Living Walls

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Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599


The Living walls as an Approach for a Healthy Urban Environment

Dr. Samar Sheweka,
Lecturer, Architecture Department, The British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt.

Arch. Nourhan Magdy

Teaching Assistant, Architecture Department, The British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt.

Societies are in a need for making a conscious choice to switch to a more sustainable way of life. Design, construction, and
maintenance of buildings have a tremendous impact on the environment and the natural resources. All around the world, a huge
amount of buildings are being constructed with many more to be done. The challenge will be to build them smart with a minimal
usage of non-renewable energy, minimal production of pollution, and minimal cost of energy dollars. Other important issues in
building include increasing the comfort, health, and safety of people who live and work in them. Indeed, buildings consume many of
the natural resources and are responsible for many problems. Now, in the 21st century, people are slowly beginning to realize the
necessity of green architecture where new aspects and technologies started to emerge in terms of green buildings such as green walls
which are considered a new prospect for the phenomenon of urban heat island and energy conservation aspects [1,5].

This research will display the meanings, the advantages and the techniques of the living wall as a part of the sustainable strategy for
the urban environment. The Green vertical surfaces can contribute significant environmental, social and economic benefits to the
built environment. moreover the research will display why this emerging technology should be considered as a valuable part of the
design process for addressing climate change and energy crisis.The living wall could also function for urban agriculture, urban
gardening, or for its beauty as art. It is sometimes built indoors to help alleviate sick building syndrome. Living walls are particularly
suitable for cities, as they allow good use of available vertical surface areas. They are also suitable in arid areas, as the circulating
water on a vertical wall is less likely to evaporate than in horizontal gardens.

Finally, the research will conclude with several recommendations for the using of living walls technique which suits the arid climate
as a part of sustainable strategy for the urban environment.

Bio walls, climatic change, vertical vegetations

1. Introduction
Throughout history greening of outside walls and roofs of buildings has taken place. Reasons for doing so were the increase
of insulation (keep cool in summer and keep cold out in winter), improved aesthetics, improved indoor and outdoor climate,
reduce the greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) as well
as increasing ecological values by creating habitats for birds and insects.
Throughout the years, replacement of vegetated surfaces with paved and impervious surfaces in the urban area have caused
the temperature in the area to increase comparing to the surrounding rural area. This is because the paved surfaces absorbs,
retain, and reradiate more solar energy than grasses and trees. The ambient temperature in urban area can be as much as 6ºC
warmer than the air in rural areas [5].
Egypt now is experiencing rapid economic growth especially in the last 5 or 6 decades Developments on urban areas have
changed the surface profile of our cities. The skyline of a city are now complimented with tall buildings, condominiums and
the surface area are covered with paved, roads and long stretch of highways which absorb, contain and reradiate more heat
comparing to the past years. With these rapid developments and change of our surface profile, along come the environmental
problems such as, drought, pollutions and the phenomena of urban heat island.

1876–6102 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Dr. Samar Sheweka and Arch. Nourhan Magdy / Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599 593

1. Urban Heat Island

UHI is characterized by significantly higher air temperature in densely built environment as compared to rural temperatures
(Figure 1.1). This is caused by the rapid urbanization and change of the land profile where more impervious surfaces such as
asphalt, concrete and glass are found rather than grass or green area.

Figure 1. Diagram of an urban heat island profile [6]

