3.financial Accounting
3.financial Accounting
3.financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
Welcome to your ExPress notes 3
1. Financial statements 4
2. Objectives of financial reporting 10
3. Sources of financial information 13
4. Double entry bookkeeping: the debits and cred-its 18
5. Tangible non-current assets 20
6. Intangible non-current assets 24
7. Inventory and purchases 26
8. Receivables and payables 29
9. Bank reconciliations 33
10. Long term finance 35
11. Accruals and prepayments 37
12. Provisions and contingencies 39
13. Sales tax 41
14. Trial balances and correction of errors 43
15. Suspense accounts 47
16. Incomplete records 48
17. Limited companies 50
18. Statements of cash flow 52
19. Consolidated financial statements 55
20. Events after reporting date, errors and esti-mates 62
21. Interpretation of financial statements 63
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01 Financial
Frequent and accurate financial statements can add a great deal to the efficient running of a business.
A set of financial statements is produced periodically (often once a year for smaller businesses but as
frequently as the users want them). A full set of financial statements for a limited company comprises a
number of statements:
• A statement of financial position, referred to by some people as a balance sheet. This lists
all the assets and liabilities of the business plus the equity of the business (which explains where
the assets and liabilities came from). The statement of financial position is a snapshot of the
assets and liabilities of a business at a moment in time.
• A statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. This shows all the gains
and losses that the business has experienced in the period. The statement of comprehensive
income is a record of what happened over a period to the net assets of a business.
• A statement of cash flows, which shows where the cash and short-term assets very similar to
cash came from and went do during the period. Income isn’t always the same as cash, as we’ll
see later.
• Notes to the financial statements, which give further detail to readers who want to know
more than the summary story.
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Non-current assets
Current assets
Inventory 20,000
Prepayments 4,000
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Non-current liabilities
Current liabilities
Accruals 3,000
• It balances, with the total assets equaling equity (i.e. owner’s interest) plus liabilities
• Non-current assets and liabilities are ones that are expected to remain on the SOFP next year.
Current assets and liabilities are expected to be used up or paid within the coming year.
Given that equity = capital + cumulative profit – cumulative withdrawals, then the equation could be
written in any number of ways such as:
This is sometimes called the “accounting equation” and often comes up in the FA exam. The task is to
drop in the figures that you know and find the missing figure, whatever it might be.
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Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June
$ $
Tax (2,000)
You may be required in the exam to calculate revenue, cost of sales, gross profit and total
comprehensive income from given data.
Unusual items
Sometimes, it is necessary for one-off items to be disclosed separately in the financial statements if they
are very large or arise from an unusual, often non-recurring, source. Typical examples might be write-
off of an unusually large debt as irrecoverable, or business relocation costs. Disclosing it separately
allows readers of the accounts a more in-depth understanding of what the business is doing.
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• An asset is a resource that is controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from which
future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
• A liability is a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which
is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits.
• Equity is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
Depending on the type of business, this may be called just capital (sole trader), partners’ current
account (partnership) or share capital and reserves (for a limited company). For a limited
company, reserves show the net cumulative gains above cumulative losses, less all dividends
paid. This therefore explains the difference between what the net assets were when the share
capital was originally paid in and what the net assets are at the reporting date.
• Income is an increase in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows
or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than
those relating to contributions from equity participants.
• An expense is a decrease in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of
outflows or depletions of assets or incurrence of liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other
than those relating to distributions to equity participants.
Note that income and expenditure are defined effectively as the reason that a change in net assets
• Total comprehensive income made in the period (a profit will increase net assets)
• New capital introduced by the owner (will always increase net assets)
• Withdrawals made in the period (will always reduce net assets).
This is sometimes called the accounting equation or the business equation. It can be summarised:
Closing net assets = Opening net assets + total comprehensive income in the period + new capital
introduced in the period – withdrawals in the period.
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This is also a frequent exam question, with some figures given and the others having to be deduced.
Remember that net assets = equity + liabilities, by definition. So net assets may be given in a question
separately as equity and liabilities.
Even with a sole trader (a person who runs a business on their own, but the business has never been
set up formally to be a separate legal identity), there is a distinction between personal income/ expenses
and business income/ expenses. The accounts will largely be maintained so that the sole trader can
report business profits to the tax authority. Personal expenditure such as personal holidays is not
deductible against tax! The accountant will therefore only record transactions that are considered to be
legitimate business transactions; personal transactions will be ignored. In smaller businesses, one of the
first steps when producing accounting records for clients is to separate the business transactions from
the personal, as the latter will not be recorded anywhere.
Sole traders and limited companies - We’ll look at these in more detail in each chapter, but here’s a
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02 Objectives of
financial reporting
Fair presentation Items are described in accordance with their true nature. For
example, loans repayable within six months are classified as
current rather than non-current.
Going concern The business is expected to trade into the foreseeable future.
This means that assets will not have to be sold in a hurry, which
would be likely to result in significant impairments in value.
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Faithful representation Items should be described in accordance with their true nature.
