Stevia is a genus of the herb in the sunflower family called Asteraceae. The
species Stevia rebaudiana is commonly called as sweet leaf and is also used as
sweeteners in Japan, South America and parts of Asia. Stevia is a perennial shrub that
grows up to 1 m tall and has leaves 2-3 cm long. They were first researched by Spanish
botanist and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve, and the word stevia is a Latinized derivation
of his surname. Humans use of the sweet species S. rebaudiana originated in South
America. The leaves of the stevia plant have 30–45 times the sweetness of sucrose
(ordinary table sugar). In 1931, two French chemists isolated the glycosides that give
stevia its sweet taste. These compounds were named stevioside and rebaudioside, and are
250–300 times sweeter than sucrose, heat stable, pH stable, and non-fermentable. With its
extracts having up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar, stevia has garnered attention with
the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate, low-sugar food alternatives. Medical research
has also shown possible benefits of stevia in treating obesity and high blood pressure.
diuretic, cardiotonic, and tonic. The leaf is used for diabetes, obesity, cavities,
hypertension, fatigue, depression, sweet cravings, and infections. The leaf is employed in
The study aims to develop, assess and compare Strawberry Jam using Stevia
leaves as the sweetener to other Strawberry Jams using refined sugar and Aspartame
3. Compare the produced Strawberry Jam to Strawberry Jams made form Refined
sugar and Aspartame in terms of taste, mouth feel, aroma, texture and colour.
Strawberry Jam produce from Stevia rebaudiana leaves and the comparison of it from
Strawberry Jams using different type of sweeteners. Since the target consumers are
manufacturers and local market, this study could develop quality product and can serve as
For the researchers, the study is useful in the field of research and development.
Researchers can study further on nutritional supplements that can be found in the Stevia
For the product developers, the product could be improved and replicated. Food
industries will be the direct beneficiaries of the research, as new production ideas are
For the food manufacturers, they can venture into mass production of products
using Stevia rebaudiana as a sweetener. Stevia rebaudiana used as sweetener is not yet
widely used and produced in the Philippines, that is why this study will be conducted in
order to share knowledge and information about the benefits of this material.
Today, the problem faced by most community concerns fighting against diabetes.
This research addresses to that dilemma and can help in suppressing diabetes.
On March 7, 2010 the product was made in the house of the researcher at
Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City. The Sensory Evaluation was conducted on March 8,
2010 at Room 602 of Agriculture building- Xavier University by the ten laboratory
The study will cover only the development and comparative quality assessment of
the Strawberry Jam using Stevia rebaudiana leaves extract as sweetener. However, every
study has its limitations. In this study, the physico - chemical test composing of the pH
test, TSS test, Titration acidity test and others will no longer be included.
Definition of Terms
from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones. It is commonly used as a gelling agent in
Sensory Evaluation is the science of judging and evaluating the quality of a food
by the use of the senses, i.e. taste, smell, sight, touch and hearing.
a small shrub in parts of Paraguay and Brazil. The glycosides in its leaves, including up
to 10% Stevioside, account for its incredible sweetness, making it unique among the
Strawberry - are red cone-shaped fruit with a seed-studded surface. Each berry is
an aggregate fruit comprised of approximately 100 single seeded fruit. Each seed on the
outside of a strawberry is technically a fruit and must be pollinated separately. The red
fleshy part we eat is the swollen central part of the flower or the peduncle to which the
sucrose, lactose, and fructose. characterized by a sweet flavor. In food, sugar almost
exclusively refers to sucrose, which primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar beet.
Over a period of time, eating too much sugar can create imbalances that lead to
two more deadly diseases: obesity and diabetes. Both of these diseases dangerously
increase risk of human breast cancer, and both have increased alarmingly in the United
States in the past two decades. An estimated 60 percent of the adult population is
overweight, and 5 percent have diabetes. Of those people who have diabetes, 90 percent
are also overweight. Not only do these diseases increase the risk of breast cancer, but
they also increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, poor circulation, stroke,
and infection.