1.1 Causes of Urban Heat Island

The UHI effect has been explored worldwide and from those studies, the cause of UHI can be summarized as below:
a) Canyon Geometry
Urban canyons, especially the deep ones, work as traps which decrease the loss of both short-wave and long wave
radiation emitted from streets and building will eventually find their way into indoor space or re-emit back to the
surroundings after sunset [2].
b) Building Materials
During the daytime, more sensible heat can be stored in building materials, such as concrete, brick and asphalt, due to
their big heat capacity. The stored heat will then be released back to the environment at night.
c) Greenhouse Effect
Long-wave radiation can easily be trapped inside the polluted urban atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect.
d) Anthropogenic Heat Source
Anthropogenic heat generated from industrial combustion, traffic, air-conditioners and so on can aggravate the UHI
e) Evaporative Cooling Source
The UHI effect can be mitigated by evaporative cooling means, such as vegetation, water body and so on, since more
incident energy can be transformed into latent heat rather than sensible heat. Unfortunately, the lack of such
evaporative cooling methods in cities, especially the loss of greenery, causes severe UHI effect. 2

f) Wind Pattern
Heat trapped inside urban canyons can be adverted from source areas by turbulent transfer. However, such heat loss
from within streets can be reduced where there is possible obstruction of wind flow by urban settings as shown in
(Figure 2). In this case, ventilation in urban open space is of great importance.[1,2]

Figure 2. Diagram showing the most important factors that may influence the
Severity of the UHI effect[3].
594 Dr. Samar Sheweka and Arch. Nourhan Magdy / Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599

2. Green Walls
Green walls or also known as vertical greenery is actually introducing plants onto the building façade. Comparing to green
roof, green walls can cover more exposed hard surfaces in the built environment where skyscrapers are the predominant
building style [4].According to Ken Yeang (1998), if a skyscraper has a plant ratio of one to seven, then the façade area is
equivalent to almost three times the area. So, if the building is covered two thirds of the façade, this have contributed to
doubling the extend of vegetation on site. So a skyscraper can become green, thus increasing the organic mass on the site.[3]

2.1 Types of Green Walls

The green walls can be divided into three fundamental types according to the species of the plants; types
of growing media and construction method (see Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of three green walls methods [4]

2.1.1 Wall-climbing Green wall

The wall-climbing type is the very common and traditional green walls method (see Figure 3). Although it is a time
consuming process, climbing plants can cover the walls of building naturally. Sometimes they are grown upwards with the
help of a trellis or other supporting systems.[3,4]

Figure 3. Example of Wall-Climbing green wall at Republic Polytechnic,

2.1.2 Hanging-down Green Wall

The hanging-down type is also another popular approach for green walls (see Figure 4). It can easily form a complete vertical
green belt on a multi-storey building through planting at every storey compare to the wall-climbing type.[3]
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2.1.3 Module Green Wall

The module type is the latest concept compared to the previous two types. It requires more complicated design and planning
considerations before a vertical system can come to place (as shown in Figure 5,6). It is also probably the most expensive
green walls method.[4]

Figure 5. Example of the module type green wall Figure 6. The module used to plant the vegetation on
the green walls

2.2 Benefits of green walls in the built Environment

Plants in a city can provide quantitative benefits, in the form of financial returns, as well as qualitative environmental, social
and aesthetic benefits. Although the benefits are discussed separately, they are actually inseparable and should be appreciated
in the built environment[5].

2.2.1 Environmental benefits

Plants can offer cooling benefits in the city through two mechanisms, direct shading and evaporate transpiration. The green
walls used plants which provide shading to the building. It is very straightforward and is very much depends on the density of
the plants in the green walls. As a result, not only the shaded building, but the ambience also will experience a relatively low
temperature. The temperature reduction will not only affect the building, but also to the urban environment.
Plants, especially trees, have been widely believed to be effective scavengers of both gaseous and particulate pollutants from
the atmosphere in the urban environment. They can improve the air quality by filtering out airborne particles in their leaves
and branches as well as by absorbing gaseous pollutants through photosynthesis.[5,6]

By using green walls, limited spaces or lack of land is no longer a problem, as it covers the building façade, thus the air
quality in the urban area with high rise and skyscrapers can also be improved.[7]

Storm water in the urban area is traditionally routed off impervious surfaces and transported in drainage-pipe systems to an
adjacent receiving water body. Flooding may occur when the drainage is incapable of storing and distributing the storm water
from the land. A degraded aquatic ecosystem is usually associated with the discharge of the storm water. Green wall is
actually a mulching technique as it covers the impervious surface of the building with plants and soil or planting medium. The
green wall is able to retain water to control the water runoff from the roofs.

