Samskrita Bhasha Vijnanam

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Samskrita Bhasha Vijnanam

Question Bank – M.Sc. (Yoga and Consciousness)

Short notes

1. What is Aksharam or Varna? How many Aksharas are there in Samskritam?

2. Write 22 Svaras
3. Write all Vargiya Vyanjanas (consonants in groups)
4. Write all Avargiya Vyanjanas (consonants not in groups)
5. What is Anusvara and Visarga?
6. What is Sthana and Praytna?
7. Name all the Karakas in Samskritam.
8. Name all the Vibhaktis in English.
9. What is Maheshwara Sutra?
10. What is the name of the popular grammar book for Samskritam? Why it is called so?
11. Write 9 forms from the Root - Kri (Karoti………)
12. Write the three persons in Samskritam
13. What is Pratipadika?
14. Make 3 sentences using first Vibhakti of Raama (M)
15. Make three sentences using second vibhakti of Phala (N)
16. Write three sentences using third Vibhakti of Hasta (M)
17. Make three sentences using fourth Vibhakti of Krishna (M)
18. Make three sentences using 5th Vibhakti of Vriksha (M)
19. Make three sentences using 6th Vibhakti of Dashratha (M)
20. Make three sentences using 7th Vibhakti of Griha (N)

Short Essay

1. Varnas
2. Karakas
3. Vibhaktis
4. Pratipadika (intermediate stage between Dhatu and Shabdarupa)
5. Pratyaya - Suffixes
6. Upasarga - Prefixes
7. Subanta and Tinanta
8. Avyaya
9. Saraswati Namastubhyam - meaning
10. Hrasva, Deergha and Pluta
11. Udatta, Anudaata and Svarita
12. Anunaasika and Ananunaasika
13. Shashti Vibhakti - Not Karaka
14. Completion of a sentence with a noun and a verb
15. Make 5 sentences using the following words - Yatra and Tatra
16. Sup Pratyayas
17. Ting Pratyayas
18. Pratyaharas

Long Essay

1. What is the implication of Karakas in the Language? Explain.

2. How do Vibhaktis help to identify the role of the word in a sentence? Explain.
3. Write down Varna Mala (list of all the letters) in Samskritam according to the groups they belong
4. Write the 21 forms of the following words - Raama, Hari, Anu, Kim in three genders.
5. Write the 21 forms of the following words - Ramaa, Dhenu, Utpatti, Asmad.
6. Write the 21 forms of the following words - Phala, Vaari, Madhu, Yushmad.
7. Narrate the story of Panini from his childhood and message from his biography.
8. Put Utpattisthana (place of origin) of the letters in samskritam in tabular form.
9. Establish that Samskritam is the systematic language when compared with other languages.
10. What is the importance of Sandhi, Samasa and Karaka in Samskritam literature?
11. What are the differences between Samskrita and your mother tongue when analyzed
12. 14 Sutras from Lord Shiva heard by Panini
13. Write numbers in Samskritam from 1 - 30

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