Fleet Management ES-RQ-155
Fleet Management ES-RQ-155
Fleet Management ES-RQ-155
1 Apply these fleet management requirements for all motorized, over-the-road vehicles managed
at Coca-Cola system locations:
Company cars (and other company-supplied vehicles used for company business)
Employee transport vans and buses
Vehicles used for route sales, cold drink services and product transportation and
Contract carriers, if at least one of the following conditions is met:
o The vehicle bears the company name, images or trademark.
o The carrier is under long-term contract (greater than one year), or an administrative or
legal agreement is in place according to local legislation.
o The carrier is exclusively carrying company products.
Driver Qualifications
3 Implement a process to qualify, initially and periodically, all drivers of in-scope vehicles.
3.1 Ensure drivers are in good health, capable of operating the vehicle safely, and are
capable of physically performing all duties.
3.2 Ensure that unlicensed, improperly licensed or disqualified drivers are prevented from
operating vehicles by periodically reviewing driving records and licenses for all drivers.
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Property of The Coca-Cola Company
Fleet Management
3.3 Ensure the driver applicant speaks and reads in the local language and is able to make
legible entries on reports and records.
3.4 Complete the government agency’s written examination (if applicable).
3.5 Test negatively for controlled substance.
3.6 Maintain a driver qualification file.
7.2 Instructions for
Notifying authorities and the company
Protecting the vehicle and its cargo
Managing spill control and containment
Completing paperwork to comply with local regulations, insurance carrier
requirements, and company requirements
7.3 Conducting a root-cause analysis of the incident to identify corrective actions and prevent
Revision History
Revision Date Summary of Change
08-Jan-2018 Published as a result of the 2017 Technical Governance review
and optimization of the Coca-Cola operational requirements.
Evaluated and reformatted the content against the lean governance
model, focusing on risk-based and fit-for-purpose requirements.
Ensured language is more concise, and eliminated redundancies
against global consensus standards.