Urban green area and plants around the buildings can be viewed as an acceptable alternative habitat for urban plants and
native wildlife. The presence of wildlife may enrich the ecological quality and health of the environment as well as provide
additional emotional, intellectual, social and physical benefits to humans[8]. Apart from that, plants also release oxygen to the
atmosphere through its unique photosynthesis, which breaks down carbon dioxide and water to create sugar and oxygen. This
achieves not only oxygen generation, but also carbon dioxide reduction.

Plants roots also play a role in filtering the impurities in the water before it enters a groundwater aquifer. Impurities, such as
nitrogen and phosphorus, will bond together with some type of soil. Plants can reduce the amount of these impurities in the
soil by taking up nitrogen and phosphorus to be used in the plant growth.[8]

Lastly, plants can be used as sound barrier as the can reduce the noise perceived by the receiver. In the case of green walls,
plants in the green walls will absorb the frequencies of the sound. Thus, reducing the noise pollution in the urban area.[7]

2.2.2 Economics benefits

All economics benefits are associated with the environmental benefits of the green walls. The ability of the vegetative
surfaces to retain storm water and water runoff from the roofs can help in reducing the extend of the storm water drainage
Plants introduced around buildings can improve construction integrity by lessening the weather effect. The use of green walls
can reduce the climatic stress on building façades and prolong the service and practical life of buildings and also not to
mention reduced cost on the painting materials.[8]

Other than that, energy saving is another significant economic contribution brought by greenery in the cities. Studies have
been done where the energy used for cooling in a building can be vastly reduced.Greenery can also add value to the property
596 Dr. Samar Sheweka and Arch. Nourhan Magdy / Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599
2.2.3 Aesthetic Benefits

Landscaping is often used to improve the aesthetic value of the urban area. Vegetation can provide visual contrast and relief
from the highly built-up city environment [6]. Plants also give the city dwellers a sense of closeness to the Mother Nature in
the hard concrete jungle in the city.

Apart from that, natural landscape provides elements of natural scale and visual beauty as well as seasonal indicator to
visual relief to plain walls. Ugly buildings can be hidden by the green walls and vegetations.

2.2.4 Social Benefits

Plants can fulfill various functions. According to Givoni (1991), plants provide places for playing, sports and recreation,
meeting establishing social contacts, isolation and escape from urban life, aesthetic enjoyment, viewing buildings from a
distance and so on. It has been proved that visual and physical contacts with plants can result in direct health benefits. Plants
can generate restorative effects leading to decreased stress; improve patient recovery rate and higher resistance to illness.

3. Use of Green as Mitigation Measures for UHI

In order to better understand our climate, it would be incomplete without some notification and acknowledgement on the
character and abundance of the plants as noted by Koenigsberger et al. (1973). Plants or greenery without a doubt, do play a
part in improving our climate, regardless meso or microclimate. Plants provide shade from the sun and wind, decrease the air
temperature, increase humidity, and reduce the surface temperature in the built environment and so on. However, the ability to
change the climate is much decided by the density and the plant species. For example, an open lawn or meadow can do little
to the climate as compare to a dense forest.

In general, plants can adjust climate through their unique shading, wind shielding, evapo-transpiration and photosynthesis
processes. Most of the solar radiation were intercepted and seized by the dense foliages of the plants, except for a very small
portion transformed into chemical energy through photosynthesis. The absorbed solar radiation are then modified to latent
heat which converts water from liquid to gas, resulting in low leaf temperature, lower surrounding air temperature and higher
humidity through the process of evapo-transpiration. In other words, the UHI can be alleviated through these mechanisms.[10]

4. Case Studies

The practice of incorporating plants into buildings became popular in the recent days, which is a different type of its own, The
main focus of this concept is to make buildings biologically lively, to incorporate nature into the pile of spaces. This concept
also consider local climate for its lighting and ventilation according with the use plants for cooling and refreshing the indoor
environment and help decrease the heat gain from the outdoor, thus reduce the use of mechanical HVAC systems and
resulting less use of energy. The following cases are considered here to study the recent typology of practices according with
their views and concepts including indoor and outdoor planting.

