workers and make them compete against each other in striving for improvements of quality control by
adopting a system of bonuses and financial incentives if the construction period can be shortened.
In addition, at planned stoppages, it is important to conduct visual inspections of the PS, such as
checks of the remaining work of daily repairs planned to be conducted during the stoppages, the
condition of parts which were repaired temporarily in the previous periodic inspection and
maintenance work, and parts which were left unprepared however changes had been observed, and
reflect the repair time to the next stoppage plan, or future stoppage plans.
As for problematic parts which are found during the periodic inspections, if repair materials cannot be
prepared, then emergency measures must be taken. For these emergency measures, if the part
reliability until the next periodic inspection and maintenance cannot be secured, then permanent
measures must be taken using the next planned stoppage. On the other hand, if the problematic parts
where the emergency measures were taken were used until the next periodic inspection and
maintenance work, the relevant parts must be checked at the planned stoppage, and the investigation
continued to check the trend data of any changes.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
3) Operation management
The base of operation management is to strictly keep the reference standard operation. If any operation
status standards deviate from reference standards, engineers of the electricity generation group and
repair staff shall investigate the cause and take reform measures.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
checks, is assisted by the data from the documentation functions of the heat efficiency workstation,
such as daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports.
(e) Management of water and lubricating oil which are used in the PS
To operate the PS stably, a large amount of water, lubricating oil, hydrogen gas and nitrogen gas will
be used daily. In order to establish a medium- and long-term consumption plan, the amount, etc., of
each of the following must be estimated: annual consumption of pure water, rate of HRSG makeup
water, product name and amount of injected agent in HRSG feed water, resin amount for the
manufacturing equipment of pure water, product name and amount of injected agent in HRSG boiler
water, amount of cooling water of accessories, amount of GT/ST lubricating oil, amount of other
lubricating oil for accessories, exchange amount of fire extinguisher agents, amount of hydrogen gas
for cooling the electric generator/nitrogen gas for substitution, consumption of hydrogen gas during
normal operation, and exchange amount of hydrogen gas in periodic inspections and maintenance.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
6. Reason why timely response Outside patrol range, outside of r inspection and maintenance range,
was impossible impossible detection due to structural problems, impossible detection
with five senses, actuation trouble of security device, delay of
emergency stoppage operation
7. Preventive measures of Emergency measures, permanent measures (repair equipment,
reoccurrence reexamination of structure, reexamination of manual)
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Engineers of Engineers of
manufacturer manufacturer
LTSA contract (6 years) will be Periodic checks will be mainly Maintenance staff of EDM will
concluded and the periodic checks conducted by the maintenance staff conduct all periodic checks.
during this period will mainly be of EDM. When necessary, the The maintenance department of
conducted by the engineers from dispatch of engineers from the EDM is developed to SBU and
the manufacturer. The manufacturer can be requested for periodic checks of other companies
maintenance staff of EDM will guidance. can be accepted and conducted, if
try to improve their technical possible, using the acquired
capabilities by collecting technical ability.
(4) Future Technological Levels Required in the Maintenance Department and How to Acquire
To implement periodic checks using only PS staff, it is necessary to train technicians to have the same
levels of technical knowledge as technical instructors, special inspectors (e.g., nondestructive test,
remaining life assessment, etc.) and specialist labor (e.g., special processing and welding, low-alloy
steel – Steel Use Stainless (“SUS”) dissimilar metal joint welding, welding of large diameter pipes,
annealing operation of welding area, etc.). The methods to acquire these technologies are as follows.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
For Ultrasonic Testing (“UT”) inspections, besides using simple measuring instruments in which the
measured results are displayed digitally, such as instruments for measuring the wall thickness of boiler
tubes, angle beam techniques, use of plural sensing terminals in which inside flaws of materials can be
evaluated, radiograph examinations, etc., are adopted. Currently, there are no experts in the country
that can use this technology, and the country is completely dependent on overseas experts in relation
to this technology. As a method used to judge the life of equipment, the photomicrography of metal
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
structures is also necessary technology to gain. A long- term vision is required for the future about
how much diagnosis technology used in electric power facilities in the country will be developed.
Three months prior to the periodic check, the maintenance department should hold a joint conference
with the operation department and the daily maintenance department. The maintenance department
should explain the contents of the next periodic check and maintenance construction, obtaining
agreement from the operation department and the daily maintenance department. Total agreement
should be reflected in the program for the next periodic check and maintenance construction. Then, to
avoid any oversights in the contents of construction, e.g., about areas whose standards of operating
state deviates from the planned standards and frequent alarms, etc., the staff in charge of each field
should report the current situation. In particular, all three departments should confirm the current
situation of the following: untreated lapses of daily maintenance which were issued by the operation
department of the PS, standards which are close to the limit standards judging from the operating state
standards, e.g., vibration standards of rotating equipment, points where the metal temperatures of hot
areas are close to the warning standards, and systems in which differential pressures between the front
pressure gauges and the rear ones are large, etc.
One month prior to the periodic check, the three departments should hold another conference to
conduct the final confirmation on whether there are any additional checks and maintenance required.
The maintenance department should recheck ordered spare articles, parts which should be newly
ordered, consumable supplies (e.g., general purpose articles such as gasket packing, sheet packing,
valve gland packing, packing of pump shaft seal parts, etc., and special components) and confirm
whether or not there are any omissions.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Furthermore, the status of the drafting and procedures of the construction schedule, worker
deployment schedule, number of outsourced workers for each job, equipment for construction,
nondestructive tests, equipment for special welding, etc., for each part, GT, ST, HRSG, generator and
Instrumentation & Control (“I&C”) should all be confirmed.
The O&M leaders shall collect data at each stage, such as the assembly of equipment, opening
measuring methods in assembling and acceptable standards, sequence check before the single test after
assembly, general security test, load test, etc., and take digital photographs of the areas of which they
are in charge. The O&M leaders shall attach such photographs to the manufacturer’s instruction books
in order to visualize each stage. These instruction books are to be used for the training of O&M staff at
the PS and OJT material of junior staff. The documentation and data from the period of the
construction work should be stored on an OA server (such data and documentation should also be
received in electronic form).
The contract system with the manufacturers has not been decided yet. Even if the full-turnkey system
will be adopted, the PS shall prepare an electric generation preparation group, subject to manufacturer
start-up, and receive OJT of practical operation. In particular, the sequence test shall provide the
chance to check the circuit and functions, and not only the members of the electric generation
preparation group but also those of the electricity group and I&C group in the repair department shall
attend such sequence test.
In the unit testing of accessories, after conducting the inching test under the condition where coupling
is separated, the unit testing after direct coupling shall be conducted. The record shall be stored on the
OA server because the centering record in coupling shall become the pace of subsequent maintenance.
To promote automation, in many systems motor valves shall be used, and the records of setting
positions of torque switch and limit switch shall be stored. It is necessary to accurately take over the
know-how of the manufacturer because the full closed position in cold is different from that in warm.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The staff of the PS should attend all of the following: burning adjustment, start/ stop test, runback test,
load control test, load rejection test, general test of the system, AC/ DC power-off test, and other tests
which shall be conducted in the stage of the HRSG water pressure test and load test after unit testing
of accessories. All data, drawings and other documentation relating to test plans, preparation measures
for tests, command structures of tests, responsible persons for stopping of tests and the operation of
fuel shutoff valve switches, shall be stored and used as reference in the security tests after subsequent
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
subordinates in OJT. Moreover, to improve the level of staff that shall play a central role, internships
in relevant facilities inside and outside the company shall be carefully planned.
1) Organizational framework
In parallel to the management level, a position of deputy director in charge of environment, safety, and
quality control should be introduced within the organizational framework on the plant level, to
actually collect and coordinate information in this area that exists in the organization.
2) Management structure
The aforementioned position is critical in playing an important role in gathering and analyzing
environmental data through day-to-day operations, such as setting goals of the PS and assessing and
reviewing performances. The position of deputy director will have complete responsibility in the
immediate provision of information to the director and executive officers of the PS as well as to the
Chief Officer in Charge of Environment at HQ.
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
3) Support measures
(a) Corporate ethics
The position of Chief Officer in Charge of Environment has acute responsibility in instilling corporate
ethics in all employees through organizing training on the proper treatment and submission of all
information in the correct manner, including environmental data, so that falsification of data does not
occur within the PS’s operation.
Issue Measure
Air quality Low NOx burning appliances shall be used to prevent nitrogen oxide (denitration
conservation equipment will not be installed).
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Issue Measure
Avoid installation of machinery and equipment which might be a main source of noise
Prevention of
and vibration at the perimeter of the PS (stationary noise measurements shall be
noise and vibration
implemented continuously). HRSG drum safety valves shall be equipped with silencers.
Scenic balance and greening (based on local opinions), regional scale activities by
coexistence with
volunteer fire fighters
local community
(Source: JICA Study Team)
Director, Maputo Power Station Regulatory authorities
Direct, coach, & advise
Disclosure of data
General public
safety, & trust
Implementation of appropriate reporting obligation to regulatory authorities and active disclosure
of information via the website
Preparatory Study on Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
PS, making the PS open to the public, i.e., construction of a usable PS, and harmonizing with the local
community with an expansive PS, and implement these policies in all areas of construction and
In the construction of PSs, it is essential to preserve and create the natural environment by conserving
the existing green spaces as much as possible and by planting trees onsite to coexist with the local
community. The specific measures to achieve these goals are:
Build a popular PS: By planting many trees onsite and aiming at developing a PS with a lot
of greenery to contribute to the expansion of building a healthy and productive environment for
the community as a whole, in cooperation with local residents.
Build a usable PS: By creating green spaces, water features and opening a part of the
premises as a community park, aimed at developing the PS to be used by the local community.
Build a PS with an open atmosphere: Through making the inside of the PS open to the
general public on a regular basis, therefore constructing a PS with an open atmosphere.
In terms of coexistence with the local community, the promotion of positive employment
from the local community for logistic works positions such as drivers, cleaners, and cooks, etc.,
is highly recommended.
Chapter 9
Project Cost
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
According to the above composition, the total Project cost is estimated based on the
Project implementation schedule mentioned in Chapter 8.1.
Table 9.1-1 is the summary sheet of the total Project cost estimate.
As mentioned in other chapters of this report, the following items are considered as “not
required for the Project,” and are not included in the estimate:
Landfilling at site against storm surges
Marine construction of intake and discharge structures for cooling system
Additional works for transformation and transmission system
The following rates are adopted in this estimate based on the survey results and recent
project data in Mozambique:
Price escalation Foreign portion: 2.1%
Local portion: 4.6%
Physical contingency: 5.0%
Interest during construction: 0.01%
Commitment charge: 0% (exempted)
VAT: Conditions of VAT on this project will be finalized in the process of
forthcoming consultations between Mozambique government and EDM. In
this estimate, it is assumed that VAT (17%) would be imposed on 25% of
EPC cost and the cost for removal of existing fuel tanks.
Customs duty: It was confirmed by EDM that customs duties will be exempted for
this project.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Withholding tax: It was confirmed by EDM that withholding tax (20%) will be
imposed on consultant service fees except for their expenses.
Administration cost: 0.5% of the Project cost (confirmed by EDM)
Base Case
CCGT in Single Phase
No. Item
Total Foreign Local
[1,000 US$]
JICA Finance Portion
A. Power Plant Construction and Associated Works (EPC Cost) 124,171 90,220 33,951
A1. Power Block F 80% / L 20% 98,874 80,228 18,646
A2. B.O.P. F 80% / L 20% 4,698 3,812 886
A3. Civil & Erection F 30% / L 70% 20,598 6,179 14,419
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
EPC cost is estimated using the software from the U.S., State of the Art Power Plant (“SOAPP”)
under the sponsorship of the Electric Power Research Institute (“EPRi”) that was made for the
conceptual design, costing and project financial analysis based on the latest database of
international equipment prices and construction prices in the U.S.
As mentioned above, the EPC cost is estimated based on the construction prices in the U.S.
Therefore, the local portion of EPC cost should be adjusted based on the construction price
difference between the U.S. and Mozambique.
According to interviews with construction companies based in Maputo, the construction prices
in Mozambique are much higher than those in South Africa due to the following reasons:
Low Productivity
Productivity of construction work is low in Mozambique due to the lack of local skilled
workers and the poor work ethics of some workers.
In consideration of the above situation, the local portion of EPC cost will be adjusted by
comparing the construction prices of the U.S., South Africa and Mozambique.
Table 9.2-1 shows the building cost rate comparison in African countries, and it corroborates the
fact that the construction costs in Mozambique are much higher than those in South Africa.
Civil work for power plants, which is one part of the local portion of EPC cost, is composed of
more structural work and fewer finishing work, and this table shows that the South African
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
building cost for factories and car parks that should have similar composition of structural and
finishing work is about 70% of the Mozambican cost.
Table 9.2-2 and Table 9.2-3 show building costs per square meter in South Africa and the U.S.
They show that building costs in South Africa are generally lower than those in the U.S., and the
building costs for factories and car parks in South Africa is about 70% of those in the U.S.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Therefore, the local portion of EPC cost estimated based on the construction prices in the U.S.
need not be adjusted for the Project in Mozambique.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The following chart illustrates the movements of the combined cycle power facility price. The
price sharply rose from 2004 to about 1.66 times over the next 3 years or an annual rate of about
18%. It fell once in 2009 after the economic crisis in 2008 and has been gradually increasing
ever since.
