Ultrafiltration in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Review
Ultrafiltration in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Review
Ultrafiltration in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Review
Introduction: The use of cardiopulmonary bypass in pediatric cardiac surgery is associated with significant inflammation, fluid
overload, and end-organ dysfunction yielding morbidity and mortality. For decades, various intraoperative ultrafiltration tech-
niques such as conventional ultrafiltration, modified ultrafiltration (MUF), zero-balance ultrafiltration (ZBUF), and combination
techniques (ZBUF-MUF) have been used to mitigate these toxicities and promote improved postoperative outcomes. However,
there is currently no consensus on the ultrafiltration technique or strategy that yields the most benefit for infants and children
undergoing open heart surgery. Methods: A librarian-conducted PubMed literature search from 1990 to 2018 yielded 90 clinical
studies or publications on the various forms of ultrafiltration and the impact on physiologic markers and clinical outcomes. All
publications were reviewed, summarized, and conclusions synthesized. The data sets were not combined for systematic or meta-
analysis due to significant heterogeneity in study protocols and patient populations. Results: Modified ultrafiltration significantly
promotes improved myocardial function, reduction in fluid overload, and reduced bleeding and transfusion complications. Fur-
thermore, ZBUF has shown a consistent reduction in inflammatory cytokines and improved pulmonary function and compliance.
There is conflicting evidence that MUF, ZBUF, and ZBUF-MUF culminate in reduced ventilation time and intensive care unit stay.
Conclusion: Various modes of ultrafiltration have been shown to be associated with improved physiologic function or clinical
outcomes in pediatric cardiac surgery. There are some inconsistent trial results that can be explained by heterogeneity in
ultrafiltration, clinical staff preferences, and institution protocols. Ultrafiltration has some essential benefit as it is ubiquitously
used at pediatric heart centers; however, the optimal protocol could be yet identified.
congenital, pediatric, cardiac, open-heart, cardiovascular surgery, modified, conventional, zero-balance, ultrafiltration,
cardiopulmonary, bypass, inflammation
Figure 1. Conventional ultrafiltration (CUF) schematic. Tubing clamp denotes position to exclude CUF from the bypass circuit. Dotted line
denotes deoxygenated blood.
Figure 2. Modified ultrafiltration (MUF) schematic. (A) Arterial-venous (A-V) MUF and (B) venous-arterial (V-A) MUF. Tubing clamps are
engaged to exclude the bypass circuit after the patient is weaned to allow for MUF. Dotted line denotes deoxygenated blood.
coagulation factors to reduce bleeding and transfusion require- in children undergoing open-heart surgery. Specifically, small
ments. 5,36 Although MUF is well studied in this regard, coagulation factors such as thrombin (39 kDa), IX (55 kDa), X
ZBUF-MUF has much less literature or evidence with regard (38 kDa) might be susceptible to depletion with ZBUF strate-
to recovery of hemodilution coagulopathy brought on by CPB gies. However, this seems to be a theoretical risk as no study
782 World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 10(6)
Figure 3. Simplified modified ultrafiltration (SMUF) schematic. Tubing clamp is engaged to exclude the bypass circuit after the patient is weaned
to allow for MUF. During bypass, the venous line would be left open to allow for cardiopulmonary bypass as well as ultrafiltration. Dotted line
denotes deoxygenated blood.
