Fourth Semester
Fourth Semester
Fourth Semester
4 Purposes
PsfO kf7\o\ f+z+z ljj/0f kf7 306f ;femf cy{Joj:yf, of]hgfa4 ljsf; 1.5 Types of organization
!= ;fdflhs cWoog tyf ;fdflhs lj1fgsf] !!= k//fi6« gLlt # Unit 2: Management: [4
kl/ro $ s_ g]kfnsf] c;+nUg k//fi6« gLltsf] cy{
s_ ;fdflhs cWoogsf] cy{, If]q, dxTj v_ g]kfnsf] k//fi6« gLltsf ljz]iftfx¿ Hours]
v_ ;fdflhs cWoogsf] ;fdflhs lj1fg;Fu u_ g]kfn ef/t ;DaGw )=% 2.1 Introduction
;DaGw 3_ g]kfn rLg ;DaGw )=% 2.2 Definition
u_ ;fdflhs cWoogsf] cGo ljifol;t ª_ ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3 / g]kfn 2.3 Meaning and its concept
;DaGw r_ ;fs{ / g]kfn 2.4 Importance
3_ ;fdflhs cWoog / ;fdflhs lj1fgaLr !@= zf;g Joj:yf #=% 2.5 Management process
leGgtf s_ Joj:yflksf )=% Unit 3: Motivations and
@ v_ sfo{kflnsf )=%
ª_ ;dfhzf:q / u|fdL0f ;dfhzf:qsf] kl/ro u_ Gofokflnsf )=% Incentive: [8 Hours]
r_ ;dfhzf:qsf] k|s[lt / j}1flgs k4lt 3_ ;+ljwfg, ;+ljwfg;ef, cGtl/d ;+ljwfgsf] 3.1 Definition
5_ ;fdflhs lj1fg / ef}lts lj1fgaLrsf] 5f]6f] kl/ro ! 3.2 Theories of motivation-
cGt/ ª_ g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& sf] 3.2.1. Maslow’s hierarchical need
106 ljz]iftfx¿ )=% theory
h_ lj1fg / OlGhlgol/ª r_ ljs]Gb|Ls/0f, dxTj, cfjZostf / 3.2.2. Theory X and theory Y
em_ lj1fg / k|ljlw ljz]iftfx¿ )=% 109
`_ lj1fg / wd{ !#= hg;+V+Vof lzIff @
s_ hg;+Vof lzIffsf] kl/ro 3.2.3. Herzberg’s Hygiene theory
6_ lj1fg / ;dfh 3.3 Incentives – meaning
@= dfgj / ;dfh @ v_ hg;+Vof lzIffsf] p2]Zox¿
s_ ;dfh, ;+:s[lt / JolQmTj, afgL, k/Dk/f / u_ hg;+Vof j[l4 / lgoGq0f ! 3.4 Importance of incentives,
k]m;g ! kf7\o\ k'::' ts 3.5 Different principles of
v_ hflt, efiff, wd{, k];f, /xg;xg / rf8kj{ != ;fdflhs cWoog, l;4LZj/dfg >]i7, 8f= incentives
u_ ;dfhdf dlxnfx¿sf] l:ylt /fh]Gb|k|;fb clwsf/L, ;fljqL >]i7, cIfnf]s, 3.5.1. Reward and punishment,
#= ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:+:s[l[lts kl/jt{g{g $ k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F . 3.5.2. Carrot and stick
s_ ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts kl/jt{gsf cy{ ;Gbe{ k'::' ts 3.5.3. Monetary and non-monetary
v_ ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts kl/jt{gsf != g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$&, sfg'g, incentives
l;4fGtx¿ Gofo tyf ;+;bLo Joj:yf dGqfno, sfg'g
lstfa Joj:yf ;ldlt, Unit 4: Leadership: [4
u_ ;fdflhs kl/jt{gsf] ljz]iftfx¿
3_ ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts kl/jt{gsf sf/s sf7df8f}F, @)$& . Hours]
tTjx¿ @= g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& M Ps 4.1 Meaning and definition
ª_ cf}Bf]lusLs/0f / ;fdflhs kl/jt{g l6Kk0fL, lvdnfn b]jsf]6f, lg/Gt/ k|sfzg, 4.2 Sources of leadership power
r_ u|fdL0f ;fdflhs hghLjgdf k|ljlwsf] sf7df8f}F, @)%* . 4.3 Importance of leadership –
k|efj #= g]kfn kl/ro, l;4LZj/dfg >]i7, k|f= difference between a manager and a
5_ cf}Bf]lus / u|fdL0f ;dfhsf ljz]iftfx¿ Zofds[i0f hf]zL, ;fljqL >]i7, cIfnf]s leader,
h_ ;x/Ls/0f k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, @)^%÷)^( .