130 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
118 135 137 119 119 134
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
In this survey, it is estimated that the environment surrounding the CCGT market may change
according to the world situation, however the CCGT price has regained its stability.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
According to the GTW Handbook, the higher the capacity of the CCGT, the lower the
construction price per kW. However, the construction cost per kW of Project A (USD
1,250/kW) was about the same as other large-scale CCGTs. On the other hand, the estimated
construction cost per kW of this Project is calculated at USD 1,129/kW (≒124.171 million
US$ ÷ 110MW). This value is within the range of the project cost of Project A as well as other
CCGT projects, and it is considered that the cost estimate of this Project is appropriate.
Further, the proportion of equipment free on board (“FOB”) price in the EPC cost is estimated
as below, and this proportion is considered as appropriate according to the previous experiences
of the JICA Study Team.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
After the signing of the engineering service contract with EDM, the consultant will carry out the
following work in coordination with EDM.
Selection of EPC Contractor
Supervision of EPC Contractor’s activities such as design, manufacturing, transportation,
installation, construction, commissioning and testing
Supervision during Defect Liability Period (“DLP”)
The following experts are needed to execute the work mentioned above.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Since the high-temperature parts are a superalloy using nickel and cobalt as the base, special
technology, such as welding and coating, and special facilities are required to repair these parts.
Therefore, most users request the GT manufacturer or other repair company to repair them.
The table below summarizes the characteristics of LTSAs. For technical characteristics, a user
understands operation time, number of starts/ stops, and number of emergency stops and
manages the necessary range and times for inspections, repairs, and replacements of
high-temperature parts, and under the LTSA the supplier is allowed to do so. In addition, since
the remote monitoring system is planned to be introduced to realize the services, the operation
status of the PS can be monitored in real time at the supplier’s remote monitoring center.
Therefore, a combination of dispatching the stationed engineer and using the remote monitoring
system allows any trouble to be monitored and countermeasures to be taken rapidly, i.e.,
contributing to improvement of the operation ratio. Therefore, under the LTSA the supplier
optionally executes the business concerning monitoring and maintenance of the GT operation
status, therefore the operation ratio can be additionally ensured.
Another large characteristic is the package price for inspections, repairs, and replacements of
the high-temperature parts. Under the LTSA the package price is equal to or less than the total
costs when a user individually executes inspections, repairs, and replacements, and it is
therefore attractive when additional services are considered. In addition, since the cost of the
LTSA is decided at the time of the contract, users can avoid unexpected risks for repairs and
replacements of high-temperature parts.
In addition, if a user individually repairs or replaces high-temperature parts, over the years there
is great fluctuation of the costs regarding whether or not a large amount of high-temperature
parts should be replaced (e.g., approximately USD 1 million for one LM6000GT), i.e.,
management of a small-scaled company such as IPP would be greatly affected. In contrast, an
LTSA allows the cost payments to be leveled because of paying a set price each month,
therefore management can be stabilized.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
As described above, since an LTSA would greatly contribute to the stabilization of the PS
operation and company management, it is a welcomed process from the viewpoint of fund
supply. Therefore, this investigation recommends that an LTSA to be a target of this project.
Chapter 10
In the case of “Without the Project,” it is assumed that EDM needs an alternative power supply
as follows:
From SASOL/EDM and Gigawatt for base and middle load
From Aggreko for peak and middle load
All these capacities are based on gas engines because no water is available at Ressano Garcia.
Aggreko uses mobile-type gas engines that are known to be expensive. Thus, they will be
merely a temporary solution. Any further shortage of power supply will need to be met by
purchase from ESKOM of the South African Power Pool (SAPP), which is already a current
practice. Conversely, the Project, which is based on CCGT, is expected to supply power at a
much lower cost than the other alternatives.
The Project also has a few advantages derived from its location. Firstly, it is located at an old
power plant site; therefore, no major additional cost will be basically required for the
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
transmission system. Secondly, because it is located just outside of Maputo, the demand center
of the Southern System, the transmission loss of the Project is projected to be much lower than
that of other existing and planned power sources. The Project is desirable in terms of lowering
the overall transmission loss and increasing the system stability. Thirdly, in the case of “With
the Project,” investment in a part of the transmission system around Maputo could be postponed
by at least one year.
Financial Indicators
Profitability Ratios 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Pre-tax Profit Margin (%) 1.65% 1.38% 0.60% 3.56% -1.08%
Return on Sales (%) -1.00% 0.26% 0.60% 0.11% -2.17%
Return on Total Assets (%) -0.86% 0.19% 0.48% 0.10% -1.60%
Return on Capital (%) -1.04% 0.24% 0.92% 0.15% -2.33%
Return on Investment (%) 2.38% 0.34% 1.47% 1.24% 1.55%
Liquidity Ratios
Quick Ratio (Acid Test) (%) 120% 166% 105% 93% 110%
Current Ratio (%) 140% 196% 127% 116% 135%
Return on Equity (%) 1.40% -4.00%
Collection Rate (%) 97% 97% 96% 95% 95%
(Source JICA Study Team)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
10.2.1 Profitability
The pre-tax profit margins were negative in 2006. After that, they showed a slightly positive
percentage during the period from 2007 to 2010. The ratios of return on assets and return on
capital during the period from 2006 to 2010 were negative or close to zero in value. Hence, it
can be said that the profitability of EMD is not high. The profitability is expected to improve by
a review and increase in electricity sales price or a reduction in operation cost in the future.
2012 African Economic Outlook, available at
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
As Table 10.3-2 indicates, the exchange rate between the Mozambican Metrical and US dollar
is relatively stable, while the Metrical has lost its value against the US dollar by 18 percent in
the last six years or 2.8 percent per annum.
Table 10.3-2 Changes in the Average Annual Exchange Rate between Metical and USD
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(excluding O&M training, initial stock of spare parts and LTSA (long-term service agreement))
is assumed as follows:
I. Custom Duties, VAT and Withholding Tax 9,734 9,734 886 886 297
I1. VAT on 25% of A, B, D & G (except contingency of C) 17.0% 7,125 7,125 649 649 217
I2. Custom Duties on Foreign Portion of A, B, D & G (exempted) 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0
I3. Withholding Tax on Consulting service fee except for expenses 20.0% 2,609 2,609 237 237 80
Total of Non Eligible Portion (G~I) 11,487 11,487 1,046 1,046 350
Grand Total (A~I) 194,791 137,894 56,897 17,734 12,554 5,180 1,735
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(4) Financing
It is assumed that 10 percent of the total initial investment cost including IDC will be financed
with equity from EDM and the remaining 90 percent, with a yen-denominated soft loan2 from
JICA with the conditions given below:
(a) Yen-denominated soft loan
Interest rate: 0.01 percent per annum
Repayment period: 40 years including 10-year grace period
(The grace period starts in the year of the first disbursement of the loan.)
(b) Loan to EDM from a local commercial bank
Interest rate: 12 percent per annum
Repayment period: 9 years
The average sales price of electricity increased from 2.44 MTn/kWh in 2009 to 2.76
MTn/kWh in 2011. However, because of high inflation rates during the same period, the real
sales price of electricity in fact decreased. As the inflationary pressure decreases, the price of
electricity, which incidentally has become increasingly lower than that in South Africa for the
last few years, could be raised more than currently planned. Table 10.3-6 exhibits recent and
planned average sales prices in MTn and USD. In our study, we assume that 3.30 MTn/kWh
or 11.8 US cents/kWh for the projected price for 2014 is assumed for the entire duration of the
The exchange rate between yen and USD assumed is 91.04 JPY/USD.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
It is assumed that the above-mentioned sales price is composed of the costs for electricity
generation, transmission and distribution, consumers’ related costs and margins. Therefore, the
income of the Project is basically a value multiplying the volume of electricity supplying to
grids by the following unit value.
The unit of income from generation = (average sales price) – (long-run marginal cost of the
costs for electricity generation, transmission and distribution and consumers’ related costs) –
A total of the long-run marginal cost including the costs for electricity generation, transmission
and distribution, consumers’ related costs and margin is assumed at 20 percent of the average
sales price in this study. Hence, it is assumed that the income price from electricity generation
is 2.64 MTn/kWh or 9.44 USc/kWh.
(a) Cost of fuels (gas): 5.60 USD/GJ at the Project site (This price has been agreed on between
EDM and ENH, the integrated gas supplier of the country.
(b) Annual O&M costs of the power plant: (USD thousand) are as follows:
(c) Insurance: one percent of the total capital cost of the power plant per annum.
(d) Interest paid on loan: As discussed earlier in this section.
(7) Others
Other key assumptions used in our analysis are as follows:
(a) Depreciation: 20-year straight line
(b) Corporate income tax: 32 percent
Property taxes or working capital requirements are not considered in projecting the cash
outflow stream. Potential revenues other than sales revenue, such as interest earnings, are not
taken into account either, since they will be comparatively small.
Table 10.3-8 and Table 10.3-9 exhibit the financing plan and the before-debt-service cash flow
projection of the Project.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2 Total finance required 1,370 549 1,919 6,379 3,790 10,168 38,224 18,543 56,767 55,244 26,096 77,567 20,298 8,195 27,029 3,015 339 3,174
(Financial resources)
3 Foreign bank loan 1,727 0 1,727 9,151 0 9,151 51,087 0 51,087 69,802 0 69,802 24,313 0 24,313 2,842 0 2,842
(52,672) (0) (52,672) (279,107) (0) (279,107) (1,558,144) (0) (1,558,144) (2,128,959) (0) (2,128,959) (741,547) (0) (741,547) (86,692) (0) (86,692)
Cumulative 1,727 0 1,727 10,878 0 10,878 61,965 0 61,965 131,767 0 131,767 156,080 0 156,080 158,922 0 158,922
(52,672) (0) (52,672) (331,780) (0) (331,780) (1,889,923) (0) (1,889,923) (4,018,882) (0) (4,018,882) (4,760,429) (0) (4,760,429) (4,847,121) (0) (4,847,121)
4 Domestic bank loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Cumulative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
5 EDM equity 192 192 1,017 1,017 5,680 5,680 7,765 7,765 2,716 2,716 332 332
(0) (5,855) (5,855) (0) (31,031) (31,031) (0) (173,238) (173,238) (0) (236,846) (236,846) (0) (82,833) (82,833) (0) (10,113) (10,113)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
6 Total finance 1,727 0 1,727 9,151 0 9,151 51,087 0 51,087 69,802 0 69,802 24,313 0 24,313 2,842 0 2,842
(52,672) (0) (52,672) (279,107) (0) (279,107) (1,558,144) (0) (1,558,144) (2,128,959) (0) (2,128,959) (741,547) (0) (741,547) (86,692) (0) (86,692)
Cumulative 1,727 0 1,727 10,878 0 10,878 61,965 0 61,965 131,767 0 131,767 156,080 0 156,080 158,922 0 158,922
(52,672) (0) (52,672) (331,780) (0) (331,780) (1,889,923) (0) (1,889,923) (4,018,882) (0) (4,018,882) (4,760,429) (0) (4,760,429) (4,847,121) (0) (4,847,121)
Project year 7 8 9 10 11
Item Calendar year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
F/C L/C Total F/C L/C Total F/C L/C Total F/C L/C Total F/C L/C Total F/C L/C Total
1 Total initial investment
(1) Initial investment costs excluding IDC 2,634 14 2,648 2,702 14 2,715 2,756 14 2,770 2,822 14 2,835 1,168 0 1,168 136,567 57,566 194,133
(2) Interest on foreign loan accrued 16 0 16 16 0 16 16 0 16 17 0 17 17 0 17 127 0 127
(3) Interest on domestic loan accrued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IDC total (Items (2) and (3)) 16 0 16 16 0 16 16 0 16 17 0 17 17 0 17 127 0 127
Total (Items (1) to (3)) 2,650 14 2,664 2,718 14 2,732 2,773 14 2,786 2,838 14 2,852 1,185 0 1,185 136,693 57,566 194,260
(80,822) (421) (81,243) (82,893) (421) (83,314) (84,564) (421) (84,984) (86,567) (421) (86,988) (36,148) (0) (36,148) (4,169,147) (1,755,774) (5,924,921)
2 Total finance required 2,650 14 2,664 2,718 14 2,732 2,773 14 2,786 2,838 14 2,852 1,185 0 1,185 136,693 57,566 194,260
0 0 0
(Financial resources) 0 0 0
3 Foreign bank loan 2,383 0 2,383 2,444 0 2,444 2,493 0 2,493 2,552 0 2,552 1,051 0 1,051 169,845 0 169,845
(72,679) (0) (72,679) (74,536) (0) (74,536) (76,033) (0) (76,033) (77,830) (0) (77,830) (32,069) (0) (32,069) (5,180,267) (0) (5,180,267)
Cumulative 161,305 0 161,305 163,749 0 163,749 166,242 0 166,242 168,793 0 168,793 169,845 0 169,845
(4,919,800) (0) (4,919,800) (4,994,336) (0) (4,994,336) (5,070,369) (0) (5,070,369) (5,148,199) (0) (5,148,199) (5,180,267) (0) (5,180,267)
4 Domestic bank loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Cumulative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
5 EDM equity 281 281 288 288 293 293 300 300 134 134 0 18,998 18,998
(0) (8,564) (8,564) (0) (8,777) (8,777) (0) (8,951) (8,951) (0) (9,159) (9,159) (0) (4,080) (4,080) (0) (579,448) (579,448)
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
6 Total finance 2,383 0 2,383 2,444 0 2,444 2,493 0 2,493 2,552 0 2,552 1,051 0 1,051 169,845 0 169,845
(72,679) (0) (72,679) (74,536) (0) (74,536) (76,033) (0) (76,033) (77,830) (0) (77,830) (32,069) (0) (32,069) (5,180,267) (0) (5,180,267)
Cumulative 161,305 0 161,305 163,749 0 163,749 166,242 0 166,242 168,793 0 168,793 169,845 0 169,845
(4,919,800) (0) (4,919,800) (4,994,336) (0) (4,994,336) (5,070,369) (0) (5,070,369) (5,148,199) (0) (5,148,199) (5,180,267) (0) (5,180,267)
(Source: JICA Study Team)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 10.3-9 Projected Cash Flow before Debt Service (operation period) 2018-2042
US Thousand
Operation year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Item Calendar year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 Total
1 Operational parameters
1 Capacity (MW) 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
1 Electricity generation (GWh) 376 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 18,414
1 Electricity supply (GWh) 368 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 18,046
1 Technical loss 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7%
2 Non-technical loss 8% 8% 8% 8% 7% 7% 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
2 Electricity sale (GWh) 315 630 630 630 637 637 637 637 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 644 15,700
2 Average sales price (USD/kWh) 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118
2 Average wholesale price (USD/kWh) 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094
2 Sales revenue 29,745 59,491 59,491 59,491 60,137 60,137 60,137 60,137 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 60,784 1,482,093
3 Operating cost 20,177 39,667 39,667 39,667 39,667 39,667 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 989,388
1 O&M 2,406 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 5,031 118,625
2 Fuel 16,800 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 823,200
3 Insurance for Economic Analysis 925 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 1,849 45,304
3 Insurance 971 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 1,941 47,563
4 Net operating income (Item 2 - 3) 9,569 19,823 19,823 19,823 20,470 20,470 19,565 19,565 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 492,706
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
NPV (Cost)
NPV ( Electricit y)
The details on∑NPV (Cost) and ∑NPV (Electricity) are as follows:
∑NPV (Cost): Sum of discounted3 future cost (construction cost, O&M cost and fuel cost)
∑NPV (Electricity): Sum of discounted future electricity to be produced at sending-out
The corporate income tax (32%) is considered in this analysis from the viewpoint of EMD.
