ABB Surge Arrester POLIM-X ND - Data Sheet 1HC0075861 EN AE
ABB Surge Arrester POLIM-X ND - Data Sheet 1HC0075861 EN AE
ABB Surge Arrester POLIM-X ND - Data Sheet 1HC0075861 EN AE
Surge arrester
Technical data
for best environmental robustness Short term load SSL perpendicular to axis 2880 Nm
• 100 % in house production – fully in charge of complete Long term load SLL perpendicular to axis 1440 Nm
• High quality, safe and reliable, maintenance free
Service conditions
• For DC systems
Ambient air temperature Tamb −60 to +40 °C
• Very high energy absorption capacity (for temperatures up to
• For indoor and outdoor installations 80 °C consider instructions
of application guidelines)
Altitude up to 1800 m
Especially recommended for overvoltage protection of:
(for higher altitudes
• Fixed installations in DC traction systems (A1) contact ABB)
• Equipment on rolling stock and locomotives (A1)
• High speed trains
• Devices in DC installations
Additional certification:
• Shock and vibration tested according to IEC 61373
• Fire and smoke behavior tested and classified
according to EN 45545-2
Surge arrester | POLIM-X..ND 2
Electrical data
Continuous Residual voltage Ures at specified impulse current
operating Steep current impulse Lightning current impulse Switching current impulse
voltage wave 1/…µs wave 8/20 µs wave 30/60 µs
Uc (=Ur) * 10 kA 20 kA 2 kA 5 kA 10 kA ln=20 kA 40 kA 500 A 1000 A 2000 A
kVDC kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak kVpeak
1.0 2.51 2.65 2.10 2.20 2.28 2.47 2.65 1.97 2.01 2.08
1.5 3.77 3.97 3.15 3.30 3.42 3.70 3.97 2.96 3.01 3.12
2.0 5.02 5.29 4.20 4.39 4.56 4.93 5.29 3.94 4.02 4.15
2.5 6.27 6.62 5.25 5.49 5.70 6.16 6.62 4.92 5.02 5.19
3.0 7.53 7.94 6.30 6.59 6.84 7.39 7.94 5.91 6.02 6.23
4.2 10.54 11.12 8.82 9.22 9.58 10.35 11.12 8.27 8.44 8.72
4.7 11.80 12.44 9.87 10.32 10.72 11.58 12.44 9.26 9.44 9.76
* The rated voltage Ur of the arrester coincides with the continuous operating voltage Uc.
Continuous Creepage Flashover Height Weight Insulation withstand voltage of empty housing
operating distance distance 1.2/50 µs 1 min wet
Uc required values guaranteed required values guaranteed
acc. to EN/IEC acc. to EN/IEC
kVDC mm mm mm kg kVpeak kVpeak kVDC kVDC
1.0 379 215 180 7.2 3.6 40 2.47 40
1.5 379 215 180 7.3 5.4 40 3.70 40
2.0 379 215 180 7.4 7.2 40 4.93 40
2.5 379 215 180 7.5 9.1 40 6.16 40
3.0 379 215 180 7.6 10.9 40 7.39 40
4.2 379 215 180 7.9 15.2 40 10.35 40
4.7 379 215 180 8.0 17.0 40 11.58 40
Surge arrester | POLIM-X..ND 3
Dimensions (mm)
Surge arrester | POLIM-X..ND 4
Dimensions (mm)
Surge arrester | POLIM-X..ND 5
Dimensions (mm)
For more information please contact: Note
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ABB Switzerland Ltd. the contents of this document without prior notice. With
High Voltage Products regard to purchase orders the agreed particulars shall
Surge Arresters prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever
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written consent of ABB.
Our products are certified according ISO 9001, 14001, 18001
and IRIS