Data Sheet of ASE-DGF-300W Solar PV Module
Data Sheet of ASE-DGF-300W Solar PV Module
Data Sheet of ASE-DGF-300W Solar PV Module
Faster Installation
■ Large surface area requires fewer interconnects and structural members
■ All module-to-module wiring is built right into the module
■ Multi-Contact Plug-n-Play connectors mean source-circuit wiring takes just minutes
■ Unique mounting systems available for commercial roofs eliminate need for
traditional mounting rails, heavy ballast, and roof penetrations
More Reliability
■ Bypass diode protection for every 18 solar cells in series, thus minimizing power
loss, and mitigating overheating/safety problems
■ Advanced encapsulation system ensures steady long-term module performance
by eliminating degradation associated with traditional EVA-encapsulated modules
■ Moisture impermeable glass on both sides of the module protects against tears,
perforations, fire, electrical conductivity, delamination and moisture
■ Patented no-lead, high-reliability soldering system guarantees long life and
ensures against environmental harm should the module break or be discarded
ASE-300-DGF/50 diode Full square semi-
housing with bypass crystalline EFG cells
Higher Quality diodes, UV resistant ensure maximum
cables with MC®- energy yield.
■ Each of the module’s 216 individual semi-crystalline silicon cells is inspected and
power matched to ensure consistent performance between modules
■ Every module is tested utilizing a calibrated solar simulator to ensure that the
DG = Double Glass
electrical ratings are within the specified tolerance for power, voltage, and current F = Frame
/50 = Nominal Voltage at STC
■ Module-to-module wiring loss is factored into the module’s labeled electrical
ratings by testing through the module’s cable/connector assemblies
Independently Certified
■ The ASE-300-DGF/50 is independently certified to meet IEEE 1262, IEC 61215,
and UL 1703 Standards
■ It is also the only module in the industry to receive a UL (Underwriters
Laboratories) Class A fire rating
Current/voltage characteristics with dependence on Electrical data
irradiance and module-temperature.
The electrical data applies to standard test conditions (STC):
Irradiance at the module level of 1,000 W/m2 with spectrum AM 1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Volts
Short-circuit current Isc (amps) 6.2 A 6.4 A 6.5 A 6.5 A 6.8 A
The rated power may only vary by ± 4% and all other electrical parameters by ±10%.
Chart applies to ASE 300 W module only.
NOCT-value (800 W/m2, 20° C, 1m/sec.) = 45° C.
Dimensions and weights
hazard labels
Diode housing
Back mounting holes B
Characteristic data
A = Side mounting holes ø = 7.1
B = Back mounting holes ø = 10.4 Solar cells per module 216
(all dimensions in mm)
Type of solar cell Semi-crystalline solar cells (EFG process), 10x10 cm2
Connections 10 AWG single conductor, stranded copper with Multi-Contact
connector. Junction box comes with 10 built-in bypass diodes.
Maximum system voltage 600 VDC U.S.
Operating module temperature -40 to +90° C
UL certified design load 50 PSF
Equivalent wind resistance Wind speed of 192 km/h (120 mph)
The right is reserved to make technical modifications. For detailed product drawings and specifications please
contact SCHOTT Solar or an authorized reseller.