Rent A Center No Bills Due Devan

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For the Record, To Be Read Into The Record, Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle - Notice to Principle is
Notice to Agent.

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To include
[RENT A CENTER INC, MITCHELL FADEL dba chief executive officer]

[RE: ACCOUNT NO. _9999412607730 Ex. Relatione on ACCOUNT_DEVAN PETEET

EL_ _ _ _ __

I am [devan peteet el], a Moorish American National in Propria Persona Sui Juris and I am exercising all of
my rights at this time and at all times, as an ancient aboriginal indigenous divine natural living Being. I [devan
peteet el], and all Moorish American Nationals of Morocco are the Executors, Administrators, Creditors,
Claimants, and Beneficiaries of our own Estate. We Moorish Americans at North America are exercising all
of our rights at this time as One Sovereign Nation on our own land.

As of August 6, 2018, at 10:42 AM and4:06 PM, the Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish National
Republic Federal Government placed and Affidavit of Commercial and Land Lien on the [UNITED STATES
CORPORATION COMPANY] and the United States Treasury in the sum certain amount of$100,000,000 in
gold and silver backed lawful tender for each and all Moorish American Nationals at North America. The said
lien was filed pursuant to the United Nations American Mandate for the Land (1948 - previously held in
Trusteeship), the currently active Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 (Treaty of Amity and Commerce
1786) and the Constitution for the United States (Republic). Proof of service is provided below. Your
CORPORATION shall cease all payments to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] and
places all current and future payments that would have been made to the [UNITED STATES
CORPORATION COMPANY] on the accounts held by your corporation of all Moorish American Nationals
at North America. The services that you provide to the Moorish American Nationals at North America are
without charge to the Moorish American Nationals for as Jong as you are conducting commerce here on our
Land. The services that your corporation provides to the Moorish American Nationals to include the above-
mentioned Moorish American National will begin immediately, restart immediately, or continue at the highest
level or service that you provide from this day forward. This birthright benefit is unalienable, inalienable and
is not transferrable. Each Moorish American National must present proof of Moorish American Nationality
by providing you with a copy of their Moorish American Nationality Identification Card with photo and you
shall honor it. All contracts on Earth with the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] or any
derivatives thereof are ceased as of the date of adjournment sine die of their Congress on March 27, 1861 as
they are in severe repeated breach of contract to the Moorish American Nationals who are the Ancient
Aboriginal Indigenous heirs to all of the Land and its resources. Failure to honor your obligations to the
Moorish American Nationals will result in liens and/or any other lawful redress. The Moorish American
Nationals at North America thank you for your service to our great Nation and Land.

I MACN-A025 All Debtor U.S. CORPORATIONS, Affidavit - NO BILLS ARE DUE for' Aboriginal Moorish American Nationals
• , . _ _, _ , •• , __ .1 ,,:-_. , _. _ • •• • n .. .. , _ . , ..... . _____ · - • · · ,, . ~ 1- - - · - • • __ - -- · -· , , , . ~ •- - ·· . • , r . : •• ,,, . ~t. , •• _ . :. • , ,...,..._ . -.. , . - •- ,.. - • ·• ...-, . _ • • · • •• • •
The following is proof of service to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] of the lien placed
on the said CORPORATION by the Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish National Republic Federal
Government which was confirmed delivered to [Washington District Of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser]
and to (The Recorder of Deeds Washington District of Columbia], and [The Office of Tax and Revenu;
Washington District of Columbia] as follows:

9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 22 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal
Facility at 10:42 AM

9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 46 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal
Facility at 10:42 AM

9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 39 - Confirmed delivery to, and left with an Individual at the address at
4:06 PM on August 6, 2018

THE UNITED STATES SERVICE COPRORATIION has been liened, 100,000,000 in lawful currency per
Moorish American National by the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish
American Consulate which I am a Vizir Mohammaden [Judge].

Wherefore, I, [devan peteet el] [ex Relatione DEVAN PETEET EL], and all Moorish American Nationals,
being ,,Part and Parcel" named herein, and by Birthright, Primogeniture, and Inheritance, make a Lawful Entry
of Affidavit and Public Notification of Lawful Claim and Declaration to be Published for the Public Record
in the CORPORATION's Public Records and anywhere we deem it necessary or so choose.

Nothing in this affidavit shall be interpreted as consent to Foreign Jurisdiction at any time.

Upon my inherited status, I [devan peteet el], being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other respect
known as American -Al Moroccan - Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the 'Five Points
of Light' - b#. 7wd. -P-. ?-«-, and p,urta; Being competent (In My Own Proper Person) to Attest
to this Affidavit upon which I place my Signature; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following
to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, 'colored' or
improper use or purpose.

:J Am:
(devan peteet el], [Ex. Rela ·one. DEV
Signature - All Rights Reserved and Retru .
Clo po box 48304 west eight mile road
Near Corporate [oak park rnichigan]
Northwest Amexem - Northwest Africa - North America - The North Gate

&Julit"'1: &it--~~ 9999412607730_ _ __ _
o/, o/, de 7~ o/, Peaee • ~ 1716/1136

U.S. 'PNt4t St1U/lla - ~?Kca ®

7019 0700 00011700 0450

9590 9tkJ2 5560 9249 4522 29

2 MACN-A02S All Debtor U.S. CORPORATIONS, Affidavit- NO BILLS ARE DUE for 'Aboriginal Moorish American Nationals
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