Self-Esteem Variables
Self-Esteem Variables
Self-Esteem Variables
study that assessed self-esteem, financial deprivation, number of alternate roles, and use
of social support. Financial deprivation, alternate roles, and social support each had a
main effect on self-esteem. In addition, these variables interacted with gender to affect
self-esteem. Specifically, financial deprivation had a greater negative association with
self-esteem in men as compared with women. In contrast, alternate roles and social
support had a stronger positive relationship to self-esteem in women than in men. The
incorporation of these findings into intervention programs for unemployed persons is
Self-esteem can be important in terms of how one thinks, feels, and responds to stressful
life events (Overholser et al., 1995). Research has also shown a relation between low
self-esteem and feelings of depression and hopelessness in adolescence. Females with
low self-esteem are twice as likely to develop depression following a stressful life event
than those with average or high self-esteem (Andrews, 1998). During adolescence, a
person may experience increased stress in relation to school, friends, and family, as well
as new responsibilities and interests (Overholser et al., 1995).
Previous research on gender, in relation to self-esteem, has been fairly consistent. The
majority of studies have found that during adolescence, females report lower self-esteem
(Cairns et al., 1990; Chubb et al., 1997; Martinez & Dukes, 1991; Quatman & Watson,
2001) and greater depressive mood (Marcotte, Fortin, Potvin, & Papillon, 2002) in
comparison to males. Some research has also shown that not only do adolescent females
report lower self-esteem, but their self-esteem decreases and depressive symptoms
increase over time when compared with males (e.g., Robins et al., 2002).
Maehr and Nicholls (1980) suggested that some gender differences in self-esteem might
be due to a response bias, in that girls have been found to be more modest in self-report
measures than boys. Furthermore, some research has shown that gender differences in
adolescent self-esteem may be linked to gender differences in the perception of physical
appearance. For example, a longitudinal study of students in the 3rd through 11th grades
indicated that in elementary school, boys and girls viewed their physical appearance
equally, but at the end of high school, girls' views of their physical appearance was
significantly lower than those of boys (Harter, 2000). Brown and colleagues (1998) also
found that European American boys rated themselves as more attractive and reported
liking themselves better relative to European American girls. In addition, African
American females were found to be as adjusted or better adjusted than European
Americans, to generally feel satisfied with themselves, and to have high educational
expectations (Gibbs, 1985). In conclusion, the available research consistently shows that
males tend to have higher self-esteem than do females; therefore it is important to explore
gender in relation to self-esteem among nonmainstream students.