EBBP Competencies

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Definition and Competencies for Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice (EBBP)

Council for Training in Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice *

July 2008


A small number of behavioral risk factors (e.g. tobacco use, poor quality diet, physical inactivity,
obesity) now account for a third of the global chronic disease burden and half of all deaths from
chronic disease.1-3 Increasingly, research indicates that mental and physical illnesses often co-
occur 4,5 and that their comorbidity increases healthcare burden and costs.6 Further, there is
growing evidence that psychosocial interventions (delivered alone or in conjunction with
medical treatments) are effective for preventing and treating a wide range of health problems. 7-9
The implementation of effective behavioral interventions holds the potential to improve public
health and lower health care costs. To grow the evidence base for behavioral interventions,
improve health service quality, and reduce practice variation, the time is ripe to invest resources
in training for evidence-based behavioral practice.

All major health professions now endorse the policy of evidence-based practice.10-21
Preconditions are thus established for professionals in the health and social sciences to acquire a
shared vocabulary and conceptual foundation that will facilitate collaboration in transdisciplinary
research and practice. But the challenges associated with transdisciplinary science and practice
are substantial. Behavioral scientists and practitioners in medicine, nursing, social work,
psychology, and public health all come from different training backgrounds. As a result, their
vocabulary, conceptual frameworks, and research methods often differ greatly. To access,
critically appraise, and iteratively apply the evidence generated by each discipline requires a
common base of training and tools for knowledge acquisition and translation.

* EBBP Council Members: Bonnie Spring, Ph.D. (Chair); Barbara Walker, Ph.D. (Associate Chair); Ross
Brownson, Ph.D.; Edward Mullen, D.S.W.; Robin Newhouse, Ph.D., R.N.; Jason Satterfield, Ph.D.; Evelyn
Whitlock, M.D., M.P.H., Kristin Hitchcock, M.S.I. (Council Coordinator)
Purpose of the Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice (EBBP) Project

In 2006, the National Institute of Health’s Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research
funded contract N01-LM-6-3512 through the National Library of Medicine. The purpose of the
contract is to develop Resources for Training in Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice (EBBP).22
One broad objective of EBBP is to encourage growth of the evidence base for behavioral and
psychosocial interventions. Another objective is to enhance the skills of interventionists from a
wide range of health care disciplines to find, appraise, and apply evidence in order to improve
the health of individuals, families, other groups, and communities.

Specific aims are to:

• Develop a common language and skill set to enhance communication among the major
health disciplines.
• Disseminate information about concepts, methods, and tools used in evidence-based
• Provide educators with tools for teaching evidence-based concepts and skills to students,
practitioners and researchers.
• Foster translational and practice-based research
• Help interventionists acquire skills to perform evidence-based behavioral interventions
and ongoing outcome assessments.

The objectives and aims of the EBBP contract are being accomplished by a Council for Training
in Evidence Based Behavioral Practice working under the guidance of a Scientific Advisory
Board and Expert Consultants. To guide the development of training materials, the EBBP
Council prepared this analysis of competencies needed to engage in the process of evidence
based behavioral practice. The Institute of Medicine identifies evidence-based practice as a core
competence for health professionals in the 21st century. 10


Foundations of EBBP

EBBP rests upon a foundation of professionalism. Practitioners of EBBP possess a curiosity and
a sense of inquiry that defines them as life-long learners. They are motivated to continually learn
ways to integrate research into practice and to critically evaluate the outcome of their behavioral
interventions. They embrace the use of information technology to support the learning process.
At the same time, they are open-minded. They recognize and understand the limits of science,
their own knowledge, and their own skills. They are critically self-reflective and aware of the
personal and cultural biases that each practitioner possesses. They practice in an ethical,
responsible manner, consider historical and cultural factors that influence care, communicate
well, and work well in multidisciplinary teams. They pay close attention to the environmental

context and systems within which they work, and are sensitive to the many types of interpersonal
and community-level differences that exist. They recognize and act upon the understanding that
decisions about health need to be made in collaboration with those most directly affected by the
decisions. In addition to implementing best evidence-based practices, they engage in continuous
quality improvement in their own practices. They disseminate the practice-based research
evidence that they generate.

Evidence-based behavioral practitioners acknowledge and respect diversity in all forms of

practice. Diversity is expressed as differences among individuals, groups, and populations in age,
class, culture, disability, gender, political ideology, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other
factors. Diversity permeates the ecological environment in which practice occurs, can influence
how different groups experience assessments and interventions, and can be associated with either
negative or positive experiences. Negative outcomes in ecological systems include experiences
of oppression, marginalization, and alienation.23 Positive outcomes in ecological systems include
experiences of empowerment and pride. Evidence-based behavioral practitioners are trained to
understand and control their own personal biases and values as they relate to diverse groups.