Naik et al, 19911 RCT 50 12.5 mL/kg/24 h 19.0 mL/kg/24 h <.0002 3.0 mL/kg/24 h 15.5 mL/kg/24 h <.0002
Ad et al, 199628 RCT 80 11.0 mL/kg/24 h 26.8 mL/kg/24 h <.05 7.4 mL/kg/24 h 20.2 mL/kg/24 h <.05
Wang et al, 199817 RCT 40 NR NR NS 7.8 mL/kg 21.5 mL/kg <.05
Chew et al, 200231 RCT 18 0.67 mL/kg/24 h 1.09 mL/kg/24 h NS 6.5 mL/kg/24 h 5.9 mL/kg/24 h NS
Draaisma et al, 199724 Retro 198 20.1 mL/kg 29.1 mL/kg <.05 24.0 mL/kg 27.7 mL/kg <.05
Koutlas et al, 199730 Retro 120 8.4 mL/kg/24 h 16.0 mL/kg/24 h <.01 29 mL/kg/24 h 63 mL/kg/24 h <.001
Kameyama et al, 200029 Retro 100 19.8 mL/kg/24 h 16.0 mL/kg/24 h NS 47 mL/kg/24 h 113 mL/kg/24 h <.01
Kotani et al, 200832 Retro 36 28 mL/kg/24 h 44 mL/kg/24 h NS NR NR NR
Abbreviations: MUF, modified ultrafiltration; NR, not recorded; NS, nonsignificant result, no P value given; RBC, red blood cell; RCT, randomized controlled trial;
Retro, retrospective trial.
Controls used no ultrafiltration.
has shown an increased risk of bleeding complications with A large retrospective study of 1,540 patients supported this
ZBUF protocol. finding, as children with positive fluid balance following open
heart surgery experienced a significantly increased risk of
mortality (odds ratio ¼ 1.73).37 It was most significant in
Fluid Balance neonates and small infants <6 kg; in fact, those with positive
Excess fluid volume acquired during open-heart surgery with balance were twice as likely to die as those with zero or
CPB and subsequent morbidity and mortality were the indica- negative balance.37 However, it should be noted that extreme
tions to utilize ultrafiltration in this patient population. Sources negative balance more than 40 mL/kg had significantly
of fluid accumulation include fluid overload by preoperative higher mortality than those with balances between 40 mL/
heart failure, perioperative intravenous fluids, CPB prime, car- kg and 0 mL/kg.37 It is unclear whether there is a causal
dioplegia, operative field irrigation fluid, intravenous medica- relationship between positive fluid balance and mortality or
tion administration, and blood product resuscitation. Fluid whether the positive fluid balance is due to resuscitation for
balance is calculated by recording all the fluid inputs and sub- poor perioperative cardiopulmonary function related to the
tracting outputs such as urine volume and surgical blood loss. primary cardiac pathology. All randomized studies on various
Bierer et al 783
demonstrated increases in cardiac index, 43 stroke volume In addition to removing volume by MUF, ZBUF-MUF stra-
index,43 myocardial performance index,22 and fractional short- tegies appear to be correlated with improved pulmonary func-
ening. 22 However, some randomized studies detected no tion by the removal of endothelin-1 (ET1) and other
improvement in cardiac index and LV stroke index45 as well inflammatory cytokines.40,49 Endothelin-1 is a small, 21 amino
as no change in diastolic performance.15 Again, there is hetero- acid polypeptide with pulmonary vasoconstrictive properties,
geneity in patient populations and ultrafiltration protocols, which is well-documented in many disorders involving pul-
which is perhaps why there is a discrepancy in results. Further- monary hypertension.49 Bando et al showed that ET1 levels
more, the two negative studies that did not show improved were significantly reduced by over 50% with ZBUF-MUF
cardiac function with MUF over control were both small and compared to control and then temporally correlated this with
could be underpowered. decreased pulmonary pressure to systemic pressure ratios
Honjo et al used an own control study design where patients which were sustained into the postoperative period.49 Simi-
had echocardiography done before and after MUF.22 They larly, Hiramatsu et al showed that ZBUF-MUF could signifi-
found improved global ventricular function as measured by cantly reduce the ET1 levels which correlated with
myocardial performance index as well as fractional shortening considerably reduced pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR),
with MUF.22 Interestingly, the magnitude of benefit was nega- which again was sustained into the postoperative period.40 This
tively correlated with length of CPB and aortic cross-clamp group also detected a positive correlation between PVR and
time.22 Overall, this study, in addition to the study by Chatur- ET1. There seems to be convincing evidence that pulmonary
vedi et al, showed no change in any diastolic function para- physiology can be most enhanced by the use of ZBUF-MUF to
