Materials Today: Proceedings: Mycherla Chaitanya, G. Ramakrishna
Materials Today: Proceedings: Mycherla Chaitanya, G. Ramakrishna
Materials Today: Proceedings: Mycherla Chaitanya, G. Ramakrishna
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The growth of construction industry in India is increasing enormously over the last few years. This
Received 26 October 2020 demands a huge quantity of construction materials across the globe which indirectly has a serious impact
Accepted 16 November 2020 on the environment that includes aggregate scarcity, inadequate ground water recharge due to imperme-
Available online xxxx
able paved surfaces, dust and noise pollution. The use of recycled concrete aggregate in construction
industry will mitigate the impact to some extent and also the construction of permeable surface helps
Keywords: in ground water recharge. In this study, the effect of recycled concrete aggregate on mechanical proper-
Pervious concrete
ties of pervious concrete is studied. In addition, the strength of pervious concrete composed of recycled
Recycled concrete aggregate
Mechanical properties
concrete aggregate is enhanced by the addition of silicafumes from 8% to 16% in increments of 2%. The
Permeability effect of silica fume on permeability and flexural strength is also studied.
Silicafumes Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Con-
ference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.
⇑ Corresponding author. Materials used for making pervious concrete in this research
E-mail address: (M. Chaitanya). were ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade, gravel aggregate,
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Material Science and Engineering.
Please cite this article as: M. Chaitanya and G. Ramakrishna, Enhancing the mechanical properties of pervious recycled aggregate concrete using silica-
fumes, Materials Today: Proceedings,
M. Chaitanya and G. Ramakrishna Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
M sand, recycled concrete aggregate and potable water. Two 3. Result and discussion
coarse aggregate gradations, (12.5–4.75 mm) and (10–2.36 mm)
were used, designated as G1 and G2 and their properties were 3.1. Effect of coarse aggregate gradation
shown in Table 1. M sand of specific gravity 2.30 was used to
make mixes. Two different coarse aggregate gradations (12.5–4.75) mm and
(10–2.36) mm were used and specimens were tested for compres-
sion, flexure and permeability tests. Table 3 summarizes the test
2.2. Mix proportions
results. The gradation G2 has higher values compared to G1 as
the aggregate size is small there will be less voids and more
The mix design was done as per the procedure mentioned in ACI
522 R [6] and the volume of ingredients used for the preparation of
various mixes is summarized in Table 2.
3.2. Effect of recycled concrete aggregate
2.3. Testing procedures The gradation G2 was chosen as it produces higher compressive
strength results. Fine aggregate was chosen in 0, 10 and 20% of the
The measurement of compressive strength and flexural strength weight of coarse aggregate and coarse aggregate was replaced by
was done after 28 days of curing in accordance with ASTM C 39 [7]. 25% of recycled concrete aggregate as the maximum allowable
The sizes of specimens were 100 mm 200 mm and 500 100 replacement of coarse aggregate by recycled concrete aggregate
100 mm for compression and flexural test. The permeability test is 25% [9]. The compression and flexure strength decreased with
was conducted on specimens of size 100 200 mm in accordance RCA replacement [10]. The test results were summarized in Table 4.
with IRC 44 [8]. The specimen was wrapped around the circumfer- It is inferred that the compression and flexural values are high for
ence to prevent the horizontal flow of water prior to pre-wetting. 10% fine aggregate addition with 25% of RCA. The decrease in
strength with further addition of fine aggregate is attributed to
Table 1 the decrease in cement paste volume. The decrease in permeability
Properties of coarse aggregate. is due to the blocking of pores with addition of fine aggregate.
Property Test result
Specific gravity 2.80 3.3. Effect of silicafume on compressive strength
Density [kg/m3] 1590
Water absorption % 0.8 Silicafumes were added in proportions of 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16%
Impact value % 23 to the weight of cement and tested for compression, flexural and
Crushing value % 26
Abrasion resistance % 29
permeability test after 28 days of curing. It is found that there is
Angularity 8 an increase in compression and flexural strength with addition of
silicafumes and decrease in permeability of the porous concrete
Table 2
Mixture proportions.
Mixture Aggregate size (mm) W/C Cement (kg/m3) Normal Recycled Concrete Fine Silicafume (kg/m3)
aggregate (kg/m3) Aggregate (kg/m3) Aggregate (kg/m3)
G1 12.5–4.75 0.30 247.5 1575 – – –
G2 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1575 – – –
G20 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1182 394 – –
G210 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1110 370 148 –
G220 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1014 338 270 –
8G210 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1110 370 148 20
10G210 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1110 370 148 25
12G210 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1110 370 148 30
14G210 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1110 370 148 35
16G210 10–2.36 0.30 247.5 1110 370 148 40
Table 3
Gradation results.
Gradation Designation Compressive strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Permeability (cm/sec)
(12.5–4.75) G1 5.42 1.7 1.93
(10–2.36) G2 6.1 2.3 1.53
Table 4
Combined effect of fine aggregate and RCA.
M. Chaitanya and G. Ramakrishna Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
M. Chaitanya and G. Ramakrishna Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
specimens. The increase in strength is attributed to the enhanced The comparative analysis between compressive strength and
binding properties of the specimens with addition of silicafumes. permeability for different proportion of silicafumes addition
Fig. 1 describes the relation between compressive strength and % revealed a power distribution with an accuracy of R2 = 0.992.
of silicafumes addition.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
3.4. Effect of silicafume on flexure and permeability
Mycherla Chaitanya: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi-
Flexural strength is also found to increase with addition of sili- gation, Writing - original draft. G. Ramakrishna: Writing - review
cafumes but decreases permeability. As the strength increases, the & editing.
number of voids decreases and permeability decreases. Though the
strength increases beyond 16% addition of silicafumes there is a Declaration of Competing Interest
significant decline in the permeability values which makes the por-
ous concrete impermeable. The comparison of flexural strength The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
and permeability with varying percentage of silicafumes is shown cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
in Fig. 2. to influence the work reported in this paper.
A plot was made between the compressive strength and perme- The authors gratefully acknowledge the AICTE for financial sup-
ability as shown in Fig. 3 for varying percentage silicafumes to port vide Research Promotion Scheme (RPS- NDF) research project
observe the distribution and it was found to be a power distribution grant number: 8-17/RIFD/RPS-NDF/Policy-1/2018-19 dated 13th
with R2 = 0.992. The percentage of silicafumes has to be chosen March 2019.
based on the purpose for which the porous concrete is used. As
the percentage of silicafumes increases compressive strength References
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