#= g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg @)^# . Unit 5: Staffing: [5 Hours]
$= jftfj/0f / kof{j/0f
s_ jftfj/0f / kof{j/0fsf] cy{ $= g]kfnsf] ;/sf/ / k|zf;g, l;4LZj/dfg 5.1 Meaning and Definition
v_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0fsf] cfjZostf / dxTj >]i7, cIfnf]s k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, @)%) . 5.2 Human Resource Management
%= ;fdflhs ;]j]jf / ;fd'b'b'bflos ljsf; %= g]kfnL a[xt\ zAbsf]if, g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f– 5.2.1. Acquisition
@=% k|lti7fg, sf7df8f}F, @)%@ . 5.2.2. Development
s_ ;fd'bflos ljsf; kl/of]hgfsf] cy{ / ^= g]kfnL dlxnf / hgcfGbf]ng @)^#, 5.2.3. Motivation, and
p2]Zo ;fljqL >]i7, cIfnf]s k|sfzg, @)^# . 5.2.4. Maintenance
v_ ;fd'bflos ljsf; sfo{qmd &= k|Zgf]Q/ g]kfn kl/ro, ;fljqL >]i7, 5.3 Importance of HRM in an
u_ hg;xeflutf / ;fd'bflos ljsf; )=% l;4LZj/dfg >]i7, lg/Gt/ k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, organization
3_ ;fdflhs ;]jfsf] cy{, If]q / p2]Zo @)%), @)%* -t];|f] ;+:s/0f_ .
ª_ ;fdflhs sfo{stf{sf] cy{, k|sf/, u'0f / *= jftfj/0f lzIff ;|f]t ;ª\ufnf], /fli6«o Unit 6: Labor Relation : [4
e"ldsf ;+/If0f sfo{gLlt sfof{Gjog cfof]hgf, Hours]
^= ;fdflhs cg';';';Gwfg @ sf7df8f}F, @)%) . 6.1 Meaning and purposes
s_ kl/efiff, k|s[lt, p2]Zo / k|sf/ )=% (= dxTjk"0f{ /fhgLlts zAb1fg, l;4LZj/dfg 6.2 Importance
v_ ;fdflhs cg';Gwfgsf k|]/stfx¿ >]i7, cIfnf]s k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, @)%%, 6.3 Collective bargaining
u_ ;fdflhs cg';Gwfgsf k|d'v r/0f @)%*, @)^^ .
!)= d'b|f, a}ªl\ sª, /fh:j, cGt/f{li6«o Jofkf/ Unit 7: Account: [8 Hours]
3_ ;fdflhs cg';Gwfg k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{
9fFrf tyf g]kfnsf] cy{Joj:yf, dx]Zj/dfg >]i7, 7.1 Book keeping and accounting
&= xfd|f|f ;|f|f]t]tx¿ @ /Tg k':ts e08f/, sf7df8f}F, 7.1.1. Definition
s_ dfgjzlQm @)%! . 7.1.2. Importance
v_ hn;|f]t !!= /fhgLltzf:qsf] kl/ro, l;4LZj/dfg 7.2 Principle of double entry
u_ e"ld >]i7, lg/Gt/ k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, @)%), 7.2.1. Personnel account
! @)%* -bf];|f] ;+:s/0f_ . 7.2.2. Property or Real account,
3_ jg;Dkbf !@= ;fdflhs cg';Gwfg k|ljlw, k|efs/ nfn 7.2.3. Nominal account
ª_ vlghzlQm bf;, >L ho gf/fo0f, ;Kt/L, @)%$ . 7.3 Introduction to Journal, Ledger
)=% !#= ;fdflhs cWoog -x]Ny ;fOG;_, and Final account
r_ ;f}o{zlQm l;4LZj/dfg >]i7, ;fljqL >]i7, cIfnf]s
5_ jfo'zlQm k|sfzg, sf7df8f}F, @)^& . Unit 8: Cost Accounting and
)=% 108 Material Management: [8
*= g]kfn zAbsf] pTklQ ! Management Hours]
(= ljZjdfglrqdf g]kfn ! Course Contents: 8.1 Cost accounting
107 8.1.1. Meaning and Scope
!)= cfly{s{s cj:yf @ Unit 1: Organization: [4
Hours] 8.1.2. Elements of cost- Materials,
s_ s[lif, Jofkf/, pBf]u, oftfoft / ;~rf/sf]
dxTj ! 1.1 Introduction to Organization Labor and other expenses
v_ cfly{s Joj:yfsf ljz]iftfx¿ 1.2 Definition 8.1.3. Cost classification
1.3 Meaning 8.2 Materials management
8.2.1. Introduction, 3.4 Technical terms, fundamental Press, Lalitpur
8.2.2. Inventory lines and planes of theodolites 114
110 3.5 Working principle of theodolites Estimating and Costing I