The discount rate is assumed to be 10%.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The Project FIRR is at 6.7 percent, which exceeds 6.47 percent, the short-term cutoff rate of
national loan interest rates. Therefore the Project is regarded as financially viable.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2 Cash outflow 1,919 10,168 56,763 77,558 47,536 46,451 45,941 46,009 46,270 46,336 45,284 44,116 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 44,323 1,267,832
(1) Capital paid-in 1,919 10,168 56,763 77,558 27,014 3,158 2,648 2,715 2,770 2,835 1,168 188,716
(2) Operation 0 0 0 0 20,177 39,667 39,667 39,667 39,667 39,667 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 40,572 989,388
(3) Net working capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(4) Interest paid on debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(5) Income (corporate) tax 0 0 0 0 344 3,626 3,626 3,626 3,833 3,833 3,543 3,543 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 89,728
(6) Loan repayments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Net cash flow (Item 1 - 2) -1,919 -10,168 -56,763 -77,558 -17,790 13,039 13,550 13,482 13,867 13,802 14,853 16,022 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 16,461 214,261
4 Cumulative net CF -1,919 -10,168 -58,682 -87,726 -76,472 -74,686 -62,922 -61,204 -49,055 -47,403 -34,202 -31,381 -17,740 -14,919 -1,279 1,542 15,182 18,003 31,644 34,465 48,105 50,926 64,567 67,388 81,028 83,849 97,490 100,310 113,951 178,692
5 Net present value -1,919 -9,550 -51,767 -72,685 -59,511 -54,589 -43,196 -39,463 -29,708 -26,962 -18,272 -15,746 -8,361 -6,604 -532 602 5,568 6,201 10,238 10,473 13,729 13,651 16,256 15,935 17,996 17,491 19,101 18,459 19,695 -253,467
discount factor 1 0.94 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.73 0.69 0.64 0.61 0.57 0.53 0.50 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.39 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.18 0.17
6 Cumulative NPV -1,919 -11,469 -63,235 -135,920 -195,431 -250,020 -293,216 -332,679 -362,386 -389,348 -407,620 -423,366 -431,726 -438,330 -438,862 -438,260 -432,692 -426,490 -416,253 -405,780 -392,051 -378,400 -362,144 -346,209 -328,212 -310,721 -291,621 -273,162 -253,467
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The DSCR is an important indicator of financial viability of a project not only for the project
owner, but also for a lending institution, as it indicates the project’s ability to pay its debt. The
ratio is normally required to be 1.3 to 1.5 at minimum. If the DSCR of the project is over 2.2, it
will meet this criterion and improve EDM’s overall DSCR. Hence, the Project is considered to
be a sound investment.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 10.3-12 Cash Flow Table for Financial Planning (operation period) 2017-2042
USD Thousand
Operation year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Calendar year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 Total
1 Net cash flow from operation 9,569 19,823 19,823 19,823 20,470 20,470 19,565 19,565 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 20,212 492,706
2 Interest earned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Interest paid on debt 2,280 2,026 1,773 1,520 1,267 1,013 777 523 269 16 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9 11,649
Interest of foreing Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9 250
Interest of domestic Loan 2,280 2,026 1,773 1,520 1,267 1,013 760 507 253 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,399
5 Net income before depreciation 7,289 17,797 18,050 18,303 19,203 19,457 18,788 19,042 19,942 20,196 20,196 20,197 20,197 20,198 20,198 20,198 20,199 20,199 20,200 20,200 20,201 20,201 20,201 20,202 20,202 481,057
6 Income tax paid 0 2,977 3,059 3,140 3,428 3,509 3,295 3,376 3,664 3,745 3,745 3,745 3,746 3,746 3,746 3,746 3,746 3,746 3,746 3,747 3,747 3,747 3,747 3,747 3,747 86,385
7 After-tax cash flow 7,289 14,819 14,992 15,164 15,776 15,948 15,493 15,666 16,278 16,451 16,451 16,451 16,452 16,452 16,452 16,452 16,453 16,453 16,453 16,454 16,454 16,454 16,454 16,455 16,455 394,671
8 Loan repayments 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 6,357 6,357 6,357 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 99,675
Foreign loan repayments 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 4,246 80,676
Foreign outstanding principal 169,845 169,845 169,845 169,845 169,845 169,845 165,599 161,353 157,106 152,860 148,614 144,368 140,122 135,876 131,630 127,384 123,138 118,891 114,645 110,399 106,153 101,907 97,661 93,415 89,169
Domestic loan repayments 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 2,111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,998
Domestic outstanding principal 16,887 14,776 12,666 10,555 8,444 6,333 4,222 2,111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 After-debt service cash flow 5,178 12,708 12,881 13,053 13,665 13,837 9,136 9,309 9,921 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,206 12,206 12,206 12,207 12,207 12,207 12,207 12,208 12,208 12,208 12,209 12,209 294,997
Cummulative 5,178 17,886 30,767 43,820 57,485 71,322 80,458 89,767 99,689 111,893 124,098 136,303 148,509 160,714 172,920 185,127 197,333 209,540 221,748 233,955 246,163 258,371 270,579 282,788 294,997
10 Debt service coverage 2.2 4.8 5.1 5.5 6.1 6.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6
(Items 5 + 4) / (items 4 + 8)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Other major risks are associated with the EPC cost and the gas price. The Project will be the
first combined cycle power project in the country and thus there are no comparable cost data
available. The gas price has been agreed between EDM and ENH; however, there still remains a
chance the agreement will be modified. We therefore performed a sensitivity analysis for the
following six scenarios:
(1) 10 percent lower exchange rate than assumed, i.e., 30.69 MTn/USD and thus 0.086
USD/kWh of the income price from electricity generation
(2) 15 percent lower exchange rate than assumed, i.e., 32.01 MTn/USD and thus 0.082
USD/kWh of the income price from electricity generation
(3) 10 percent higher EPC cost
(4) 20 percent higher EPC cost
(5) 10 percent higher gas price
(6) 20 percent higher gas price
The above sensitivity analysis indicates that the Project FIRR in case of a 10% higher EPC cost,
a 20% higher EPC cost and 10% higher gas price shows over 5.2%, which is close to the cutoff
rate. When the exchange rate is 10% and 15% lower than the assumed rate, the Project FIRRs
show 2.9% and 0.8% respectively. Therefore, there are some cases in which the Project FIRRs
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
are close to the cutoff rate, whereas the financial feasibility of the Project is deemed to be lower
in case of alteration of the exchange rate or gas price.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
alternative project against the project to quantify the saving of cost as the benefit of the project.
It is generally acknowledged that in cases where domestic total quantity of electricity supply
increases, the former method above is utilized for calculating economic benefit. Meanwhile, in
cases where domestic total quantity of electricity supply is stabilized or does not increase, the
latter method is utilized. In Mozambique, power supply is unable to keep up with the power
demand so it is necessary to create a new additional power source. The Project makes it possible
to supply additional power to the domestic market and increase the total domestic quantity of
electricity supply. Therefore, the income generated by the assumed average electricity sales
price of the project mentioned earlier (consumers’ and producers’ electricity purchase price),
which is regarded as a net economic benefit, is used for the economic analysis. The total of this
income is regarded as the willingness-to-pay (WTP) minimum and will not exceed consumers’
and producers’ willingness-to-pay level for electricity, which can be represented by the cost of
supply by a captive power, which is likely to be an oil-based diesel generator or any alternative
source of energy, such as kerosene.
In the figure below, Pa indicates assumed average electricity sales price, the WTP minimum. Pb
shows the consumers’ and producers’ average WTP. The area depicted by the points A, Pa, and
C below the demand curve represents the range that consumers are willing to pay in excess of
the prevailing tariff and is called “consumer surplus.” Regarding the calculation of the economic
analysis, since it is a principle to carry out conservative evaluation, rather than a
willingness-to-pay including consumer surplus, the income generated by the assumed average
electricity sales price of the Project is utilized for the economic analysis in order to overestimate
economic benefit of the Project. In the graph below, the quadrangle area depicted by the points
Pa, C, Qa, and 0 shows the total amount of electricity tariffs that consumers and producers pay.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Demand Curve Consumer Surplus
Pa C
Qb Qa Quantity
Pb: Willingness to Pay
Pa: Average Sales Price (WTP minimum)
Using the figure (average sales price of electricity) obtained as the unit price of the economic
benefit and multiplying the total volume of generation can quantify the value of the generated
For reference, the benefit stemming from the saving cost comparing the Project to the least-cost
alternative project and other benefits that are not able to be monetized, as described in 10.1
Effectiveness of the Project, are as follows, although they are not calculated for economic
“Without the Project,” EDM will need to find an alternative power source. The difference in the
power production (or procurement) cost between the Project and the alternative power source is
regarded as a saving realized by the Project in supplying the same amount of electricity to the
grid and thus is an economic benefit of the Project.
Potential alternative power sources are limited to: (1) purchase from the Power Pool of South
Africa, (2) purchase from Aggreko, who has an additional 85 MW of capacity that can be
mobilized instead of being relocated somewhere else, and (3) a new IPP project (or expansion of
a planned IPP project) using the gas that has been allocated to the Project, which is likely to be a
gas-engine project located in Ressano Garcia.
The first two options are grossly expensive compared with the Project, costing over 20 US
cents/kWh. The third one is considered to be the least-cost alternative option, and there is a
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
method of measuring the economic benefit or savings incurred by the difference between the
Project and the alternative option in terms of estimating the generation cost for the option based
on the information for the Sasol project, which includes 18 gas-engine generator sets each with
an open cycle capacity of approximately 9.73 MW.
“Without the Project,” because of insufficient electricity supply, EDM operation will be further
restricted and the number of new connections will be limited. New connections are associated
with investments. If we can identify the exact relationship between those two, we may be able to
estimate the amount of investment realized by an additional 110 MW of power the Project can
provide. However, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to undertake such an exercise.
Because the Project is located closer to the demand center of Maputo than the least-cost
alternative options discussed above, there is a benefit resulting from the lower transmission loss.
We assume the difference in the transmission loss within the Southern System as follows:
The difference of transmission loss between the Project and a comparable project located at
Ressano Garcia: 1.1 MW
The difference of transmission loss between the Project and power supplied though the
STE project: Not considered as the capacity difference between the two (i.e., over 2,000
MW for the latter) is too large for this exercise.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
calculations, to be applied to market prices of all domestic currency components. This average
conversion factor is estimated at 0.97, as shown below:
10.4.2 EIRR
Table 10.4-2 exhibits the calculation of the EIRR of the Project based on the economic benefits
and costs discussed earlier. The EIRR is calculated at 17.1 percent, which clearly supports
economic viability of the Project. Because of some economic benefits that are not included in
the financial benefits, the EIRR is higher than the FIRR on the total investments.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2 Benefits 37,182 74,363 74,363 74,363 75,172 75,172 75,172 75,172 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980
(1) Electricity sales 37,182 74,363 74,363 74,363 75,172 75,172 75,172 75,172 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 75,980 1,852,617
3 Costs 1,639 9,176 53,658 76,888 46,943 42,729 42,222 42,290 42,345 42,410 41,648 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 1,168,951
(1) Initial investment costs 1,639 9,176 53,658 76,888 26,813 3,153 2,647 2,715 2,769 2,835 1,168 181,823
(2) Operation 20,131 39,575 39,575 39,575 39,575 39,575 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 40,480 987,129
4 Net benefits (Item 2 - 3) -1,639 -9,176 -53,658 -76,888 -9,761 31,635 32,141 32,073 32,827 32,762 33,523 34,691 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 683,665
5 Cumulative net benefits -1,639 -9,176 -62,834 -139,722 -149,484 -117,849 -85,708 -53,635 -20,807 11,954 45,477 80,169 115,669 151,168 186,668 222,168 257,668 293,168 328,667 364,167 399,667 435,167 470,667 506,166 541,666 577,166 612,666 648,165 683,665 6,292,724
6 Net present value -1,639 -8,342 -51,929 -104,975 -102,099 -73,175 -48,380 -27,523 -9,707 5,070 17,533 28,099 36,856 43,788 49,156 53,185 56,076 58,002 59,114 59,544 59,408 58,804 57,819 56,528 54,993 53,270 51,406 49,441 47,408 529,369
discount factor 1.00 0.91 0.83 0.75 0.68 0.62 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.42 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07
7 Cumulative NPV -1,639 -9,981 -61,910 -166,885 -268,985 -342,160 -390,539 -418,062 -427,769 -422,699 -405,166 -377,067 -340,212 -296,424 -247,268 -194,083 -138,007 -80,005 -20,891 38,653 98,061 156,865 214,685 271,212 326,205 379,475 430,881 480,322 527,730
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
A sensitivity test was performed on the EIRR for the initial investment cost only, which is the
largest foreign cost component. The results of the test are as follows:
Generally, higher EIRRs are expected for energy projects, whereas a substantial cost overrun of
the initial investment cost could undermine the Project’s viability. As a result of this sensitivity
analysis, the EIRRs are over 10 percent in cases of a 10 percent and 20 percent higher initial
investment. Thus, it can be said that the Project is economically feasible.