E.g. an expense for repairs should not be classified as research
costs, even though research costs are more favourably viewed
by investors.
Substance over form Items should be reported in accordance with their commercial
substance, rather than their legal form. E.g. if a sale is made on
credit but legal title remains with the seller until the goods are
paid for, it should still be recorded as a sale/ purchase at the
time of the transaction, since this is when the obligation arises.
Business entity concept Even if there is no separate legal entity, as with a sole trader,
the business is still considered to be separate to its owners for
accounting purposes.
Sometimes, it’s not possible to deliver all of these desirable characteristics. For example, an investor is
principally interested in future profits, so this is what is relevant to them. However, estimates of future
profit are unreliable, so historical information is given, even though it is less relevant.
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It is a matter of national regulation which financial reporting standards an entity must use when
producing their financial reports. Large plc’s will have to report under a much more extensive financial
reporting framework than sole traders.
There are a number of bodies that you need to be aware. Their roles are given below.
IFRS Interpretations Committee This body is designed to respond quickly where there
are significant differences in interpretation of an
extant IFRS. For example, it issued guidance on how
to account for loyalty programmes, where users were
uncertain to follow the extant accounting standard on
revenue recognition, or provisions.
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03 Sources of financial
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In very simple accounting systems for sole traders (e.g. a self-employed builder) it may involve the
proprietor keeping pocket books to record things like quotes given and a shoe box used to collect
receipts for business expenses. From this source data, the accounting records can then be produced
each period. The accountant is often not physically present at the time that transactions happen, so it is
essential that there are simple and fool proof systems to ensure a complete and accurate record of
business transactions.
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Cash in book Cash received into the business bank All sorts of things! Anything
account. that may generate cash for
the business.
Cash payments Cash paid from the business bank account. All sorts of things! Anything
book that results in cash being
paid out of the business.
Petty cash book Cash in and out of the balance of cash Typically, small expenses
held in notes and coins by the business (e.g. Friday cakes for staff!)
(normally small). This is often controlled and sundry income.
using the imprest system (see later).
Sales day book Sales on credit. Note that sales Sales revenue.
immediately settled in cash will be
recorded in either the cash book (if paid
directly into the bank account) or petty
cash book (if received in notes and coins).
Purchases day Purchases of inventory for resale on credit. Purchases of inventory for
book Note that purchases settled immediately in resale.
cash will be recorded immediately in the
cash payments book or petty cash book.
Journal book Anything not covered by any of the other Often, this is the book
books of original entry. maintained by the
accountant, in which “period
13” adjustments like
depreciation and bad debts
are recorded.
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• Cost
• May not be tailored very well to the business own needs
• Still requires effective data capture and maintenance of the underlying records.
The journal book records double entry records (see later), with an explanation of the reason. We’ll see
an example of it after tackling double entry bookkeeping.
Each supplier or customer will have a supplier or customer code and individual record of transactions
with them. This is outside the general ledger (i.e. double entry system) and in a simple accounting
system may be kept using a simple card index box.
The cash box has a pre-set limit of maximum cash that it ever contains, e.g. $1,000
• Before any cash is taken out of the cash box (which should be guarded by a very diligent and
ideally slightly frightening person), the person claiming the cash must provide a receipt and
complete an expense voucher.
• As an expense record is submitted, the same amount of cash is taken out of the box.
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• Under no circumstances is anybody ever allowed to take money out of the tin without completing
a petty cash voucher.
The result of this is that at any point in time, the sum of cash plus the expense vouchers will always
equal the pre-set limit of $1,000. When cash reaches a low level, more cash is withdrawn from the bank
to replenish the sum up to the $1,000 limit. The expense vouchers are then exchanged for the
replenishment cash.
These movements in petty cash can then be summarised in a petty cash book each period, which will
look like this:
Cash in/ From food &
Date out Voucher # bank drink Travel Stationery Other
Note that any time the cash is replenished, the expense vouchers are taken out of the petty cash box
and stored somewhere safe, probably with the accounts department. The accounts department will
then use the totals to record the totals in the accounting system each period.
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04 Double entry
bookkeeping: the
debits and credits
• If you win the lottery, you have more cash because you have lottery income.
• If you buy lunch, you have less cash because you spent money on lunch (i.e. more expenditure).
• If you decide that the home you own is worth more, you have more assets because you’ve
recognised a revaluation gain.
Many textbooks explain double entry bookkeeping in the framework of double entry meaning that for
each transaction, there is an equal and opposite transaction. We think that this is needlessly confusing.
The key word in double entry is because.
There must be a reason for this increase in cash. The reason is that there’s been some income. This
can’t be a debit, as what we’re trying to do is explain where the debit came from. The explanation is
arbitrarily called a credit.
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You may have encountered the words debit and credit in the context of your bank statement. This
brings danger, since the bank statement is a record from their own records. This means that it’s upside
down. This can cause confusion, so it’s best for the moment if you try to unlearn everything you’ve ever
come to think of debits and credits as being. The truth is the opposite way round to the way that lay
people use the terms.