8.2.3. Procurement- Objective and 3.6 Temporary adjustment of Course Contents:
system of procurement theodolites
8.3 Store keeping 3.7 Measurement of angles
8.3.1. Meaning, 3.7.1 Horizontal angles Unit 1: Introduction: [5
8.3.2. Objectives 3.7.2 Vertical and zenithal angles Hours]
8.3.3. Role of a storekeeper 3.8 Laying out of horizontal angles 1.1. Definition of estimate
References: 3.9 Errors in theodolites survey 1.2. Purpose of estimating
1. Shrestha, S.M. and Shrestha, S. Unit 4: Theodolite 1.3. Estimate and the actual cost
Traversing: [11 Hours] 1.4. Definition of terms
(2012). Management-I, Akshalok
1.4.1. Administrative approval
Prakashan, Kathmandu, Nepal. 4.1 Traverse definition, purpose,
1.4.2. Technical sanction
2. DeCenzo, D.A. and Robbins, types and equipments
1.4.3. Capital cost
S.P. (1999.) Personnel /Human 4.2 Traverse field works
1.4.4. Schedule of rates
Resource Management, Third 4.3 Traverse adjustment and
1.4.5. Abstract of cost
Edition. Prentice –Hall of India, computation of total coordinates
1.4.6. Bill of quantities
New Delhi. 4.4 Traverse plotting
1.4.7. Contingency
3. Boone, L.E. and Kurtz, D.L. 4.5 Omitted measurements in
1.4.8. Plinth area
(1992). Management, McGraw- 1.4.9. Carpet area
Hill, Inc. New Delhi, India Unit 5: Area and Volume 1.4.10. Work charged establishment
111 Measurements: [11 Hours] Unit 2: Types of Estimates:
5.1 Basic definition
[8 Hours]
5.2 Area by division into simple
Surveying II 2.1 Approximate estimate
EG 2201 CE 2.2 Detailed estimate
5.3 Area by different methods
Course Contents: 5.3.1 Area by coordinates 2.3 Revised estimate
Theory 2.4 Supplementary estimate
5.3.2 Area by trapezoidal rule
5.3.3 Area by Simpson's 1/3 rule 2.5 Annual repair and maintenance
Unit 1: Contouring: [7
5.4 Volume by cross section estimate
Hours] 2.6 Extension and improvement
1.1 Definition - Contour interval, 5.5 Volume by Trapezoidal formula
Horizontal equivalent, general 5.6 Volume by Prismoidal formula
contours, Index contour Practical (Field works):
2.7 Complete estimate of
1.2 Criteria for selection of contour 1. Perform Contouring on a sloped
interval ground by indirect method (Grid
2.8 Split up of the cost of building
1.3 Characteristics of contours method) [15 Hours]
1.4 Methods of control for contour 2. Perform Plane tabling and
detailing [15 Hours] Unit 3: Estimation of
1.4.1 Direct method 3. Measure area from plane table Building : [16 Hours]
1.4.2 Indirect method i.e. grid map [10 Hours] 3.1. Data required for preparation
method, cross section method and 4. Carryout Theodolite handling of detailed estimate
radial method practices [10 Hours] 3.2. Principle of units of
1.5 Methods of interpolation of 5. Perform traversing by measurement
contours Theodolite, computation, grid sheet 3.3. Units of measurement and
1.6 Uses of contour maps making and plotting of traverse payment for various items of work
1.7 Field procedures and problems [25 Hours] 3.4. Limits of measurement and
Evaluation of Practical: degree of accuracy
Unit 2: Plane Tabling: [6
Continuous evaluation (Viva + 3.5. Methods of taking out