Ecological Model

We use an ecological model to organize our presentation of training materials. 24 These models
suggest addressing problems at multiple levels and stress the interaction and integration of
factors within and across all levels. Intervening solely on the behavior of individuals often is not
sufficient to sustain long-term behavior change. Ideally, interventions need also to be directed at
changing influences at the interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy levels.
The goal is to create a healthy community environment that provides health-promoting
information and social support to enable people to live healthier lifestyles. Ecological models are
increasingly viewed as having substantial potential to improve health. They have been applied to a
variety of health issues including tobacco, obesity, and cancer screening. 24-26


Behavioral health practice (here abbreviated behavioral practice) is a multidisciplinary field that
promotes optimal mental and physical health by maximizing biopsychosocial functioning.
Evidence-based behavioral practice entails making decisions about how to promote healthful
behaviors by integrating the best available evidence with practitioner expertise and other
resources, and with the characteristics, state, needs, values and preferences of those who will be
affected. This is done in a manner that is compatible with the environmental and organizational
context. Evidence is comprised of research findings derived from the systematic collection of
data through observation and experiment and the formulation of questions and testing of

Practitioner expertise and resources pertain to the skills and infrastructure support that are
needed to offer behavioral interventions. Resources include physical, technological and financial
assets needed to deliver behavioral treatments (e.g., space, time, technological support, insurance
reimbursement). Other needed resources may involve institutional endorsement by higher

administration and agreement from other system components. Practitioner expertise entails four
categories of skills:

Assessment skills pertain to the appraisal of clinical and community characteristics,

problems, values and expectations, and environmental context. Competency in
assessment also applies to the practitioner’s ability to assess in an unbiased manner his or
her own level of expertise to implement behavioral techniques and the outcomes of those
techniques once implemented.

Evidence-based practice process skills involve competency at performing the steps of the
evidence-based practice process: ask well-formulated questions, acquire best available
research evidence, appraise evidence for quality and relevance, apply evidence by
engaging in shared decision-making with those who will be affected, analyze change and
adjust practice accordingly.

Communication and collaboration skills entail the ability to convey information clearly
and appropriately, and to listen, observe, adjust, and negotiate as appropriate to achieve
understanding and agreement on a course of action.

Engagement and intervention skills involve proficiency at motivating interest,

constructive involvement, and positive change from individuals, groups, organizations,
communities, and others who may be affected by health decisions. Behavioral
interventions vary in the degree of training and experience required to deliver them

Three Circles Integrated in EBBP

The diagram below shows three circles containing the elements that need to be integrated in

Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice

Behavioral interventions are a major focus of EBBP. Behavioral interventions, including
psychosocial, rehabilitation and psychological treatments, are non-pharmacological, non-surgical
procedures that may be used alone or in conjunction with medical interventions. Included are
interventions that aim to improve the healthful behavior, psychosocial functioning, and quality of
life of individuals, families, organizations, and communities (e.g., schools, worksites,
neighborhoods, states). Interventions range from intensive ones with techniques whose mastery
requires considerable professional training (e.g., psychotherapy) to less intensive ones that use
simpler procedures (e.g. psychosocial support).

Inherent in EBBP is the process of collaborative decision-making. Those who may be affected
by the behavioral health decision (e.g. individuals, families, organizations, and communities) are
included in the decision-making process. The interventionist assesses the practitioner expertise,
the other resources that are available, the surrounding context, and the characteristics, values,
and preferences of relevant stakeholders. The interventionist collaboratively engages relevant
stakeholders in the process of making health decisions. Relevant stakeholders who need to be
engaged in collaborative decision-making differ depending upon the level of the ecological
model at which the behavioral intervention is directed. For behavioral interventions directed
towards individuals, collaborative decision-making may chiefly involve the patient/client and
perhaps family members. For interventions directed towards producing population level change,
collaboration may engage community, institutional or policy leadership.