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School and published in 2004 found that
women who ate foods with a high glycemic index (foods that cause blood sugars to soar,
such as refined carbohydrates and sugars) as teenagers had a higher incidence of breast
cancer later in life. So, encouraging your teenage daughter to cut back on sugar will help
her to lower her risk of breast cancer for the rest of her life.
Now, the good news: If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll be relieved to know that
you don't have to suffer. There’s a natural sweetener that tastes great, and better yet,
research has shown that instead of being dangerous to your health, it actually has several
wonderful health-supporting qualities. It's called Stevia, and it comes from the South
American plant Stevia rebaudiana. What is interesting about this semi shrub, indigenous
to Paraguay, is that every part of it tastes intensely sweet. The dried leaves, however, are
the only parts that are used for medicinal and commercial purposes. Scientists have found
that Stevia’s delightfully sweet flavor comes from a group of substances in it called
"glycosidal diterpenes." Compared to sugar, only very small amounts of Stevia are
needed. That’s because Stevia extract is 300 times sweeter than sucrose, the type of sugar
found in table sugar. Stevia hasn't yet been approved by the FDA as a food additive so at
this time you won't find it in any processed foods in the United States. Stevia is
considered a dietary supplement. Health food stores and national-chain grocery stores
that specialize in organic foods, such as Wild Oats and Whole Foods, usually carry
Stevia. Stevia comes in multiple forms: a fine white powder, a green powder, or a liquid.
I found that certain brands of Stevia can taste bitter or leave a weird aftertaste if you use
too much. There’s one brand, however, that solved this problem by adding some fiber to
it. It is called SteviaPlus by SweetLeaf. Stevia can also be used in cooking, but it’s a little
tricky. The amount you should use can vary a lot from brand to brand, so you definitely
should use a Stevia cookbook. Many of the companies with Stevia products have their
own cookbooks.
Stevia has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years by the native tribes in
Paraguay and Brazil to treat high blood pressure and diabetes. Modern research has
shown that it does help both conditions. Stevia causes blood vessels to dilate. When the
diameter of a blood vessel increases, the blood pressure in it goes down. A double-blind
year 2000 documenting Stevia’s ability to lower blood pressure. Researchers found that
after only three months, patients with high blood pressure who were given Stevia three
times a day had a significant decrease in both their systolic (the upper number) and
Stevia is a great sugar substitute for people who really need to avoid sugar, such
as diabetics. In addition, Stevia has an added benefit for type 2 diabetics: It seems to have
an effect opposite to that of sugar on their bodies; it causes blood sugar to go down.
Research has also discovered two more Stevia health benefits. First, it can kill certain
bacteria and viruses. In a study published in 2001, Stevia was found to have antiviral
effects against the rotavirus. This virus can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration,
especially in infants. Secondly, Stevia shows a strong ability to kill a wide range of food-
The natural sweetener stevioside, which is found in the plant stevia, has been used
for many years in the treatment of diabetes among Indians in Paraguay and Brazil.
However, the mechanism for the blood glucose-lowering effect remains unknown. A
Hospital, Denmark, found that stevioside enhances insulin secretion from mouse
pancreatic islets in the presence of glucose. The researchers state, "Stevioside stimulates
insulin secretion via a direct action on pancreatic beta cells. The results indicate that the
Ray Sahelian, M.D., co-author with Donna Gates of The Stevia Cookbook
sweeteners for those who have diabetes. This study gives us one more reason to
(Jeppesen, 2000)
The main ingredients in this study are Strawberry, Stevia leaves, Sugar,
Aspartame, Calamansi Juice, Gelatine and Water. The fruit used is first washed before
being subjected to mashing. All other ingredients and materials are collected and placed
in one area for easy access and use. Score cards are made available before formulating
Management Practices
In all procedures concerning food there are certain practices that must be
followed. These are the standard operating procedures (SOP) such as the Aseptic
handling food because it assures product safety and sterility. This is applied in the study
by washing and sterilizing all of the utensils and raw ingredients that will be used in the
study. GMP is also important to assure the product quality. This is also applied by
wearing the proper attire in food preparation, following correct procedure, practicing
Research Procedure
After the preparation of the samples, the Strawberry is totally mashed. The
mashed strawberry is then used in producing jams of different sweeteners. After the jams
are produced, they are transferred to glass jars, where the covers are slightly left open or
not completely sealed, then employed in sterilization process using steam as the
sterilizing agent for about 15 minutes in high heat. When the glass jars are cool enough to
mashed Strawberry, 1 cup sugar and 1 Tablespoon Calamansi Juice. All of the
ingredients are mixed together then cooked until gelling point. The following materials
and utensils were used: Measuring cups and spoons, Stove, Cooking Pan, Wooden
Gelatine. It was then cooked until thick or jam like. The following materials and utensils
were used: Measuring cups and spoons, Stove, Cooking Pan and Wooden spoons and a
mashed Strawberry, ½ cup Stevia Extract (3/4 cup stevia leaves, ¾ water, boiled) and 2
Tablespoons of Unflavoured Gelatin. All of the ingredients are mixed and cooked until
thick, sticky and jam like. The following materials and utensils were used: Measuring
cups and spoons, Stove, Cooking Pan and Wooden spoons and a bowl.