meter which adds to the polarity in the literature as Davies et al remove both excess fluid and ET1 and other inflammatory
found improved diastolic performance.15,22,46 Improvement in mediators. Unfortunately, although there are many studies sug-
global ventricular function by MUF was thought to be related gesting improvement in pulmonary physiologic parameters
to reduced myocardial edema as a decrease in ventricular wall with MUF or ZBUF-MUF, they often fail to demonstrate con-
thickness has been observed.46,61 Additional benefits of MUF sistent clinical relevance between studies (see
with direct relation to cardiac function include the potential Table 3).3,4,6,9,10,15,17,21,27,29,30–34,37–39,42,45–47,52,61
filtration of unidentified myocardial depressant factors, such Measuring clinical outcomes such as ventilation time and
as TNF-a and IL-1b, and increased oxygen delivery by ICU LOS can be confounded by factors such as surgeon, per-
hemoconcentration.22,50 fusionist, or intensivist preference on therapy choices and insti-
As described, MUF along with other forms of ultrafiltration tutional ICU protocols. The lack of ultrafiltration
significantly improve hemodynamics in the postoperative standardization can explain the variation in clinical results. A
period. Although there is some ambiguity, there is evidence heuristic review between studies that had significant and non-
that these observations can be partially attributed to improved significant ventilation or ICU LOS reductions revealed that
ventricular function. To the authors’ knowledge, there is no longer total ultrafiltration time and larger volume removed,
current literature relating the quantity of ultrafiltrate removed, as seen with ZBUF-MUF, are most likely to have substantial
and therefore, the relationship to overall fluid balance and the benefit compared to control. It should be noted that although
magnitude of myocardial enhancement. many studies demonstrated no difference between various
forms or combinations of ultrafiltration, the comparators usu-
ally have similar volumes of ultrafiltrate, which might also
explain the nonsignificant findings seen in many studies. It
Pulmonary Function appears that ZBUF is particularly useful in promoting
Acute pulmonary injury is a common manifestation of CPB- improved pulmonary function as filtration occurs from the
mediated inflammatory response, third spacing, and fluid over- beginning to the end of the inflammatory insult of CPB.
load leading to increased ventilatory support and ICU LOS.
Modified ultrafiltration is postulated to attenuate this response
by removing volume load and thereby reducing hydrostatic Hemodynamics
pressure and pulmonary edema. Many studies have consis- Improved hemodynamic parameters with ultrafiltration has
tently shown that MUF, with or without ZBUF, increases static been one of the main and well-recognized benefits since its
pulmonary compliance21,26,38 and dynamic pulmonary compli- inception. The removal of excess fluid and inflammatory
ance,21,26,38 while decreasing the A-a gradient,6,31,38 pulmon- cytokines have long since been the hypothesized rationale
ary to systemic arterial pressure ratio,40,49 respiratory index,29 of improved cardiopulmonary function with prevention of
and airway resistance.9 In comparison, there is only a single the inflammatory distributive and vasoplegic syndrome
study which shows no improvement in pulmonary compliance, related to CPB. When MUF is used, compared to control,
pulmonary resistance, or A-a gradient when ZBUF-MUF was studies show significantly improved systolic blood pres-
compared to ZBUF or MUF individually.34 There appears to be sure,3,18–20,22,25,26,32,43,61 diastolic blood pressure,3,25,32,43,61,62
agreement from randomized studies indicating that ZBUF and and mean arterial pressure (MAP).23,25,31,43,45 No study offers
MUF together or separately have a positive impact on pulmon- evidence which contradicts these findings. Disappointingly,
ary physiologic parameters. only one of these studies comparing MUF to control revealed
Table 3. Ventilation Time, ICU Length of Stay, and Inotrope Requirements Using Different Ultrafiltration Techniques.a
Ventilation Time (hours) ICU LOS (days) Inotrope Requirement
Abbreviations: CUF, conventional ultrafiltration; ICU, intensive cares unit; LOS, length of stay; MUF, modified ultrafiltration; NR, not recorded; NS, nonsignificant result and no P value given; Pro, prospective
trial; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Retro, retrospective trial; VIS, vasoactive–inotropic score with increasing score indicating severe illness; ZBUF, zero-balance ultrafiltration.