Behavioral health decision-making about assessment, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and

rehabilitation involves a series of steps. The diagram above may make it appear that integration
of the three spheres involved in evidence-based practice could occur simultaneously, but that is
not the case. There are five clearly defined steps in evidence-based practice: Ask a question;
Acquire the evidence; Appraise the evidence; Apply the evidence; Analyze and Adjust practice.
The steps are performed in a specific order. The process begins with posing a relevant, well-
formulated question and conducting a search for the best research evidence to answer it.. The
“best available research evidence” refers to relevant findings that have been critically appraised
(either by systematic reviewers with expertise in critical appraisal and/or by the individual
practitioner) using EBP techniques and standards. To find the best evidence to address the
target question, the interventionist needs to know which kinds of research evidence best answer
different types of questions and how to appraise the quality and applicability of that evidence.
After finding and appraising the evidence, the interventionist assesses what resources, including
practitioner training and skills, are available to be able to offer what the research shows to be the
intervention(s) best supported by evidence. The practitioner also considers any stakeholders’
characteristics and contextual factors that bear on the likely applicability, acceptability and
uptake of the intervention(s) best supported by evidence. The practitioner also evaluates relevant
stakeholders’ values and preferences and engages appropriate stakeholders in the process of
collaborative decision-making. After interventions have been implemented, the EBBP
practitioner assesses their impact and engages stakeholders in the process of evaluation and
quality improvement. Using an iterative, cyclical process, the practical outcomes of intervention
decisions are then used to develop and/or refine local decision-making policies, generate new
questions, inform future searches for best evidence, and/or identify needed research.


The EBBP Process

Carrying out the EBBP process involves five steps31 :

Step 1 Ask client-oriented, relevant, answerable questions about the health status and
context of individuals, communities, or populations.
Step 2 Acquire the best available evidence to answer the question.
Step 3 Appraise the evidence critically for validity and applicability to the problem at
Step 4 Apply the evidence by engaging in collaborative health decision-making with the
affected individual(s) and/or group(s). Implement the health practice.
Appropriate decision-making integrates the context, values and preferences of the
recipient of the health intervention, as well as available resources, including
professional expertise.
Step 5 Analyze the new health practice and Adjust practice. Evaluate implications for
future decision-making, disseminate the results, and identify new informational


Ask: Asking Questions

Evidence-based behavioral health practitioners pose important, practice-relevant questions.


• Translate information needs into well-formulated, answerable questions

• Distinguish between background (general) and foreground (specific) questions.
Formulate foreground questions using a structured framework (e.g. PICO:
Patient/Population characteristics, Intervention, Comparison condition, Outcome)
• Prioritize questions by the importance/significance of the problem to the identified
patient or population (e.g., impact on function or quality of life; or disease burden,
incidence/prevalence, impact on cost of care)
• Distinguish between different types of questions (e.g. assessment, intervention,
prognosis, harm, cost-effectiveness)
• Know the best type(s) of evidence to answer each kind of question

Acquire: Acquisition of Evidence

Evidence-based behavioral health practitioners efficiently and effectively search for the best
available evidence to answer their practical questions. They:

• Know the difference between primary and secondary (synthesized) research
evidence and where to find both kinds of evidence
• Understand how to access guidelines and systematic reviews of research on
behavioral health procedures
• Translate questions into efficient search plans and/or know how to communicate
their needs to a professional who has expertise in information science.
• Know how to use available technology and information systems to stay up-to-date
on research relevant to their question(s).

Appraise: Critical Appraisal

Evidence-based behavioral health practitioners critically appraise evidence in terms of both its
quality and its applicability to the population and circumstances at hand. In evaluating research
on behavioral interventions, internal and external validity are both important to appraise.
Internal validity reflects whether the research was designed and conducted in a manner that
allows behavior change to be attributed causally to the intervention rather than to extraneous
influences. External validity refers to whether the characteristics of the research population or
intervention context are diverse enough to suggest that the findings would generalize to other
populations, interventionists, or circumstances. Applicability refers to the practitioner’s
judgment about whether the evidence fits the specific situation at hand. The appraisal of
relevance is challenging. Applying either overly stringent or overly lax criteria to judge external
validity may have adverse consequences. If the body of evidence is seen as having no relevance
to diverse populations, the disadvantage is that traditional but ineffective practices may continue
to constitute usual care for many understudied and underserved populations. On the other hand,
if the same interventions are seen unquestionably as uniformly applicable, the need to adapt the
intervention to attain community acceptance and detect differential effectiveness may be ignored

Evidence-based behavioral health practitioners

• Know the strengths and weaknesses of different kinds of research evidence for
answering different kinds of behavioral health questions
• Understand the methodologies used in synthesizing research evidence
• Evaluate the quality and strength of evidence in systematic reviews or practice
• Evaluate the quality and strength of primary research evidence using available critical
appraisal tools that assess study design and/or study execution
• Evaluate the applicability of the evidence for a particular individual or population.
• Note deficiencies in existing behavioral evidence that suggest needed research.

