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Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 11, No.

3, 2021, 7191-7194 7191

Study of the Compressive Strength of Concrete with

Partial Replacement of Recycled Coarse Aggregates

Xuan Hung Vu Trong Cuong Vo Van Tien Phan

Department of Construction Department of Construction Department of Construction
Vinh University Vinh University Vinh University
Vinh City, Viet Nam Vinh City, Viet Nam Vinh City, Viet Nam

Abstract-This paper presents a study on the compressive strength [10]. The compressive strength of concrete made from recycled
of concrete using recycled aggregates. The concrete was designed coarse aggregates was studied in [11], with consideration of the
to have a 25MPa compressive strength and an 8cm slump. The source of the recycled aggregates and the strength of the target
rates of replacing natural aggregates with recycled coarse were concrete. The toughness and soundness test results on the
0%, 10%, and 20%. The test samples were compressed to recycled coarse aggregates showed a higher percentage loss
determine their compressive strength value after 7, 14, and 28 than the natural, but it remained within the acceptable limits.
days of curing. The results showed that the concrete slump did The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of concrete with
not change effectively at a 10% replacement rate. When using recycled coarse aggregate depend on the mix proportions. In
20% recycled aggregates, the concrete was too hard and the
general, the strength of the recycled concrete can be 10-25%
homogeneity of the concrete mixture could not be guaranteed.
The compressive strength slightly decreased using 10% of
lower than the conventional made with natural coarse
recycled aggregates and decreased significantly using 20%.
Therefore, 20% of recycled aggregate replacement is not suitable. This paper presents a study on the compressive strength of
The results showed that using recycled aggregates at a rate of concrete having a partial replacement of natural with recycled
10% is optimal. coarse aggregates.
Keywords-compressive strength; recycled concrete; demolishing II. COMPOSITION OF RECYCLED CONCRETE
The concrete obtained after a project's demolition was
I. INTRODUCTION crushed and the resulting coarse aggregates were washed,
dried, and pre-screened to remove any dust particles. These raw
In recent years, developed countries deal with the recycling
and treatment of construction solid waste. Construction's solid aggregates were screened to classify the particles and then
mixed again to be graded as standard for concrete according to
waste treatment, solid waste minimization, pressure to change,
[12]. To avoid strongly absorbing recycled aggregates affecting
and the approach to resolving these issues in the UK were
the setting of the concrete, the coarse aggregates were soaked
studied in [1]. China faces a similar problem as the amount of
solid construction waste was more than 1.5 billion tons per year in water and then dried under normal conditions. In this study,
a natural concrete aggregate was selected as a reference. The
in 2018, and it was predicted to reach 2.5 billion per year in
coarse aggregate was replaced partially by solid waste from the
2020 [2]. The solid waste treatment in current construction
crushed demolition site. After casting according to the
sites, the life cycle of sustainable development, and the
evaluation of the environmental impact of the construction standard, the samples were stored under normal conditions and
tested for compressive strength after 7, 14, and 28 days.
materials consumed in China during 2000-2015 were studied in
[3]. Many studies have been conducted on recycled aggregates,
such as their use in green concrete [4, 5], coarse aggregates for
concrete [6], and fine concrete [7, 8]. While the reuse of
construction solid waste as aggregates for concrete has been
widely used and achieved remarkable efficiency, many studies
have been conducted recently on the mechanical properties of
concrete with recycled aggregates. The influence of the
recycled aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete
was studied in [9], concluding that they did not have a
significant influence on compressive, flexural, and tensile
strength. The use of recycled aggregates from demolished
works after crushing and grading, helps to save natural
Fig. 1. Recycled coarse aggregates
aggregate sources and protect the environment, was studied in
Corresponding author: Van Tien Phan Vu et al.: Study of the Compressive Strength of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Recycled Coarse …
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 11, No. 3, 2021, 7191-7194 7192


The mechanical properties of the sand used in the No. Replacement rate Slump (mm)
experiment were: 1 0% 73
2 10% 70
• Density: 2.65g/cm3 3 20% 12

• Modulus of magnitude: 2.50

• Volumetric mass: 1660kg/m3
B. Cement
A commercial Portland cement PCB40 was used, having
the following mechanical properties:
• Actual strength: 40MPa
• Density: 3.1g/cm3
C. Coarse Aggregates Fig. 2. The slump of recycled concrete at various recycled coarse
aggregates replacement rates.
Natural coarse aggregates were mixed with recycled
materials. In this study, 20mm aggregates, the most common From Figure 2, it can be noted that the slump of concrete
size of aggregates used in construction, was used having the did not change significantly at 10% replacement rate. When
following mechanical properties: using 20% recycled coarse aggregates, the drop was markedly
• Density: 2.61g/cm3 obvious as it dropped from 73mm at 0% to 70mm at 10%, and
finally to 12mm at 20%. Thus, when using 20% recycled
• Volumetric mass: 1430kg/m3 aggregates, the concrete was too hard and its homogeneity
D. Concrete could not be guaranteed.
The designed recycled concrete had the grade of B20, and
the design slump was 8cm. The compressive strength of the
concrete was tested according to the Vietnamese standard
3118:1993. Cylindrical samples with size D150×H300 were
cast and cured in water before being compressed to determine
their compressive strength. The loading speed was set to
0.5kN/s. The replacement rates of coarse aggregates were 0%,
10%, and 20% of the standard reference sample, respectively.
The mix components for 1m3 of concrete are presented in Table

Mix components for 1m3 of concrete

Aggregates Cement (kg) Sand (kg) Aggregate (kg) Water (kg)
by mass 292.5 648.3 1216.3 195.0
Aggregates Cement (kg) Sand (m3) Aggregate (m3) Water (l)
by volume 292.5 0.391 0.851 195.0
Fig. 3. Samples after the compressive experiments.