Controls used no ultrafiltration. Blank field indicates outcome was not studied.
786 World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 10(6)
a significant reduction in inotrope use,46 while four others circuit and preventing acute pulmonary injury. Although ultra-
showed no difference.3,21,31,32 Finally, comparison of MUF filtration more often does not yield good evidence of physio-
and control looking at heart rate reductions reveals two studies logic improvement, especially improved cardiopulmonary
that show significant difference19,20 and two that show no function, there does not always seem to be a consistent
difference46,61; three studies that show significant central enhancement of postoperative outcomes in the literature. The
venous pressure (CVP) reductions22,32,45 and three that showed discrepancies could be explained by the heterogeneity of the
no difference.19,25,43 It should be noted that those studies studies regarding patient populations, ultrafiltration protocols,
which observed significant hemodynamic improvement with myocardial protection strategies, bypass protocols, ICU proto-
MUF only showed benefit lasting a few hours into the post- cols, and differences in expert opinion. The majority of publi-
operative period. cations occurred prior to 2010 as only three clinical studies
Although the evidence illustrating MUF can improve systo- have been published since that time. Specifically, one rando-
lic and diastolic pressure when compared to controls, there is mized trial that showed reduced ventilation time and ICU LOS
less information to suggest one form of ultrafiltration is super- with MUF, a second randomized trial that showed reduced
ior to another in this regard. A single study directly comparing RBC transfusion but increased platelet transfusion with MUF,
MUF and CUF demonstrated a significant increase in systolic, and one retrospective study that showed no clinical bene-
diastolic, MAP, and reduced heart rate with MUF, but no dif- fit.27,35,47 There seems to be paucity without clinical practice
ference in inotrope use.63 When CUF-MUF is compared to consensus. Despite the noted polarity in the literature, there
CUF, there appears to be increased systolic blood pressure,47 seems to be some inherent benefit as some form of ultrafiltra-
diastolic pressure, 47 MAP,47,53 reduced heart rate,53 and tion utilized in 97% of pediatric heart surgery centers assessed
CVP47,53 without contradicting studies. Despite improved by survey in 2011.64 This review can serve as a basis for future
hemodynamic profiles, only one study showed reduced ino- research, which would more precisely characterize how ultra-
trope use with CUF-MUF over CUF47 against three studies that filtration augments the inflammatory and coagulation cascades
showed no difference.27,38,39 Finally, one study compared to ultimately define an ideal protocol. Identifying and standar-
ZBUF-MUF to ZBUF or MUF alone and found significantly dizing the optimal ultrafiltration technique could lead to sig-
higher systolic and diastolic pressures with ZBUF-MUF but no nificant reductions in morbidity and mortality for infants and
difference in inotrope use.34 Again, those studies which children undergoing open-heart surgery with CPB.
showed significant improvements were transient and matched
comparator groups within a few hours into the postoperative Authors’ Note
period. Authors had full control of the study design, methods, and production
It is clear from the available literature that ultrafiltration, of written report.
and specifically MUF, offers significant hemodynamic support.
Unfortunately, postoperative clinical benefit has not been con- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
sistently demonstrated and, furthermore, it is less obvious
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
which ultrafiltration technique might yield the optimal post- the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
operative outcome. Moreover, the heterogeneity in ultrafiltra-
tion protocol between studies makes it difficult to compare
study results and may explain the discrepancies in clinical out-
comes. Enhancement in postoperative hemodynamics with The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ultrafiltration has been hypothesized to be a result of improved ship, and/or publication of this article.
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