So you may have started to think “debits good, credits bad” or even the other way round. That’s not
the way to look at it. Neither is good or bad. A debit can be an asset, but it can also be an expense.
So it’s not correct to think of one being good and the other bad. It’s simpler than that.
Here’s a table to summarise the rules. Review this and then try to produce it yourself, using the logic of
explaining movements in net assets and things being opposites (e.g. a liability is a credit because an
asset is a debit).
It will take a while to become familiar with this system, just the way that it takes a while to become
familiar with riding a bicycle. Don’t panic – it comes and don’t feel pressured to rush it. There’s not
much intrinsically to actually understand here – it’s just a task and a system that becomes really easy
with repetition.
If you’re asked to record a transaction, the first step is to identify what assets and/ or liabilities are in
question. Decide one of these first (it’s often easiest at first to start with cash if it’s a cash transaction)
and decide if this is a debit or a credit. Then work out the explanation why. If you think that there’s a
new liability, that must be a credit to liabilities. That means that the explanation must be a debit, which
could be either an asset (e.g. if you’ve just got some cash in your hand because you borrowed it), or an
expense (e.g. if you just bought dinner on your credit card).
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05 Tangible
non-current assets
The terminology is very confusing here, since it has nothing to do with share capital/ equity or sales
revenue! They are commonly used terms, however inaccurately.
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The aim of depreciation is to match the cost of using the asset to the income stream that it generates.
It is not aimed at anything else such as showing the asset at its current market value in the SOFP.
The depreciation method chosen for an asset should be the method that most closely matches the cost
of the asset to the pattern of revenue that it generates.
The SOFP will show the asset at its net book value (NBV). NBV is original cost less cumulative allowance
for depreciation.
Ledger accounting
Depreciation is charged each year by creating an expense and an allowance for depreciation account.
The allowance for depreciation is maintained as a separate account rather than crediting the asset
account itself. This is because the original historical cost of assets often needs to be extracted quickly to
allow for preparation of non-current asset disclosure notes (see below).
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In effect, a profit or loss on disposal is a correction to the estimated figures each year for depreciation.
This means that this is reported in profit or loss, just as depreciation is.
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If there is any remaining revaluation surplus in revaluation relating to the disposed asset, it is normal to
transfer this from revaluation reserve to retained earnings, as above.
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06 Intangible
non-current assets
Most research and development fails to produce a commercially viable product. It is also difficult to
patent (i.e. restrict commercial use of) knowledge until it has reached a relatively advanced stage.
Research costs are costs incurred in the early stages of a development project. It is defined in IAS 38 as
is original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical
knowledge and understanding. The key issue here is that it is not reasonably certain that expenditure
will generate a viable income stream in the future.
The accounting treatment required for research costs is to write them off immediately in profit or loss.
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The accounting treatment of development costs is to recognise them as an intangible non-current asset
if they meet the criteria that suggest that they will be likely to generate a profitable income stream in
the future and can be reliably separately identified using the mnemonic RAT PIE:
A development cost asset can include the depreciation on machinery used in the development project.
Instead of depreciation being written off against profit, it is asset to the cost of the qualifying
development cost asset.
Development projects such as drugs patents tend to generate their greatest revenues in the early years
of their commercial life. For this reason, amortisation is often chosen to be by the reducing balance
method of amortisation rather than straight line.
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07 Inventory and
When inventory is purchased, it creates an asset, since the inventory is expected to give an inflow of
benefit to the entity and the entity controls it. Strictly speaking therefore, the correct accounting
treatment for inventory would be, using illustrative numbers:
For a retailer, this could create practical problems, since each time an item of inventory is sold it would
be necessary to identify the historical cost of that specific item of inventory and charge it to cost of sales
(step 2 above). If the retailer deals with fast moving consumer goods, or perishable goods, then only a
very small proportion of inventory purchased during the year would remain in inventory at the year end.
In practical terms, journal step 2 above could be repeated many thousands of times as each individual
sale happened.
To simplify matters, most accounting systems (and all accounting systems that you can expect to
encounter in the FR exam) take the shortcut of writing inventory purchases off immediately to cost of
sales in the SOCI, thus:
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At the end of the period, any inventory that remains in stock is then valued in accordance with IAS 2
(see below) and this is lifted out of cost of sales and treated as an asset that will probably be used up in
the next period:
At the start of the next period, this inventory asset is then treated as an expense, since it’s expected
that it will be used up (e.g. by being sold or scrapped) by the end of that period and so becoming an
expense of that period:
The effect of these journals is to create the hopefully familiar working for calculating cost of sales:
Where inventory is work-in-progress in a manufacturing process it will also include fair costs of
conversion (e.g. labour costs, production overhead costs).
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Recoverable sales taxes, non-production administrative costs and one-off costs that do not add anything
to the inventory’s value (e.g. costs of delivery to the wrong location and cost of bringing to the right
location) would be excluded from cost of sales, since they are unnecessary to bringing the inventory to
saleable condition.
