Membran Bab 1
Membran Bab 1
Membran Bab 1
membranes were used for the separation of gases, and so forth (Glater 1998;
Matthes 1944). Traube and Pfeffer prepared artificial membranes, and they
developed the van’t Hoff osmotic pressure relationship as a result of their
work with osmotic phenomena. Bechold coined the term ultrafiltration in 1906
(Bechold 1907, Bechold & Schlesinger 1931). Michaels (1968) further de-
veloped ultrafiltration. Zigmondy developed asymmetric microporous filters
made with a fine porous skin on the feed side and open structure on the per-
meate side (Zsigmondy 1922). The tightest of the ultrafiltration membranes
were made from cellophane or cellulose.
Reverse osmosis was initiated and studied in the 1920s. It was rediscovered by
Reid and his coworkers in the 1950s. The practical phenomenon of hemodialy-
sis was developed by Kolff (Kolff & Berk 1944). Reverse osmosis, also called hy-
perfiltration, for desalinating seawater was initiated by the Office of Saline Water
to meet future water demands. Because of their large pore size, microporous
membranes were not suitable for desalination (Sing, Hoffman & Judd 2006).
Reid and Berton discovered polymeric membranes that could show high salt
rejections. Their challenge was that the membranes were too thick and required
casting a thin film without imperfections. Because the thickness was about
6.0 mm, which is not enough to provide high flux, the water flux was nonprac-
tical. This problem was relatively solved when Loeb and Sourirajan, during
1958 to 1962, discovered how to make asymmetric membranes of small thick-
ness and with controlled pore sizes (Loeb 1981; Loeb & Sourirajan 1963). The
membrane was made of very thin cellulose acetate film, supported by a fine cel-
lulose acetate porous substrate, using the phase-inversion method, and it was
called L-S membrane (Loeb & Sourirajan 1963). This development was a great
breakthrough in membrane technique, and especially in the pressure-driven
Historical and Key Developments of Membrane Technology 5
separation process used for the purification of water. When characterized un-
der an electron microscope by Riley in 1964, the membranes were found to
be skinned with a thickness of about 0.1 mm (Lonsdale 1982). The skinned
(asymmetric) membrane has a top layer that is skinlike and a bottom side that
has large pores over a nonwoven support fabric, which provides mechanical
strength to the membrane, as illustrated in Fig. 1.2. They were capable of pro-
ducing a flux of 5 to 11 gallons per square foot per day of 0.05% NaC1 water,
under a pressure of 100 to 135 bar(g).
Westmoreland and later Bray invented the spiral-wound module, which was
more efficient than the tube-in-shell module. The spiral-wound membrane
can be viewed as a plate-and-frame arrangement that has been rolled up. The
original module had a single leaf of membrane, whereas modern spiral-wound
modules contain multileaf membranes.
After that, cellulose triacetate hollow-fiber membranes and the means to mod-
ularize these fibers were developed by Mahon, McLain and others (Mahon
1966; McLain 1969; McLain and Mahon 1969). However, a quite competitive
development with the L-S type membrane, the hollow-fiber aromatic polyam-
ide membranes, was prepared by Henry Hoehn and George Milford at DuPont
in the late 1960s. These membranes were prepared with a solution which was
spun into hollow fibers with a 42 mm inside diameter and an 85 mm outside
diameter with a skinned structure on the shell side. Although the water flux was
well below that exhibited by cellulose acetate membranes, the salt rejection
was higher. Therefore, to enhance the flux, several hundred thousand of the fi-
bers are required to be incorporated into modules containing several thousand
square feet of membrane area. This development was key to the development
of hollow-fiber ultrafiltration and microfiltration. Tables 1.2 and 1.3 summa-
rize the achievement in the field of membrane technology after 1900 (Fer-
ry 1936; Kołtuniewicz 2006; Koros 2004; Loeb & Sourirajan 1963; Loeb 1981;
Lonsdale 1982; 1987; Michaels 1968; Petersen 1993; Strathmann 2001).
6 CHAPTER 1: An Overview of Membrane Science and Technology
Table 1.4 Some Membrane Modules and Their Applications in the Market
Membrane or Module Applications
Cellulose acetate spiral-wound membranes Industrial and municipal water treatment
Thin-film composite spiral-wound reverse Water desalination and high-purity water
osmosis membranes production
Hollow-fiber reverse osmosis membranes Seawater desalination
Hollow-fiber ultrafiltration and microfiltration Industrial applications
Membrane science is a field that deals with materials development for mem-
brane design and its process performance. Therefore, membrane science can
be simply categorized into material selection, material characterization and
evaluation, membrane preparation, membrane characterization and evalua-
tion, membrane transport phenomena, membrane module design, and pro-
cess performance (Meares 1976; Turbak 1981; Starzak 1984). Each one of these
categories deals to some extent with the study of permeation and permeable
media, which is the membrane (Lloyd 1985). The basic categories of material
science are illustrated in Fig. 1.3.
8 CHAPTER 1: An Overview of Membrane Science and Technology
Membrane technology encompasses the related scientific and engineering
approaches for the transport or rejection of components, species, or substanc-
es through or by the membranes. Membrane technology is used to explain
the mechanical separation processes for separating gas or liquid streams
(Baker 2004; Nunes & Peinemann 2001). Some major steps in the development
of membrane technology are listed in Fig. 1.4.