We can conclude that the Project is viable in economic terms, bringing sufficient benefit to the
country to justify its implementation.
Effect Indicators
・ Maximum Output
・ Net Electric Power Production
・ Number of Beneficiaries
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The target of each indicator is set based on international experience of this JICA Team. The
targets shall be initially set at the lowest levels possible. They will be checked periodically and
reviewed yearly for setting and achieving higher targets toward final targets.
Each target shall be checked and reviewed based on Table 10.5-1. The indicators above are set
based on “Operational and Effect Indicators Reference, 2nd Edition, established by JBIC,
October 2002.”
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Chapter 11
There are existing facilities in the site, including three sets of GTs that are rarely used, oil tanks,
and three substations, as well as remnants of the former coal-fired power station, such as a
partially demolished power house, the CW pipe bridge, which is seriously damaged, and an open
space that used to be the coal stockyard.
Please refer to Chapters 3 and 5 of this Report for detailed information on the proposed Project
The combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) with a multi-shaft 2 on 1 configuration is proposed for
adoption in this Project. A CCGT is a power generation system that utilizes a combination of
GT(s) and a ST to achieve greater efficiency than would be possible independently. The gas
turbine drives an electrical generator. The GT exhaust is then used to produce steam in a heat
recovery steam generator (HRSG). Then the generated steam is fed to a ST whose output
provides the means to generate more electricity. This technology is known for its effectiveness in
terms of natural gas resource use, higher efficiency, shorter construction period, lower initial
investment cost, compact configuration and most importantly, few environmental impacts.
Please refer to Chapters 4 and 6 of this Report for a comprehensive overview of the technical
specifications and basic design of the proposed power plant.
An air-cooled condenser (ACC) is proposed as the most preferred steam condenser for this
Project. The ACC technology does not need water to condense the process fluid. In this system,
exhaust steam from the turbine flows through the tube bundles and is condensed in parallel flow
tube bundles using air flow induced by properly designed axial fans. This system has the
following observable benefits:
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Refer to Chapters 4 and 6 of this Report for the comprehensive information on the technical
specifications of the proposed air-cooled condenser.
(1) Meteorology
The meteorological data was collected from the nearest meteorological station to the Project site
(Weather Station #64 – Maputo International Airport). Presented below are significant climate
data generated from 2009–2011.
(a) Temperature
As shown in Figure 11.2-1, the highest value in the monthly average of highest temperature is
approximately 30℃ from December to March, and the lowest value in the monthly average of
highest temperature is between 25–26℃ from June to August. The monthly average of lowest
temperature is parallel to the average of highest temperature, but is 7℃to 10℃ cooler. The
highest value in the monthly average of lowest temperature is approximately 22℃in January and
Figure 11.2-1 Average monthly highest and lowest temperatures at Station No. 64
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
categories of wind speeds. The dotted circles provide information of the frequency of occurrence
of wind speed and direction categories. The frequency at which calm occurred when the wind
speed was below 0.5 m/s is also predicted. As shown in the figure, the predominant wind
direction was from the south-southwest, with an approximate occurrence of 16%. The second
predominant wind direction is from the east.
>= 11.1
8.8 - 11.1
5.7 - 8.8
3.6 - 5.7
2.1 - 3.6
0.5 - 2.1
Calms: 13.36%
25 23.4
% 20
15 13.4
0.9 0.2
Calms 0.5 - 2.1 2.1 - 3.6 3.6 - 5.7 5.7 - 8.8 8.8 - 11.1 >= 11.1
Wind Class (m/s)
20 11-4
% 15 13.4
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(d) Rainfall
The rainfall data is shown in Figure 11.2-6. The annual rainfall data suggests that Maputo
received annual rainfalls ranging from 284 mm to 865 between 2007 and 2011. The rainfall
pattern shows a relatively higher rainfall in the months from November to April, which also
justifies the temperature pattern observed at the point nearest the Project site.
Precipitation in mm
The proposed Project site is located near the Maputo Port Terminal. In the greater Maputo area,
there are a number of other industries that are considered to be of significant pollution sources,
namely: cement processing, light fuel refining, coal storage and ship loading, informal industries
and waste material burning. In close proximity to the proposed site, pollution sources are
generated from vehicular traffic at the EN2 highway, the MPDC train lines of the Maputo Cargo
Terminal, the coal burning in the adjacent community, the ships traveling within Maputo Bay and
the ships loading at the Maputo Cargo Terminal.
In order to determine the baseline ambient air quality, the JICA Study Team conducted air quality
monitoring from 23 Nov to Dec 01, 2012. The monitoring point was established close to the
center of the Project site between the fuel tanks of the existing GTs (see Figure 11.2-7). The GPS
coordinates of the point are 452914.00 m E, 7130896 m S. The sampling of SO2, NO2 and PM10
were carried out in accordance with NIOSH methods as detailed in Table 11.2-1 below.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The ambient samples were collected using precision sample pumps that were calibrated on site
with a portable flow calibrator. The sampling duration was approximately 24 hours for each of
the seven samples for which results are shown in Table 11.2-2.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 11.2-2 Daily Ambient Concentrations for PM10, SO2 and NO2
PM10 (µg/m3) SO2 (µg/m3) NO2 (µg/m3)
As shown in Table 11.2-2 above, the current SO2 concentrations were below the Mozambican
24-hour guideline of 365µg/m3 and the RSA guideline of 125µg/m3. The measured ambient NO 2
concentrations were also within the Mozambican 24-hour guideline of 200µg/m3. There are no
guidelines in Mozambique, however, for PM10 so the international standards and guidelines were
observed and adopted. The measured ambient PM 10 concentrations were within the current RSA
24-hour guideline of 125µg/m3; however, they were above the WHO guideline of 50µg/m3 on 5
out of the 7 sampling days. Refer to the next section (Section 11.3.1) of this Report for detailed
presentation of the ambient air quality standards and guidelines applicable to this Project.
Sound is created when an object vibrates or radiates and part of that energy travels as acoustic
pressure or waves through air, water or solids. Sound and noise are measured in units of decibels
(dB), which are logarithmic in scale. Small changes in ambient sound levels less than 3 dB(A)
will not be detected by a human ear but 10 dB(A) sound levels would be perceived as a doubling
of sound loudness. To compare the effects of different fluctuating sounds, the average sound level
over a time period will be compared to the constant level of steady, non-varying sound that
produces the same energy during the same period. The fluctuating average noise levels over a
time period is termed as Leq and is represented by the constant noise level producing the same
sound energy over the same time period as the fluctuating noise level. Figure 11.2-8 shows
typical noise levels in various environments.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
In order to determine the ambient noise level in the study area, a baseline noise monitoring survey
was conducted. The monitoring was conducted based on noise measurements obtained and done
by the use of a Type 1 precision impulse integrating sound level meter, as prescribed by the
international standards for sound level meter specifications, i.e., IEC 61672:1999, IEC
61260:1995 and IEC 60651, as well as ISO 19961:2003 and ISO 3095:2001 for the measurement
and assessment of environmental noise.
A total of 10 monitoring points were pre-selected and one additional point (MP11) was chosen to
carry out a 24-hr continuous measurement as shown in Figure 11.2-9. Its Global Positioning
System (GPS) coordinates are shown in Table 11.2-3. The monitoring points consist of:
One location close to the fuel tanks, about 30 m northwest of the existing No.2 GT.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
GPS Coordinates (WGS 84, UTM)
MP01 452843.90 m E 7131027.27 m S
MP02 452954.91 m E 7130936.00 m S
MP03 452925.38 m E 7131035.01 m S
MP04 453056.00 m E 7130909.96 m S
MP05 453157.84 m E 7130804.78 m S
MP06 453172.86 m E 7130930.07 m S
MP07 453274.77 m E 7130868.29 m S
MP08 453228.12 m E 7130845.98 m S
MP09 453293.45 m E 7130777.91 m S
MP10 453333.31 m E 7130831.58 m S
MP11 452914.00 m E 7130896.00 m S
(Source: JICA Study Team)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The noise measurements were performed intermittently during the day and night for a period of 5
days covering four time periods (Morning: 06:00-08:00; Daytime: 08:00-18:00, Evening:
18:00-23:00 and Night-time: 23:00-06:00), within a 24-hour period representing weekdays and
weekends. Table 11.2-4, Table 11.2-5 and Figure 11.2-10 illustrate the results of the noise levels
at each monitoring point.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Figure 11.2-10 Average noise level at MP11 over 9 days period (Nov 23–Dec 01/2012)
Based on the results of the noise monitoring, the main noise sources within and around the
Project area were the vehicular traffic from the EN2 highway, the trains to and from the Maputo
Terminal and the existing GTs in CTM Maputo. The ambient noise levels at the monitored points
within the power station site were found to be below the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise
Guidelines of 70 dB(A) for industrial zones, except for MP02 and MP11, which were in close
proximity to the existing No.2 GT. The noise level from GT operation increased the noise levels
on site, but they are lower than the noise levels at the Bairro Luis Cabral community. The noise
levels at Bairro Luis Cabral community during the weekend at night were found to be higher than
those during weekdays. This may be attributed to the increased night-time activity, such as loud
music, coupled with noise from the traffic and the GT. Table 11.2-6 shows the summary of the
noise monitoring results of each monitoring point.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
MP01 This point is situated at the entrance of the Power Station site. It is approximately
100 m from the EN2 highway. The noise environment was mainly affected by the
traffic noise from the EN2 and the noise from the GTs when in operation. The
distance of this point to the existing No. 2 GT is approximately 180 m.
The measured ambient noise levels at this point were below the World Bank/IFC
Ambient Noise Guidelines of 70 dB(A) for industrial zones.
MP02 MP02 is at the center of the site, approximately 120 m from the EN2 highway and
60 m from the existing No. 2 GT. The noise environment at this point was dominated
by the GT operation and by the highway traffic. When the No. 2 GT was in
operation, the noise level reached 72.1 dB(A). The noise levels for the remaining
time periods were all below the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise Guidelines of 70
dB(A) for industrial zones.
MP03 This point is located near the northern corner of the site, approximately 50 m from
the EN2 highway. The noise environment at this point was dominated by the road
traffic and the GT operation. In addition, the noise levels were intermittently elevated
due to passing trains. The measured ambient noise levels at this point for all time
periods were below the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise Guidelines of 70 dB(A) for
industrial zones.
MP04 This point is located at the center of the northeastern fence line of the site,
approximately 100 m from the EN2 highway and 120 m from the existing No. 2 GT.
The predominant noise sources at this point were the vehicular traffic from the
highway and the GT when it was in operation. Similar to MP03, the noise levels at
MP04 were intermittently elevated due to the passing trains. The measured ambient
noise levels were below the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise Guidelines of 70 dB(A)
for industrial zones, except for a weekday morning measurement reaching 74.4
dB(A), due to a passing train from the Maputo Terminal.
MP05 This point is located near the southeastern corner of the site. It is approximately
150 m from the EN2 highway. The noise environment at this point was primarily
affected by the EN2 road traffic and the railway activity. The two elevated noise
levels measured, i.e., 67.4 dB(A) and 67.6 dB(A), were all due to passing trains.
In the evenings, the noise levels at this point were increased due to insect and frog
activity. The evening noise levels, without the influence of the passing trains,
reached 61.2 dB(A).
The measured noise levels at this point for the remaining time periods were around
50 dB(A). As can be seen from the weekend night-time measurement, GT operation
did not cause any significant increase of the noise level at MP05. This was due to the
fact that nearby buildings provided shielding from the noise generated by the turbine
MP06 This point is at the northern border of the Bairro Luis Cabral community, about 20 m
from the EN2 highway. The noise environment at this point was primarily affected
by the vehicular traffic on the EN2.
The measured noise levels at this location were above the World Bank/IFC Ambient
Noise Guidelines for residential and the SANS guidelines for urban districts with
main roads. The average measured noise level reached 62.2 dB(A).
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
MP07 The location of this point is within the Bairro Luis Cabral community, approximately
120 m from the site’s fence line and 25 m from the EN2 highway. The main
contributor to the noise environment at this location was the vehicular traffic on the
The measured noise levels at MP07 were above the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise
Guidelines for residential zones and the SANS guidelines for urban districts with
main roads.