Hours] quantities of building work
2.1 Definition and principles Instrumentation + Objective test)
3.6. Methods of measurement of
2.2 Accessories used in plane 113
building and other civil engineering
tabling Textbooks: works
2.3 Working operations - temporary 1. Dr. BC Punmia, "Surveying"- Vol 3.7. Various types of forms used in
adjustment and orientation I & II, Laxmi Publication New estimating
2.4 Methods of plane tabling Delhi 3.8. Preparation of detailed estimate
2.4.1 Radiation, Intersection, References: Unit 4: Analysis of Rates:
Traversing and Resection 1. R. Agor, " Surveying and
(introduction only for resection) [16 Hours]
Leveling" , Khanna Publication
2.5 Errors in plane table surveying 4.1. Introduction
New Delhi
2.6 Merits and demerits of plane 4.2. Purpose of analysis of rates
2. SK Duggal, "Surveying" Vol I &
table surveying 4.3. Requirements of rate
II,T ata MC Graw Hill Publishing
112 4.4. Factor affecting rate analysis
3. N Basnet & M Basnet , "Basic
4.5. Importance of rate analysis
Unit 3: Theodolite: [10 Surveying I", Benchmark Education
4.6. Terms used in analysis of rates
Hours] Support Pvt, Ltd, Tinkune
4.6.1. Overhead cost
3.1 Introduction and uses of Katmmandu
4.6.2. Task or out turn work
theodolites 4. N Basnet & M Basnet, " Basic
4.6.3. Labour rate
3.2 Geometry of theodolites Surveying II", Published by D.
Shrestha & R. Shrestha, Rajmati 4.6.4. Material rate
3.3 Classification of theodolites 4.6.5. Through rate
4.7. Government procedure of Unit 2. Simple Stress and 5.9 Distribution of shear stress in
preparing analysis of rates for Strain: [12 Hours] rectangular cross section of beam.
building works 2.1 Concepts of stress and strain 5.10 Definition of elastic curve,
4.8. Estimating quantities of 2.2 Linear stress and strain and their slope and deflection in a beam.
materials relation, Hooke’s law and Young’s 5.11 Differential equation of elastic
Practical [60 Hours] modulus of elasticity. curve.
Taking out detailed 2.3 Deformation of uniform bar 5.12 Deflection of simply supported
quantities and preparing due to axial load and cantilever beams by double
2.4 Stress strain curves for different integration method.
estimate for the following:
materials. Unit 6. Torsion: [6 Hours]
1. Estimate a wall
2. Estimate one room building with 2.5 Ultimate strength and working 6.1 Introduction.
stress of materials and factor of 6.2 Definition of torque and angle
RCC flat roof
safety. of twist.
3. Estimate one room building
(having verandah) with RCC flat 2.6 Factors affecting factor of 6.3 Stress due to torsion.
safety. 6.4 Derivation of torsional
2.7 Thermal stress. equation.
4. Estimate two roomed RCC
2.8 Stress and strains in plain and 6.5 Strength of solid and hollow
framed structure building
composite bars. circular shaft.
5. Estimate steel reinforcement of
2.9 Poisson’s ratio. 6.6 Power transmitted by shaft.
footing, RCC beam, column and
slab 2.10 Shear stress shear strain and Unit 7. Simple Strut Theory:
6. Estimate stone and brick modulus of rigidity. [6 Hours]
masonry retaining walls 2.11 Volumetric strain and Bulk 7.1 Definition of column and strut.