Because of its multidisciplinary character, membrane technology is used in
several industries, including water treatment for domestic and industrial water
supply, chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, beverages, food, metal-
lurgy, and other separation processes. A schematic representation of the ap-
plications of membrane processes is depicted in Fig. 1.5.
The wider industrial and environmental applications are because of the ad-
vantages of membrane separation as a clean technology; saving energy; and
its ability to replace conventional processes, such as filtration, distillation, ion
exchange, and chemical treatment systems. Other advantages are its ability to
produce high-quality products and flexibility in system design. The main ad-
vantages of membrane technology are listed in Fig. 1.6.
Using membrane technology, the separation can be carried out continuously
under mild conditions with relatively low energy consumption and without
Membrane Separation Processes 9
the need for additives. Moreover, the technology can be combined with other
separation processes, forming hybrid processes. However, this technology has
some obstacles, such as concentration polarization and membrane fouling,
low membrane lifetime, and low selectivity and flux. Fig. 1.6. illustrates the
benefits and drawbacks of membrane technology. Although membrane foul-
ing and concentration polarization are disadvantages, they are part of the sepa-
ration process.
FIGURE 1.7 Simple classification of membrane separation processes into physical and
chemical processes.
The selection of the materials suitable to make a membrane for a specific
application is a key factor that requires more investigation. The selection of mem-
brane material allows control over the nature and magnitude of the interactions
between permeants and membranes. It determines the packing density and the
12 CHAPTER 1: An Overview of Membrane Science and Technology
segment mobility of the polymer chains that comprise the solid regions of the
membrane. Although both material selection and membrane preparation proce-
dures influence the mechanism of transport, membrane stability, and membrane
performance, the latter determines the membrane morphology, which influences
the rate of permeation by physical properties, such as steric hindrance.
Membranes are fabricated from a wide variety of organic and inorganic materi-
als. Examples of inorganic materials are carbons, alumina, and zeolites. How-
ever, the majority of commercial membranes are fabricated from polymers and
liquids. Examples of organic materials are listed in Table 1.5. These materi-
als are used to fabricate membranes with high mechanical strength, thermal
stability, and chemical resistance, in addition to stable long-term separation
properties, the polymer has to offer a low binding affinity for separated mol-
ecules and has to withstand harsh cleaning conditions. Moreover, it has to be
compatible with membrane fabrication technology (Zeaman & Zydney 1996).
The polymer has to be suitable in terms of its chain rigidity and interaction and
the polarity of its functional groups (Zeaman & Zydney 1996). It should be
obtainable at a good price. Some of the common polymers used in membranes
are listed in Table 1.5 (Madaeni 2001; Martinez et al. 2000; Palacio et al. 1998;
Templin et al. 2006; Zydney & Ho 2003).
Membrane Evaluation
It is important to evaluate the performance of the membrane, using essential
parameters, before employing it in real applications. There are some measures
used to evaluate the membrane performance. These include measurements of
flux, rejection factor, separation factor, capacity, membrane activity, membrane
fouling, membrane compaction, release rates, and barrier property (listed in
Fig. 1.8). These measures are directly related to materials selection and mem-
brane preparation methods.
Filtration Flux
The rate of membrane surface fouling is a function of the permeate flux rate,
measured as gallons per square foot of membrane area per day (GFD). The
lower the flux rate, the lower the rate of fouling. With higher filtration flux,
solutes are dragged more in the direction of the pores, and result in pore
blocking and a cake layer on top of the membrane surface. The optimum
flux is a flux that is low enough to make sure that no deposition takes place
on top of the membrane. Selection is made using the critical flux hypothesis,
which is that on start-up there exists a flux below which a decline of flux with
time does not occur; above it, fouling is observed (Field et al. 1995). This
flux is the critical flux and its value depends on the hydrodynamics and prob-
ably other variables. The level of the critical flux depends, among others, on
cross-flow velocity, membrane type, type of solute, and bulk concentration of
the solute.
An Overview of Nanomaterials
Nanomaterial is defined as a substance or a set of substances where the external
dimensions or at least one dimension is in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers.
The word nano is derived from the Greek “nanos” meaning “dwarf. (Boholm
and Boholm 2012)” Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipula-
tion of material at the nanoscale, where properties differ significantly from
those at bulk. The nanomaterials that have the same composition as known
materials in bulk form may have different physical, mechanical, and chemi-
cal properties than the same materials in bulk form. Nanomaterials can be in
the form of particles, tubes, rods, or fibers. Nanomaterials are an increasingly
important product of nanotechnologies.
Nanotechnology is the science and technology of small things. It is the study
and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other
scientific fields, such as chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineer-
ing. It is a science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale;
it is a multidisciplinary field, meaning that it involves ideas integrated from
many traditional disciplines, such as solid-state physics, chemistry, electrical
16 CHAPTER 1: An Overview of Membrane Science and Technology
In this chapter, basic concepts related to the historical overview of membranes,
membrane technology, and membrane separation processes were discussed.
These include membrane definition, history, and contributions in membrane
science and technology. Membrane separation processes and methods for
membrane evaluation were also highlighted and we attempted to provide a
complete overview. Various major types of membrane materials were classi-
fied. An overview of nanomaterials and the history of their development was
also discussed. Accelerate the development of membrane materials with high
filtration flux and low membrane blocking, may further promote membrane
application in different fields including water treatment.
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