Apply: Decision-Making and Action

In collaboration with those who will be affected by the decision, evidence-based behavioral
practitioners implement action plans by integrating their appraisal of research evidence, available
expertise and other resources, with the intended care recipient’s characteristics, values,
preferences, and context. Special attention is given to the relevance of the evidence to diverse

groups and to the practitioner’s ability to communicate effectively to diverse individuals and

A frequent criticism of EBBP is that once an evidence-based intervention is found, practitioners

may not have the knowledge or skill needed to implement the intervention. Accordingly, for
effective implementation to occur, practitioners need to know how to search for training tools
and resources. Resources are now readily available on many internet sites. For example, the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for
Mental Health Services (CMHS) provides six Evidence-Based Practice Implementation
Resource Kits to encourage the use of evidence-based practices in mental health. 34

Evidence-based behavioral practitioners:

• Evaluate how available expertise and other resources influence decisional options and
planning. This step may include self-assessment of whether skills are adequate to
implement behavioral assessments and interventions.
• Evaluate characteristics, preferences, and values of the client-system (individual
patient, client, or community), as these bear upon a choice of action. Particular
attention is given to issues of diversity and difference throughout this appraisal.
• Engage the individual or community affected by the decision to participate
collaboratively in choosing and implementing an action plan
• Integrate research evidence, expertise, and client characteristics/preferences to
prioritize best evidence-based courses of action to achieve most important and
culturally relevant outcomes
• Locate training resources, learn new interventions, and update skills as needed

Analyze and Adjust: Evaluation, Dissemination, and Follow-Up

Practitioners of evidence-based behavioral health engage in practice-based continuous quality

improvement.10,33 After an evidence-based intervention is applied, change is analyzed.and
practice is adjusted accordingly Three domains of change are measured: 1) primary outcomes
(intended individual, community or population change in behavior or health); 2) process (action
steps taken to implement the intervention or other practice change); and 3) systems change
(intended and/or unintended revision in infrastructure, context, resources, or surrounding
environment35-37). Those change measures constitute local practice-based evidence that needs to
be evaluated and compared to intervention goals and to the published evidence base. Observed
variation in outcome between the nomothetic and the local evidence bases may raise additional
questions and require new evidence to be acquired and appraised. Adjustment or adaptation of
an intervention with reassessment and comparison of new outcomes may suggest revision of
interventions for continued work with the patient/client as well as for future decisional policies.
Lessons learned are shared with others.

Evidence-based behavioral practitioners:

• Identify and use best available assessment methods to evaluate target outcomes.
• Enlist participation of the client/patient or community in designing and carrying out
an evaluation and quality improvement plan
• Conduct a baseline assessment of the health status, characteristics and preferences of
the individual and/or community, and relevant context and resources
• Re-assess relevant outcomes after the intervention has been implemented.
• Evaluate unintended consequences (or risk) of change in practice
• Analyze and interpret outcome data to evaluate whether implementation of evidence-
based practice met initial intervention goals and to compare outcome to published
• Adjust behavioral practice as needed and then reassess outcomes in an ongoing,
iterative process
• Summarize outcome information in a way that is accessible and meaningful to the
• Disseminate lessons learned and new informational needs with a variety of
stakeholders including researchers, community members and policy makers
• Assess barriers to implementation of evidence-based practices and develop action
plan to overcome patient, provider or system barriers.


Engaging in EBBP entails a process of lifelong learning as the evidence about best practices
continues to evolve. It is assumed that attaining competence or mastery of skills to perform the
EBBP process is indeed a process and not an event with an endpoint. The complexities of real
world practice, the proliferation of the research evidence base, the changing sociocultural and
healthcare contexts, and rapidly evolving health information technologies require ongoing
engagement in the EBBP process.38,39 Although EBBP can be carried out by individual
practitioners, EBBP is perhaps most feasible when implemented by interdisciplinary teams
because of the broad set of skills needed. When EBBP is implemented by interdisciplinary
teams, the differing competencies and skills of individual team members can be combined
synergistically, enhancing the feasibility and effectiveness of this form of practice.
Much is to be gained from engagement of the behavioral research and practice communities in
the evidence-based practice process. Ultimately, the goal of evidence-based practice is the
provision of best-tested, most appropriate care to the public in a manner that reflects shared
decision-making and mutual involvement in continuing to enrich the evidence base.


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