4.1 Chilean Consortia Building, Santiago, Chile : Case Study of Outdoor Planting
Architect: Henry Browne - Borja Huidobro
Location: Las Condes. Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile
Owner: National Trust Insurance - Life
Built Area: 26,720 m2
Surface: 3781 m2

Architects Henry Browne and Borja Huidobro have built the National Insurance building in Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. The
building has various eco-friendly features that made it a sustainable one. One of the features is its interior and exterior thermo
panels vegetation that absorbs the heat of the sun. Another great green feature it has is its front wall that turns into a vegetable
garden of around 3000 square meters vertical, wherein the plants changes into different looks over the years depending on
the season as shown in figure 7.[11]
The facades were developed with particular care [11]. The western orientation of the building is protected by the double
facade construction that allows vegetation to grow on a system separate from the building. The vegetated facade makes up
about 3,000 square meters. From the interior, it creates a lush barrier, shading its inhabitants from the beating sun and inside
creating an atmosphere more like living inside in a secret garden as shown in figure 8. When the plants are not a luscious
green, they turn colors of bright reds and yellows in the fall. While MFO Park using mostly cable system for the plants to
grow on, there is a second track halfway up the structure that is like a large planter that runs the length and provides a second
level of vegetation. The track also has an area for maintenance workers to walk and take care of the plants and lighting as
shown in figure 9 [12].
Dr. Samar Sheweka and Arch. Nourhan Magdy / Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599 597

Figure 9. Detail Vertical Section. [11]

Figure 8. Concept drawing for the green façade. [11]

4.2 Tokyo Nara Tower, Tokyo : Case Study of Outdoor Planting

This 126 stories skyscraper will sited in cold climatic zone and deciduous forest type vegetation zone. This is a proposal for
an ecologically responsive hyper tower. The tower is an extension of the park in sky idea. The design can be summarized as
The verdant foliage protects the building by way of shading in the summer. By photosynthesis it creates a healthier
microclimate at the façade. The fringing of the floors and the atrial spaces further reduces the impact of high wind speeds on
the built structure. The ratio of the mass of planting relative to the built structure is favorably comparable, thereby ensuring
an artificial ecosystem as shown in figure 10.

Figure 10. Tokyo Nara Tower, Tokyo. Plant integration with the spiral structure of the
tower. [13].

The greenery in the built form, act as its lungs, like a breathing life into the floors, above and below, via the internal atrial
voids [13]. The green lungs also refreshing the environment, improving the air quality and provide:
1. Vegetation on façade for sun-shading and microclimatic control.
2. Decorative landscaping for interior aesthetics.
3. Vegetation pockets located at public areas as natural air fresheners.

4.3 The Genzyme Center: Case Study of Indoor Planting

The Genzyme Center is an example of a company doing the right things and this building was chosen as an AIA Top Ten
Green Project for 2004. The goal of the design was to develop a building from the inside out, from the individual working
environment to the overall complex structure of the building [14]. There are eighteen gardens contributed to the green
building concept. The building act as a living organism that would provide a connection to the outside through a visual
connection with the outside, to look outside at the green and to bring that green into the building through the gardens and it
was a high level of commitment to include the interior plants because it was the right thing to do for a green building as
shown in figure 11.
598 Dr. Samar Sheweka and Arch. Nourhan Magdy / Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599

Figure 11. Indoor Planting in Genzyme Center. [14].

Interior planting in this building has mostly been met with a positive response. The air quality in the buildings is excellent,
the shading and air-conditioning functions and also the aesthetic effect indoors are viewed positively. In administrative
buildings, the number of staff off sick has decreased ± the individuality of the workplace plays a role here.



