Tremolite Ca (MG Fe) Si O (OH)
Tremolite Ca (MG Fe) Si O (OH)
Tremolite Ca (MG Fe) Si O (OH)
c 2001 Mineral Data Publishing, ver sion 1.2
Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2=m: Elongated, stout prismatic, or °attened
bladed crystals, to 20 cm; also ¯brous, granular or columnar aggregates. Twinning: Simple or
multiple, common k f100g; rarely multiple k f001g.
(1) Gouverneur, New York, USA; Fe2 O3 trace; corresponds to (Ca 1:80Na 0: 38 K0: 12 )§=2:30
(Mg 5:00 Fe2+
0:01) §=5:00 (Si7:77 Al 0:23 ) §=8:00 O22 [(OH)1:34 F0:66 Cl0:01 ] §=2:01 : (2) Balmat No. 3 mine, St.
Lawrence Co., New York; by electron microprobe, original total given as 101.47%; corresponds to
(Ca 1:74 Na0:54 K0:10 )§=2:38 (Mg 4:95 Al 0:04 )§= 4:99 Si8:01 O22 [F 1: 64 (OH)0:35 Cl0:01 ] §= 2:00 :
Mineral Group: Amphibole (calcic) group: Mg=(Mg + Fe2+ ) ¸ 0.90; (Na + K)A < 0.5; Na B
< 0.67; (Ca + Na)B ¸ 1.34; Si ¸ 7.5.
Distribution: Notable localities include: on Campolungo Alp, Ticino, and Bristenstock, Uri,
Switzerland. From St. Marcel, Piedmont, Italy. At Bilin, Czech Republic. In the USA, from
Pierrepont, Gouverneur, Edwards, and Macomb, St. Lawrence Co., New York; at Franklin, Sussex
Co., New Jersey; and Lee, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts. At Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada. From
Kozano, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. At Lelatema, Tanzania. In the Brumado mine,
Bahia, Brazil.
Name: For an occurrence in the Tremola Valley, southern St. Gotthard Mountains, Switzerland.
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References: (1) Dana, E.S. (1892) Dana's system of mineralogy, (6th edition), 385{398.
(2) Deer, W.A., R.A. Howie, and J. Zussman (1963) Rock-forming minerals, v. 2, chain
silicates, 249{262. (3) Hawthorne, F.C. and H.D. Grundy (1976) The crystal chemistry of
the amphiboles: IV. X-ray and neutron re¯nements of the crystal structure of tremolite.
Can. Mineral., 14, 334{345. (4) Petersen, E.U., E.J. Essene, D.R. Peacor, and J.W. Valley (1982)
Fluorine end-member micas and amphiboles. Amer. Mineral., 67, 538{544. (5) Walitzi, E.M.
and K. Ettinger (1986) Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur eines Tremolites vom Ochsenkogel
(Gleinalpe/Styria), Osterreich. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., Monatsh., 360{366 (in German).
(6) Phillips, W.R. and D.T. Gri®en (1981) Optical mineralogy, 229{231.
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