7. Estimate steel tubular truss and modulus. 7.2 Stability of columns
purlins 2.12 Relation between Young’s 7.3 End conditions and their
8. Estimate dog legged staircase modulus, Bulk modulus and effects.
9. Estimate septic tank and soak pit modulus of rigidity. 7.4 Derivation of Euler’s formula
10. Perform approximate estimation 118 for columns
of building works, road works water Unit 3. Analysis of Plane 7.5 Effective height.
supply and sanitary works, Truss: [8 Hours] 7.6 Slenderness ratio.
irrigation work and bridge works 3.1 Definition and types of truss. 7.7 Introduction to eccentrically
11. Determine approximate 3.2 Assumptions. loaded column.
quantities of materials and labour 3.3 External and internal forces in 119
for building based on CBRI, truss. Practical (Laboratory) [15
Rookee 3.4 Determination of internal forces Hours]
12. Perform computerized in truss by method of joints and 1 Determine Young’s modulus yield
estimation of quantities of building method of sections. stress and ultimate strength of mild
work Unit 4. Axial force, steel specimen
116 Shearing force and Bending (Stress-strain curve)
References: moment: [12 Hours] 2 Measure strains and
1. Amarjit Aggarwal "Civil 4.1 Force actions in statically determination of forces in members
estimating quantity surveying and determinate beams. of a model truss
valuation" Katson Publishing 4.2 Definition of axial force, shear 3 Measure deflection of simple
House, force and bending moment. beams
Ludhiyana, 1985 4.3 Relation between shear force 4 Determine stability/buckling of
2. P.K. Guha "Quantity Surveying" bending moment and applied load. columns
(Principles and application Khanna 4.4 Axial force, shear force and Textbooks:
Publishers bending moment diagrams for 1. G B Motra, “A text book of
117 statically determinate strength of materials” 2nd edition
Mechanics of Structure beam and frame under various
Course Contents: types of loading. References:
Theory 4.5 Point of contraflexure. 1. Surendra singh “Strength of
Unit 1. Introduction: [4 Unit 5. Theory of Simple materials” S. K. Kkataria and sons.
Hours] Bending: [12 Hours] 2. Ferdinand P. Beer E Russell
1.1 Definition of mechanics of 5.1 Concept of bending and pure Johnston “Mechanics of Materials”
structure. bending. Mcgrow hill Book Company.
1.2 Review on types of loads, types 5.2 Assumptions in theory of 120
of supports. Their symbolic simple bending. Soil Mechanics
representation. Reactions on them 5.3 Radius of curvature, neutral Course Contents:
and degrees of freedom. layer and neutral axis. Theory
1.3 Stability of structure(beam, 5.4 Stress due to bending.
Unit 1: Introduction: [2
frame and truss) 5.5 Moment of resistance.
5.6 Derivation of flexural formula Hours]
1.4 Introduction to statically
(Relation between bending stress, 1.1 Definition of soil
determinate and indeterminate 1.2 Soil mechanics
structures radius of curvature and moment of
resistance) 1.3 Objective of soil mechanics
1.5 Determination of degrees of
5.7 Section modulus. 1.4 Formation of soil and their
static indeterminacies. types
5.8 Shearing stress in beams.
Unit 2: Basic Terminology 8.3 Mohr’s circle for two 3. Dr. Sehgal “A text book of soil
and Interrelations: [4 dimensional stress system mechanics” S.B CBS Publishers and
Hours] 8.4 Mohr-Coulomb failure theory Distributors, New
8.5 Determination of shear strength Delhi,1988
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Phase diagrams
parameter 123
8.6 Direct shear test Water Supply Engineering
2.3 Void ratio, porosity, degree of
8.7 Unconfined compression test EG 2205 CE
saturation, unit weight, density, air
content and 122 Course Contents:
percentage air voids Unit 9: Earth Pressure Theory
2.4 Interrelations Theory: [5 Hours] Unit 1: Introduction: [3
Unit 3: Index properties of 9.1 Introduction Hours]
Soil: [6 Hours] 9.2 Different types of lateral earth
1.1 Importance and necessity of
3.1 Introduction pressures
planned water supply
3.2 Specific gravity 9.3 Rankine’s earth pressure theory
1.2 Need for protected water supply
3.3 Water content 9.4 Types of retaining walls
1.3 History of planned water supply