Sensory Evaluation
substitute for the common table sugar and artificial sweetener, which can affect the
general acceptability of the product. Scorecards were provided for ten (10) panelists who
were chosen to evaluate the product. The different Strawberry Jams was mainly evaluated
on its: colour, mouth feel, taste (sweetness), aroma and consistency. Results will then be
Experimental Design
Design (CRD). This is the appropriate design to analyze the data generated from the
bias. It was employed in the three Jam Treatments composing of Treatment 1 – Sugar
made Strawberry Jam, Treatment 2 – Aspartame made Strawberry Jam and Treatment 3 –
Data Collected
The data collected in this study are the ratings of the ten panelists for the three
different treatments made, which are gathered from the score cards for the acceptability
of the product and these ratings are then subjected to statistical analysis.
Statistical Analysis
The data collected are analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the
Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Since there was a significant differences found
from the collected data, the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was employed for
From the gathered data, in general, the treatment which has the highest mean
yield was found to be Treatment 1 - Sugar strawberry Jam and the treatment with the
lowest mean yield was Treatment 3- Stevia Strawberry Jam. The Treatment 2 –
Aspartame Strawberry Jam was found to be the middle mean yield. Specifically, in terms
of colour, the mean yield of treatments: one is 6.3, two is 3.6 and three is 2.2. In terms for
mouth feel, the mean yields of treatments are 6.1, 4.3, and 3.1, respectively. While for
taste, mean yields of the treatments are 6, 4.3 and 2.4, respectively. For aroma, 5.6, 4.8,
3.2 are the mean yield respectively. And lastly for the consistency, it was found to be
having the mean yields of 5.9, 3.6 and 2.9, respectively. Analyzing the data would give
us the result that the Sugar strawberry Jam is more favourable than the Stevia Strawberry
Jam since it yields as having the highest mean yield. This is due that sugar gives off a
good colour, taste, aroma, mouth feel and consistency. Aspartame is second to Sugar and
Using the ANOVA, it was found that difference in the colour, mouth feel, taste,
aroma and consistency of the compared Strawberry jams are highly significant from each
other. It would mean that there is a great difference with the three treatments employed.
1 % F tabulated, the treatments are said to be highly significant different from each other.
In the computed F for the panelists, in terms of colour, the F computed 3.68 > 3.6
of 1 % F tabulated giving a highly significant difference that would mean that the ten
panelists have a highly different understanding of colour of the jam. For the Mouth feel,
F computed 2.9 > 2.46 of 5% F tabulated and < 3.6 of 1% F tabulated which would mean
that the panelists varies in the perception of the mouth feel of jams. For taste, the F
computed is 1.42 < 2.46 of 5% F tabulated, which means that the panelists come into
understanding in the perception of the taste for jams. In terms of aroma, F computed is
2.33 < 2.46 of 5% F tabulated which would also mean that the panelists coincide with
how they perceive the smell of the jams. Lastly, for consistency, having the consistency
of 2.18 < 2.46 of 5% F tabulated will also mean that the panelists do not differ in how
The data are then subjected to Duncan Multiple Range Test with results of:
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 0.96250 1.0097 1.00979
values 1 98 8
Mean 2.7 1.3 4
2.7>0.9 4>1.009
625 7
From table 1, the mean differences are greater than the RK values. It was then
Stevia are highly significant from one other. It would mean that each of the treatment are
very much different to one another. Sugar makes the jam shiny and look wet that
naturally would attract consumers. Aspartame and Sugar does not give off the shiny and
wet look that sugar makes and for this reason, makes the Jams not attractive to the
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 0.94643 0.9929
values 1 39 0.992939
Mean 1.8 1.2 3
464 3>0.99
From table 2, the mean differences are also greater than the RK values. It was
Aspartame and Stevia are also highly significant from one other. Sugar when heated
caramelize and makes the mixture sticky making it more jam like in mouth feel.