MP08 This point lies within the Bairro Luis Cabral community, approximately 70 m from
the site’s fence line and the EN2 highway. The noise environment is affected by the
vehicular traffic on the EN2 and localised domestic activities, including music,
peoples’ conversations, children playing and other human activities.
The measured noise levels at this point were above the World Bank/IFC Ambient
Noise Guidelines for residential and the SANS guidelines for urban districts with
main roads.
MP09 This point is situated within the Bairro Luis Cabral community, which is
approximately 100 m from the EN2 highway. Similar to MP08, the main noise
sources here were the traffic from the EN2 and domestic activities. The noise from
GT operation was audible at this point, but not intrusive.
The measured noise levels at this point were slightly above the World Bank/IFC
Ambient Noise Guidelines for residential, but within the SANS guidelines for urban
districts with main roads.
MP10 This point is close to the northern border of the Bairro Luis Cabral community,
approximately 35 m from the EN2 highway. The noise environment at this point was
primarily affected by the vehicular traffic on the above-mentioned road.
The measured noise levels at this point exceeded the World Bank/IFC Ambient
Noise Guidelines for residential areas and were slightly above the SANS guidelines
for urban districts with main roads.
MP11 The MP11 is situated 70 m southwest of point MP02 at the center of the site and
close to the existing fuel tanks and the existing No. 2 GT. The noise environment at
this point was primarily dominated by the GT operation and by the vehicular traffic
on the EN2. When the existing No. 2 GT was in operation, the noise levels reached
74 dB(A), thus exceeding the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise Guidelines of 70
dB(A) for industrial zones. The noise levels for the remaining time periods were all
below the World Bank/IFC Ambient Noise Guidelines for industrial areas.
(4) Topography
The elevation in the study area is considered to be low (<4 m above MSL of Port Maputo) due to
its coastal location. The topography of the site is regular with elevations descending steadily
towards the coast and consequently the slopes are mild. Refer to Chapter 5 for a detailed
description of the topographic condition of the proposed site.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(6) Hydrology
The proposed site is associated with the Infulune River, which is approximately 300 m west of
the proposed Project site. Fronting the Project site is an intertidal zone and a mangrove forest that
slightly extends to the southern end of the site.
To the north of the site, a storm water channel was observed running parallel to the railway. At
two points along this storm water channel, culverts passed beneath the railway enabling the
routing of storm water to Maputo Bay and beneath the site. A ‘saturated surface depression’ was
also noted at the north of the CTM site. This depression runs parallel to the CTM boundary (and
railway). The source of the water saturating this area is unknown and may be due to a number of
reasons such as surface water run-on and an associated impermeable depression, groundwater
extrusion or a burst pipe. Refer to Chapter 5 for a detailed description on hydrological conditions
of the site.
Figure 11.2-11 shows the location map. The results of the laboratory sample tests are illustrated
in Table 11.2-7.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Sample 2
Sample 1
Sample 3
Sample 4
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
As shown in the above table, it is evident that water from Sample 1 is of good quality and the
only parameter highlighted that is of concern is aluminum; however, the concentration can be
skewed by mobilization of aluminum under lower ph values (acidified bottles). Samples 2 and 3
indicate a saline environment with elevated concentrations of chlorine, sulphate, aluminum, boron,
calcium, magnesium and sodium. The total dissolved solids and electrical conductive are also
high. E-coli were present, presumably from the immediate upstream informal settlement. The
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
result of Sample 4 showed a high level of E-coli (47/100 ml) with elevated concentrations of
chloride, sulphate, aluminum, boron, calcium, magnesium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium
and phosphorous. All samples were tested for hydrocarbons via TPH BTEX testing and none of
these samples indicated the presence of hydrocarbons.
(b) Housing
Housing varies considerably in Luis Cabral suburb and consists of predominantly reed houses or
huts built with either light or concrete materials. The reed houses in quarteróes 40a and 40b are
generally covered with a zinc roof and the structures are generally either wood or tin sheets and
most have no windows. Inside, they are divided into compartments with a compacted mud floor.
The yards are generally reed fenced.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(c) Education
There are three complete primary schools in Luis Cabral but no secondary schools. In 2012, there
were 5,334 students enrolled in these schools. There is also a newly established Dom Bosco
Higher Institute, constructed in 2007 to train teachers through distance learning. In 2008, the
institute introduced new courses in tourism and administration. At present, there are 266 students
enrolled. The location of Dom Bosco Higher Institute is at the former Maquinag plot, the land
area opposite to the proposed Project site.
Sanitation is one of the major concerns in Luis Cabral suburb because of the absence of good
sewage and solid waste disposal systems. Most quarteróes next to the proposed Project site do
not have proper latrines. However, there are on-going initiatives that are taking place in order to
improve the sanitation and public health funded by Family Health International.
(a) Agriculture
Considering that the land use of the proposed Project site and its surrounding environment is
industrial, agriculture activities are very limited except for vacant and unused land where some
communities get permission to cultivate. The vacant and unused land close to the Project site is
used by nearby quoarteróes to plant cash crops and maize for domestic consumption.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(b) Fisheries
The first inhabitants in Luis Cabral suburb were from Inhambane province and practiced fishing
in Maputo Bay. However, in recent years, only a few people rely on fishing and only a small
number of quarteróes own wooden boats. Fishing in Luis Cabral is limited to domestic
(c) Industries
Most people near the Project site are laborers and workers of industrial companies like Ford
(opposite the proposed Project site), small companies for air conditioning and freezer repairs,
Volvo and Hyundai, FRESPO (trucking company), and the port terminal, which is not far from
the Project site.
Mozambique has relatively well-developed legal frameworks for environmental management and
protection. These are manifested by the adequate number of well-enforced legal instruments.
Some of these laws and regulations are listed in Table 11.3-1.
The umbrella law, known as the Environmental Law (Law No. 20/97) mandates all
environmental matters in Mozambique and is considered to be an important instrument in the
enactment and passage of various and specialized environmental decrees and regulations in the
Significant highlights of this Law include, among others, the following basic principles for
environmental management in Mozambique:
Rational utilization and management of the environment with a view to the promotion of
improved quality of life of citizens and maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystems
Recognition of traditions and local knowledge which may contribute to the conservation and
preservation of natural resources and the environment
Public participation
The domain of the Environmental Law comprises all activities private or public, which directly or
indirectly influence the environment and those that fall under the constitutional provision for “an
ecological balanced environment” for all citizens.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Source: MICOA)
Table 11.3-2 to Table 11.3-4 illustrate the environmental guidelines set forth under the
environmental quality and effluent emissions standards in Mozambique.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 11.3-3 Standards of emission for airborne pollutants by thermal power stations
Activity Total of SOx NOx Others
Thermal power 50 0.2 per day (500 MW) Coal = 750
stations (new) 0.1 per day (>500 MW) Diesel = 460
Gas = 320
(Source: Government Bulletin, 02 June 2004 (Decree No. 18/2004))
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Mozambique’s Decree No. 18/2004 on Environmental Quality Standards and Effluent Emissions
has yet to establish the standards for the following parameters: PM10, dust, and noise; thus, the
following standards are adopted from the South African National Air Quality values. Table
11.3-5 and Table 11.3-6 illustrate the standards for the parameters mentioned.
The global environmental standards set by WHO are also being used as a reference in
Mozambique as far as environmental health is concerned, including some of the significant
parameters illustrated in Table 11.3 7.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
In the absence of standards and guidelines, Mozambique uses the guidelines for noise levels set
by the South African Noise Control Standards and the International Finance Corporation – World
Bank Group Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines. Table 11.3-8 illustrates the following
ambient noise levels set the IFC-World Bank Group.
With regards to effluent standards, the IFC-EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants (2008)
have specified performance indicators and environmental monitoring requirements. This
guideline stipulates: “Effluent guidelines are applicable for direct discharges of treated effluents
to surface waters for general use. Site-specific discharge levels may be established based on the
availability and conditions in the use of publicly operated sewage collection and treatment
systems or, if discharged directly to surface waters, on the receiving water use classification as
described in the General EHS Guideline (2007). Guideline values for process emissions and
effluents in this sector are indicative of good international industry practice as reflected in
standards of countries with recognized regulatory frameworks. These levels should be achieved,
without dilution, at least 95 percent of the time that the plant or unit is operating, to be calculated
as a proportion of annual operating hours. Deviation from these levels due to specific local
project conditions should be justified in the environmental assessment.”
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Decree No. 45/2004, known as the Regulation on EIA Process, provides the EIA procedural
framework in the conduct, evaluation and overall management of EIA process in Mozambique. It
outlines the steps to be undertaken for all development activities, whether public or private.
The EIA Regulation also mandates that only EIA professionals (técnicos médios e superiores)
who are registered environmental consultants can undertake an EIA process in Mozambique.
Consultants are required to register either as individuals, companies or as a consortium of
companies (e.g., for a specific project) and are required to have at least five years of relevant
experience at the time of registration. Only an ‘advanced’ professional can act as a project
manager and sign on EIA reports. For non-Mozambican companies who wish to conduct an EIA
process in the country, the process must be subcontracted to a company registered in
Mozambique. In addition, the company must submit documentation consisting of a list of similar
projects undertaken, CVs and the qualifications of each member proposed for the EIA team.
Corresponding fees are collected in accordance to the following:
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Category A are those projects that may have a significant impact on the environment and
whose activities are listed in Appendix 1 of the EIA Regulations including, among others,
power generation, transmission lines with a voltage of 110 kV with a length of more than 10
km, and gas pipelines longer than 5 km. Project types like these require an EIA level study
and the formulation of an Environmental Management Plan.
Category B are those projects or activities listed in Appendix 2 of the EIA Regulations,
which do not significantly affect communities, environmentally sensitive areas and for which,
the intensity and extent of impact are lower than that of those in Category A. Category B
projects only require a Simplified Environmental report (SER).
Category C are those projects or activities listed in Appendix 3 of the EIA Regulations,
which show insignificant or negligible impacts on the environment. A declaration for
exemption for any EIA or SER requirement will be issued by the EIA authority or
responsible DPCA.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
for Environmental Affairs (PDCA). Based on the information contained in the application form,
MICOA or PDCA will conduct a screening or pre-evaluation in order to determine the project
classification and categorization.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Source: MICOA)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The JICA Guidelines of April 2010 on environmental and social considerations is the
fundamental instrument used in carrying out the environmental assessment for this Project in
Mozambique. However, environmental laws and regulations in Mozambique are also being
considered. In addition, the policies and guidelines published by the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) are being referred to in order to ensure that significant environmental and social elements
of the Project are balanced and looked into fairly. Based on the study conducted, no significant
differences or gaps have been identified among the three legal documents mentioned. Table
11.3-12 shows the comparative descriptions of significant environmental and social
considerations published by JICA, ADB and the Government of Mozambique, which are relevant
in carrying out the Project.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 11.3-12 Comparison of environmental and social considerations by JICA, ADB and Mozambique
Significant Items JICA ADB Mozambique
Disclosure of Environmental assessment reports are Environmental assessment reports for Environmental assessment reports are
information accessible to any interested parties and ADB projects are accessible to interested accessible to the general public.
general public and accessible through parties and the general public.
the JICA website.
Public participation JICA social acceptability policy ADB requires public consultation in the Article 13 of the EIA regulations sets out in
process dictates the need for public environmental assessment process. broad terms the basic components of the
participation process. For Category A and B projects, the public participation process during the
In order to have meaningful meetings, borrower must consult with groups compilation of environmental assessment
JICA encourages project proponents to affected by the proposed project and reports.
publicize and consult with local local non-government organizations In some cases, MICOA may see public
stakeholders, with particular attention (NGOs). comment or hold a public hearing during the
to directly affected people. For Category A projects, ADB ensures review process of any documents submitted
In the case of Category A projects, that the borrower carries out public before approval.
project proponents need to consult consultation at least twice: (i) once For Category A projects, public participation
with local stakeholders about their during the early stages of EIA field is a mandatory process. It is optional for
understanding of development needs, work; and (ii) once when the draft EIA Category B projects.
the likely adverse impacts on the report is available, and prior to loan Public meetings must be advertised at least 15
environment and society, and the appraisal by ADB. The public days in advance, to which all interested parties
analysis of alternatives at an early consultation process needs to be are invited to comment.
stage. described in the EIA and SEIA reports.
In the case of Category B projects,
project proponents are required to
consult with local stakeholders when
Safeguard Policies For projects that will result in ADB has three safeguard policies, MICOA coordinates with the Ministry of
large-scale involuntary resettlement, namely: Gender and Social Affairs in cases of human
resettlement action plans must be a) Indigenous People’s (IP) Policy resettlement, compensation and rehabilitation
prepared and made available to the b) Environment Policy of people affected and displaced by
public. c) Involuntary Resettlement (IR) Policy. development projects.
It is desirable that the resettlement
action plan will include elements laid These policies set important provisions to
out in the World Bank Safeguard make sure that development projects are
Policy, OP 4.12, Annex A. not detrimental or harmful to the society
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Examination of Multiple alternatives must be ADB requires proponents to study the Article 2 of the EIA regulation mandates the
measures examined in order to avoid or comparison and evaluation of study and comparison of alternatives including
minimize adverse impacts. REASONABLE ALTERNATIVES a No Go option.