By writing inventory off immediately to cost of sales, it is possible to keep inventory outside the
accounting system. This simplifies matters considerably. However, it does mean that at the end of each
period, inventory must be physically counted and valued, in order to make the necessary adjustments to
lift unsold inventory out of cost of sales.
An asset is only an asset if it is expected to generate an inflow of benefits. This means that if inventory
is expected to sell for net proceeds below cost, the maximum valuation of that item of inventory in the
SOFP will be the net amount that its sale is expected to generate (called its net realisable value or NRV).
• Any costs incurred up to the date of the accounts might be included within the determination of
• Any revenues and future costs to be incurred to enable sale will be included within the
determination of NRV.
The final valuation for each item of inventory will be the lower of cost and NRV. This has to be
estimated on a stock line by stock line basis, so that realised losses on some stock do not mask
unrealised expected gains on others.
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08 Receivables and
Remember that an asset is a resource that is expected to give an inflow of benefits. Logically therefore
if a receivable is not expected to pay, it cannot be shown as an asset. The SOFP of the receivables
cannot exceed the neutral estimate of how much cash is actually expected to be received.
Cr Receivables $x
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Dr Bank $800
Cr Receivables $800
However, the balance is no longer in receivables, as it was written off. In order for the journal to work,
it is then necessary to reinstate the balance that was previously written off. This is a change in
accounting estimates, since the estimate last period was there was no realistic chance of the debt being
Dr Receivables $800
There is no attempt to change the previous year’s figures, which include an expense for the write off of
the debt, since this was a fair estimate at the time. There will be an expense recorded for the write off
in the year when it was written off and a credit to profit or loss when the cash was received.
Depending on how the initial cash receipt has been recorded, it may be possible to simplify the above
two journals, because there is a debit and credit of the same amount to receivables, thus:
Dr Bank $800
However, if it’s estimated that there is a 20% chance that a debt will not pay, it would fail to give a true
and fair view on the face of the SOFP to show the full amount as an asset. The solution is to create an
allowance account, which reduces the value of net receivables on the face of the SOFP without
corrupting the records of the actual debtor balance that will be needed to try to obtain payment.
Creating, or increasing, an allowance will reduce net assets. This therefore creates an expense. The
allowance account itself is a SOFP account, so just like assets and liabilities it will remain on the balance
sheet until it is removed.
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The double entry system will be kept as simple as possible, with as few figures posted to the ledger
accounts (T accounts) as possible, since the fewer transactions there are, the less the chance of error
and the less information to seek through in order to find errors when they occur. For this reason, the
ledger accounts are normally updated using the totals from the sales day book and cash receipts book,
rather than details of individual sales.
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If a sale agreement with a customer provides for a right to charge penalty interest on an overdue debt,
this will increase the amount receivable. Increasing a receivable increases net assets, which therefore
generates a source of income. It will normally be recorded as:
Dr Receivables $x
There are two types of discount that you may encounter: trade discounts and settlement discounts.
Trade discounts are those given to customers at the point of sale, perhaps because the customer buys
in large volumes or is a member of staff. These discounts are not subject to any uncertainty at the time
of sale – it is known for sure that the customer will never pay the list price of the goods or services.
The accounting is therefore very simple: they are simply ignored. The sale is recorded at the amount
net of the trade discount.
Settlement discounts
A settlement discount is an incentive for customers to pay you earlier than they otherwise naturally
would. For example, a discount of 5% may be offered on the invoice sent to customers if payment is
received within seven days of the invoice being sent. If payment is not received within that period, the
offer of the discount lapses.
Settlement discounts are uncertain at the point of sale. The actual amount of the debt is gross of the
settlement discount, i.e. before its deduction, since this is the amount that the customer will eventually
be chased for if they don’t pay early.
If the settlement discount is allowed to the customer, this is similar to the treatment of irrecoverable
debts. It is simply a debt that we are voluntarily choosing to write off as partially irrecoverable because
of the cash flow advantage of receiving the cash quickly. Settlement discounts are sometimes also
called cash discounts for this reason.
Discounts allowed are settlement discounts that we allow to customers. They are therefore partial
write off of debts receivable by us. They are therefore an expense in our books.
Discounts received are settlement discounts that our suppliers allow to us. They are therefore partial
forgiveness of debts that we owe to other people. They are therefore a source of income in our books.
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09 Bank reconciliations
In a small company scenario, it is likely that each transaction on the bank statements will be manually
compared to the transactions on the cash book, ticking off matching transactions. This will then leave
only items that don’t agree. In larger businesses that use a computerised accounting system, it is likely
that the bank’s transactions will be downloaded in a raw data file (such as a .csv file) and will then be
run through the accounting software. The accounting software will then match transactions and run off
a report of differences.
Errors/ omissions by
the company itself
by the bank
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Errors can be almost infinitely varied and can be made by either the bank or the company. If errors are
made by the bank, the company will need to notify them, so that the bank can correct their records. If
errors are made by the company, the company will need to amend its own records, using the journal
Typical errors/ omissions made by the bank (typically much rarer than the company):
• Incorrect charges
• Processing payments or receipts incorrectly.