3.4 Particle size distribution 9.5 Principles of the design of
system in Nepal
3.5 Consistency of soils retaining walls
1.4 Impact of water supply (long
3.6 Determination of field density Unit 10: Bearing Capacity: term and short term impact)
121 [9 Hours] 1.5 Water supply and its impact on
Unit 4: Soil Classification: 10.1 Introduction public health, women , and
[6 Hours] 10.2 Types of foundation environment
10.3 Basic definition 1.6 Components of water supply
4.1 Purpose of soil classification
10.4 Gross and net foundation system (Rural and Urban)
4.2 M.I.T classification system
pressure Unit 2: Sources of Water
4.2 Textural soil classification of
10.5 Terzaghi’s bearing capacity
soil Supply: [6 Hours]
4.3 Unified soil classification of soil 2.1 Hydrological Cycle
10.6 Bearing capacity of footing
4.4 Field identification of soil 2.2 Surface Sources: River, Streams,
with finite dimensions
Unit 5: Soil Water and Pond, Lake, Impounded reservoir
10.7 Effect of water table on
Effective Stress : [9 Hours] 2.3 Ground Sources: Springs –
bearing capacity
5.1 Types of soil water gravity and artesian, Wells –
10.8 Settlement of foundation
5.2 Water table shallow, deep, artesian
Practical (Laboratory) [15 and tube wells, Infiltration galleries
5.3 Permeability
Hours] 2.4 Alternative Water Sources: Rain
5.4 Seepage through soils
1. Perform sieve analysis of Coarse Water Harvesting, Pani Ghainto,
5.5 Darcy’s Law
grained soil (1 session) Conservation
5.6 Determination of coefficient of
2. Determine specific gravity by Pond , fog collection (introduction
permeability: laboratory methods
Pycnometer method(1 session) only)
5.7 Principle of effective stress
3. Determine liquid limit and plastic 2.5 Conservation and protection of
5.8 Quick sand condition
5.9 Approximate stress distribution limit(1 session) sources
4. Determine field density by Sand 2.6 Selection of sources
method for loaded areas
replacement method and Core 2.7 Other issues to be addressed
Unit 6: Compaction: [4 cutter method(1 session) like water right problem
Hours] 5. Perform compaction test: 124
6.1 Introduction Standard proctor test(1 session)
6.2 Standard proctor test Unit 3: Quantity of Water:
6. Perform direct shear test(1
6.3 Field compaction methods session) [6 Hours]
6.4 Factors affecting compaction 7. Perform unconfined compression 3.1 Per capita consumption: Per
6.5 Compaction control test(1 session) capita consumption for domestic,
Unit 7: Consolidation: [9 industrial, public
Text books: and firefighting uses as per
Hours] 1. K.R Arora,”Soil Mechanics guidelines
7.1 Introduction and Foundation Engineering” 3.2 Type of water demand:
7.2 Primary and secondary ,Standard Publishers domestic, livestock, commercial,
consolidation Distributors, Nai-sarak, New Delhi, industrial and public
7.3 Settlement 2005 uses, firefighting and losses and
7.4 The spring analogy References: wastage
7.5 The standard one-dimensional 1. V.N.S Murthy “A Text Book of 3.3 Design period: definition,
consolidation test
Soil Mechanics and Foundation factors affecting design period
7.6 Pressure-void ratio curves
Engineering in SI Units “UBS (selection basis)
7.7 Co-efficient of compressibility
Distributors Ltd. Fourth 3.4 Population forecasting: necessity
7.8 Co-efficient of volume change
Edition,1993 and methods
7.9 Computation of consolidation
2. Prof.T.N Ramamurthy, Prof.T.G 3.5 Variation in water demand:
Sitaram “Geotechnical types of variation, average demand ,
Unit 8: Shear Strength of peak demand,
Engineering, Soil Mechanics”
Soils: [6 Hours] S.Chand peak factor, factors affecting water
8.1 Introduction Publishing, New Delhi, Revised demand, socio-economic factors
8.2 Principle plane and principle Edition, 2000 affecting
stress water demand
3.6 Numerical exercise on 6.9. Softening: removal of works after an emergency
population forecasting, total water temporary hardness by boiling and 11.5. Emergency treatment of
demand computation lime treatment, removal drinking-water at the point of use
Unit 4: Intake: [4 Hours] of permanent hardness by lime 126
4.1. Intake works soda, zeolite and ionization process Tutorials: [15 Hours]
