Panchagni Vidya or Jiva Gati After Death

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The first pada deals with jiva Gathi the path of travel after death.

this occurs
in several places not only in vada anta paga but also in purva
bagha. Vyasacharya deals with a particular portion occurring in
Vedanta the pancagni vidya. It is dealt with in the entire pada. this occurs
in two Upanishad one is Brihadharaynaka upanisad 6.2 and also it occurs in
the 5th chapter section 3 to 10 of Chandogya upanisad. Vyasacharya takes
the Chandogya upanisad portion.

Until this pada is over I will request you to go through the Chandogya
upanisad prakaranam. I will give you the essence of the panchagni vidya.
Here Upanishad talks about the travel of jiva after giving up the body and
until it take another body. This sastra alone is to be talked about because it
is apourusheya vishaya. Until death what happens I can see. However, what
happens after death I do not know what happens to me. The Upanishad
points out that the departed jiva goes through five locations before
becoming another embodies jivah once again. Each location is called an
Agni figuratively. Therefore, five locations are called pancha agniyah. When
the jiva passes through each location jiva gets particular transformation. It
is not visible to us. apurusheya vishaya gets apourusheya transformation.
Such tansformations we see even in our manufacture process. the
raw materials go through several stages and ultimately comes
through at the end a finished product which is completely different from the
raw material fed at the beginning. Similar Bhagavan has got human
assembly line with five locations. The five locations are enumerated as
swarga, mega, bhoomi, Purusa, and nari.

Jiva enters everyone and goes through transformation with additions and
when it comes out of fifth Agni the cooking is complete.

Transformation takes place with the help of Agni alone. Baby

requires a temperature for ripening. Thus, all the five are like incubators or
like womb and each one cooks jiva and well-cooked jiva is
ready for the consumption ofsociety. vyavahara yogyatvam
comes when the baby comes out after the fifth stage.
Upanishad presents all of them a subject matter for meditation. Therefore,
pacnha Agni vidya and vidya here means Upasanam. This comes in
the form of a dialogue between jaivali goutama samvadha
rupena in Chandogya upanisad.
It is all about a story told in the Upanishad. Here Svetaketu, the son
of Gautama after receiving complete teaching from his father goes to the
king Jaivili and on reaching the kng asks the former five questions about
pancha Agni vidya which Svetaketu could not answer. svetaketu
gets humiliated and goes back to his father and asks him why he did not
teach pancha Agni vidya. Gautama tells him that he himself did not know
anything about the pancha Agni vidya and he goes to the king and request
him to teach him the vidya. Thus the dialogue between Jaivili and Goutama
takes place and the outcome of their dialogue is called pancha
Agni vidya enumerated in the Chandogya upanisad.

Here is an instance where the Brahmana goes to the ksatriya king to

learn Pancha Agni vidya. This will be dealt with in the entire first pada. this
pada has got six adhikaranams with 27 sutras. This is background of the first

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