In the examination of measures, included in the approaches to the An Environmental Management Plan
priority is given to avoidance of selection of alternatives, NO ACTION including mitigation measures, and monitoring
environmental impacts; when this is alternative, and evaluation and of impacts, environmental education, accident
not possible, minimization and comparison of alternatives, in relation to prevention and contingency plans are required
reduction of impacts must be social and environmental problems, costs to be incorporated in the EIA/SER reports.
considered. and benefits. Article 24 of EIA Regulations requires regular
Compensation measures must be According to the Operation Manual inspections and audits for Category A and B
examined only when impacts cannot issued October 2003, Category A and projects to ensure that EMP is properly
be avoided by any of the environmentally sensitive Category B implemented and enforced.
aforementioned measures. projects require, as part of the
Appropriate follow-up plans and environmental assessment process, the
systems, such as monitoring and development of EMPs that outline
environmental management plans, specific mitigation measures,
must be prepared including costs and environmental monitoring requirements,
the financial methods to fund such and related institutional arrangements,
activities. Projects with particularly including budgets.
large potential adverse impacts must
be accompanied by detailed
environmental management plans.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The Ministério para a Coordenação da Acção Ambiental (MICOA) was established in 1995
with the mandate to implement the National Environmental Management Plan, enforce
environmental policies and legislation as well as to coordinate with relevant ministries on
environmental concerns and ensure that the environmental considerations are integrated into
sector plans, programs, policies and development projects. Figure 11.3-2 shows MICOA’s
organizational structure.
MICOA is composed of five departments, namely: environmental impact assessment,
management of natural resources, land planning, promotion of environmental awareness and
planning, for which each department has its own respective mandates.
In December 1999, the EIA Department was upgraded to National Directorate of Environmental
Impact Assessment in order to effectively and efficiently implement the mandate contained in
Law No. 20/97 known as the Environmental Law. The new enhanced National EIA Directorate
comprises of a team of professional staff, including a National Director, deployed flexibly to
perform the tasks and supported by EIA Department and Environmental Auditing Department.
Furthermore, in line with the government’s decentralization policy and in order to discharge its
mandate more effectively, MICOA established the Provincial Directorates to coordinate
environmental affairs (DPCAs) at the provincial level in ten provinces all over the country. In
principle, the role of the provincial directorates is to facilitate the implementation of the
centrally developed environmental legislation, policies and programs, including EIA regulations
and guidelines at the local level. At present, most of the provincial governments have
institutionalized a Department of Environmental Management and some provinces have
established a separate EIA Department.
(b) The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has a broad responsibility in relation
to natural environmental management including agriculture, livestock, forestry and wildlife.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(c) The Ministry of National Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife is in charge of managing the
country’s vast forestry and wildlife resources outside national parks and reserves.
(d) The Ministry of Tourism also known as the Directorate for Conservation Areas is
responsible for the protection of National Parks, unless these parks have been specifically
declared by another agency.
(e) The Ministry of Fisheries is responsible for the implementation of Law No. 3/1990 known
as the Fisheries Law that covers management of freshwater and marine fish resources as well as
overseeing aqua and marine-culture industries.
(f) The Ministry of Trade and Industry is involved in larger development projects.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 11.3-13 Tentative schedule of official EIA process of the proposed project
Broad Tasks/Activities 2012 2013
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Application to MICOA
EIA Study
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Land use
Area size for development
Site accessibility and ease in land preparation
Topographic condition of the site
Maximum applicable output based on transmission line capacity
Availability of fuel gas volume
Availability of water resource
Applicability of appropriate cooling system
Availability of potential configuration of CCGT
On the basis of the above criteria, the CTM site is considered to be the most advantageous site
compared to the Beluluane site.
Table 11.4 1 shows the results of the comparative analysis undertaken by the JICA Study Team
in October 2012.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
There are three (3) cooling systems identified that are potentially applicable to the envisioned
new power plant namely: once-through, wet cooling tower and air-cooled condenser.
The following criteria are used to determine the best possible option:
Environmental consideration
Technical consideration
Administrative consideration
Duration of construction
Construction cost
Lifetime cost
The comparative results of the evaluation by the JICA Study Team in October 2012 are shown
in Table 11.4 2 below.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Maputo Port Development Company is an authority that operates and governs the Mozambique ports of Maputo and Matola. It
holds the concession to manage, construct, operate, develop and optimize the concession area until 2033 with options to extend.
Please refer to Chapter 9 for detailed information on Project cost.
Please refer to Chapter 10 on economic and financial analysis.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Without the Project, in order to bridge the gap in power balance up to completion of the STE
Project, EDM needs to acquire power from gas-fired thermal plants being planned mainly in
Ressano Garcia. Natural gas can be tapped off the existing gas pipeline transferring gas from the
Pande & Temane Gas Fields in Mozambique to South Africa.
Since these power plants are generally located in inland hilly areas where cooling water cannot
be easily obtained, gas engines are to be mainly used for power generation. On the other hand,
the proposed new power plant is expected to be a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plant,
and can achieve a higher thermal efficiency than a gas-engine power plant. Therefore, even if
the plant output is the same, CCGT plants will emit less CO2 than gas-engine power plants.
Assuming the gas-engine power plant with an output of 100 MW is replaced by a CCGT plant
with the same output, the potential CO2 emission reductions can be preliminarily calculated as
Environmental Pre-Feasibility Study and Scope Definition for Mozambique Gas Engine Power Plant
(MGEPP) Project in Ressano Garcia, Mozambique (2011)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
11.5 Scoping and TOR for the Environmental and Social Consideration Study
In order to ensure that all significant environmental and social issues are considered, an
environmental checklist was generated, details of which are attached in the Appendix-7 of this
Report. Table 11.5-1 below provides the summarized items in the environmental checklist.
On the basis of the above, the JICA Study Team conducted an initial evaluation of these
environmental elements to determine key environmental issues to be included and scoped in the
environmental and social considerations study. Table 11.5-2 illustrates significant results.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
A+/- : Significant positive/negative impact is expected
B+/- : Positive/negative impact is expected
C+/- : Extent of positive impact/extent of negative impact is unknown (needs further investigation and clarification or whether
the impact can be clarified as the ESC Study progresses)
D : No significant impact is expected or no impact at all is expected
(Source: JICA Study Team)
The results of the scoping activities are used in drawing out the TOR for the conduct of the
environmental and social consideration study. There were five significant environmental issues
that require clarification and further investigation namely: air quality, water quality,
noise/vibration, waste management, and social and economic conditions of the people living in
the surrounding area of the Project site. Soil and hydrological surveys are undertaken in
conjunction with the civil works. More detailed investigation of significant environmental issues,
including soil contamination and the significance of site contamination assessment are
considered for intensive investigation during the official EIA study to be undertaken by EDM.
It is important to stress that while the principle in conducting the ESC study is following the
JICA Guidelines for Category B, in the absence of secondary data, and in consonance with the
environmental regulations of Mozambique, significant baseline level information are gathered
in a simplified manner in order to provide baseline information necessary to predict and
evaluate the impact of the proposed Project. Local consultants are commissioned to assist the
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
JICA Study Team in carrying out these tasks efficiently and effectively. It is noted, that the
outputs of these studies will serve as a working document for EDM once the official EIA
process commences. Table 11.5-3 outlines the terms of reference in the conduct of the
environmental and social consideration study.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Land acquisition is not necessary for this Project because the proposed site is within the vicinity
of the existing power plant owned and operated by EDM.
11.6.2 Resettlement
There are no resettlements involved in the Project because there are no legal or illegal settlers
that will be displaced.
Table 11.7-1 Results of the environmental and social study based on scoping
Item Impact at Impact based Reason for Evaluation
scoping on Study
Con O/M Con O/M
Environmental quality standards and pollution control
1 Air quality B- C- B- B- Air pollution can occur caused by gas emissions
generated from the use of machinery, equipment
and heavy trucks. However, the value of the
particulate matter is lower than the prescribed air
quality standards of Mozambique and the standards
used by IFC and SANS.
Dust is generated from various sources including
the different kinds of heavy earth works, although
this can be temporary, as leveling works will only
be done for a certain period.
During the pre-construction and construction
period, there will be an increase in vehicle traffic as
a result of transporting construction materials and
construction/domestic wastes.
Emission gas generated from the Project is
predicted to meet the air quality standards set by
Mozambique (Decree No. 18/2004), SANS
Ambient Air Quality Standard and IFC. When the
existing GTs and the new power plant operate at
the same time, there might be an increased
concentration of NOx that may exceed air quality
standards; however, this is also negligible as there
is a plan to rehabilitate and upgrade the existing
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The construction and operational phase of the proposed Project comprises various activities,
each of which may have an impact on environmental parameters as mentioned in the preceding
sections of this Report. Various impacts during the construction and operation phase on the
environment have been studied to predict the impact on the environmental attributes. The
probable impacts of each of these activities are predicted depending upon the inputs from the
source, efficacy of pollution control equipment and capacity of the receiving environment.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Noise and
Civil construction works X X X X X X X
Water supply X
Transportation X X X X
Water sprinkling will be regularly carried out in order to prevent the fugitive dust to the
maximum extent possible. All construction equipment shall be maintained properly. Only
certified vehicles of the contractor shall be deployed at the site. However, as the plant site will
be cordoned off, such particulate impacts will be confined to only within the plant site. The
vehicular exhaust and other related activities would result in a rise of NOX. However, the
incremental values are expected to be negligible.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The overall impact on the water environment during the construction phase due to the proposed
Project would be short term in duration and is considered insignificant.
During the construction phase, various wastes will be generated including industrial solid waste,
domestic waste at the construction site, sewage and other construction debris. The main concern
on waste that may cause serious impact is the use of materials that contain PCB
(polychlorinated biphenyl), PCT (polychlorinated terphenyl), asbestos and other dangerous
substances. Hence, use of these should be avoided when possible. Other construction wastes,
domestic waste and sewages can be mitigated by establishing a good waste management plan
and vigorously implementing it.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Adequate personal protective equipment like ear plugs and ear muffs shall be provided to
the plant workers to reduce the effect of noise
Overall, the impact of generated noise on the environment during the construction period is
likely to be insignificant, reversible, localized in nature and mainly confined to the day hours.
The noise level will only drop down to an acceptable level once the construction period is over.
Strain on civic amenities (like road, transport, communication, water supply and sanitation,
health care and recreational utilities, etc.) due to an increase in floating population.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Increase in consumer prices of indigenous services and produces like eggs, fish, vegetables,
milk, etc.
It is difficult to assess the above impacts quantitatively on a measurable scale. However, most of
these impacts will be short term and limited to the construction period only. The increase in
employment opportunities (project and service sector) and overall economic improvement of the
area is certain to happen.
Existing roads will be strengthened, if required, for transportation of materials, goods, etc.
Transport of construction materials and machineries shall be carried out during lean traffic
period of the day or during the night.
The impact during the operation phase will be continuous in nature. For a gas-based plant of this
capacity (100 MW), the potential for imparting adverse impacts is not high. However, any
impact on the environment is expected to be minimized by incorporating efficient technologies
for pollution control measures.
Natural gas will be used as the fuel for operation. The exhaust gas due to combustion of gas
from GTs during the operation may lead to air pollution by NOx. The current air quality is
below the limit of the ambient air quality standards of Mozambique. Appropriate measures must
be taken to ensure that the standards will be met in the future as well.
Inversion Layer: if there is a temperature inversion layer above the stack, the exhaust gas
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
may remain under the inversion layer and result in a high concentration.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Unit: μg/m3)
Mozambique's EU IFC Japan’s
Item Time
Reference Environmental Quality Standard Limit Value EHS General Guidelines Environmental Quality Standard
Sulfur 10 min. - - - 500 -
(SO2) 1 hr <0.01 – 5.36 800 350 - 260 (0.1ppm)
Annual 80 20 - -
Nitrogen 1 hr 1.17 - 5.74 400 200 200 -
(NO2) 24 hrs 200 - - 75 - 110 (0.04 - 0.06ppm)
Annual 100 40 40 -
Suspended 1 hr - - - 200
matters 24 hrs 200 (TSP) 50 150 100
Annual - 40 70 -
Note: 1. The IFC guidelines adopt a WHO value if there is no guideline in the relevant country. Of various stages of values of sulfur dioxide and suspended particulate matters such as
from target values to guideline values, this table shows the Target value 1 that is of high emergency and equivalent of the environmental quality standards specified in other
3. Japan, “Environmental Quality Standard for Air Pollution”,
4. IFC, “Environmental, Health, and Safety General Guidelines”
(Source: JICA Study Team)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Normal conditions
y2 (z-He)2 2
C( x, y, z)
exp exp
exp -
2πσ2 2 2
2πσyσz u
In which,
C : Concentration at ground level and y (m) distance leeward
Qp : Volume of exhaust gas (g/s)
σy : Parameter in horizontal direction (m)
σz : Parameter in vertical direction (m)
u : Wind Speed (m/s)
y : Horizontal distance from the point of exhaust gas source to the
calculation point (m)
z : Height from the ground (m)
He : Effective stack height (m)
He = H + ΔH
H : Stack Height (m)
ΔH : Rising Height of Exhaust Gas (m)
Rising Height of Exhaust Gas is calculated using CONCAWE model.
Special conditions
<Inversion Layer>
C(x) =
2πσy σz u
3 (H e+2n・L)2
( He+2n・L)
2 + exp 2
n 3
2σz 2σz
In which,
C(x) : Concentration at ground level and y (m) distance leeward
Qp : Volume of Exhaust gas (g/s)
σy : Parameter in horizontal direction (m)
σz : Parameter in vertical direction (m)
u : Wind Speed (m/s)
He : Effective stack height (m)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
<Downdraft / Downwash>
For the effective stack height, the following prediction formula was used with the
lowered heights taken into consideration.
He = Ho + ΔH + ΔH′ + ΔH″
He : Effective stack height (m)
Ho : Actual stack height (m)
ΔH : Rising height (m)
ΔH′ : Reduced plume main axis in consideration of the effect of the stack
ΔH″ : Reduced plume main axis in consideration of the effect of the
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
and measurement from Instituto Nacional Weather Station # 64 covering the period from 2009
to 2011 were utilized. The meteorological data used are as shown below.