• Payments made into the bank not yet processed (“uncleared lodgements”)
• Cheques drawn or online payments ordered not yet processed by the bank.
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Any loan principal due for repayment within the current year is a current liability; any debt due for
repayment after more than one year is a non-current liability.
On the issue of a loan, the cash received will be credited to a loan liability account. No liability is
recorded for expected future interest, as the obligation to pay interest only arises as time passes.
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partner’s current account. In the case of a company, IFRS and national regulation often require a
greater analysis of each component of equity.
In a large limited liability company, equity may comprise the sum of the following:
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11 Accruals and
• Matching costs to the associated revenues. For example, depreciation and the cost of sales
working both do this.
• Recognising transactions as they are incurred, not necessarily when the cash is paid. This also
has the effect of ensuring that a profit calculation for a period will hopefully show a sustainable
profit, since all expenses incurred in the period will be matched to all revenues earned, even if
the expense hasn’t yet been paid.
Accruals Prepayments
Where an expense has been incurred, but Where an amount has been paid in advance,
it’s not yet been paid. Often, an invoice but that cash payment gives a right to
hasn’t yet been received, so an estimate of receive benefits beyond the current period
expense incurred by the year-end will need end. This means that there is an asset at
to be made. This means there is a liability at the period end, since there is a right to
the period end. receive future benefits.
Examples: Examples:
• Estimated water and electricity used • Insurance paid in advance for a
• Estimated telephone charges for a year’s insurance cover.
traditional landline telephone at a • Prepaid balances on pay-as-you-go
month end. mobile telephones.
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Estimate the cost of goods or services used Calculate the amount of the prepayment
by the year end but not invoiced. This might from cash paid before the year-end.
be done using typical levels of usage, or done Determining the amount of the prepayment
after the period end using invoices that came will normally be easier than estimating the
in after the period end, but before the amount of an accrual, since there is an actual
accounts are prepared. cash payment before the period end to base
the calculation on.
Recognise this as a liability, since there is an Recognise the asset (the right to receive
obligation to pay this charge. Recognising future benefits) at the period end. Doing this
the liability reduces net assets, so generates increases net assets so generates a source of
an associated expense: income. In reality, this source of income will
be a reduction in the expense recognised so
far from posting cash payments from the
Dr Expense in SOCI (e.g. electricity) $x cash book to expenses.
Cr Accruals in SOFP (liability) $x
Dr Prepayment in SOFP (asset) $x
Cr Expense in SOCI (e.g. insurance) $x
Accruals Prepayments
Recognise the discharge of the liability in the Recognise the consumption of the asset in the
following period. This increases net assets, so following period. This derecognises the asset
creates a credit to expenses. This means that that no longer exists. Derecognising the asset
as cash is paid the following period, not all of it reduces net assets, so generates an expense.
will be recognised as an expense in that period, This will be an expense in period 2 of the cash
since an amount equivalent to the opening payment not recognised as an expense in
accrual will already have been reported as an period 1.
expense the previous year. Reversing the
accrual removes any chance of accidental
double recognition of the expense. Dr Expense in SOCI (e.g. insurance) $x
Dr Accruals in SOFP (liability) $x Cr Prepayment in SOFP (asset) $x
Cr Expense in SOCI (e.g. electricity) $x
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12 Provisions and
• An obligation at the period end (i.e. something that is impossible to avoid – not just an intention
to do something), and
• A reliable (which in practice means meaningful) estimate of the outflow can be made.
A provision is simply a liability of uncertain timing or amount. Accruals may be a form of provision, if
there is no firm data on which to base the estimate of the amount expected to be paid.
A provision is valued at the neutral best estimate of what the business expects to pay to settle the
obligation. For a one-off liability (e.g. lawsuit) this will be the single most probable outcome. For a
recurring series of similar liabilities (e.g. lots of goods sold under warranty) it will be the weighted
average of outcomes.
Contingent liabilities
It is believed that there is probably no obligating event (<50% probability) but the chances of there
being an obligating event are more than remote (>5% probability), or
An obligation probably exists, but it is so difficult to obtain an estimate of what the outflow is likely to be
that any estimate would be no more reliable than zero. This second situation is very rare.
Contingent liabilities are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements but are not shown with any
value on the SOFP.
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Contingent assets
A contingent asset is one where it is uncertain if the asset (i.e. right to something) even exists.
Examples are insurance claims where it’s uncertain if the item being claimed for is covered by the policy
at all or a lottery ticket before the lottery draw.
Contingent assets are not shown as assets in the SOFP, nor disclosed in the notes to the financial
Movement in provisions
A provision is a liability. As with any item on the SOFP, it will remain on the SOFP until it is removed. If
a provision is increased during the period, the effect will be to reduce profit and net assets:
The provision is categorised on the SOFP within current liabilities or non-current liabilities, depending
upon whether it is expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date or longer.