Aspartame is a powder sweetener that does not make the mixture sticky making it un-jam
like but it was remedied by using the gelatine to make them stick together but it would
not make the mixture jam like but only like jelly like. Stevia Extract also does not make
the mixture sticky unlike the sugar and like the aspartame it would only yield a jelly like
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 1.5085 1.50855
values 1.437896 54 4
Mean 1.7 1.9 3.6
1.7>1.43 3.6>1.5
78 085
From table 3, the mean differences are also greater than the RK values just like in
table 1 and 2. In terms of acceptability in taste, it was also concluded that treatments of
Sugar, Aspartame and Stevia are highly significant from one other. In terms of taste sugar
gives off the tastiest Jam, Aspartame comes second and Stevia comes in last. Sugar gives
off plain sweeteness while Aspartame gives off an after taste in the tongue. Stevia is
considered the least tasty because it has this bitter taste coming from the leaves that
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 1.36118 1.428
values 1 07 1.42807
Mean 0.8 1.6 2.4
611 2.4>1.42
From table 4, not all of the mean differences are greater than the RK values. Only
the mean difference of treatment 2 - 3 and 1 – 3 are greater than the RK values while the
mean difference of treatment 1-2 are less than the RK value. It was then concluded that in
different from each other while Sugar – Stevia and Aspartame - Stevia are highly
significant from one other. The treatment Sugar and Aspartame gives off more or less the
same aroma or smell while Stevia is said to be very much different from the other two
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 1.248
values 1.19047 97 1.24897
Mean 2.3 0.7 3
904 3>1.2489
From table 5, not all of the mean differences are also greater than the RK values.
Only the mean difference of treatment 1-2 and 1 – 3 are greater than the RK values while
the mean difference of treatment 2-3 are less than the RK value. It was then concluded
Stevia are highly significant from each other while treatment Aspartame – Stevia are not
significantly different from one other. The consistency between Stevia and Aspartame are
more or less likely the same to one another. Sugar is much more different because of its
jam like structure unlike the other two that has a jelly like structure.
This study was conducted to formulate and develop Strawberry Jam using
Stevia rebaudiana leaves extract as sweetener and at the same time to compare it with
different sweeteners like sugar and aspartame. From the employed statistical analysis, it
was found that these three different treatments are highly significant from one another.
But in further analysis using DMRT, it was also found that in terms of the acceptability in
colour, mouth feel and taste the three treatments highly varies from one another giving a
Aspartame are not significantly different from each other while Sugar – Stevia and
Aspartame - Stevia are highly significant from one other which would mean that the
treatments of Sugar and Aspartame does not vary in terms of their smell. Only the Stevia
Strawberry Jam greatly varies from the other two sweeteners. In terms of acceptability in
Consistency, the different treatments of Sugar- Aspartame and Sugar- Stevia are higly
significant from each other while treatment Aspartame – Stevia are not significantly
different from one other which would mean that the Stevia and Aspartame are very much
the same in their structure while they both vary from the jam like structure of the Sugar
Strawberry Jam.
In conclusion with the study, we were able to formulate and develop Strawberry
Jam using Stevia rebaudiana leaves extract as sweetener and also we were also able to
compare it to other sweeteners in the acceptability of the jam in terms with their colour,
mouth feel, taste, aroma and consistency. It was also concluded that the difference
between the three treatments are highly significant from each other in terms of the
acceptability in colour, mouth feel and taste. The treatments of Sugar and Aspartame in
the acceptability of aroma and treatments of Aspartame and Stevia in the acceptability of
In this study, further analysis of the sample like proximate analysis and physico-
chemical test are highly recommended. Formulating and developing other products using
Stevia rebaudiana is a great idea. And also the use of this study as reference material can
also be recommended.