The most prevailing wind speed is 1.0 m/s to 1.9 m/s with 25.3% followed by 2.0 m/s to 2.9 m/s
with 25.0% and 0.5 m/s to 0.9 m/s with 21.3%. Thus, the site has relatively weak winds in
general but also a wind speed of more than 6 m/s with an occurrence ratio of more than 1%.
The annual average wind speed is 2 m/s. The wind speed is low from January to July and high
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2009-2011 N
NW 20%
W 0% 0m/s E
---- : Occurrence ratio of Wind Direction
---- : Wind Speed
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
2009 N
NW 20%
W 0% E
SW 2m/s SE
---- : Occurrence ratio of Wind Direction
---- : Wind Speed
2010 N
NW 20%
W 0%
0m/s E
---- : Occurrence ratio of Wind Direction
---- : Wind Speed
2011 N
NW 30% NE
W 0% E
SW 3m/s SE
---- : Occurrence ratio of Wind Direction
---- : Wind Speed
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
b. Special conditions
<Inversion layer>
The inversion layer was calculated with the atmospheric stability and wind speed with the
highest concentration in light of the above diffusion results under the normal conditions.
The exhaust gas from the stack is emitted from a height of 30 m. Given that the downdraft
phenomenon due to the building is caused by buildings with a height, 2.5 times of which exceed
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
The structures with a height of 12 m or more at the power plant include the bypass stack (30 m),
which is the highest at the power plant, and the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG, 30 m).
Downdraft was calculated by selecting all the cases shown in Table 11.8-9 in accordance with
general diffusion conditions. The impact of downwash was insignificant given that the speed of
the exhaust gas is set high (18.8 m/s) and the wind speed is 1.5 times higher than the set wind
speed (28 m/s).
The maximum concentration of nitrogen dioxide is 16.3 μg/m3, which is the highest at the wind
speed of 1.0 m/s with atmospheric stability A at the ground level. This concentration is
approximately 4% of Mozambique's environmental quality standards and approximately 8% of
the IFC/WB guidelines.
As to the maximum future concentration (obtained by adding the present concentration to the
predictive value), the concentration value is 22.04 μg/m3, which is significantly lower than
Mozambique's environmental quality standards and the IFC/WB guidelines.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Atmospheric Stability A)
μ g/m3
10 2m/s
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
(Atmospheric Stability B)
μ g/m3
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 11.8-3 Prediction Result of the Maximum Concentration at the Ground Level
of NO2 under the Normal Conditions Resulting from Installation of
New CCGT (1 Hour Value) for Atmospheric Stabilities A and B
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Atmospheric Stability C)
14 3m/s
12 4m/s
μ g/m3
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
(Atmospheric Stability D)
16 2m/s
14 3m/s
12 4m/s
μ g/m3
10 6m/s
8 8m/s
6 10m/s
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Figure 11.8-4 Prediction Result of the Maximum Concentration at the Ground Level
of NO2 under the Normal Conditions Resulting from Installation of
New CCGT (1 Hour Value) for Atmospheric Stabilities C and D
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Table 11.8-11 Prediction Result of the Maximum Future Concentration at the Ground
Level of NO2 under the Normal Conditions Resulting from Installation of
New CCGT (1 Hour Value)
Maximum Mozambique
Distance for Maximum
concentration at Present atmospheric IFC/WB
maximum future
Wind the ground level concentration at concentration environmental EHS
Item Stability concentration
speed a b quality guidelines
the ground level a+b
(μg/m3) standard (μg/m3)
(μg/m3) (km) (μg/m3)
(μg/m )3
The prediction results of the maximum concentration distribution of nitrogen dioxide from
CCGT with southwest wind at each stability level are as shown in Figure 11.8-5 to Figure
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
b. Special conditions
The prediction result of nitrogen dioxide under the special conditions is as shown in Table
11.8-12 and Figure 11.8-9.
The maximum concentration of nitrogen dioxide is highest, around 32.7μg/m3, when the
inversion layer occurs at the ground level. This value is approximately 8% of Mozambique's
environmental quality standards and approximately 16% of the IFC/WB guidelines.
The maximum future concentration (obtained by adding the present concentration to the
predictive value) is 38.44μg/m3, which is significantly lower than Mozambique's environmental
quality standards and the IFC/WB guidelines.
Table 11.8-12 Prediction Result of the Maximum Future Concentration at the Ground
Level under the Special Conditions Resulting from Installation of New
CCGT (1 Hour Value)
Maximum Atmospheric
Distance for Maximum
concentration Present environmental IFC/WB
maximum future
Wind at the ground concentration quality EHS
Item Condition Stability concentration concentration
speed level b standard of guidelines
at the ground a+b
a (μg/m3) Mozambique (μg/m3)
level (km) (μg/m3)
(μg/m3) (μg/m3)
A 1 m/s 32.7 0.8 38.44
NO2 5.74 400 200
Downdraft D 10 m/s 26.9 0.6 32.64
Note: The maximum concentrations at the ground level of downdraft are predicted maximum values of all the wind speed by
stability level.
(Source: JICA Study Team)
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(Inversion Layer)
μ g/m3
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
μ g/m3
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
(h) Conclusion
As a result of the simulation analysis, it was found that the predicted future concentration is
sufficiently lower compared with the Mozambique's environmental quality standard and the
IFC/WB guidelines. Since there is no significant difference between actual measured data at
CTM Maputo and the assumed NO2 concentration for prediction, need of changing the height of
the stack is not expected.
The main sources of noise during the operation phase are generated from GTs, heat recovery
steam generators (HRSG), ST generator, air-cooled condenser (ACC), various pumps,
ventilation fans and other miscellaneous equipment. These levels of noise generated can be
readily controlled through the application of appropriate acoustic equipment. According to the
Feasibility Study on the technical requirements of this Project (see Section 6.4.4), the ambient
noise level for all equipment operating under steady state conditions shall not exceed 85 dB (A)
at 1 m from the edge of the equipment or close to the source. Its equivalent noise level at a
height of 1 m on the boundary of the plant shall not exceed 70 dB (A). With 70 dB (A), the
prescribed and applicable standards for industrial and commercial areas (day-time and
night-time) given in Section 11.3.1 are met. The results of the noise monitoring survey also
revealed that the current cumulative noise level in the vicinity of the site is relatively high while
the noise contribution from the existing No.2 GT is relatively low. (see Section 11.2.1). Given
this, it can be assumed that the proportion of the noise level generated by the proposed CCGT
with appropriate acoustic equipment will result in no significant increase of the overall noise
level in the vicinity of the site.
The proposed power plant will use the air-cooled condenser and therefore, water is not required
for the power plant operation. Hence, there will be no impact on surface water and ground water.
However, the effluent from the wastewater treatment facilities may need to be periodically
monitored, as the clean wastewater streams will be discharged through the main drainage
pipeline of Maputo Bay.
During the operation phase, the power plant will generate hazardous and non-hazardous wastes
including among others, oil and grease, dehydrated sludge, deposits from screens and filters and
GTs. Landfill sites shall be identified in accordance with the regulatory requirements on
industrial waste disposal. At present, there are two municipal dumping sites indentified for
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
general wastes located in Hulene in Maputo and Malhampsene in Matola and only one land fill
site for hazardous wastes, the Mavoco land fill in Boane suburb.
Wastewater is also expected to be generated from the neutralized regeneration waste of the
HRSG blow down, floor drains from GTs and the ST building, contaminated drains from the
transformer areas and sewage, among others. This wastewater shall be treated and confer with
the prescribed effluent standards of IFC and SANS before being discharged to Maputo Bay.
The plant is also predicted to generate other waste and domestic waste. Hence, it is important to
establish a waste management system including the wastewater system as a measure of
mitigating the adverse impact on waste while at the same time, providing a framework for an
appropriate monitoring system.
There will be no impact on the traffic and transport system as envisaged because the fuel and
gas required for power plant operation will be transported through a pipeline via the new route
linking the MGC pipeline to CTM Maputo.
During the operation phase, health and safety of operation and maintenance personnel are
important. A vigorous fire-fighting system as well as a health and safety plan will be employed
in order to respond to the worst-case scenario of the plant. This shall be implemented in
accordance to the prescribed standards and guidelines set by Mozambique, IFC and SANS.
CO2 will be generated from the Project, contributing to the global climate change, but
considering the capacity of the Project, the impact will not be significant.
After the setting up of the proposed power plant, employment will be generated in the secondary
sector, which will include the non-working population of the area.
During the operation phase, indirect job opportunities will be created in the plant and small and
medium-scale enterprises can be promoted outside the Project boundary. Many will find
employment in the service sector and marketing of day-to-day needs.
There will be no negative health impact on the people as the proposed plant will be gas-based,
will have a very small concentration of SO2 and the PM10 level will be in accordance to the
prescribed standards. Overall, it can be said that there will be marginal impact on the
socio-economic condition of the locality and the impact will be mostly positive.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Based on the analysis of the significant impact of the Project, measures are proposed and
established in order to manage any adverse impact.
Table 11.9 1 and Table 11.9 2 illustrate the mitigation measures during the construction phase
and operation phase, respectively
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Monitoring of water outlet will be periodically
Construction of temporary rain drainage ditches
to prevent accumulating water in levelled area in
the construction site.
Oil and grease and chemicals shall be segregated
and kept in temporal storage tanks.
Vehicles and machines/equipment are
maintained and refueled on sealed, bunded and
roofed areas.
Fuel storage tanks are installed in sealed, bunded
and roofed areas.
Drainage water with Fences are established around the excavation Project Within
soil works to prevent soil erosion and a temporal Implementation EPC cost
settlement pond is prepared to decrease turbidity Unit
of the discharged water.
Waste Industrial solid waste Waste management plan shall be prepared. Project Within
Hazardous and non-hazardous materials shall be Implementation EPC cost
segregated. Unit
Avoid the use of materials that contain PCB
(polychlorinated biphenyl)/PCT (polychlorinated
terphenyl), asbestos and other dangerous
substances, when appropriate.
Domestic waste at Construct a temporary domestic disposal area Project Within
construction site and regular disposal to avoid accumulation of Implementation EPC cost
odor. Unit
Encourage workers to use reuse, recycle and
reduce waste.
Sewage Sewage shall be treated by septic tanks. Project Within
Implementation EPC cost
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
rain and wind Cover the soil whenever possible to avoid Implementation EPC cost
erosion. Unit
Climate Gas emission from Regular maintenance of construction machines Project Within
factor construction and equipment. Implementation EPC cost
machines, equipment Moderate speed of vehicles will be observed. Unit
and vehicles Limitation of weight loads of vehicles.
Local Employment by the Utilization of local services such as cleaning and Project Within
economy Project catering among others. Implementation EPC cost
Procurement of minor Appropriate and acceptable procurement Project Within
things by the Project guidelines shall be formulated. Implementation EPC cost
Health and Risks for infectious Awareness about infectious diseases will be part Project Within
Safety diseases of the education program to be prepared. Implementation EPC cost
Accidents on site Health and safety plan will be prepared. Project Within
Basic health and safety education program will Implementation EPC cost
Social Environment
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Water Effluent from waste Periodic monitoring of the amount of effluent. EDM Within
pollution treatment facility on O&M
the following
parameters ph value
and turbidity
Waste Industrial solid waste Waste management plan shall be prepared. EDM Within
Hazardous and non-hazardous materials are O&M
Project Within
Waste generated shall be treated in the
Implementation EPC
treatment facilities.
Sludge will be recycled.
Dehydrated sludge (cake), deposits from the
screens and filter screens and GTs shall be
treated as solid waste and deposited to the
identified solid waste dumping site.
Monitoring of water quality near the site.
The facility shall be managed and operated
under the environmental standards and
guidelines of Mozambique, SANS and IFC.
Noise and Noise from machines, Regular and periodic maintenance are EDM Within
vibration including the ACC conducted. O&M
Soil Soil erosion due to Spraying the site with water will be conducted EDM Within
rain and wind to reduce soil erosion by rainwater. O&M
Installation of storm water drainage.
Project Within
Implementation EPC
(3) (2) Natural
Climate CO2 gas emission Regular maintenance and monitoring of GTs. EDM Within
factor from the plant O&M
Local Employment by the Labor guidelines in Mozambique are observed. EDM Within
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
In terms of the estimated capital costs to be incurred for undertaking pollution prevention
measures at the plant, the budgetary requirement during construction phase will be within the
EPC cost, and the requirement during operation phase will be included in EDM’s ordinary
operation and maintenance cost as discussed in Chapter 9 of this Report.
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
Effluent of Water temperature, pH, DO, Exit point of the temporary Once a month
water quality BOD5, COD, SS, oil and grease, settlement pond
and heavy metals
(Heavy metals are indicated in
the IFC standards)
River water Water temperature, pH, DO, Exit point of effluent from Quarterly (four
quality BOD5, COD, SS, TD, oil and plant times a year)
grease, and heavy metals based
on standards and guidelines of
Mozambique, SANS and IFC
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
River water Water temperature, pH, DO, Exit point of effluent from Quarterly (four
quality BOD5, COD, SS, TD, oil and plant times a year)
grease, and heavy metals based
on standards and guidelines of
Mozambique, SANS and IFC
Noise dBA Plant boundary (three points: Twice a month
west, east and south)
(Meteorological data such as air,
temperature, relative humidity,
wind direction and wind speed
Two stakeholders’ meetings were held in Luis Cabral suburb. The first meeting was conducted
on January 24, 2013 at the Luis Cabral Community School. It was attended by 18 people
including the Secretary of Luis Cabral suburb, Secretaries of urban blocks 40 and 40a and the
Heads/In-charge of 10 houses. The second meeting was conducted on January 25, 2013 at Dom
Bosco Higher Institute. It was attended by 9 representatives from 4 companies located adjacent
Preparatory Study on Gas-Fired Power Plant Development in Southern Mozambique Final Report
to the proposed Project site, namely: Dom Bosco Higher Institute, SOMOTOR Lda, Intertek
and Petroauto. The Luis Cabral secretary, 1st Secretary of the Party Cell B and EDM also
participated in the meeting. Refer to Appendix-6 for the list of participants. It is noted that these
participants were selected on the basis of their interest to the Project, availability to the meeting
and the nature of their leadership in the community. The following are some of the snapshots
taken during the meetings.
