EDUC 540 Syllabus Jan1
EDUC 540 Syllabus Jan1
EDUC 540 Syllabus Jan1
Drexel University
Instructor Information:
Ann Hart Gozzard
Office Hours:
You may text me anytime.
Course Description
Provides supervised field experience at a cooperating school designed to develop skills in instructional
planning, pedagogy, motivation, classroom management and discipline, interrelationships among diverse
populations within school settings, identification of instructional resources, and applications of current research
on effective teaching. This course has a Stage 4 field component, successful completion of the field component
is required for recommendation for certification. See SoE Field Placement Office website for all clearance
policy and field experience requirements.
Course Purpose
The seminar course is designed to complement your student teaching experience by developing your teaching
knowledge and strengths through field placement, supervision, and reflective practice. The goal of this seminar
is to create reflective practitioners by providing a forum for collaborative, critical inquiry based on the field
experience. The course facilitates thinking about how to:
Effectively plan and prepare for quality instruction.
Create a respectful learning environment by using effective classroom management and establishing a
culture for learning.
Use various instructional strategies that engage students in meaningful learning.
Exhibit professionalism through appearance, analysis and reflection on lessons, record keeping,
communication and professional development.
Required Technologies:
Each student is required to have access to technology that they can use to videotape and submit their
lessons. Each student will need to videotape the entire lesson, view the lesson, and submit the lesson to
his/her instructor electronically. (For more information see the Videotaped Lessons assignment below) –
we will be open to modifications of this assignment due to the virtual nature of classrooms right now.
Access to the Internet, Blackboard Learn, and the Drexel Library database.
In-Course Resources (Appendices): Use the following evaluation instruments to guide you in reflective
analysis of your work.
Student Teacher Evaluation Form for Videotaped Lessons (Appendix A): This form will be used to
evaluate your videotaped lesson, lesson plan, and reflection. It is based on the Drexel University Student
Teaching Observation Rubric.
Drexel University Student Teaching Observation Rubric (Appendix C): This form will be used by your
University Supervisor to evaluate your midterm and final observed lessons. It will also be used
throughout the course as a reference for various assignments.
Writing Standards Rubric (Appendix D): This rubric will be used to evaluate your writing pieces.
Discussion Board Rubric (Appendix E): This rubric will be used to evaluate the graded discussion
Rubric for PLP (Appendix F): This rubric will be used to evaluate your Professional Learning Portfolio.
Rubric for Study of Student Achievement (Appendix G)
Lesson Plan Template (Appendix H)
Course Requirements
Attendance/Participation: As a student in this course, you need to participate actively throughout the course.
The course incorporates structured responses, discussion board questions and assignments to promote active
learning and reflective practice for all students. This is a busy time for you. Organization and dedication will be
critical attributes to your success.
If you anticipate not being able to meet an assignment deadline, you must contact your instructor 2-3 days
before the due date with your request for an extension, which may or may not be approved. If you need to make
up a discussion board assignment, please discuss this with the instructor first, at times the directives may be
modified to make sure you are getting the most from interacting with your peers’ ideas after the fact rather than
being part of the weekly discussion.
I am very flexible, please do not hesitate to let me know if you need an extension on an assignment. I
want your focus to be on the needs of your students and the expectations of your cooperating teacher.
Professionalism During Your Field Experience Seminar:
Your instructor will be looking at how you handle constructive critique of your work. Often, taking constructive
feedback can be difficult. How you respond to that feedback is very important. Please take caution when
communicating via email. Often, tone in an email can be misinterpreted. If necessary, you can speak on the
phone about your work. Professionalism is an important part of your grade (see the PDE 430 and Drexel
University Student Teaching Observation Rubric).
Engages in and contributes to positive professional relationships on social media and within
school/district meetings, events, projects
Contributes to the “larger community” outside the class
Engages in and seeks out professional development opportunities both online and face to face
Welcomes feedback
Participates in and contributes to the profession
Uses information from professional resources to develop lesson/seeks out new resources
Shows leadership in Educ540 coursework, student teaching, correspondence, decision making, etc.
by displaying honesty, integrity, and confidentiality
Assures that all students are fairly served
Complies with school/district regulations
Challenges negative attitudes/practices in a respectful and professional manner
The midterm PDE 430 will be at the midway point of your placement. Students that score less than a total of 4
or who score a 0 in any of the four domains on the midterm evaluation will meet with the Site Director,
Program Director, and a Field Placement Officer to discuss placing the student on academic probation and
further to determine (a) if additional support is needed to help the student teacher reach proficiency; (b) if the
placement must be discontinued; or (c) if the placement might be extended to allow more time for the student to
demonstrate proficiency in each domain.