If a provision is no longer needed, it will be reversed. This will reduce the profit effect of the cash
payment in the period.
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13 Sales taxes
Businesses that are not registered for sales tax simply record purchases and sales at whatever cash they
pay or receive.
Businesses that must register for sales tax have an additional complication in their accounting system.
In order to comply with the law, they must very accurately maintain records of sales taxes that they
have been required to charge on their sales (their “output tax”) and the tax that they have paid on their
purchases of goods and services (their “input tax”).
As people who are not registered for sales tax, we may often be unaware of what sales taxes we are
suffering, though receipts will normally provide a breakdown of the amount inclusive of the sales tax
(“gross”), the amount of the sales tax itself and thus the amount excluding the sales tax (“net”).
Local laws vary on how prices must be quoted. In most countries, the convention appears to be that
prices must include sales tax unless they specify otherwise. In the USA, it is normal for prices to be
quoted net of sales tax and then the sales tax is added at the point of purchase. In an exam question,
it’s first important to know which way the prices have been quoted.
If a business is not registered for sales tax, it does not need to charge sales tax on its
outputs, but it cannot recover sales tax on its inputs.
If a business is registered for sales tax, it must charge sales tax on its outputs which it must
then pay over to the government periodically. It recovers sales tax on its inputs by netting
it off the sales tax payable.
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Ledger accounting
The sales tax control at any point will show the amount due to or from the tax authority for sales taxes.
Recoverable or irrecoverable?
Some items will include sales taxes that under local law are not recoverable, as a matter of public policy.
These might include business entertaining expenses or sales tax on cars. In the UK for example, sales
tax on vans is recoverable for a registered business, but sales tax on purchase of a company car is not.
If an item includes irrecoverable sales tax, it is included within the recognised value of the asset or
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Dr Cr
Cash 16,140
Capital 15,000
Purchases 3,000
Payables 2,040
Staff costs 50
Telephone 60
Receivables 1,240
Withdrawals 150
The fact that the total debits equal the total of the credits gives us a considerable amount of comfort
that the bookkeeping has been done accurately.
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If the total debits does not equal total credits, it implies that errors have been made in the recording of
transactions, the adding up of the T accounts or the extraction of balances from the T accounts into the
trial balance itself.
It does not mean that no errors have taken place. These types of errors will not be picked up in a trial
• Errors of commission – recording the correct journal, but at the wrong amount.
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The easiest approach to take is to take three steps and resist the temptation to try to simplify them, as
rushing into a simplification normally results in further complication and a poor trail for another person
to review the work that you’ve done. So the approach to take is:
1. Work out what has been done to record a transaction and write down the journal that has been
recorded, no matter how crazy it might be.
2. Work out what the journal entry should have been.
3. Compare the results from steps 1 and 2 to work out a correcting journal.
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15 Suspense accounts
Errors may occur that will result in total debits not being equal to total credits. This may arise in many
situations, including:
If a trial balance is produced frequently, it will be possible to spot these errors while they are recent
enough to have a good chance of finding them.
In order to highlight the problem, a suspense account is created which will fill the hole in the trial
balance. A suspense account is an equity account, which should be eliminated in full before the financial
statements are produced. Because a suspense account may arise due to multiple errors, some of which
will be a debit to suspense and some a credit to suspense, it really ought to be eliminated in full and this
is what you should expect to have to do in the exam. In practice, it’s normal to find that suspense
accounts can become very small, when the effort in clearing them becomes disproportionate to the
benefit. They are then often written off to profit or loss to clear them once the residual figures become
trivially small, as the chance of a difference of $0.10 being the net of two large compensating errors is
very small.
A suspense account may be used deliberately where a transaction has happened but the bookkeeper is
uncertain what it relates to. By recording the transaction in suspense, it can ensure that the records are
at least partially correct, but can then be corrected fully when the information necessary is known.
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16 Incomplete records
Mark-up means that you start with the cost of a sale, then add the mark-up % to determine sales price.
Margin means that you start with the sales price, of which a specified % will be gross profit.
Mark-up Margin
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In a smaller business, a proprietor is likely to withdraw inventory for his/ her own use. This is a
withdrawal from the business.
The purchase of inventory will have been written off to purchases, within cost of sales. However, if the
inventory is taken by the proprietor, it has not been sold. A common accounting treatment and the one
to use in any exam question is therefore to remove it from cost of sales (at cost) and debit to
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17 Limited companies
A sole trader is a different entity to his/ her business as far as accountants are concerned, but not as far
as the law is concerned. The business debts of a sole trader are indistinguishable from that person’s
general debts in the event that the business goes insolvent. A sole trader, or traditional unlimited
partnership, is a risky form of enterprise as if it goes bankrupt, the trustee in bankruptcy can seek to
recover personal assets to make up the shortfall.
This can be a different story with a company, since a company has a legal identity of its own, being an
artificial legal person.