Table IV shows the destructive force (kN) results obtained

Notation of
Description Quantity from the compression test. Compressive strength (MPa) was
calculated from the destructive force P (kN) for each sample
1 CP0
Reference sample: Mix 3 samples for 7 having a 15cm diameter, using:
according to Table I days, 3
Recycled aggregate samples for 14      
2 CP10 days, and 3
replacement rate: 10%
Recycled aggregate samples for 28    7.5  176.71  (1)
3 CP20 days.
replacement rate: 20% Compressive strength was calculated, using (1), as:
    / (2)
where P is the destructive load of the sample, S is the
The results of measuring the slump of the concrete with compressive area, and α is the coefficient of converting the
recycled coarse materials are shown in Table III and Figure 2. experimental results when compressing the samples with Vu et al.: Study of the Compressive Strength of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Recycled Coarse …
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 11, No. 3, 2021, 7191-7194 7193

different sizes from the standard samples (150×150×150mm). 13, 14]. The higher compressive strength of the concrete
For a cylinder sample having 150mm diameter and 300mm having a lower recycled aggregate replacement rate may be
height, α was calculated to 1.2. Table V shows the compressive attributed to the greater bonding force and strength when using
strengths of the experimental samples after 7, 14, and 28 days. the same type of aggregate. Figure 5 shows the strength
development of recycled concrete, which indicates that
TABLE IV. DESTRUCTIVE FORCE RESULTS concrete strength reached 51-67% after 7 days and about 63-
Sample destructive force 75% after 14 days of curing. Details are shown in Table VII.
Replacement rate of
No. (kN)
recycled aggregates (%)
7 days 14 days 28 days
1 0 185.55 231.94 309.25
2 0 196.30 199.47 316.61
3 0 200.32 239.73 328.39
4 10 195.36 224.52 291.58
5 10 186.26 228.32 300.41
6 10 176.80 240.82 304.83
7 20 130.95 178.79 251.82
8 20 135.02 173.24 254.76
9 20 126.93 161.77 248.87


Replacement rate of Compressive strength (MPa)

recycled aggregates (%) 7 days 14 days 28 days
1 0 12.6 15.75 21 Fig. 4. Compressive strength of concrete at various recycled coarse
2 0 13.33 13.545 21.5 aggregate replacement rates.
3 0 13.603 16.279 22.3
4 10 13.266 15.246 19.8
5 10 12.648 15.504 20.4
6 10 12.006 16.353 20.7
7 20 8.892 12.141 17.1
8 20 9.169 11.764 17.3
9 20 8.619 10.985 16.9

As it can be noted, the experimental concrete samples did

not reach the design strength. The reference sample reached
only 86.4% of the design strength. This rate was 81.2% when
using 10% and 68.4% when using 20% recycled aggregates.
Thus, using 10% recycled aggregates did not affect
significantly the compressive strength of the concrete. When
Fig. 5. The development of concrete's compressive strength.
using 20% recycled aggregates, the compressive strength
dropped significantly. For a clearer observation, the TABLE VII. COMPARISON OF THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF
compressive strength results of concrete at various recycle CONCRETE WITH THE STRENGTH AFTER 28 DAYS OF CURIN G (R28)
aggregate replacement rates are shown in Figure 4 and Table
Compressive strength (MPa)
No. Ratio compared to 14 Ratio compared to 28
7 days
R28 days R28 days
2 13.33 62% 13.545 63% 21.5
Achieved 3 13.603 61% 16.279 73% 22.3
Replacement rate 4 13.266 67% 15.246 77% 19.8
Compressive Mean compared with
No. of recycled
strength (MPa) value design (25 5 12.648 62% 15.504 76% 20.4
aggregates (%)
MPa) 6 12.006 58% 16.353 79% 20.7
21 7 8.892 52% 12.141 71% 17.1
1 0% 21.5 21.6 86.4 % 8 9.169 53% 11.764 68% 17.3
9 8.619 51% 10.985 65% 16.9
19.8 As it can be noted, the strength development of the concrete
2 10% 20.4 20.3 81.2 % using recycled aggregates at a low rate (≤ 20%) is similar to
20.7 ordinary concrete. However, a few notes can be pinpointed:
3 20% 17.3 17.1 68.4% • Normal concrete grows up to 65% of its maximum design
16.9 strength at the age of 7 days. The experimental samples did
not reach this level. This growth rate was slowed down
The decrease of compressive strength when using recycled when using 20% recycled aggregates, with a ratio of 51-
aggregates was predicted, as noticed in previous studies [11, 53% to R28. Vu et al.: Study of the Compressive Strength of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Recycled Coarse …
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 11, No. 3, 2021, 7191-7194 7194

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Therefore, it can be concluded that the 20% replacement rate is
not appropriate. The results showed that using recycled
aggregates at a rate of 10% is an optimal solution.
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j.matpr.2021.01.310. Vu et al.: Study of the Compressive Strength of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Recycled Coarse …

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