Students that score less than a total score of 8 on the final evaluation will meet with their Site director and the
School of Education’s administration to determine if the candidate’s student teaching experience a) will be
extended, with support, until the candidate gains and demonstrates sufficient mastery of course requirements to 3
be successful in being assessed on a new final PDE 430 evaluation, OR b) must be repeated in a subsequent
term through formal re-application and course.
Your final grade is a combination of your work in this course and your performance during student teaching.
Your university supervisor will submit feedback from your observations at midterm and final to your EDUC
540 instructor. The observations and your development in response to all evaluations are critical to your
success. In addition, you will take part in an exit interview at the end of your student teaching. After the exit
interview, your template and scores will be sent to the course instructor who will determine your final grade.
The coursework is graded as follows:
2 Videotaped lessons* (lesson plan, video and reflection) 40 points (20 points each)
Professional Learning Portfolio 15 points
2 Writing pieces/Journal Reflection 15 points (5 points each)
Discussion Boards 15 points
Study of Student Achievement 15 points
The candidate's Student Teaching Course final grade is determined by the Course Instructor with significant
input of the Site Director, (and by extension, the Mentor Teacher). As a capstone, field-based course, the
fieldwork component of the Student Teaching Course will be "weighted," accounting for more than 50% of the
course grade.
Candidates who do not achieve these benchmarks will not receive a grade above a B- in the Student Teaching
Course. The grade of B- or less in the Student Teaching Course is not considered satisfactory or successful.
Only students who earn the grade of B or better in the Student Teaching Course may be considered a Program
Completer and recommended for a state-issued teaching certification.
Grade Scoring
A 93 - 100
A- 90 – 92
B+ 87 – 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 - 79
C 73 – 76
C- 70 - 72
D+ 67 - 69
D 63 - 66
F 62 and
All assignments are based on work you are doing in your student teaching classroom. Use these assignments to
develop pieces (artifacts) for your teaching, your PLP, think critically about your work, and reflect on your
performance in the classroom.
Students: If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, you are required to contact the Student Health
Center by phone (215-220-4700), or by email to, or through the Drexel Health
Tracker app. (This pertains to all students, undergraduate and graduate, regardless of where the student resides.)
Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Students:
Experience: Watch: First Day Idea Videos
Discussion This week you will formally observe a lesson that your mentor teacher
Board delivers to your class and write an analysis of the lesson. Post a
section of your analysis to the DB that you think will give your peers a
window into an effective positive classroom climate strategy. In your
response to peers’ writing, reference the videos you chose to view in
this week's Learning Activity and this week's readings.
Week 2: Observe Mentor Lesson
Writing Piece: Formally observe a mentor teacher lesson. Take notes throughout
Analysis of the lesson on all four of Danielson’s domains, but pay specific
Lesson attention to Domain 2.
Write a reflection about the lesson. Think about the performance in
each domain. Use the Observation Tool to reflect on the observation
(Appendix B).
List and describe 2 parts of the lesson you would keep the same if
you taught it and 1 part you would change. Describe why you would
make this change and how it would enhance the learning process.
Take time throughout week 9 to look at your peers' posts and provide
feedback. This process will help them improve their Study of Student
Achievement AND help you to clarify your own process. Provide
specific, constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. The
goal of the DB during Week 9 is to create a learning community where
we are sharing and learning from one another in regards to the Study
of Achievement.
Week 9: Video Submit you analysis/reflection/lesson plan
#2 Lesson
Plan, Video,
Week 9 – Final Submit you self-evaluation
Self Evaluation
Week 10 Final Works: PLP
Week 10: Throughout your student teaching experience, you will be keeping a 1
Reflective Blog journal. Each day, take time to write in your journal. Include 1
Post reflections on your teaching and observations made in the field. You
may write your thoughts in a journal or you may complete this
electronically. Select 1 journal entry to post in the blog portion of your
PLP. Expand on your journal entry by analyzing your teaching.