Note that limited liability does not mean that the liability of the company to its creditors is
limited! It means that the liability of the members to the company is limited. This is developed in
greater detail in the ACCA Law paper, LW.
With a sole trader, taxation expense does not appear in the SOCI. This is because the sole trader’s tax
liability depends on lots of other things, such as any other sources of income that they may have or tax
deductible personal expenses. The business is not the complete story of the owner’s wealth, so the tax
liability of that person from business earnings cannot be known.
With a company, the tax position is known, since the company itself will have a liability for corporate
income tax. This means that it is possible to make an estimate of what tax will be due on profit for the
period. This tax:
• Is likely to be an estimate at the year-end as there are often adjustments to accounting profit to
agree with the tax authority, clarification to be obtained on whether certain expenses are
deductible, if any tax losses can be offset against current year profit, etc, and
• Is likely to be paid some time after the period end, so is a liability in the SOFP at the period end.
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Other comprehensive income (e.g. revaluation gains) are transferred to revaluation reserve. See the
statement of changes in equity in chapter 10 for an example of this.
Other reserves Some IFRS require some gains and losses to be Partially. Wise
reported in “other equity”. Sometimes companies to treat as non-
may choose to maintain a separate component of distributable.
retained earnings, or national law requires it, e.g.
some national laws require that 5% of profit each
year is transferred to a non-distributable other
Note that current market price of shares is not relevant to accounting. Only the valuation of
consideration (normally cash) received by the company for issue of shares is relevant to the SOFP.
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18 Statement of cash
In addition to information about profit and other comprehensive income, it is useful to provide investors
with analysed information about cash flows. This gives the following benefits:
Understandability - Smaller investors in particular are likely to find cash flows easier to understand than
total comprehensive income.
Business valuation – a common method of valuing businesses is to work out the net present value of
cash flows. This is covered in detail in other ACCA papers.
Predicting liquidity problems – when companies run out of cash, they are often in serious trouble and
may go out of business. If a business is reporting profits but not collecting cash (e.g. by making sales
on excessively generous credit terms) then this needs to be made clear to readers.
Cash and cash equivalents include notes, coins and demand deposits at a bank.
Cash and cash equivalents will exclude shares in other companies and long-dated bonds.
If a company uses cash to buy a cash equivalent, it will not be reported in the statement of cash flows
as a cash movement.
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If a company uses cash or cash equivalents to buy shares, it will be reported in the statement of cash
flows as a cash outflow on investing activities.
We have seen already that there are many items within a statement of comprehensive income that do
not represent a movement of cash.
The method used by most companies to present a statement of cash flows reconciles operating profit
(earnings before interest and taxation) to cash generated from operations (i.e. cash flow from core
operations, before buying or selling non-current assets or raising new finance).
If a transaction or journal adjustment affects earnings before interest and tax, but does not affect cash
from operations, then it is a difference. That difference will be part of the reconciliation.
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The direct method is shorter in presentation but often longer to calculate the figures in an exam.
A multiple choice question may provide you with information about items in the SOFP at the end of this
period, the end of the previous period and provide figures from the SOCI. You would then be required
to find the cash flow as the balancing item, using T accounts. This is exactly the same technique as
used in incomplete records.
Technique to use
The technique here is nothing new to learn; it is exactly the same approach as for incomplete records:
• Identify any asset/ liability accounts in the question where you are given both an opening and
closing balance.
• Write up a T account for this account, including all the data that you are given.
• Balance off this account to find the information that you are looking for, which will be the cash
paid or received relating to that asset/ liability in the period.
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19 Consolidated
financial statements
Available for sale asset (i.e. Little or none Historical cost or market
trade investment) value
Companies often trade through a group of companies. This might be due to acquisition of other pre-
existing companies or by setting up separate legal entities to ring-fence business risks.
Legally, each company exists separately and must produce separate (“individual” or “entity”) financial
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Investors in the parent company, however, will be interested to see all the assets, liabilities and profits
that their company has controlled. This is achieved by the process of consolidation, which presents the
financial statements of all entities under the parent company’s control as if it were one single entity.
Consolidation is the process of replacing the single figure for “investment in subsidiary” in the individual
financial statements of the parent with more useful information about what assets, liabilities, income and
expenditure the parent company controls via its investment, i.e.:
Consolidation is basically a double entry to derecognise the carrying value of the investment (Cr
Investment in subsidiary) and recognise the individual assets (Dr PP&E, etc), the liabilities (Cr Payables,
etc), the non-controlling interest (CR NCI) and recognise goodwill as a balancing, residual, item
(normally DR Goodwill).
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Parent The entity at the top of the group structure, controls the subsidiaries
and has a significant interest in associates.
Associate A company in which the parent has significant influence, but not control
nor joint control (as with a joint venture).
Control The power to control the financial and operating policies of another
entity, so as to obtain benefit from its activities.
Significant influence The power to participate in the financial and operating policies of
another entity, so as to obtain benefit from its activities.
Group reserves The cumulative gains made under the control of the parent. The
parent company’s reserves, plus the post-acquisition retained gains of
all subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.