Figure 11.11-1 Participants from the Heads of 10 Houses, Urban Blocks 40 and 40a
Figure 11.11-2 Participants from the Companies and Institutions adjacent to the
Appendix 1
List of Drawings
a) Background Information
The Gas Fired Power Plant Development in Mozambique (hereinafter called “the
project”) is aiming for supplying electric power to satisfy middle- and long-term
power demand in Southern region of the Republic of Mozambique (hereinafter called
The nationwide power demand shows only 610 MW of the maximum generating
capacity and 4,025 GWh/year of the gross power production but the annual average
increase rate in past 5 years shows remarkable growth; i.e. 13.8% and 10.6% each. In
particular, the maximum generating capacity only in Southern Mozambique is 369
MW which is 60% of 610 MW mentioned above and the annual average increase rate
shows steady growth; i.e. 11.3%.
Although Electricidade de Mozambique (EDM) makes an effort to ensure power
supply capacity; e.g. rehabilitation of aged small-scaled hydroelectric and thermal
power plants, purchase of electric power from IPP power supply being built in
Ressano Garcia area, and capital participation into IPP, the urgent issue to satisfy
middle- and long-term power demand is to ensure a new power supply in Maputo city.
Based on such a background, Mozambique government requested Japanese ODA
from Japanese government in December, 2011 to support gas-fired combined cycle
power plant building in Southern Mozambique.
APP 2- 1
c) Stage reached in the project preparation and summary of the findings of
studies to date
Feasibility study will be completed on March 2013 by Tokyo Electric Power Services
Company Ltd and Oriental Consultants Company Ltd in Co-operation with JICA,
d) Implementing Organization
The Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM)
a) Technical Information
The capacity of the Plant will be 85 MW (70MW – 110MW). One multi-shaft 2-on-1
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) will consist of two gas turbines unit and one
steam turbine unit. In this project the technical standards to be followed will be JIS,
c) Related Projects.
New natural gas pipeline is planned by ENH.
APP 2- 2
4) Air cooled condenser and related facilities
5) Closed cooling water system for cooling of lubricating oil and other cooling
6) Drain Recovery System
7) Waste water treatment system
8) Main stack
9) Fuel Gas supply system (new gas station ~ CCGT)
10) Indirect type fuel gas heater (if necessary)
11) Generator step-up transformers
12) Unit auxiliary transformers
13) Auxiliary Power Supply System
14) Emergency diesel generator
15) DC Power Supply System
16) Power Cables and control cables
17) Electrical equipment and materials.
25) Steam turbine building including structural steel, siding, roofing windows
26) Overhead crane and mobile crane
27) Other buildings and houses for supplied equipment
28) Administration building.
29) Ventilation and air conditioning
30) Site & building lighting
31) Architectural materials
32) Finish painting of equipment and materials
33) Fire pump house including structural steel, masonry block walls, roofing,
doors and louvers (if necessary)
APP 2- 3
1-5. Gas Facilities (Gas Station ~ RMS)
37) Gas supply piping with RMS (Regulatory & Metering Station) between Gas
Station and gas compressor ( or decompression facility )
38) Fuel gas compressor/booster or decompression facility (if necessary)
39) Fuel gas pre-treatment system(if necessary)
1-6. Civil Work
40) Site drainage/Site Sanitary
41) Piling (if necessary) and foundations for equipment.
42) All civil works including foundations for supplied equipment and buildings
and houses.
43) Preparation, excavation and leveling works of site area including temporary
storage area during construction and preparation of access road for carrying-in
of heavy components.
44) Fencing around the new plant site and access road (including access road to
equipment and drainages inside the new plant site)
45) Construction of approach road
46) Necessary temporary facilities on the downstream side from the connection
points of utilities such as electric power, water and the like necessary for
47) Irrigation canal shifting
48) Temporary works and facilities for construction
1-7. Others
49) Spare parts for one Combustion Inspection (CI), one Hot Gas Path Inspection
(HGPI), one Major Inspection (MI), which will be out of scope of LTSA spare
parts supply and supply of consumable parts for warranty period.
50) Standard and special tools.
APP 2- 4
and ancillary equipment to compete the project. The Consultant is required to offer a
comprehensive proposal to include the following:
APP 2- 5
The consultant shall undertake the following works:
a) Select pre-qualification criteria including but not limited to, eligibility
requirement; joint venture requirement; general experience requirement;
specific experience requirement; financial capability; organizational capability
and others.
b) Prepare Pre-qualification documents.
c) Check and review pre-qualification proposal from Bidders with due co-
ordination of guidelines of EDM and JICA.
d) Assist EDM for pre-qualification advertising.
e) Evaluate all Bids in accordance with established EDM and JICA approved
f) Review and update the draft report based on comments from EDM and JICA.
g) Prepare draft evaluation reports to EDM and assist EDM in preparing final
evaluation reports.
APP 2- 6
c) Support, co-coordinate, supervise, and make decision and issue instruction for
all design and engineering related to the construction activities to EDM from
view point of ensuring the engineering standards, quality assurance and safety
of the project
d) Set up a quality reporting system of project progress and status to EDM.
e) Manage claims by and against the contractor properly and reasonably within
reasonable time considering the best interest of EDM.
f) Anticipate and identify potential difficulties or conflicts and their effect on the
implementation schedule and recommended and agree steps to be taken by the
contractor or recommending steps to be taken by EDM to overcome the
difficulties and to avoid delays.
g) Prepare and/or evaluate recommendations to EDM regarding any change
proposals, technical amendments and change in the scope of work, if any, the
appropriateness of their pricing and if agreed by EDM the timely issuance to
the contractor of charged order, as per the conditions of the supply and
installation contract.
G) Construction Supervision
The consultant with EDM participation shall undertake the following;
a) Ensure that the contractor sets up his site works appropriately and in
accordance with the contract terms and with due consideration to aspects of
environmental protection.
b) Act on behalf of EDM by administrating the contract between EDM and the
c) Check and approve the contractors design and drawings of the projects.
d) Check and approve the contractor’s temporary works and facilities.
e) Check and approve the contractor’s equipments.
f) Coordinate, supervise and inspect all construction and erection activities.
g) Check and approve the construction methods and site works caries out by the
h) Check and approve the contractor’s quality assurance and control program.
i) Issue instructions to the contractor on behalf of EDM.
j) Indicate and approve final reference points for the setting out of all structures.
k) Check and approval of test procedure for materials and equipment to be tested
on site by the contractor and witness of such tests.
l) Check and approve work progress for purpose of certifying progress payment.
APP 2- 7
m) Assist issuance of payment certificates by EDM.
n) Maintain records of payment made by EDM to the contractor.
o) Monitor and control work progress and initiation of corrective measures, if
p) Recommended any modification of complementary items to be necessary to
the contractor.
q) Hold monthly progress meeting and submission of monthly progress reports to
r) Support EDM to prepare quarterly progress reports to GOM/JICA.
s) Maintain records of contractual matters (Guarantees, performance bonds,
issuance, claims etc.)
t) Assist EDM in contractual matters (Guarantees, performance bonds, issuance,
claims etc.)
u) Inspect and direct preventive safety and environmental control measures.
v) Prepare project complementation report.
w) Check and approve as built drawings.
x) Issue “Certificate of Ready” for commissioning certificates.
y) Assist EDM for submitting Project Completion Report to EDM within six (6)
months after the project completion
APP 2- 8
c) Ensure the quality of training and knowledge transfer provided from the
manufacture to EDM’s O/M staff during both the construction period and
LTSA implementation period.
If it is found necessary, take corrective action to materialize the training and
knowledge transfer outcome, where EDM become able to implement
independently quality operation and maintenance activities, of which training
are provided by the manufacture. Corrective action may include programming
training of power station staff in coordination with the manufacture.
d) Support EDM O.M staff to acquire quality assurance skills to assess the
quality of O/M and LTSA training and to identify training-needs.
e) Encourage and ensure EDM staff to acquire such skills as reading design
drawings and circuit diagrams, listen to contractor on near-miss experiences
and learn safety management scheme from contractors implementation scheme,
learn maintenance skills from the manufacture and record such construction
and maintenance experiences by video recording and through documentation.
Strategic Planning
a) Assist EDM to develop the Operation and Maintenance Strategy, including but
not limited to, the plant performance target and plant Operation and
Maintenance policy, where EDM O/M staff are to become able to conduct
O/M activities in sustainable and independent manner.
b) Assist EDM to develop the procedure to make the breakdown targets from
Key Performance Indicators for each department/division of the plant and
c) Assist EDM to establish and implement PDCA.
Good Practice
d) Assist EDM to develop and implement a system for recording data on plant
efficiency and performance, including but not limited to, daily operation, daily
inspection, periodical inspection, maintenance record and accident record.
e) Assist EDM to establish and implement maintenance schedule and procedure.
f) Assist EDM to acquire knowledge and skills of monitoring and checking
during operation, such as materializing equipment functions, maintaining heat
efficiency, reducing equipment wear, reducing creep and fatigue degradation
of hot parts, by utilizing computer-based simulator and OJT through daily
g) Assist EDM to establish and implement a trouble-management scheme,
including trip cause analysis and recurrence prevention.
h) Assist EDM to establish and implement safety management scheme, including
ex-ante and ex-post safety activities.
i) Assist EDM to prepare inventory records (assets listing) of nameplate,
summary list of equipment facilities “as-built” drawings for electro-
mechanical equipment
j) Assist EDM to acquire knowledge and skills to conduct non-destructive
k) Assist EDM to develop basic design of IT-enabled Operation and
Management System which includes, but not limited to the plant budgeting
APP 2- 9
database and parts management system for system detailed design to be taken
up in later stage.
l) Closely coordinate and communicate with management consultant, who will
be responsible to develop EDM’s finance and accounting capacity including
budget management;
m) Guidance and coordination of the preparation of the Contractor’s operation
and maintenance manuals, which includes negotiation with the contractor to
provide their operation/maintenance manuals before the commissioning so that
EDM could customize the provided manuals to their operation/maintenance
before the commissioning
During the construction phase, the consultant will be a tasked to implement the
HIV/AIDS prevention program for construction workers in the framework of the
APP 2- 10
construction contracts through the local NGO. Those activities will be reported to
EDM, and the relevant Ministry monthly and to JICA in the progress report on a
quarterly basis. The consultant shall ensure appropriate liaison with relevant health
authorities and organizations.
Foreign Consultant
1. Project Manager (Team leader: M or E).
2. Plant Design Engineer.
3. Mechanical Engineer (Gas Turbine).
4. Mechanical Engineer (Steam Turbine).
5. Mechanical Engineer (HRSG).
6. Mechanical Engineer (BOP)
7. Electrical Engineer.
8. I & C Engineer.
9. Civil Engineer
10. Contract Engineer.
11. Environmental Engineer.
12. HIV/AIDS Consultant
APP 2- 11
Local Consultant
13. Deputy Project Manager (deputy Team leader)
14. Plant Design Engineer.
15. Mechanical Engineer (Gas Turbine).
16. Mechanical Engineer (Steam Turbine).
17. Mechanical Engineer (HRSG).
18. Mechanical Engineer (BOP)
19. Electrical Engineer.
20. I & C Engineer.
21. Civil Engineer
22. Environmental Engineer.
23. HIV/AIDS Consultant
2. Technical Capability
Following additional criteria will be considered during evaluation of firms
2.1 Experience in a developing country in similar environment.
2.2 Experience under Japanese finance ODA Loan Projects.
APP 2- 12
2.3 Professional Strength.
2.4 Experience in relevant field.
Relevant field means experience in the following fields but not limited to:
2.4.1 Preparation of Specification of Power Station as well as Substation
2.4.2 Preparation of bill of quantities.
2.4.3 Preparation of bidding document with commercial terms & designs..
2.4.4 Experience in Bid document evaluation.
2.4.5 Preparation of Contract document.
2.4.6 Review and Approval of technical design, drawing.
2.4.7 Preparation of Project Implementation Schedule.
2.4.8 Supervision and Monitoring of Construction works, Quality control,
testing, & commissioning works.
2.4.9 Preparation of Test Schedule.
2.4.10 Completion and Acceptance certificate Issuance.
2.4.11 Preparation of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual.
3. Financial Capacity
3.1 Turnover of the consulting firm
3.2 Contract value of consulting services already performed
4. Specific Requirement:
4.1 Both Foreign & Local consultant shall maintain their office separately at
Maputo, Mozambique.
4.2 Foreign consultant should render their service staying in Mozambique
for a reasonable time mutually agreed by Employer and Engineer.
4.3 Full time engineers shall stay in Mozambique covering 100% of Man-
Months allocated for them.
Short listing will be made on the basis of the stated Criteria Section. VIII of EOI in
accordance with the “Guidelines for Employment of consultant under Japanese ODA
Loans” March 2009.
APP 2- 13
Appendix 3
Site Survey