4.2. Site selection for intake works 6.10. Miscellaneous treatments: Drawing of:
4.3. Characteristics of different aeration methods, removal of iron 1.1 Intake ; river, spring
types of intake (spring, reservoir, and manganese, 1.2 Typical sedimentation tank
and river intakes) domestic purification process 1.3 Filtration ; slow and rapid
4.4. Protection measures for intake Unit 7: Distribution System: 1.4 Storage tank (RVT)
works [4 Hours] 1.5 Break pressure tank
Unit 5: Quality of Water: [6 7.1. Distribution system: gravity, 1.6 Tap stand
Hours] pumping, and dual system 1.7 Layout of distribution system
5.1. Wholesome Water, Potable 7.2. Water storage (Reservoir): clear Practical [15 Hours]
Water, Contaminated Water water reservoir, service reservoir 1.1 Determine physical parameters
5.2. Impurities in water, their 7.3. Layout of distribution system: (Colour, Turbidity, Temperature)
classification and effects dead end, grid iron, ring and radial 1.2 Determine pH value
5.3. Hardness in water, types of system 1.3 Perform jar test
hardness, alkalinity in water (introduction only) 1.4 Determine total solids
5.4. Living organisms in water: 7.4. Methods of water supply: 1.5 Determine dissolved oxygen
virus, algae, worms and bacteria continuous and intermittent system References:
5.5. Water related diseases: water 7.5. Pressure in distribution system 1. Birdie, G.S. and Birdie, J.S, Water
borne, water washed, water based Unit 8: Gravity Water Supply Supply and Sanitary Engineering,
and water vector, System: [4 Hours] Dhanapat Rai & Sons
transmission route, and preventive 8.1. Concept of gravity water supply Publishers, Nai Sarak, Delhi-
measures 8.2. Schematic diagram of a typical 110006, India.
5.6. Drinking water quality gravity water supply system 2. Dr. Punmia B C, jain A, and Jain,
standards ( WHO, GoN) 8.3. Pipeline design and hydraulic A, Water Supply Engineering,
5.7. Water sampling and storing grade line Laximi Publications (P) Ltd,
5.8. Physical analysis (temperature, 8.4. Break pressure tank New Delhi
colour, turbidity, taste and odour) 8.5. Public tap stand post 3. Barry, R, The Construction Of
5.9. Chemical analysis (total solids, 8.6. Residual head requirement Building (Volume 4) Building
pH, chlorine) Unit 9: Conveyance of Water: Services, Affiliated East- west Press
Unit 6: Treatment of Water: [4 Hours] Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
[16 Hours] 9.1. Requirements of pipe material 127
6.1. Objectives of water treatment 9.2. Types of pipe: CI, GI, steel,
6.2. Types of treatment process and PVC, polythene, PPR pipes
impurity removal 9.3. Laying procedure of pipes
6.3. Screening: coarse and fine 9.4. Pipe joints and their types
screens 9.5. Testing of pipe joints (leakage
6.4. Plain Sedimentation: purpose, test)
ideal sedimentation tank, types of Unit 10: Valves and
sedimentation Fittings: [4 Hours]
tank 10.1. Service Connection
6.5. Sedimentation with coagulation:
10.2. Water Meters, sluice valve ,
purpose, process, types of
Gate Valves, Globe Valve, Ball
Valve, Reflux Valve,
Determination of optimum dose of
Safety Valve, Air Release Valve,
coagulant, flocculation and clarifier
Drain Valve, Fire Hydrant, Bib
6.6. Filtration: purpose and theory
Cock, Stop Cock,
of filtration, types of filter – gravity
Bends, Tee, Elbow, Union, Cross,
and pressure
Reducer And Enlarger Shower,
filters - slow sand and rapid sand
wash basin,
filter, Potable filter in emergency,
shower, and sink
filter media -
10.3. Operation and Maintenance
sand and gravel
6.7. Disinfection: purpose, methods Unit 11: Water supply in
of disinfection Emergency Situation: [3
6.8. Chlorination: chlorine dose, Hours]
residual chlorine, contact time, 11.1. Introduction: Sphere
forms of chlorination Guidelines
- plain chlorination, break point 11.2. Quantity of water required in
chlorination, super chlorination and emergencies
de- 11.3. Cleaning and disinfecting
chlorination, factors affecting water sources, tanker, pot/utensils
chlorination 11.4. Rehabilitation of small-scale
125 piped water distribution systems,
water treatment