United Kingdom Green Building Council (UKGBC) is likely to increase the awareness. The Green Building movement is
becoming ever more important as architects and developers strive to find ways of constructing and managing buildings in a
sustainable and environmentally-friendly fashion.

The paper presented many ways to incorporate plants into buildings, as in roof, vertical walls, biofilters and in indoor potting
plants. All these provisions have their own typology, technology of installation and maintenance as well as some drawbacks
which need more extensive research to overcome.

There are options for the green wall design. It could be the climbing plants or the modular panels. For the skyscraper design
both the options could be used together. For the lower levels the climbing plants, while rooted on the ground could be used in
modular panels could be used for the rest of middle floors. It could save time and money for the maintenance as those types of
plants require little or no maintenance than the green panels.


Extending the plant or greenery onto the building façade has shown potential in improving air quality and reducing surface
temperature in the built environment. Plants certainly helps to promote thermal comfort as they cools down the building
façade and cools down the surrounding by transpiration. This can be perceived from the study as the outdoor environment
remained at the thermal comfort range,where Plants give balance between temperature and relative humidity thus helps
modify the outdoor thermal comfort. Therefore, the capability of the green walls in improving ambient air and temperature
even though they do not act as a shading device has been identified.

Even though the basic mechanism for CO2 consumption is through photosynthesis, it is important to consider that relying on
the green wall alone will not formulate a better environmental quality. Nevertheless it is a part of the method in contributing
towards enhanced outdoor environment and maintaining the ecological systems in the urban area.

Ground coverage, green walls, sky courts, indoor plants and roof top gardens works together to make buildings µ*UHHQ¶7KH
vertical landscaping is one variation on the creation of roof top gardening; another variation is the green wall, which
encapsulates the principle of a single element with multiple functions [15]. The breathing wall with vegetated façade
according with the sky courts tends to focus to develop the building as an ecologically complex and stable plant, microbial
and human community, that helps to improve the air quality in an interface between QDWXUDOSURFHVVHVDQGWKHEXLOWVWUXFWXUH¶V
environmental system. The whole system works for the social, ecological and environmental benefits. If this system
multiplies and implemented to all the skyscrapers in an urban area the beneficiary will be all the species including the
humans. The results will be the noticeable decrease in urban heat island, rapid reduction of energy consumption and
refreshing air for a healthy environment.

Factors for Successful Green Facades

Design, installation and maintenance considerations for green facades and living walls will vary by system type selected and
the conditions of the built and natural environment.
Green facade projects require that the designers, installers, manufacturers and maintenance staff take the following into
careful consideration:
· Attachment to building envelope ± how the system will be secured to the building or freestanding structure.
· Calculation of structural loads for larger systems, resulting from loads such as snow, plants, and wind.
· Plant selection for wind and light exposure, hardiness zones, and amenity context.
Dr. Samar Sheweka and Arch. Nourhan Magdy / Energy Procedia 6 (2011) 592–599 599

· Realistic expectations related to plant aesthetics and growth ± some systems require 3 to 5 years to become fully established.
· Plant maintenance and/or long term maintenance plan to secure the health of these living systems, including proper soil and
irrigation considerations.
· Check with manufacturers who may have registered or specially trained installers that will be able to complete the project
· Appropriate plant selection for the geographic region, correct plant spacing for desired coverage, and release from the
temporary support structure used by the nursery.[16]

Educational Benefit of green roof and green wall: A socially viable issue
Green Roofs and Walls are the perfect tools to teach about the environment. The next generation needs to learn about the
environmental concerns of today and how we addressing them. Problems like the Heat Island Effect, Global Warming, CO2
reduction in cities are all addressed by Green Roofs and Walls. Just a few of the topics that Green Roofs and Walls may b
used for in education are:
Thus the educational opportunities are endless.


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