Non-controlling Formerly called minority interest. The share of the net assets and
interest gains of a subsidiary that is not owned by the parent.
Goodwill The premium paid by the parent to acquire its interest in a subsidiary or
Date of acquisition 80% This indicates that P owns 80% of the ordinary shares
of S and when they were acquired.
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(W2) Goodwill
IFRS 3 Revised introduced an accounting policy choice when accounting for goodwill on acquisition. It
can either be calculated on a full ("fair value") basis or a proportionate ("net") basis. Only full goodwill
method is relevant for F3 examination.
NCI value at reporting date X
Fair Values
To ensure that an accurate figure is calculated for goodwill:
• the consideration paid for a subsidiary must be accounted for at fair value
• the subsidiary’s identifiable assets and liabilities acquired must be accounted for at their fair values.
• cash paid
• fair value of any other consideration i.e. share exchange.
Share exchange
Often the parent company will issue shares in its own company in return for the shares acquired in the
subsidiary. The share price at acquisition should be used to record the cost of the shares at fair value.
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At acquisition, the parent recognises in the group accounts the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities
assumed of the subsidiary. They are to be measured at their fair value as at the date of acquisition.
Adjustments will be required to subsidiary’s accounts if the carrying values do not reflect fair value. Most
common adjustment in the exam will relate to land and buildings and it will ignore depreciation.
Intra-group trading
P and S may trade with each. If this is done on a credit basis one company will have a receivable and
the other a payable at the year end. These amounts must be cancelled on consolidation, since only
assets and liabilities outside the group will appear on consolidated statement of financial position.
If inter-company trading is done at a profit it should be eliminated on consolidation for all items traded
and still held in inventory at the year end.
The following steps should be considered when adjusting for unrealised profits:
(1) Determine the value of intra-group purchases still held in inventory at year end.
(2) Use markup or margin to calculate the profit earned by the selling company.
(3) Always make the adjustments in the books of the seller.
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Cross casting Basic rule: all assets and Basic rule: all Subsidiary results
liabilities are fully cross income and need to be time
cast expenses are fully apportioned if it
cross cast was acquired part
way into the year.
Intercompany Inter-company current Inter-company
items account balances are sales and
excluded. purchases are
Same principle applies
for intercompany loans Same principles
apply with inter-
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IAS 28 Investments in Associates defines an associate as an entity over which the investor has
significant influence and that is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in joint venture.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the
investee but is not control or joint control over those policies.
Significant influence is assumed with a shareholding of 20% to 50%, but other factors may be taken
into account, such as:
• Evidence that the investee company is used to accepting the investor as having significant
Under these circumstances the parent cannot consolidate each item of the investee’s assets, liabilities,
income and gains, since the parent does not have control of them.
Equity accounting is a method of accounting whereby the investment is initially recorded at cost and
adjusted thereafter for the post-acquisition change in the investor’s share of net assets of the
Consolidated statement of financial position will include one line within non-current assets
“investment in associate” that will reflect group share of the assets and liabilities of the associate.
Consolidated income statement will include one line “share of profits from associates” that reflects
group share of the associate’s profit after tax.
Note: in order to equity account, the parent company must already be producing consolidated financial
statements (i.e. it must already have at least one subsidiary).
The associate is considered to be outside the group and therefore only unrealised profit in inventory and
dividends are adjusted for.
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Events after
20 reporting date,
errors and estimates
All material events after the reporting date must be disclosed and explained in the notes to the financial
An adjusting event is one that gives further information on conditions that existed at the reporting date.
The figures in the financial statements are amended to incorporate the latest available information.
Examples of adjusting events according to IAS 10 Events After the Reporting Period include:
• Bankruptcy of a major receivable, as the receivable would be almost certain to have been in
trouble at the period end.
• Sale of inventory after the period end at a loss.
• Resolution of a matter requiring a provision at the reporting date, such as a litigation in progress
at the period end.
• Any matter which causes the company to no longer be a going concern after the period end will
be an adjusting event, even if it would normally be a non-adjusting event.
• Discovery or fraud or error in the preparation of the financial statements.
Examples of events that would be non-adjusting, but would be disclosed in the notes to the accounts
only include:
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21 Interpretation of
financial statements
For FA exam purposes being able to calculate a series of ratios and explain their interrelationship is a
of financial
Liquidity and
Profitability Gearing Investor ratios
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If a business runs out of cash and cannot refinance in a hurry, it goes out of business. It’s possible for
companies to focus excessively on profitability at the expense of liquidity management.
This is of considerable topical relevance at the moment, as many companies are criticized for having taken
on excessive amounts of debt, which they felt were cheap at the time. However, this has provided a high
amount of interest to pay off as revenues have fallen.
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Investor ratios
These largely give an indication of the risk to investors of putting money into the company, i.e. what is
the chance that the money may not come back to them?
As the greater the risk of investing in a business, the greater the return investors will want, it is important
to look at profitability ratios against the backdrop of investor returns as well.
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