Alvarez, M., & Bazzote, R. B. (1981). Effect of aqueous extract of Stevia rebaudiana
Aquino, R.P., & Behar, I. (1985). Isolation of the principal sugars of Stevia rebaudania.
Horner, C. (2009). Natural Secrets for Breast Health. Retrieved March 27, 2010 from
Jeppesen PB, et al. Stevioside acts directly on pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin.
Sahelian, R. & Gates, D. (1999). The Stevia Cookbook. United States of America:
Panelist: Date:
Panelist no:
Sample: Strawberry Jam
A. Appearance
B. Texture
C. Flavor
Hedonic Scale:
7- Like Extremely
6- Like Very much
5- Like Slightly
4- Neither like nor dislike
3- Dislike Slightly
2- Dislike Very much
1- Dislike Extremely
Thank you!
SOV df SS MS Fc Ft
Treatmen 83.266 41.633 74.443 3.55/6.
t 2 67 33 71 01
18.533 2.0592 3.6821 2.46/3.
Panelist 9 33 59 19 6
10.066 0.5592
Error 18 67 59
111.86 3.8574
Total 29 67 71
1. CF 33
2.SSP 33
3. SStr 67
4.TSS 67
5. SEM 87
Table 1. DMRT Colour
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 0.96250 1.0097 1.00979
SOV df SS MS Fc Ft
Treatmen 42.164 3.55/6.
t 2 45.6 22.8 38 01
14.166 1.5740 2.9109 2.46/3.
Panelist 9 67 74 59 6
9.7333 0.5407
Error 18 33 41
Total 29 69.5 52
1. CF 607.5
2.SSP 67
3. SStr 45.6
4.TSS 69.5
5. SEM 38
Table 2. DMRT Mouth Feel
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 0.94643 0.9929
values 1 39 0.992939
Mean 1.8 1.2 3
464 3>0.99
SOV df SS MS Fc Ft
Treatmen 64.866 32.433 25.985 3.55/6.
t 2 67 33 16 01
16.033 1.7814 2.46/3.
Panelist 9 33 81 1.4273 6
22.466 1.2481
Error 18 67 48
103.36 3.5643
Total 29 67 68
1. CF 33
2.SSP 33
3. SStr 67
4.TSS 67
5. SEM 91
Table 3. DMRT Taste
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 1.5085 1.50855
values 1.437896 54 4
Mean 1.7 1.9 3.6
1.7>1.43 3.6>1.5
78 085
SOV df SS MS Fc Ft
Treatmen 29.866 14.933 13.350 3.55/6.
t 2 67 33 99 01
23.466 2.6074 2.3311 2.46/3.
Panelist 9 67 07 26 6
20.133 1.1185
Error 18 33 19
73.466 2.5333
Total 29 67 33
1. CF 33
2.SSP 67
3. SStr 67
4.TSS 67
5. SEM 43
Table 4. DMRT Aroma
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 1.36118 1.428
values 1 07 1.42807
Mean 0.8 1.6 2.4
611 2.4>1.42
SOV df SS MS Fc Ft
Treatmen 49.266 24.633 28.792 3.55/6.
t 2 67 33 21 01
1.8666 2.1818 2.46/3.
Panelist 9 16.8 67 18 6
Error 18 15.4 56
81.466 2.8091
Total 29 67 95
1. CF 33
2.SSP 16.8
3. SStr 67
4.TSS 67
5. SEM 99
Table 5. DMRT Consistency
DMRT (1%)
Ranges 2 3 3
rk values 4.07 4.27 Trt3)
RK 1.248
values 1.19047 97 1.24897
Mean 2.3 0.7 3
904 3>1.2489
Formulation and
Development of
Stevia Strawberry
Production of
Strawberry Jams
using different
Sensory Evaluation
Writing of Research